Annoying Things People Do At Work

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Welcome to "Good Mythical More." If you work or know someone who does, then this "More" is for you, because you don't wanna be that person who does the thing that is a faux pas. But first about- Especially the worst one. A random disturbing fact. All right, let's hear it. Climate change is making spiders bigger. What? That's right. Scientists have known for almost a decade that climate change would impact spider populations. 2009 studies showed that a warmer arctic with earlier springs and longer summers can make wolf spiders both larger and, because larger spiders can produce more offspring, more abundant. Great. Something else to be excited about. Are they big enough to eat wolves? Ooh, that would, I mean, aren't you, aren't you glad that spiders maybe aren't as big as wolves? I am. Yeah, Link, I think about that every day. I don't like a spider. I'm so thankful for that. I don't love a spider, but you know, they eat insects, right? We're supposed to- You're not really supposed to kill 'em when you find them. Leave them alone. You're supposed to let 'em do their job. Man, what an exciting turn of events. I am just... I, you know... There's so much adrenaline flowing through that. It's hard to catch a fish, you know, when the competition heats up. Yeah. It makes you think if you got like two seasoned, like professional athletes who come from some- Maybe former professional athletes. Yeah, former professional athletes who come from some discipline where it's all about like hand-eye coordination. Like two incredible basketball players, like would it just never end? But you have to think that the person who can do the catching, it's like, as the ability of the flopper increases, the ability of the catcher increases. Right. It feels like it's gonna happen. Right? Right. If, I mean, are we gonna have like a never ending catch the fish with granddad tournament? I hope so. Like that Michael Chang tennis match. Yeah. That would- Who was he against? He got so tired he had to serve underhand. That's a really good question. And this is like freaking Wimbledon. Wasn't that wild? Michael Chang and who? Who was that? No one cared except us. Remember that Stevie? I have nothing to add to that. I'm sorry. Well, when we were- Name a professional tennis player. Yeah. Well he just said that one. Okay. Name one professional tennis player. Serena Williams. Hey. All right. Okay. All right. Who did she say? Ivan Lendl? She said Serena Williams. Boris Becker. You only said one. John McEnroe. You said I needed to name one. That's a good one. That was 1992. Stefan Edberg. Andre Agassi. But he lost, right? Michael Chang won. Pete Sampras. Raphael Nadal. Oh, so Michael Chang- We were coming over- Underhand and he lost. It was the deal. Okay, let's talk about the same thing now. Oh, okay. And let's talk. Oh. Oh, oh, we're doing a show? Yeah. Okay. So workplace faux pas. I was just naming ten tennis players. We're gonna like do a, That's all I was doing. a single elimination tournament of our own here. Cooking stinky food versus stealing food from the fridge. Stealing food from the fridge is- I would never do that. Is an offense. I mean this is like really? I know I did it to Tim, but it was for the show. Yeah. I don't think that counts, so let's just move past that. Thank you. But stealing food from the food is like- Pretty tempting. This is like premeditated, and it's, I mean, the stinky food thing, sometimes you don't know it's gonna stink that much. It's temporary, like this is last- Wait, premeditated? Like you think that people who steal fridge from the food, they go to the fridge. I mean food from the fridge. They're at home and they're like, "I'm not even gonna pack something today, "'cause I'm gonna steal something." Yeah. It's premeditated. It starts in the morning. Okay. It's not, I thought you meant like there was an initial look, a pass by. They closed the fridge, they go sit down down. Some people think about it. They think about it. I'm just saying that ruins like if you take someone's food, they don't get to eat it. Right. This is true. Yeah. From an ethical standpoint, there's more moral damage in that situation. Sure. Whereas this is like, oh it's stinky. Right. It ruined an afternoon. I mean this is... Maybe nothing will top that. Yeah. Could leaving a mess in the bathroom top it? It looks like we got some, what I'm thinking is maybe some dookie on the bowl, and then somebody tried to do one of those tank dumps, and got some dookie on the tank too. So we got dookie in two places. That's called an upper decker. Right. So this is a real mess we're talking. You're still in like commentator cadence. "Well, that is called an upper decker." "Yes. Right, right, right." If this is exactly how you're leaving a mess in the bathroom, this may be worse than that. I mean, you've tried both places? If you've got dookie on the toilet at work, especially