Crazy Cars in storage units next to College campus | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 63 (Part 4/4)

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(funky music) - [Tom] Where to go? So, we're up here on the panhandle. Two hours we'll be in Oklahoma, and maybe we'll find some old metal between here and there. We found an old care at a repair shop, and obviously the owners are probably enthusiasts, because they have a hot couple of pick-ups here, so we're gonna find out about that '59 Chevy. - [Tom] Does it have a motor now? - [Lot Attendant] Yes, yes, 348. - [Tom] A 348? No kidding? - [Lot Attendant] Yeah. - [Tom] What a sweet body style. - [Owner] It has been here at least 15 years that I know of. - [Tom] Holy mackerel! (engine purring) - [Tom] We're in Dodge City, welcome to a cold morning! So, two days ago it was 92, yesterday it was in the mid 60s, right now it's 47, and threatening for rain. So uh, it's 8:00, we're gonna give it another hour or so before we start knocking on people's doors, and see what they might show us in their back yard. We saw one last night, an old Chevy panel van, so we're gonna give that a shot. Oh, there's somebody outside. Okay, timing's right, he's got a cowboy hat and everything. Hi doggies! (dog barking) (door slamming) Sir, are you a hot-rodder? - (laughing) - [Tom] Or used to be? - [Jim] (laughing) well, I had everything from a 650 Triumph to a, I bought this panel wagon from my wife, - [Tom] You bought it from her or for her? - [Jim] Yeah, it was her grandfather's, - [Tom] Oh, no kidding? - [Jim] he used it in California for a dairy company, ice cream truck kinda like deal. But anyway, I bought it from her. - Mm hmm, - And then-- - [Tom] And then you wound up getting married? - [Jim] Kept it, then went and got married, - (laughing) - [Jim] Then I drove it from Tucson, Arizona, where I met her, up to here. And then well we went on our honeymoon in it. - [Tom] Oh really, so this was stock when you got it? - [Jim] Yeah, pretty much so. It had a six cylinder in it, and like I said, on our honeymoon we blew out the engine. - [Tom] So what year is it? What year did you buy this car? - [Jim] It's a 1950. - [Tom] '50, but what year did you buy it? - [Jim] Would have been about '72. - [Tom] So I'm lookin' at, it's got a gas cap, did you put this gas cap in there? - [Jim] Yeah, I had it, I had it redone, they put different tail lights, - [Tom] Yeah, those things are channeled in there, yeah. - And it's got the Frenched antenna, - [Jim] Yeah, they did that. - [Tom] Yep, in California? - [Jim] No, this was done in Dodge here. - [Tom] So this is a GMC, it's not a Chevy. - [Jim] Yeah, it's a GMC. - [Tom] But it's got the stainless grill, that's pretty rare. So how long you figure it's been sitting here? - [Jim] It's been sitting here over, I'd say 30 years. - [Tom] 30 years, wow! - [Jim] (laughing) this is '19, right? - [Tom] (laughing) - [Jim] It's been longer than that! - [Tom] Man, no kidding! So all right, what motor you got in here? Is this open? - [Jim] Yeah, it should. It's a 327. - [Tom] You can probably figure it out better than I can. - [Jim] (grunting) Like I said, it hadn't been cracked open in a while. - [Tom] Wonder what's living in there? - [Jim] Yeah, I don't know, it's-- - [Tom] Oh well, so it's got a 327-- - [Jim] It's got a 327, we put a Camaro steering wheel in there because I lost the keys, now I've lost the keys to this. - [Tom] So you've got kinda French door handles here? - [Jim] Yeah, he put those in-- - [Tom] Somebody really went to town on this thing. Well that's pretty cool, and you had the interior was done as well, oh look at, the old shag carpet? - [Jim] Well I put, yeah, he put, a friend of mine do the whole deal in carpet, - [Tom] Uh huh, - [Jim] Oh, now that, that's very rusted shut too. - [Tom] You think you're gonna do something with it? Or it's just a sculpture? - [Jim] Oh, like I said I don't know, if a ship ever came in, I guess I'd redo it, yeah. - [Tom] Yep, yep, yep. Well that's a neat one, man. Well, Jim's gotta go off to work, and we're gonna go off to find some other vehicles, while we're in Dodge City. So wish us luck. Come along for the ride. (funky drum music) (engine purring) - Driving down the road here in Dodge City, looking for cars, and we just saw a front end sticking out behind a building, so going back to investigate that right now. (funky music) Something else there, under a cover. Wire wheels. Well, we're driving down a road, first we see a Mustang under a cover, now we see something else under cover. Eventually we gotta get outta the car and into the rain, so here we go. (car door slamming) I knock on the door and Carlos answered and he said "Sure, let's take a look at it, it's my wife's car." so