Resurrecting a 1951 Nash Deliveryman | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 64

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(upbeat rock music) - Well, added another state to the Barn Find Hunter list. We're in Bozeman, Montana. It's fabulous out there. Mountains, clouds, sun, rain, hail, tornadoes, warm weather, cold weather, all like within an hour. It's amazing. I was here two years ago for a car event and visited my friends Dan and Martha Case. (laughs) And they gave me directions to their house, and I said, "Oh my God! There's a guy around the corner "with a whole yard full of cars!" So, I went and knocked on the door, told the guy who I was. I said, "I'm gonna come back here "and shoot a Barn Find Hunter episode in the near future. "So, let's put this conversation on hold. "I don't wanna see your cars, "I wanna see them when we come back with a camera team." So here we are, driving there right now. Can't wait to see what he's got. (upbeat guitar music) (car door opening) - Thanks for keeping everything in place. I told you, "Don't straighten everything out." And you didn't touch a thing. - Not a thing. - So, Marty has the most eclectic collection of cars that I've seen in a long time. But I haven't seen anything more than what we see right here. So I asked Marty if we could walk around, and he could just tell me the stories of interesting cars. Because right here I'm looking at a Sunbeam, right? - Mm hmm - A Comet convertible, a Cadillac convertible, a 327 Impala wagon, a Jaguar XJ6, and then a field of stuff over there. I love it, I love it, I love it. - I've never met a car I didn't like. (laughing) - [Tom] And this is your collection. You don't buy and sell. - [Marty] No, this is just a hobby. They didn't give me any toys when I was a kid, so I collect cars now. (upbeat guitar music) - So here, right up my alley, an MG 1100 - [Marty] Yes, that's right. - [Tom] So, vintage plates. Do you drive this car? - [Marty] This car is drivable, yes. - [Tom] Does this have a hydro suspension? - [Marty] It does. That's why it's sitting so low. - [Tom] So these cars didn't have traditional shock absorbers. They had a hydropneumatic suspension, which is a continuous circuit around the car of hydraulics that keep it up in the air. And if that pipe breaks, the car goes down. - [Marty] The fellow that had it before me autocrossed it and so he has it lowered as much as it reasonably could be lowered and still drivable. - [Tom] A Honda 600? - [Marty] Yes. - [Tom] From Oklahoma. How did-- - [Marty] That's where I bought that car, and I haven't run it for years, but I have several of these. The coupe, they made the sedan and the coupe '68 to '72, and this is a coupe. I just have a soft spot in my heart for those cars. My first real car, I guess you'd say, that I bought in 1972, was a yellow one of these. It's over in the shed now. - You have it! - I have it still, and whenever I have a chance, if I can pick one of these up, I will. Suzuki Jeeps that you don't see anymore I've put a Datsun engine into that one. - [Tom} Did You Really? - [Marty] Yes. - [Tom] A Datsun what? 1200? - [Marty] A Datsun 1200. - [Tom] 1200 have a V210 or a 1200 engine? - [Marty] Right. - No kidding. Now, that panel delivery we just walked by and ignored, what's the story of that? - [Marty] I just ended up with that. My wife kinda likes the looks of that thing, so I sort of promised her that someday I'd put a Jaguar six engine into that. Would that be sacrilegious? - No, I love it! - Would that be okay? - Cause you'd take out a straight six, put in a straight six. - Yeah. - You know, and right now, I gotta tell ya, the look of that truck with that paint job, that's where the whole hot rod world is going, to that look. - [Tom] Oh, rotary pickups. Wow, man, I haven't seen one of these in 20 years. (cheerful country music) - Now here's a car that doesn't get a lot of, I don't know. Fans, publicity, it's an Ambassador Custom Nash. Now, I happen to love the style of this. Very art deco, huge car, powered by a Nash engine, which I believe had seven main bearings, a straight six cylinder overhead valve, that actually powered a Le Mans car