Collapsed Barn reveals a super rare 1969 R/T Dodge Charger

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jumping the same thing we do [Music] you're interrupting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought you said this thing ran won't start oh wait batteries battery's dead oh well this is my new triple black 69 for speed dana charter 350 for gear car factory tack one green wheel console it's an AM radio car but who gives a [ __ ] when you got this caliber of car anyway but I wasn't the one that found this car guy named Jeff was so he's got the story of how he got it from the original owner so here's Jeff alright so tell me about this car well years ago I used to drink a lot and on up until recently indiana was a dry state on sundays you couldn't buy beer so on Sundays about Gord Ohio to buy beer on Sundays I discovered a blue 70 charger that was set in the weeds and I had stopped I couldn't tell you how many damn times trying to buy that 70 charger the guy was an ass I mean he would cuss you out run you off his property you know plenty of us have run into those guys that don't want to sell them they have plans to restore them and you can see we're trying to get the Ford out of the background there yeah so anyway I had stopped about that blue 70 charger for years and the guy never would sell it wouldn't even talk to me about it then that went on for years and years and years and then one Sunday my was driving through there on my way to Ohio I noticed the 70 was gone I thought well okay I missed out on it well months later I went back through there this black 69 r/t was setting in the weeds in the same spot that the blue 70 Charger used to set in so I stopped and bug the guy every time I went through there trying to buy this damn car and he would tell me it's not for sale slammed the door in my face told me get off his property and a lot of times I went by there in the summer the guy would be outside so I would stop and talk to him and it was always just him and I outside and then we talked about me purchasing the car or any kind of money and July 3rd of this year I had went over there with some cash in my pocket and he wasn't home I talked to his niece his niece told me I was talking to his niece telling her how I wished Jack would sell me the car because he's letting us set Rob to nothing and she told me what he's probably uptown at his fireworks stand this guy was a big fireworks guy he used to like light him off for the town and and had been selling fireworks every year for years so anyway I went uptown she was fireworks stand on July 3rd my girlfriend and I had went in there and obviously on July 3rd day before the forest is packed everybody's in here behind fireworks well Jack the owner of this car he was in there the grouchy guy I should say they owned the car he was in here him and his wife and normally I would be as scared to ask him about the car because he'd scream and yell I'm cussing everything else but with the fireworks stand being full of people that day I knew he wasn't going to say too damn much in front of his customers so I said Jack I said we don't anything with the charger lately he's like no he says I had a good offer on it and he told me to offer and I told him I said well I can do better than that and I offer him a certain amount of money for the car which I don't want to put on tape because you but I'd offered him a certain number for this car and I said it loud enough that his wife heard it heard it yeah so soon as she heard the number she heard another I'm told yeah Jack get rid of this yeah she's like Jack you need to sell it you're not gonna restore this car so how old is that he's seventies 7/8 up 70 some years old when she after his wife had told him that he needs to sell it I mean nothing against the old guys that are holding on to these cars I'm saying they're gonna restore him but usually what 8 out of 10 times this is the fate of the car yeah absolutely yeah so after his wife a tow him he needs to sell it he dropped his hand he just steered the I ain't a good five minutes look at him pretty sandal yeah those are nice so he stirred the floor for five minutes and then he raised his head back up he said Oh Jeff you know you have been bugging me the longest he says okay we'll go ahead and do it so we went in the back to the fireworks stand and we counted out the money but the real story on the car they got from him was in 1973 is when he had purchased this car off the car lot also he's the second oh he's a second okay he bought it 1973 and he drove 73 74 and he played it in 75 wonder why the original owner only owned it for four years and then I don't know well back then I mean even nowadays who owns a car longer in five years right yeah so he drove it for three years 1975 he put it in this barn and he went to the service why would he come back from the service he didn't get the car out drive it I don't know