at a place of business our size, like it's one thing if you work at a giant corporation with like thousands of employees and people you don't even know. But like here? You know everybody. Here? Like that dookie is somebody's dookie. You know that person. You're gonna talk to them. I went into the- Like that's horrible. I went into that bathroom and Let's talk about it. down here, there was some sort of staining down here on the neck of the toilet. The neck you call that? I call that the base. The base. Maybe the foot. The base. I don't know how it got there, but I didn't look at it too closely. It's the lower decker. It could have been. Yeah. It's the lower... It could have been dookie down there. How? I don't know. Maybe, I think... It was like someone put their- I think it was a dirty foot. Did somebody put their feet up on it? Yeah, it's a dirty foot. Somebody got mud on it. Because there's no, they were trying to do, what's the poop stool? Squatty Potty. Squatty potty. Yeah. We had those for a bit, but then they just looked dirty. Yeah. Yeah. Nobody wants to... I think someone tried to simulate a Squatty Potty by putting their feet on that, and it was like they had stepped in, whoever did this. Did anybody else see this? Absolutely not. I didn't clean it up. I never get that low. I can't even see the bottom of the toilet. It just doesn't happen. Some, well sometimes, you know, sometimes I hinge really far when I'm down there. Hinging for what? Oh. Oh, you hinge when you're on the toilet? Yeah. It's kinda, just like... Trying to get something to loosen up? Trying to pump it, pump it out. Hinge. Wow. Are we saying this is actually worse, because, well, it's just so gross. We certainly painted a bad picture of it. Let's just say it. I don't know. To me it can be accidental. But you got to clean that up. And that's worse than stealing somebody's food, just by that much. Yeah. Maybe here at a, like a place of work like this. What you got for us next? Getting too drunk at the holiday party. No one's ever done this. Never happened Yeah, yeah. at a Mythical holiday party. It has happened. Well, okay, I mean, I'll just say- Multiple times. My wonderful wife, Jessie, she got as drunk as she has been maybe ever. Yeah, that's who I'm talking about. 'Cause she never gets drunk. Which holiday party was this? Which year? I don't know. Where were we? I don't know. I don't remember. You weren't with her? So all I remember- You just ditched her? We had some good holiday parties, so obviously it was pre-pandemic, but it was like... Was she embarrassing? The drinks were so good. No, she wasn't. She did not do anything embarrassing at the party. You would not have known. First of all, I think my wife is drunk often when she's not, because she's got that kind of personality. Like, she's just like... She's an oversharer. She's like, she laughs at everything. She stumbles and she steps on people's feet. And she falls down everywhere. So I didn't think anything of it at the party. But what I was thinking myself was, I had had four cocktails, which is a lot of cocktails for me, but those cocktails at this particular holiday party were A, really, really good, and B, really, really strong. I'm a big man, 220 pounds. Homeboy got drunk. Four cocktails, and I was like, "This is more intoxicated than I would like to be "at our holiday party." Right? Not a good luck for the Rhettster. And I was still in control, but I was like, man, this has hitting me real hard. Obviously, I'm really glad that we, you know, we do like the Lyft and Uber codes or whatever we had done that year. I was not planning on driving at any point. But then Jessie gets into the car and she's like, "Whoa." And I'm like, "How many drinks did you have? "How many cocktails did you have?" She said, "Four." And I was like, "I'm twice your size, Literally. "and I feel like this." And she, and she was like, "Yeah, I..." She got home and just felt horrible. Like she had a real tough time going to sleep. But you know what, as long as you don't... But she took it home with her. As long as you didn't... She didn't do anything embarrassing there. As long as you keep it within yourself, you know what? As long as it doesn't turn into somebody else's situation. But we're saying too drunk. I'm saying a situation where you get too drunk, you share something that you shouldn't. Yeah, but as long as you don't infringe on somebody. No, I'm saying that when somebody does infringe. I'm saying let's just say somebody does infringe. Well, that's... I'm just saying if somebody does something they can't take back. I'm just saying it probably just gets a little embarrassing for them, as long as they don't do anything inappropriate to somebody else, which I'm not going that far. This ain't as bad as that. You think dookie on the toilet is worse? It's an honest mistake. Well, a lot of times getting this- Wait, wait. It's not a mistake in the bathroom? You think someone is like purposeful? Not