Craziest Things Found in the Neighbor's Trash

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hmmm interesting little bit Oh Mel I think breadbox gonna sign son son everywhere his son all right I think he's good I even say good morning yet good morning welcome to the scribe and palette man channel this was kind of nice [Music] hmm might be resale it's crazy heavy that's all cast-iron but this thing was correct oh yeah cracked arasta hey don't fall let's steal steal of it because copper and this thing isn't heavier than it looks was just gonna pay up I want to do is check it nope not go do anything with it anyway he goes into the straight pile way this is the same place that had that crazy bicycle mower thing are you kidding me what is that I think it works though Wow yep this thing works Wow Paul you can't scrap that yeah there's a little booster pedal to climb up on it just try it alright here we go I can't climb out of bed sometimes it's tak Walter right there whoa seriously you know someone wants this Wow good old banana seat on it some of these things are difficult to scrap and my tensioner right there seriously some stuff is just difficult to scrap there's some thought behind this Wow okay sorry dude but you're going to describe your hard unless you scratch me first now what's up at this bicycle so rally it's got something engineer to it this for I mean if it was a sidecar we rally by Ken Rockabye Baby in the treetop when the wind blows the scrap in the trunk I gotta do some rearranging mm-hmm oh that's not my name I think that scrap came to his name his last name is free must be for him now for the trash toys hmm metal enough it's for sure that katana you know Hey I get such a mascot a lot of geese I think they're a little upset with this change of weather as well all the snowmelt is fast from Friday three days ago I think I'm not gonna rearrange yeah I'm just gonna pack it like a weirdo yeah it's just with those that's a I think that's a first generation smack o matic bicycle yeah I'm not risking that one now because I'm scrapping in the neighborhood that the scrap yard is in which is on the inside of those trees right there I'm just gonna dump this and get my 4 or 5 bucks rather than run around and just pack it out you know also because if I run across a couch I'm gonna rabbit I'm in market for a couch well I have a couple chairs at my house that's just one golden dumpster okay let's check it out it's kind of full all right some gold dumpster and then we will dump hmm hey where's the boat I see the boat over at the scrapyard I'll be so upset yeah only the boats right here what is going on yeah what's your paper we're all being well all right you're coming with me mr. shelf [Music] those papers is from a party or instruction pink thing back it's jammed in there somehow oh it's heart that's what the issue is make it mess well this kind of beefy isn't it shopback Pro 10 gallons dumpsters maxed out look for my other magnet cling no I'm not keeping this okay those things are not sharp okay this seems like part of a tripod or something in here it's not Windex not yeah it's mostly idle Oh some bag will bag a dick it's got a weight bench it is butts so buried okay nothing is enough 4,200 pounds it's my guess 4140 well sorry for backup more inventory someone said that's a Saturn 5 rocket booster become the first person here today also someone in the comment section which by the way I am NOT able to keep up with that comment section you guys are amazing but I did you know getting four and five hundred comments a day I just oh sorry and it's not just like on the latest video it's comments on older videos and things it's all padded up but yeah someone's asked me is like how many flat tires do you get from going in the junkyard and in the two and a half years that I've been doing this the things having twice but it was all just punctures that I was able to get repaired so $20 to get it repaired alright I don't think I need any slow motion or fast motion unload this what's next what is this thing I have a feeling it was like a soft part of a sidecar what was this thing for broke off whatever it was even though it was cute definitely wait a minute that's not scrap metal that's plastic so quiet here without all the employees running around I think they have like two people left the owner and the the lady inside that's it sad all right smack o matic it's falling its falling man was slipped in that mud not be a good thing that's how you record tailgate make it to the very top of that I'll close hey get my sign back let me go see how did I try to climb that hill what is that way that's the old knife that's gonna go on top so 3,900 even my guess 3900 yep all right seven dollars and 20 cents for two more pounds ish 240 pounds three cents a pound seven dollars and 20 cents thank you God for this day thank you for allowing it to warm up and I know it's strange not here and all the the Rockets of things being done because God the way you made us was in your image and what do you do God you create and you gave us that and you want us to create you gave us that creative spirit to do and I know it's strange when I see people working in their area of giftedness and then all of a sudden it's not happening and it can affect it affects it affected my spirit when I was let go in 2015 for my job I felt creative and God thank you for allowing me to have that creativity back and Lord I'm just gonna ask that that you bless those that are struggling right now that are not working within their area of giftedness because just like when I look at my son and he looks like me I mean quite literally