but he didn't yeah so the car sat in the barn and rotted away in the barn was so bad that rafters was actually falling out of the top of the barn and that's what happened to the windshield with this custom cover here yeah it hit fella went through there and bust that windshield and the guy's wife told him she says Jack you need to get those cars out of the barn because there was a sixty six or seven charger in the morning with it she's like you need to get them cars out of there before the damn barn falls so he got him out of the barn the barn did collapse and he left us sitting in the weeds and then that's when I discovered it sat in the weeds which is a good 10 years ago and I had stopped numerous times throughout the year trying to buy the car and he never would until the day I caught him into fire extended the amount probably still be sick but you know his wife probably never knew the previous amount yeah but I have talked to a lot of people since I bought that day and I've had people shaking my hand and tell me I performed miracles because they never thought there was any prying this thing out of this guy's hands and and you didn't steal the car either no he knew what it was what it was yeah yep absolutely but you know I mean Eddie I mean everybody's always asking me how much we pay for these cars and so I have no problem I mean how much did you pay for this car twenty-two twenty-two thousand yep and let me show you the extent I mean a lot of people would think 22 grand for a car that looks like this the rear frame rails are rotted the back window area is junk the rear floor pans are junk rockers are junk quarters are John hoods junk I could probably say more junk than good but the caliber of the car being at triple black 69 r/t four-speed Dana charger Emilia tail panel those are speed holes less drag the this is definitely worth fixing this is a high-dollar car so and to get this car what did I have to do you have to give me cash and trade me maybe blue 68 Chargers right there so I brought this car here this was sitting my buddy's barn in North Dakota so this is actually a really solid 68 Charger it's just a ugly puke green olive 383 two-barrel car but it's pretty solid I mean it's got some pin holes in the trunk it's got a little hole in the floor but you could easily drop a drivetrain in this thing and have it as a ratty driver which is a lot easier to have a ratty driver than it would to make that a driver right yeah well it's gonna be the wife's car right yeah yep she'll enjoy it really just like that yeah I had to pony up this car I did could this car plus what was it 14 grand working yeah so I had to give up this car and 14 grand to get the black car the reason we're telling you this amount is because everybody's going to ask me how much did you have to give for that car now you know yeah these cars these cars are not 50 cents no people think that we go out we just find these cars for a couple grand yeah we're paying big money ten fifteen eighteen twenty some thousand dollars for some the days of a five hundred dollar charger and you can drive it home are long gone have been gone for a long time now there's still those there's still those rare scenarios where you can find one that somebody doesn't know what it is or know what it's worth and you can get a screaming deal on it basically you stole it which I have gotten one of those and Jeff's also gotten those two yeah but those are far and few between you can't really go out and find those deals you have to just kind of stumble on them but ya know this is numbers-matching 444 speed dana drum break three-speed wiper factory TAC console yeah pretty cool car yeah you know actually it almost looks cool it though it if you push you left the white walls on it with the hubcaps kind of give it the bullet look that actually wouldn't be too bad and that's a factory spare for a charger yeah but I almost think what will be cooler is actually some the 70s like polish slotted mags or something like that but I mean I could see pulling that look off oh yeah for the bullet car but yeah triple black 69 r/t 4-speed Dan charger and the mileage is correct 53,000 miles yep yeah it's probably being so said he parked it yeah but it's got the original knob or the original ball the shifter the consoles there with the unobtanium piece of trim right there because they do not reproduce it and it still had the original bumper jack in it the license plate was on it likes plate well yeah my girlfriend wanted to keep the plate but when I got the car the Indiana license plate that was on it was 1975 oh wow it was the last year that this car was on the road and you can't tell much about it but at the bottom you can tell oh that doesn't go with it she even asked her if she wanted to play because it was her birth year but oh okay she's not that old come on now that's pretty cool it is so these were black what color was the lettering