that didn't win Le Mans, but it did really well. Seven main bearing, it was in a Nash-Healey. The seats could all be folded down into a bed, so you could take this car camping. You fold the front seat backs down and there you go, or the ultimate driving car for teenagers, I guess. - [Marty] (laughs) - So, Mini Cooper. So these cars came with 850cc engines, 998, 1071, 1275, and 1300 cc's. Over the course from 1959 to the last cars that were produced, probably in the 2000s. And it was supposed to be an 80/20 car. The 80/20 is, it's a 10 foot long car. 80% of it, from here to here, was passenger, and 20% of it was engine. So therefore, the engine was put in sideways, transverse, and it powered the front wheels. And so, the front end, the engine was up here, these wheels powered the car, it steered the car, the major braking was done in the front, so really these cars handled amazingly. The back went where the front was pointed, and so they were called flying shoe boxes. And if you've ever watched on YouTube, some of the races from Goodwood, England, you'll see these racing against 427 Ford Galaxies. What the Ford lacks in handling it makes up on the straightaways, but these guys, if there's a lot of turns, can beat a Ford. So, very interesting. Now, I saw something over here that got my attention. This chassis. So this is an early Ford chassis, and the thing that intrigues me, I would have walked by if it didn't have these heads probably. But it's a flathead Ford V8. It's got Offenhauser high-compression finned aluminum heads. They were a racing accessory. It's got an aluminum intake manifold as well, but that's a Ford item. If it had dual carbs, or three carbs, or four carbs, it would have been a racing piece. Oh, the key is still in the ignition, look at that. I wonder if it starts. I'm gonna tell Marty what year this is. Okay. (clears throat) With those wheels, it can only be '36, '37, '38 or '39. Is this the original motor or has this been changed? - [Marty] That I don't know but I don't think it's been changed. But that's not your giveaway. - [Tom] Well-- - [Marty] Should I give you a hint? - [Tom] No. - [Marty] No. - [Tom] The serial number's right here, and if I knew my stuff I'd be able to identify the serial number. - [Marty] No, no. - [Tom] Let's see. - [Marty] Your hint is more obvious. - [Tom] Is that a truck transmission? - [Marty] It is. - [Tom] Is that a truck frame? - [Marty] It is. - [Tom] Okay, so we've narrowed it down to that, - [Marty] Pickup. - [Tom] 'cause it's got these reinforcing rods up here. I'm saying '37. - [Marty] May I give him a hint? - (laughs) - [Marty] I'm gonna give you a hint. (taps metal) - [Tom] (laughs) A '39. - [Marty] Right. - [Tom] And you know what he pointed at? The hydraulic brakes. You know what? I've been away from these cars too long. - [Marty] That's okay. - Hydraulic brakes. First year for Ford hydraulic brakes was 1939. '38 and prior were mechanical brakes with rods and levers and springs. All right, I have to look at that wagon over here too. We just dragged a '62 Ford Country sedan out of a yard in Midland, Texas. - [Marty] This has had a tough life, but a very long life. - [Tom] What motor's in there? - [Marty] 352. - [Tom] So was this a driver, did you ever drive it? - [Marty] I drove it a lot actually. - [Tom] Did you really? - [Marty] I did. When I really left home, the folks didn't want it cluttering up around the house, so I took it down to the creek bottom and it suffered badly down there but-- - [Tom] Hah! - [Marty] It's crowding 300,000 miles on that car. - [Tom] You had this when you were a kid? - [Marty] I got it when it had about 180,000 on it, and I drove it all over the country. - [Tom] So it's an old friend. - It is. I can't just let that go to the crusher, I have to do something with that. - [Tom] Yup, yup, yup - [Marty] Yeah. - So we just made a deal with Marty. It's windy, you can probably hear it on the mic, even though I changed this shirt, the collar didn't straighten it out much. I think rain is in our future, so we're gonna come back tomorrow morning. Hopefully it'll be sunny and maybe a little more still, and we'll do round two of Marty's cool