let's go see what he's got under this cover. Luggage rack, did you fix it up? - [Carlos] Yes I fix it myself. - No kidding, it looks like a new top. So that's probably what, a '79? - [Carlos] A '70, yes, '79. - '79, okay, it's a rubber bumper MG. Oh, that thing is primo. So what's your wife's name? - [Carlos] Alma. - Alma, and how long has Alma owned this? - [Carlos] Uh, five years ago. - Really? - Yeah. - And so did you repaint it and everything? - [Carlos] Yeah, I repainted. - You painted right here in the garage? - [Carlos] No, actually I-- - Oh, you had it done. - [Carlos] Yeah. - Well that's a nice car. Nice interior, it's got overdrive. - [Carlos] Mm hmm. - So see, there's a little switch on top of the shift knob, so you have first, second, third, forth, and then you switch it, it's got electric overdrive. Man, that's a nice car. How many miles are on it? 60,000 miles? - [Carlos] 60. - Yeah, oh, you did a nice job. Do you have any other old cars? - [Carlos] No, just this one. - Yeah, well that's a good one, that's cool. So did you do the mechanical work yourself? - [Carlos] Yes, I do mechanical myself. - All right, well listen, I appreciate you showing that to us, that's cool. (funky music) - [Tom] Things have changed here in Dodge City pretty quickly, so the sky got dark, it starts raining these big rain drops, and there's lightning flashing. I guess welcome to Kansas, right? So it could be hail, it could be tornado, I'm not sure. So we're heading back to the hotel to see if we can park this car under the over-hang, in case there's hail, we don't get any damage on it. Well, just looked at the weather forecast, and looks like this band of bad weather is going southwest to northeast, so we're gonna try to go due north, and break out of this weather system and start hunting for cars again. But it's 10:20 in the morning right now, and we're getting the heck outta Dodge. I've been wanting to use that term my whole life! (funky music) - [Tom] So we are departing the town of Great Bend, Kansas. I thought we'd look around there for a little while, but it's still raining, so we decided to just keep on truckin' towards McPherson College, in McPherson, Kansas. You're probably wondering why we're talking about McPherson so much on this trip, students have come down and helped us on the car over their winter break, to get this car ready. What we've decided to do, is after we found this car, we decided we don't need another car ourselves, Hagerty, Tom Cotter, we should donate it to a good cause, and McPherson is a good cause. That college is the only college in America that offers a bachelor's degree in automotive restoration. Students come out of there trained as amazing restorers. Four-year program, metal working, engine building, painting, upholstery work, and so we're gonna donate this to the school as a parts chaser, a parts getter, a run to the auto parts store or junk yard, to pick up supplies, we figure this would be a neat car for them to do that. Plus they can finish things like, you know, the interior door panels, whatever they want to do to it. So we're heading there now, we're gonna put the car in a garage, and tomorrow we're gonna clean her all up, because we're gonna present it the next night. Tomorrow night we're gonna present it to the school. A lot of the students, I think, are gonna be surprised. Should be a really nice event. So we made it to McPherson, about 924 miles from Midland, Texas. And we're going to a shop right now, a neat young guy named Dalton Whitfield, who graduated from McPherson, and opened up a shop in town here to do restorations, and general old car repair, allowing us to part this indoors tonight. (funky music) - [Tom] Well, welcome to the sheds, adjacent to McPherson college, and this is where students work on their own projects, and I come up to Mason Duffy's car here, and uh, say, what, that's a Datsun, but what? And he said "it's a second-generation 510" I said, "Boing, I'm a 510 guy, tell me about this." so thank you for allowing us hearing your car. So tell us about this? - [Mason] So it's a '78 510, completely goin' a full-custom build on it, trying to do a period correct to how they would have done it in the 70s. So the term that they actually go by is the Bosozoku cars of Japan. - [Tom] Boso what the? - [Mason] Bosozoku, and so it's got the huge exhaust pipes, which you can see right there. And those'll be welded onto the exhaust, and they'll be stickin' way up there. - [Tom] So these are gonna stick up in the air? - [Mason] Yeah, yeah, here grab one. - [Tom] (laughing) - [Mason] So they uh, stick on there like that, and then-- - [Tom] Do you have mufflers or just straight piped? - [Mason] It's uh straight piped. And uh, it's got a uh, like the "Dukes of Hazzard" horn