that um that we were made in your image just like Jesse was made in my image and my daughter was made in my image and it's just the parallels are just amazing god when I sit back and just think about the spiritual reality just blows my mind thank you God oh I'm just asked for blessings for the rest of the day in the name of your son that you sent for us amen what is this is that really a hot tub on the curb get it and I'm not getting it and I don't get it we get it you okay if I recycle some of your metal thank you people most stuff right here we I guess these are the holes to hold it up right we should stack them this way huh I'm sorry yeah yeah that's no way to treat you okay yes please oh good I can go ahead and get him yes definitely can thank you yeah yeah you got you have a job ahead of you that's for sure oh really yeah this is a good shelving right here State yes yeah definitely that so she moved away huh yeah yeah you know and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't said here that shelving [Music] I put this rope up here for it to dry wet take this to my shop right now shelving in the shop any way to get it out see where's the other end it's grabbing stuff all right you'd remember to get the that other shelf I think there's a whirl there to you Oh several they're the two or three that's not part of it is it I think it's part of a Kate well thank you for allowing me to do some recycling these aren't these bicycles aren't going are they do you want me to take them away yeah because I can actually find some homes for those I can donate them yeah okay yeah I can take them in I'm gonna donate them because if they work definitely can donate them but a lot of stuff that's on the curb I just don't know the history of it I don't want a little kid getting hurt [Music] that stuff for plants don't forget to take breaks um I can't I mean you don't have to there's more than I can do if you want to join your clean-out and it's up to you if you if you want to put your metal over here I can come back at a different time yeah and I get recycled and you you have a big job Wow with all her stuff yeah I've been donating giving it throwing out I don't we carry a bunch out today yeah I'm getting there because I want to get it down to just my tractor sure yeah and then get your cars in here especially with with the snow that came it was like I think I'll have room for a lot of this stuff but yeah definitely the switch bike are you keeping you're keeping the red one and so I'll keep I'll take those too okay there are three okay okay all right I'll be right back just [Music] ya know that though this year I don't see you sewing oh that um it works I didn't know I just thought yeah I'm gonna either toss it or bring it to the goodwill yeah prate thinking too good what would be best yeah because then some kid we use it instead of me is putting into the the junk pile at this yeah somebody's yeah people can use that to make and create no it's fine I I'm glad I'm doing it instead of you tripping over that it's a decent bicycle alright well good luck and stay safe doing all this because that stuff wants to attack you all right yeah have a good day okay thanks again [Music] you know this one is rough shape with the rust and the missing petals I see though decide that the water does honey water alright one last lucky [Music] definitely smackle manic all those little footballs basketballs can find a home to those definitely a jewelry costume watches that a Rolex I can't take everything I can save a few things [Music] you know definitely a whole bunch of Dixie Cups just there in a ziplock bag I'm gonna say no please yeah these can use these [Music] there's the curtain water don't work all right he got a bungee or something Dasani water really this is another fire pit like it oh yeah well that tile it's just too much yes I think this Park I have no packing skills whatsoever today even though I'm not gonna grab it I just want to look he's got a really nice mattress with this thing I'm more of some sort Hey I didn't even notice that over here what's going on was it chair just metal enough yeah hey Bert Bert Bert premium brake pads yep ask one of me I think there's rotors in there but feeling there's some rotors in there man I got such a mess going all right leaving out the medal I like it then there's no point are you looking in here because already know but they set it outside you guys are awesome see now if these guys were in a video I would press like on their video that's right [Music] morning Ralph morning Sam all right so it looks like I got this bikes gonna get scrapped that's a serious Ross that bike that's gonna get donated I don't know maybe my son might wanna know well yeah I got some Shelby I'm excited about that donate or give to my kid all of these soccer balls and footballs such but I'm gonna wrap this video up because I don't only have enough to take two for an entire load in and I need to go pick up my daughter from school and just do some stuff and I'm gonna take these shelves to my shop and probably put them up but here's the thing when I put something together or tear something apart it's frustrating it's very frustrating so it's not something that I want to be filming because I get grumpy and and frustrated and I said frustrated yet you know you be you yeah it'd be awesome stay off and do your thing I will talk to you there [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 175,639
Rating: 4.8705297 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: RdfQnkzX8bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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