yard here, so stay tuned. (upbeat rock music) - Yes, we're back at Marty's house. It's relatively clear skies, sun's out, no rain, and no wind. So you can hear me probably a lot better now than you could yesterday. So let's pick up where we left off. Oh, there they are back there. (speaking in background) - Oh, look, they got that Model A truck running. Do you believe that? (laughs) Yesterday, on the other side of the barn, there was a Model A stake bed truck, and I said, "Does this run?" I'm asking, like, quizzically. "Oh, yeah. "I use it to haul around a big barrel of water for plants." Okay, maybe 10 years ago. Well, here we come to Marty's house today, and the truck's driving. Amazing. (engine whirring) - [Marty] Oh my God. - [Tom] It's purring like a kitten! (engine drowns out voices speaking) - [Marty] You guys were looking at it yesterday like, "Yeah, yeah, it'll never run." - [Tom] (laughs) - [Marty] That's the way a lot of the things are around here. (vehicle door opening) (engine humming) (engine whirring) (intense country music) - [Tom] Always in these programs, people say, "Oh, you concentrated on that, but you didn't talk about--" There's gonna be lots of cars here we're not gonna have time to talk about, I have to let you know up front. (intense country music) - But, okay, here's a clean looking Karmann Ghia, and I saw a couple other ones you have. Rust spots on these cars are the areas you can't see, the battery box, under the hood. Is it pretty clean? - [Marty] You know what? I just drove it across the street and parked it here and this is it. - [Tom] Well that could be a real nice car. That could be buffed up. - [Marty] It's pretty straight. - [Tom] I'm looking at the bumpers on that-- - [Marty] The bumper, she backed in, or somebody hit her, I don't know, but the bumper is creased there. But, really, you see a lot of 'em a lot worse than that one. - Man. So yesterday, Marty told me he's building this train track. They're one foot apa--one foot apart? - [Marty] One foot between the rails. - And he's building a locomotive so he can ride back and forth from his house to his shop. And you know, you hear, "Oh, sure, yeah. "You're building a locomotive. Right." Well, here's a locomotive. So, tell me, did you build that tank, or you started out with a tank? - [Marty] I had a friend build that for me. That's actually a code boiler, but the wheels, frame, tender, all this has been built. I made the patterns for the wheels and the cylinders. - And you-- - Casted. - Cast your own wheels. - Right. - [Tom] So you made your own little leaf spring here? - [Marty] Yes. - [Tom] So, is this copied off of something? - [Marty] It's copied off a-- This is called a consolidation engine 2-8-0 arrangement that was very commonly used on the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. - [Tom] If you get this done, I wanna know about it, 'cause I want a ride. So, in the shed here, what do we have, a Fiat 600. - [Marty] And you're gonna ask me what year it is. I don't know. - [Tom] Yeah. - [Marty] Help me out. Would it be about a '59? - [Tom] I was gonna say, probably a '59. It looks very solid. - [Marty] I think so. - [Tom] And look at this paint. Holy mackerel. I'm glad you have this in the building. (clears throat) - [Marty] Yes. I am too. - [Tom] 31,000 miles. So if you look inside these doorjambs, original paint looks brand new. Door panels, this thing could be cleaned up real nice. Look how clean this is. - [Marty] I think I'm gonna put a set of Honda pistons and rods into the Fiat engine. - [Tom] I don't know what they use for a transaxle, Fiat, or put the Volkswagen one in. - [Marty] Well, find out and let me know. - [Tom] (chuckles) So look how original this car is. Not only is the original paint in here, the engine compartment, so clean, here's the original decal. "Do not remove fuel pump and repellent line "unless outlet pipe on tank first has been removed." Wow. - [Marty] (chuckles) You can never be too careful. - [Tom] This is a neat car. (trunk shutting) (speaking in background) - [Tom] A Stanley. A Stanley steamer, holy mackerel. Wow. Jay Leno would freak out over this. It's a Phaeton, I guess. (metal