on there too, to just make it even more loud and obnoxious with it. - [Tom] Jeez. - [Mason] Um, but yeah, right now I'm working on the spoiler for it, and the body work, and just trying to get get it to, get it ready for paint next year, hopefully. - [Tom] So you're lookin' at pictures and video of cars in Japan that are like this? - [Mason] Mm hmm, yeah, um, go, I've ordered like several magazines from Japan that kinda have this style of car, and it's definitely hard tryin' to do this in the U.S., because no one's really done this before, and there's some people in the U.S. that have done it, and I'm tryin' to go as crazy as I can, and within the past couple of years, there've been a few people that have gotten more into this, but-- - [Tom] So what are these? - [Mason] So those are the fender flairs that are gonna go on it, and they'll just be bolted right on the side, and I'm hoping to do really wide, small diameter tires, so I'm hoping to do 14 by 10 in the rear. - [Tom] Cool, so that would be-- - [Mason] That would be the passenger side, so let's see here, you can see I had 'em taped on here not too long ago, just to mock 'em up. But so they'll sit right on there, right about like that-ish. - [Tom] Yep. - And I'm hoping to have wheels that are just gonna be flush with the edge of the fender flare with it. - [Tom] (laughing) Jeez, and what color will you paint this? - [Mason] So the original color of this is orange, and that's also my favorite color, so I am gonna keep it orange, but I'm gonna do a two-tone, so it's gonna be a silver metal-flake underneath, and it'll have candy-orange on top of it. - [Tom] Man, and will the engine remain stock? - [Mason] Uh, no, so right now I have a different head on it, to give it a little bit higher compression, I put a different cam in there, I got an Offenhauser intake header (mumbles), just little things to help pep it up a little, and then I'm hoping to swap in the manual transmission in it here soon. - [Tom] So how long have you had this? - [Mason] It was actually my first car, I bought it when I was 16, and daily-drove it for a few months, and then I blew the head gasket in it, actually, and I never touched a car motor before in my life, and so learned how to work on it on the fly, and just been learning ever since, using it as a great tool for me to learn on it, so. - [Tom] And so you work on this on your own, but when you go over to Templeton Hall, you working on Model-T's and things? - [Mason] Yeah, it's definitely kind of interesting, 'cause I love the 70s cars, and it's not necessarily what the program focuses on, but it's a, you can take what you learn there, and apply it to anything, and I think that's really great and I think that's why the sheds is really important, 'cause you can take what you learn over there, and you can figure out how I can apply this technique to my car over there, and figure out what you need to do to it. - [Tom] I love it, man. Thank you, sir. - [Mason] Thank you! - [Tom] This was a blast! - [Mason] Have a good one. (rocking music) - [Tom] Motors Europa, holy crap, hello. Look at this, Studebaker walk pick-up truck. - [Tom] So nobody at this school has seen the '62 Ford wagon that we've just driven up from Texas, but somebody said, "You know there's a cool, red Falcon wagon here, that you want to see." And so we're walkin' over to it, and I looked at it a moment ago, I said "Oh my God, this thing looks like a smaller version of the Country Sedan we just drove." so this is Nathan Poore, and Nathan owns this car, and so I says "Man, we gotta take a look at this thing." - [Nathan] It was quite a treat when I figured it was still in the family, and my little brother and I actually pulled it out of a field about two years ago. - [Tom] So tell me, wait, this was in your family? - [Nathan] My great-great grandfather bought this brand-new in 1961. - [Tom] Is that right? - [Nathan] And so my gramma is on my tail making sure it stays back to original, and you know, we don't do anything weird or funky to it, and just kind of enjoy it and cruise it. - [Tom] So this was sitting in a field? - [Nathan] Yes, this was sitting in a field in northwestern Kansas, and you know, when my grampa decided to give it up and be done with it, that's kinda where it ended up, and sat it sat there-- - [Tom] Behind his house? - [Nathan] No, it was just a lot that one of his friends owned. You know, kind of sat and sunk into the ground, we had to get new wheels and tires for it, 'cause they were shot. One of the hardest things to find is '61 came factory-optioned electric rear window, so there's no rear, there's no crank on the back, and so I've been kinda banging my head against the wall trying to figure out what to do to fix that, and I actually found a