blue blue yeah she was black with blue lettering well that's black because I had to heat it up to get oh he's with the propane torch to get the damn that's not stainless or nothing that's just freakin stamped steel yeah that's a whole plate I mean they don't even come with a battery I bet I bet you didn't even put brake fluid in it for me I filled the oil up actually I can't get the damn dipstick out oh is it stuck yeah it is I didn't want to break it yeah I probably shouldn't cook with it but I do know that it's not froze up because I did put a battery out just for shits and giggles I checked the lights and when I did that the console lights and everything come on in there and the door and the key and if I turn the key it looked like a half a revolution stop I don't know if it's a bad connection - so no problem battery's dead I mean it's probably the contacts in the starter junk I mean this car had walnuts and [ __ ] packed up to here when I bought the when I first bought the car so yeah they have some walnuts or something in it for all huh you took away all the authentic barn fire yeah yeah oh it isn't real barn fine yeah yeah no walnuts to come with it oh yeah look at the grill grilling this thing is freaking mint its upper is straight yeah I'm surprised that bumper has that much weathering to it being as a satin barn for so long - but keep in mind that yesterday it was much of a bar yeah see I had another guy on my other black 68 r/t four-speed Dana car I kind of got one guy in the videos they almost all a real Black Hawk I see red that's the red primer do you [ __ ] yeah well don't get it no yeah that's a cool car black r/t all rizal numbers match 54,000 rizal miles you play how I'll find another one there's a lot of clones well there's value in two or three of them at the gas station oh yeah yeah triple black but they're not real trouble black cars no no no it's definitely a mean-looking car this still has a sticker in the trunk - yeah oh and the taillight cover right there so yeah it does need rear frame rails I got to put rear rails on it rockers torture support floors both front and rear floors a well there's an endless list I'm sure the list to get longer once I get the thing cut apart but this cars gonna be sitting for a couple years because as you guys know I have a [ __ ] ton of projects already in fact I need to finish one before I can jump on the other so I keep telling myself but yeah thanks for selling me this car no bum Chris yeah he kept telling me he was wishing I was backing out of it yeah I was I told him I you're an old friend I hope Chris really backs out on this deal he's not going to ya know it's damn cool car it is the only thing I would have made it better is if we had disc brakes and a Hemi that's the only thing that could have made this car can't be too picky no all right well I'm gonna go ahead attempt to load this sucker up and I got a long way home cuz I'm in Columbia City Indiana and I got to go to Las Vegas so I got a long ways to go hopefully this thing don't shake apart on the way home alright well see you guys thanks for watching yup see ya you oh I have a long drive for me in the end of the Kansas but I told Jed I was gonna be here in Kansas to stop and visit him you know Jed Scott was just got speed shot the YouTube channel the cool guy but he doesn't know when I'm gonna be here so I just rolled up from his house there's a javelin so we're gonna see if we can catch Jed in the wild see what he's like when the cameras are not on him it'd probably just be TIG welding or something it's always do making something all right we're gonna I don't see anyone peeking out the window something he knows I'm here probably in the back just rained here see if we can sneak around Oh what hell you can't be serious [Music] what the [ __ ] you don't just walk into someone's garage you never know what's gonna happen you can't be serious it was that is that the radio playing or is that you're off your phone or something that's Bluetooth [ __ ] you're actually listening to that [ __ ] you know sometimes a man's gotta listen to heavy metal and then some she's got a decompress and he's just gotta have fun again dude check your junk for me make sure you oh are you good if you turn the camera off I need to put this in there - dude I just can't get over the I'm just saying you know don't worry we're not gonna put this on video this is just for personal or this is not to put on YouTube this is just for my personal entertainment I'm having a down day I'll turn this on and like a black male mm-hmm someone's gonna have a Hemi in their garage here before we know it I know where there's a couple of met actually yeah there's one yeah there one right over yonder right there yeah well that one might be kind of a [ __ ] to pull though you sure look cool it would look cool actually just seen a video where you pulled this out oh yeah yeah yeah well I just threatened