clanking) Four door convertible. So look at that engine. (metal clanking) - [Tom] I'm not quite sure how these work. Is this a condenser? - [Marty] That is the boiler. - [Tom] The boiler, okay. - The radiator-- they made this to look like a conventional car. The radiator, per se, is the condenser, and the engine is slung under the body and hooked to the rear axle. - [Tom] How many cylinders is that? - Two. - [Tom] Two cylinders. - Two-cylinder double-acting. - [Tom] Have you driven this? - I have. - [Tom] And those fenders-- I mean, you gotta do this to one of the Mazdas out there. So thin, this is thick. - [Marty] It is thick, and I believe that those fenders are steel but the body's aluminum. - [Tom] Really. - [Marty] I believe so. (knocking) - [Tom] Yeah, that definitely--wow. So how long has this been parked here? - [Marty] I ran this about six years ago. That's a sliding door back behind it that I take it out through. - [Tom] So these never die. I mean, they can always be brought back, right? - [Marty] Absolutely - Yeah. - [Marty] Yeah. - [Tom] Steam Automobile Club of America, Incorporated. - If we wanna get technical about it, this would have been a steam vehicle car, steam vehicle bought from Stanley. I'm not sure what year, but just in the last few years of the Stanley production. And this would be a steam vehicle car, and it had a Stanley engine put in it when the steam vehicle engine failed. The boiler was incomplete at the time. One of the first things he said was, "How old are you?" And I told him my age and he said, "Aw, you're young enough, you'll get that boiler fixed." - [Tom] (laughs) - Anyway. - [Tom] And you got it fixed? - Oh, yeah. That's the boiler that's in it now. - [Tom] Now, to see these run down the road is just a miracle, it's wonderful. This body seems in amazing shape. - [Marty] It's in very original condition. [Tom] Man. [Marty] I took the doors off just 'cause it's so much easier to climb in and out, and giving rides and so forth, when we drive it around here. - So there was a gap here between the running board and the fender originally, no? - [Marty] Yes, there should be one on each side. It allows you to get into the burner. - [Tom] So you can see the motor back here, two-cylinder, and those are the rods that power it to the rear end. Well, this is the engine. Actually, the engine's right there, you can't quite see it, and it's powering these rods. The pistons are powering these rods that are in turn turning the rear end, the ring and pinion gear, to power the car to go down the road. The fuel tank's in the back, so there's kerosene on one side and gasoline on the other. - Marty, could this be original paint? - [Marty] Well, I certainly think it is. - [Tom] That's an amazing car. (upbeat guitar music) - [Tom] That's a T? - [Marty] That is proudly the oldest thing on the place. It does not have provision for an electric starter, so you know your T's. Would that place it 1915 or earlier? - [Tom] I'm thinking '15, '16. So, crank start only. Neat car, man. - You're in touch with your environment when you're driving one of those. - My butt sat in one of those seats for 15 days. We drove it across the United States. - That would be quite a trip. - [Tom] The car we drove was a '26, I think it had one gauge. Just the ammeter gauge. This doesn't seem to have any gauges, hmm. Model T also had one door, so the problem is, when the driver has to go to the bathroom, the passenger has to get out and the driver has to go to the bathroom. Which I experienced many times over that 15-day trip. (car door shutting) - Huh, neat car. How long has that been sitting under the roof here? - [Marty] About 20 years. More than that, yeah. - [Tom] Well thank God it's under the roof, that's neat. This is a car that I really relate to, a BMW. This 1600 or 2002? - [Marty] 2002. - [Tom] So it's got the hubcap and the trim ring, so it's a real old one. - It is. My dad bought this brand new, we waited in Minneapolis. It was the first shipment. There were three 2002s that came into the country on the boat. And 2 of them stayed in New York and this one went to Minneapolis, where my dad took delivery of it. - It's got 90,000 