rear-window mechanism at a junk yard just north of here. - [Tom] Is that right? - [Nathan] Yeah. - [Tom] So is this original paint on here you think? - [Nathan] This is the original paint, someone kind of messed with the interior, along the way, it's not correct, obviously. - [Tom] So it's got three-speed on the column. - [Nathan] Three-speed on the column, it's the 170 Special, they originally optioned the 144, but in '61 you were allowed to get the 170. - [Tom] So this is the big block? - [Nathan] Yeah, this was the, a lotta, you know, it had a lotta trim on it, and I have a lot of the trim left, I'm just missing a couple of pieces up there. - [Tom] So this decal, is that, that was on the air cleaner, or was that on the-- - [Nathan] That's the original decal, but yes, they do have it on the air cleaner as well. - [Tom] Isn't that something. - [Nathan] Yeah. - [Tom] So having it sit in a field that long, how are the floors and rocker panels? - [Nathan] Um, to be honest, there's a little, right underneath the driver there's a little hole, and, you know, we did a partial, or a temporary fix for that until I have the money to go back through and put a new floor section in. But other than that, there's really not a whole lot of rust on it. Interiors kinda in rough shape. It originally had a dash pad, and I pulled it off and the metal dash just looks, looks brand new under it. - [Tom] You know, this must be a more deluxe version than the one we have, because we have a metal dash, and we have a crank-up rear window, so this is optioned out higher than what we have, we have an automatic and a V8. - [Nathan] That's a little nicer than (laughing) - [Tom] Well that's super. So how does this run? - [Nathan] Uh, it runs really well, but to be honest, it's a little obnoxious right now, because we took it to Cars and Coffee a couple weeks ago, and the manifold actually split into two pieces. - [Tom] Oh, that's broken big-time. How'd that happen? - [Nathan] We were pulling it on to the trailer, and the exhaust under the whole thing was hanging a little too low, - [Tom] Oh, caught on the trailer? - [Nathan] and we ended up barely just kinda hitting it, it was already cracked before we hit it, so, I mean it's starts and runs real nice. - [Tom] Could you start it for us? - [Nathan] Yeah, of course. (engine starting) (engine rumbling) - [Nathan] So other than the exhaust leak, it runs real good. - [Tom] Have you found a manifold for it yet? - Yeah, the same place I found the rear window mechanism. (engine stopping) - [Nathan] So my dad and my uncle actually tried to get it going around 1992, and, you know, didn't really have any luck, so they just kinda let it go again. - [Tom] (laughing) - [Nathan] And the funny thing is, is that my brother was the one that wanted to pull it outta the field, and you know, I didn't have the time or money, so he went ahead and pulled it outta the field and kinda gave up on it, and then, so I think I was kinda destined to have this car, 'cause there's been multiple times where we tried to get rid of it and it keeps coming back, but, yeah, it's a cool little car, and I don't ever plan on getting rid of it or doing anything weird to it. - [Tom] That's great, wow, man, thanks. - [Nathan] Yeah, thank you for coming to interview me. - [Tom] I hope we didn't take you out of class today. - [Nathan] No, no, no I don't have class right now. - [Tom] Who's the bug-eyed guy? - Right here. - [Tom] You are. How you doing? Tom Cotter. We're walking around the sheds and somebody came up to us and said "You gotta meet Shaun Robinson, he's got a bug-eyed Sprite.", which I love, and he's got an interesting story so Shaun, thank you - [Shaun] Thanks for having me. - [Tom] for bringing us out here. So what's special about this car? - [Shaun] So what's special about this is, I bought it off a guy who purchased it in 1964. He had it sand-blasted and filled with lead and primed, and it sat ever since then, and he recently got into a motorcycle accident, and had to start, kinda selling some of his projects that he can't work on anymore. So I bought this to restore for my mom, and to finish the previous owner's build, which he was going for a Sebring style conversion, hence the wire wheels, the front disk brakes, right-hand drive, and the roll bar. And my mom, I sent her a picture of it and she absolutely fell in love with for it, so I'm doing the whole build just for her. - [Tom] Isn't that nice. So it's gonna be a street car? - [Shaun] Yes. - [Tom] Street car, okay. So this is Healey blue, it was originally that color? - [Shaun] It was originally, I believe, Old English white. - [Tom] Ah, okay, huh. - [Shaun] But we're kinda debating on colors right now. She loves the dark blue color, I'm more of British racing green