me with giving me this so I don't show the video or threaten me that you're gonna beat me you that if and make sure oh if I beat you with it you can't post the video no and that means I'll have a free charger right target practice just hanging in the garage here yes but you don't do that this is manly stuff here oh okay so you know you blow off your anger shooting targets in the backyard and then you relax with whatever the heck that was Eddie Walker you even know the name of it you know what some days you just want to listen to some good old lady's tunes what is this what it's not sick it's not sick that would be pretty spooky looking except you'd never see it but it looks cool I would see when I'm underneath fixing it that is true because you'll probably pull it up all right how many of these carburetors do you think we'll ever see the under seat underside of a hood again I like carburetors yeah yeah good enough answer I've seen a couple of your Ike I've been here before I know you got some of those NASCAR worthless three barrels but you have seen the levels no I don't look okay no no they're junk man let's need that quiet mufflers on it sit here idling it 450 rpm and it's the only man shake that's Scott speech yup ingenuity right there man I thought you were all about loud and shaking and noise not anymore oh you've all used yeah okay yeah yeah I guess you're old eight thank you oh those old skinny slicks what is that my buddy John they're M&H super stock these look like skinnies for a front they're old they've still holding their yeah that's pretty cool I drove my jab one around the block but it was actually kind of soft still they just turned to dust I put him on my javelin for going around the block once yeah scariest drive at my life I really yell grip nothing they wouldn't we just turned to dust was it like driving a full-size power wheel kind of yeah because he got a bias-ply than a radio in the front oh it was literally an ice rink it was not fun but they look cool it does a pretty cool lookin tire no matter how I mean they are really short and really narrow they do look cool back then that's on and we moved away from what we were talking about we can go back to it I just came here to abuse your toilet yeah hit the road so you just you actually wanna build me some food first then let's take the Hemi car in first out school I'm sure dad won't mind yeah dad doesn't watch this anyway right yeah dad I don't know how to use a computer okay he's he check the miles on his car Oh even better I know sorry dad does he did he check the depth on his tires no ooh even better yeah no I just have to go utilize some tires well you know the battery will just mysteriously died when we're doing a burnout yeah there we go yeah yeah for the camera yeah yeah just go make her own drift course yeah see how a Hemi card oh you took away the drift course in the back back there now it's all rock rock could be drift course only if you're the general and you don't care about the paint yeah Jezebel kind of can't we could do Jezebel I'll make engine noises and I'll push it and you dry you're the more experienced driver the two of us well what do you say we go over there and check that Hemi car out I think we should do that all right Amy [Applause] override about 20 turns on this scary movie forty factory steering column everything I've been the only got Joker Casper uh hi beep selector switch because that was on the car we got it Oh right gas pedals in my car a little berry yeah you'll get driven lunch you got to tell your dad to jump on it more often clean the bugs out I know here we go natural a yard open it went everything sounds better open headers I know well when it makes power anyway yeah you get a rule 40 [ __ ] card it just sounds like bubbly yeah yeah let us talk Chevy 350 with open headers eddore p.m. it don't sound people looking it's called some compliment know the game over I'm Brian [Music] I love taking small roads on the middle of nowhere I'm actually in New Mexico right now for 69 house they got themselves a nice Oh place right here what you looking at Willis the hell out of here is our place Moo that's what you think of me I just piss on me cool bout ready to hit up route 66 all kinds of cool stuff on route 66 and hit Rodian you you and some bad news before I drop it off in storage bad news is I think the motors locked up the it'll rotate about a quarter of a turn and then just block up even with the pry bar on it I can't move it and I pulled the distributor I primed the motor with oil with the with the drill pulled the carburetor spray a whole bunch PB Blaster in there just anticipating the motor to spin over and it did about a quarter of a turn so that's kind of a bummer but oh well watch me how can you expect anyway the motors be rebuilt on a funny note though a good note put the battery in and I'm like where the hell is the rate with music coming from I'm