miles. - [Marty] That would be original. - Four-speed, a big old steering wheel. (closes door) So it's got a dented left fender, but otherwise how's the body on it? - [Marty] Not too bad. - So this has got the early rims. Doesn't have any slots or anything, just a steel rim, 13 inch. It sounds like it could be the third one in the United States. Prior to this, they had 1600s, and it was big news when they came out with the 2002. You're a two-liter car. This is a real early one, she's got round taillights, small bumpers, it's got wheels with no slots in 'em. And that one doesn't have the hubcap, but the one in the front has a hubcap and a trim ring, which you don't see very often 'cause most people who have cars like this have put Panna supports on 'em or something. But that's an original wheel hubcap and trim ring. The interior looks amazingly sound. No rips in the seats. Real clean. Says 90,000 miles. You can see the little four-speed pattern on the dashboard. It had a big, kind of a cumbersome steering wheel, but I'm not seeing rust in any of the places that BMWs have rust: Behind the rear wheel, over the top, the fender lip down here in the doorjamb. (shuts car door) Okay, here we go. (opens door) This is that door clunk. This is a 51 year old car. Here we have a Nash, last on the road. '94. 25 years ago. Look at the paint on the dash, the gauges, 26,000 miles on the odometer, steering wheel, the chrome, clock. What a neat car. (shuts car door) Would you like to see this car run? I would love to see this car run. Marty's just offered something that-- I can't tell you how happy I am. - [Marty] I made a claim that I hope I can live up to. - Or you (murmurs)-- - I said we can have this running this afternoon, and I believe, because I parked it here-- Unless the gods are really turned against me, I don't see a problem. - So, BMW, a Nash, a Ford flathead engine, and a Honda 600. That's gotta be the most eclectic lineup we've ever seen. - [Marty] Well, we'll put them on the list for this afternoon. - [Tom] So this is intriguing. NSU. NSU convertible. What kind of motor's in this? - [Marty] That's a rotary. A Wankel engine. - [Tom] So weren't they the first company to get the patent to build them into cars? - [Marty] I believe they were. - [Tom] So it's a rear-engine rotary. Last driven in Oregon in 1979. It's pretty straight body, too. - [Marty] I imagine if that rotary were running right it would perform pretty well. - [Tom] NSU Spider. Hmm. - [Marty] And, I'm embarrassed, I'm not even sure what year it is. - [Tom] Well-- - [Marty] I'd have to check the title. - We've been doing this Barn Find Hunting stuff for four years now. That's the first NSU we've found, and probably in my life, it's the first NSU I've found. - Really? - Yeah, I mean you see them at a show and they're all cleaned up. Oh my God look at this. - [Marty] Guy gets tired just looking at it, doesn't he? (intense guitar music) - You know, there's dozens of cars, but this one jumps out at me, because this was my era. This is a Mazda RX-3, which was a rotary engine, and it's the SP model. So this one had a rear spoiler, somehow I think it had a front spoiler, though this one doesn't have it. It's got these boy racer graphics, it had trim rings you could buy and really race right from the showroom. This is a neat car. This is one that I could see restoring. This is a Datsun 1200. It was the baby brother to the Datsun 510. The 510 had a 1600 engine with an overhead cam engine, this was a pushrod 1200 engine, so in racing, this would run in D Sedan, and the Datsun 510 would run in B Sedan. But they were economical cars, they were cheap to buy, this was probably $1900. Got good gas mileage, they lasted a long time. (upbeat rock music) - [Tom] We've seen the meat of your collection without touching every single car. - [Marty] I think you have. - But now, part two is, that Nash wagon. - [Marty] Okay-- - (laughs) - How do you want to work that? Do you wanna film it being pulled out-- - Yeah - And then leave me with an hour or two to get it running? - Just an hour or two? - Well, that's my guess but... - Yeah, we'd like to film it being pulled out. (chains rattling) (heavy