kinda guy. - [Tom] So I would bet this car was blue. I mean, who does a paint job all the way back there? That's amazing, if that's a repaint, it's an amazing repaint. So was this low mileage? - [Shaun] Uh, the mileage is unknown, the title said it was about 49,000 miles, and it being '59 to '64, they put 60,000 miles on it in about five years. - [Tom] Huh, wow, so is this a Chicago car? - [Shaun] I bought this from Minneapolis, Kansas, about an hour north of here. - [Tom] Ah, okay. It looks like it's got an amazing body, the floor's good, the rocker panel's good, and this has got a 948? - [Shaun] It has a 1098 going in it, or a 1275, not sure yet. - [Tom] Go for the 1275, you'll never regret it. So it was already modified with disk brakes and wire wheels? - [Shaun] Yes, the previous owner did that for me. - [Tom] So what's next? What are you doing to it right now? - [Shaun] Doing the body work, getting all the paint stripped off, getting it ready for paint so I can start doing the upholstery, and just putting pieces together. Working on the engine right now, and the side as well. - [Tom] And so you're gonna do everything right here? What year are you at school? - [Shaun] Freshman. - [Tom] So you want to get it done by the time you're a senior? - [Shaun] Yeah. - [Tom] Isn't that cool, man. It was a complete car when you got it? - [Shaun] I have several crates of parts. - [Tom] Okay, got it. - [Shaun] So I should have a complete car in there somewhere. - What year is it? - '59. - '59, so it was driven for five years? - Yeah. - Man, like a time capsule. - Yeah. - Very cool. And your mom wants it, what, dark blue? - Yeah. - Yeah, neat. All right, well thanks. We got more sheds to visit. - Thank you. - Very cool - Thanks. - [Tom] So this is Jake Pullen, and Jake has invited us to tour a Cortina project that he's working on. So we have been, actually toured around campus today, partly by Jake Pullen. And Jake said "Want to come to my shed and see what I'm working on?" and so he's working on a Ford Cortina, so tell us what we're looking at here. - [Jake] So this is a 1968 Ford Cortina Mark Two. I picked it up in Redding, California, from a widower, and he had the car since new, parked it in a barn for a number of years, and then finally decided, pull it out, sell it and we picked it up, and we had plans for it to part it out, but the car was so, the car just no rusting away, it's all surface, so we decided this could be a future project for something. And then as soon as I came out here, my father pitched the idea of doing a Lotus Cortina tribute, with the 1.8 Miata motor that I have in the back, and-- - [Tom] So show us that now. Standard Cortina had a push-rod 1600 motor? - [Jake] Yes, 1600cc Kent block. - [Tom] And then there was a modified Cortina, a Lotus Cortina, mostly were, they had a green stripe on a white body. And so you're gonna replicate that? - [Jake] Yes, yes, this engine came when Ford was owning Mazda, and so it's a lot like the Lotus Cortina block, and the duel-overhead cam setup is also reminiscent of that. - [Tom] So you're a sophomore? - [Jake] I'm a junior. - [Tom] You're a junior, okay. So you're gonna put this motor in here and it's gonna look like a Lotus Cortina, but it's gonna be-- - [Jake] It's gonna be-- - more affordable, easier to get parts for, I mean, Miatas just don't break, - [Jake] And more power. - [Tom] Jake, thank you, we have other sheds to go explore, but what a blast, I love this car. (slapping metal) (funky music) - [Tom] So I'll let the owners explain what they have, what they've built, and what they hope it to be. So, Abigail, what's your last name? - [Abigail] Abigail Morgan. - And? - Lane Sutterby. - Okay, we'll you guys take it away. - [Abigail] So I grew up around Crosley's, my family, we have a bunch of them, about eight, and they've been a passion of mine. And so my freshman year I came to college and I met my boyfriend, Lane, and I, you know, really wanted to do a big shed build, and so around sophomore year, my parents helped us buy this Crosley body for a thousand dollars, so very economical for us college students, so we were really excited, and then he loves big block doolies, so that's kinda how we came up with this. It's a conglomerate of our two main interests, so it's kinda really special that we're building it together. - [Lane] So yeah, body's a '49 Crosley station wagon, the chassis is a '89 Dodge 1-ton, and I cut it in half, shortened it 3 foot, did a triangulated 4-link under the back, airbags on all four corners, and after that, the engine is a '72 to '74 model, not quite sure, Cadillac 472. Rebuilt it in our advanced engines class out here at the college. Trans is a Super-Turbine 400 out of a '67 Buick Wildcat. - [Abigail] So the design we wanted