gonna look in the car I'm like holy [ __ ] the radio is on and the speaker's working the factory clock is moving the second hand on these things never work never it's a spring round clock that when it runs out of tension it hits an electrical contact and boof rewinds it and those things never work so the factory tack the clock is spinning and the radios working plus the dome light works up pop so Goods and Bad's electrical works I know the I know the I know the dual points distributor works because when I pulled it out I had the battery hooked up and I just happened I forgot to unplug the ballasts just real quick and I guess I must have spun the end of the distributor went Wow [ __ ] shock meals like some of it but so that works but the fate of the car right now is I'm actually gonna go beat up going and taking it up to the property in Arizona I got way too much stuff to do right so we just go ahead and dump this guy up there so you will be restored later I was actually kind of really hoping the motor would spin over because if it did all I was gonna do was just uh make it run and drive and just roll around it's a car shows really well here's where the triple black 69 r/t for speed and charts go and sit it is gonna be roommates with eliminator for a little while so I got the motor for lemonade er at the house so until I get the drivetrain all done for Eliminator she's gonna sit out here is free up some space at the house in Vegas and well park ol I don't I think I might just call this Mamba like Black Mamba so we'll leave this old girl here I just got it all cleaned out I think I grabbed everything out of it and it's gonna leave the air cleaner in it because that's part of the car so I kinda wanna keep that you know put in the backseat from Jed with love okay he'll it was this thing Jed musta thrown this in the car when I was his house inflatable sheep you mother it's inflatable [ __ ] sheep for my car all right okay okay Jed you got me payback's a [ __ ] which I wasn't gonna use a certain video of you in this episode but I'm thinking I am now so yeah I think you might be a little embarrassed anyways back to the car alright did here's your sheep I'm gonna leave it the car I wouldn't luckily this thing didn't have a blow-up on its ass otherwise I would have just left it in the package but alright your sheep is gonna die inside this car with this heat at least for now someone's riding this thing oh this poor old girl here all right well here's the plan something's wrong with the motor I don't know what it might be simply simple it might be something bad I'm gonna leave it alone for now because I have too much other [ __ ] you know I got I got laminator I gotta fix I need to do the motor swap and Smurf for the blower motor for the blower run at the four speed the overdrive finished patina so that one is far off the list so this one's just gonna sit here but I'm thinking next spring for fall fling in LA I will see what its gonna take to fix the motor in this thing and then just make it the bare essential running driving car I'm not gonna drive it to LA but I'll probably trailer it there and then we'll just maybe like put it into the show so I think that would be kind of cool being kinda like a college survivor but you know a barn fine drives barn-find into the show type thing so I might do that with that next year that's for now way too way projects so Mamba so we got the white sheep and the black sheep when we've got the black sheep mama so anyway this big little girl a good project it's pretty crusty rusty but ain't nothing I can't fake so the til next time Mamba and thanks for watching guys this wasn't really an elaborate video free much all I did was just show up buy a car and then just kind of have a little fun bring it home but that's all it is we're not having fun with these things don't do it no I have fun with my cars that's why I have my enjoy them so anyways thanks for watching I'll see you guys later so you think you got one up on me Chris well I got you a gift inside this package is the most awesome thing a friend could ever give anybody as you can see from Jed with love xoxo it it's just for you buddy this here is the most fun a man could have with an inflatable object in cheap formed so just a gift from me to you we're gonna walk out here we're just gonna throw it away because right now you're inside my house using my toilet so so make sure this thing gets put away in a nice safe spot I'll just tuck that baby in right there there you go on to Vegas
Channel: Junkerup #chris birdsong
Views: 527,654
Rating: 4.8144121 out of 5
Keywords: #Ratmusclecarz, mopar, muscle, car, life, dodge, charger, ratty, #barnfind, #1968, #1969, #1970, #1971, #1972, #383, #440, #hemi, #junkerup, #chrisbirdsong, #chris, #birdsong, #rustbucket, #rusty, #r/t
Id: 9EY71dmpi6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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