rock music) - [Tom] Look at this. (shuffles papers) Let's see what year it is. (shuffles paper) 1951. Green Nash Rambler station wagon. Washburn Ash Motors Company. That thing's been on there since the 50s, man! Look at the condition of this little tailgate. (knocks on metal) This is a no-brainer to get this car mechanically-- brakes, electrical, maybe rebuild the motor, and just clean the heck out of it. Man. (upbeat rock music) (air hose popping) [Tom] Do a DNA search on these and we'll see who smoked these cigarettes. (door closing) (metal clicking) (talking in background) - [Tom] Look how simple this is. This is the windshield wiper motor that goes to a cable system with pulleys. This one goes to the passenger's side, there's another one that goes to the driver's side, flipped back and forth, all operated by this, kind of a push-me pull-you system. (can hissing) (coughing) - [Marty] Okay. (engine turning) (can hissing) - [Marty] Try again. (engine turning) - So we have the car turning over, it turns over nicely. I think we have a spark. There's a fuel delivery problem, we don't have-- (metal clanking) - Ether, so we're using carburetor cleaner. But we're going out to get some ether right now and some fresh fuel. So we're gonna come back either later today or tomorrow and Martin said this car will be running by then. (engine revving) - [Boy] Well, of course, when I left-- (laughing) - [Tom] What'd you do? - We just--what did we do? We filed the points. We filed the points and put in a six-volt battery and gave it some juice and it went. So (mumbles) is making sure we're getting good fuel. You know, from the tank, and getting ready to drive it. - [Tom] You wanna do it one more time? - (laughs) I don't know. - [Boy] I smell some exhaust, was it running? - Yeah - [Boy] Oh yeah, okay, I'll go. (engine cranking) (engine whirring) (engine revving) (cheerful music) (engine cranking) - [Tom] Oh, man. Holy mackerel! (engine whirring) - [Marty] Pretty sweet. (engine whirring) - This is my favorite car of this whole lot, - (laughs) - And so they pulled it out with a tractor and it's running right now. This engine's running right now. The oil pressure's 40, temperature's exactly in the center on the gauge, it's perfect. This is (knocks on door) a great car, and you can see the body's starting to buff down a little just to show that this car could, and hopefully will, after we leave, look like that. While you guys were futzing around over there and before, I went around and looked at all the cars you've got and counted up the cylinders you've got. - Really? - Imagine what this guy's cylinder count is? (laughs) - So, the big number is 842 cylinders on this property, and I counted your tractors. I think I might have missed a push mower or two, they had some push mowers back there which we (mumbles). You have 842 cylinders on the property. That includes trucks, that bulldozer. And an amazing thing about that is that you have 34 Mazdas which, have no cylinders, that equals 68 rotors. You have an NSU rotary which is one cylinder which is 69 rotors, and you have a steam car, a Stanley steamer. So, nobody on the face of this earth has that many cylinders and rotors and steam powered cars. - (laughs) - So thanks for letting us be a part of your life. - It's been a pleasure. - To you and-- - [Boy] Yeah, yeah and to me, - Nico - And Andrea, who is in there making dinner and I'm holding you guys up. It's been an amazing couple of days. - Thank you. (relaxing country music) (engine whirring)
Channel: Hagerty
Views: 595,272
Rating: 4.9089789 out of 5
Keywords: Hagerty, Classic Car, Classic Cars, Hagerty Drivers Club, montana, bozeman, barn find, tom cotter, 1952, nash, deliveryman, wagon, sedan, country sedan, rags to riches, mazda, rotary, vw, bus, beetle, volkswagen, karmann ghia, cadillac, mini cooper, honda, 700, 600, austin healey, sprite, bug eye, chevy, corvair, pickup, ford, econoline, model t, model a, fairlane, t bird, thunderbird, rx7, rx5, race car, steam engine, train, big sky, starting up, will it run
Id: lAb8adFKjMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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