to go with is kind of a post-apocalyptic, badass rat-rod, so we did a lot of subtle details to make it look like that. Put a, you know, heavy rake on it, galvanized metal makes it look, kind of, put together really, you know, rat-rod-ish. But also has amenities like like brand-new auto meter gauges, and you know, nice comfy seats for us. - [Lane] Steering linkage is just 3/4 inch bar stock, and one of the little details is the brackets, I've got them tack-welded out of roller chain and I can, got it set up so I can unbolt it, swing that lose, and replace that bearing, throttle chains, roller chain, dipstick handle is an old wrench, I have yet to make brackets for my visor, but they're also going to be old wrenches, and I want to set it up so I can adjust it on the fly. And then inside we've got a lot of details, the steering wheel is also roller chain, and then my dad and I wrapped it with a leather around the grip points. - [Abigail] On the door you can kinda see it says Maidrite Drive-In. So my mom and dad got this from a gentleman in Illinois who had a few, and this sat outside of a drive-in, kind of as a promotional car, so that is how it got its great patina on it, it probably sat out there for years. - [Lane] 20, 30 years at least. - [Abigail] Yeah, so I'm glad we could rescue it. I think it's a good car to start with. - [Tom] You know, you guys need your own show, I'm retiring. - (laughing) Oh goodness! (funky rock music) - [Tom] This is kind of the moment we have been waiting for, thinking about for more than a year, donating this car to McPherson College. We're driving over there right now, to a hot dog cookout. We're driving this in and give the keys to the president of the college. And we'll wash our hands. Literally and figuratively. So we're having an escort, a '62 Ford is having a Model-T Speedster in front of us, and a Model-T sedan two cars behind us. One's a senior and one's a recent graduate from school, this is what they drive around town with, Model-T Ford, it's a crazy experience. (engines rumbling) (car honking) (funky rock music) (crowd applauding) - Kids should be in class now, what's going on? - [Mike] Welcome to McPherson! Great to have you here! - [Tom] What do you think, man? - [Mike] Good to see you, looks great! - [Tom] We'll officially pass the keys over, are we gonna call it Big Red do you think? - [Mike] Uh, yeah, I mean, - [Tom] hmm, okay, well, um, - [Mike] Yeah, we, yeah I like that, Big Red. - [Tom] Big Red, okay. - [Mike] The McWagon, for short? (laughing) - [Tom] We're officially gonna pass the keys to Mike Schnider, Michael is the president of McPherson College, and he's been watching this from a distance happen, and here you go, pal, - [Mike] Thank you so much. - [Tom] no warranty. - [Mike] This is, this is great. Only in McPherson, Kansas will you find something like this, where people who love cars, and love to keep it real, I mean this is, I'm speechless. Tell me about the top, the story behind the top again. - [Tom] Well it was rusty, and the rust was, you know, probably a 16th of an inch up, - [Mike] Yeah? And said "Well, we can't clear over that, it's too rough, let's just sand it down." - [Mike] I think this might be my favorite part, that is so cool. - [Tom] They sanded the top, it was Austin and-- - [Mike] Dalton. - [Tom] Dalton, yeah, and they sanded it down, and they said, "We don't want to paint it white, why don't we just keep it the way it is?" so they mixed up a clear, plus they put in some, was it baking soda, I think? - [Camera Operator] Corn starch. - Corn starch. - Corn starch. - [Tom] And it gave it, kind of a mottled look. (laughing) - [Mike] I got it, yeah, I see it now, yeah. That is so awesome. - [Tom] So this has got new disk brakes in front were put on. New brakes in back, new ball-joints, new tie rods ends, shocks, axle bearings, wheel bearings, I mean, this is functionally a new car. - [Mike] I love it, - [Tom] In an old body. (laughing) - [Mike] I love it, they're gonna love it. Thank you so much. - [Tom] All right, well I'm gonna get a hot dog. - [Mike] Yes, welcome to McPherson. (both men laughing) - [Tom] Oh yeah, happy hunting. (funky rock music) (engine revving) - [Tom] Oh boy, it won't be retired. (engine snarling) (crowd chattering) (funky music)
Channel: Hagerty
Views: 593,544
Rating: 4.8663931 out of 5
Keywords: Hagerty, Classic Car, Classic Cars, Hagerty Drivers Club, wagon, mcpherson, barn find, tom cotter, morris minor, cortina, mgb, bug eye, sprite, austin healey, 1962, Ford, Country, Sedan, 390, pannel van, camaro, datsun, 510, corvette, mustang, Studebaker, pickup, rat rod, hot rod, FSM, finnegan's garage
Id: MwI3a3BmF5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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