cleaning it up. Link is really, really upset about this dookie on the toilet thing. It's up here! I mean, you're right. That's your problem to clean up. You're right. Yeah, that's, you might even hit that when you're touching that handle. I mean, we've all gotten too drunk somewhere. But this could be a two for one. If you get too drunk at the holiday party, your toilet might end up looking like that later, you know what I'm saying? Maybe that's what it is. Okay. Well- If it's getting too drunk at work. Okay, I'll say once again, we, but this leaving the mess in the bathroom is not that big of a deal. We've gotta find something worse. Not using headphones. Yeah. There we go. We found it. Couldn't be it. Not using headphones. I mean, back in my cubicle days, I was guilty of not using headphones. I just had one office mate. So for what kind of stuff? And I was listening to internet radio back when that was a big thing. And I- Did your office mate care? Well, it was like background music, and he was okay with it. He said he was okay with it, but then I left to go to a meeting and it stayed on, and then something weird happened and it started playing this... When I came back, he was upset, and it was like playing like the rock and roll or something. Well, does he not understand how to operate? He said he didn't know how to turn off my laptop, and... How about close it? He was an engineer who worked for IBM. "I don't know. Yeah, they never told me." Now does this happen? But it ain't that bad. In the bullpen area of Mythical Entertainment that some, I mean, I don't, I haven't seen any offenders. I mean, everyone's very headphoned up around here when it comes to, comes to that. Right? Anybody want to throw anybody under the bus? Any opportunity. H is like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." Are you saying we all use headphones appropriately, and no one's ever offended? I just said it's happened. Oh, it's happened. Okay. All right. That's all you wanna share? That's all Hitch wants to share. But it has happened. Now if you were to crap on somebody's headphones. That's a problem. And not clean it off. That's a real problem. Okay. Leaving food in the fridge for too long. They put your name on there. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa- Rhett would never leave food, period. I've never seen him leave food. There's food, he's eating it. Yeah. I wouldn't do this. Do we? We have a pretty regular like- A system. Have a Friday policy, right? Clean it out, right? It's just... Things get thrown away on Friday. But if we didn't have... we have that for a reason. I guess this stuff could get pretty rancid. It could... Yeah, but- it could grow its own biome. But if we're going by this particular scenario in which I did it, as you can see, it's well sealed. So if it's well sealed, I think we're okay. I mean, we're not okay, but we're not dookie on the upper deck situation. Yeah. You might be right. This might be the worst thing you could do at work is to get dookie on the toilet. What you wanna do now? What's this? Setting meetings that could be emails. Okay. Okay. All right. We got a little bit of a culture here. It feels like somebody's trying to send a message. Yeah. Who wrote this one? Somebody's trying to send a little message. It's not, you know, it's just, it's nice to be in a room together, just working it up, saying things that you could have said in an email. I mean, sometimes meetings- Everybody loves everybody here. Lead to emails. So it's nice to be here. Sometimes emails lead to more emails. Sometimes emails lead to confusion. How much longer until we're not using email at all? You think that's gonna? We have other tools here now between Slack and- You hate email. Monday. You made it very clear. When do we, when is email just gonna go away? You think... What's? Is there a future there? But what are you trying to... Like what are you... How are people gonna send like... I'm just thinking culturally, I think email is dying, and it will make its way into the workplace- It's not dying for me. There's other tools. What's- What do you mean? It's dying? I think it might be dying in your little personal space. Like- Yeah. Oh, definitely for me. But kids... I think you want this to be a thing. Don't use email. Like the only... Well, but you didn't, I mean- Like, my kids get emails from their schools, but it's, they don't use. It's not a kid communication system. They use like Snapchat or something. But you wouldn't like bring Snapchat But so much- into the email workplace. But so much of what used to be email has now moved to Slack, so Okay. I bet you there's there's more of that that's coming. And you're okay with that? Yeah. The thing about, I mean listen, it's highly entertaining, but my thing about Slack is that sometimes if you get a Slack and it has like a chunk of information that you need to read, process, and then like reply to, that's not what Slack is good for. That's no-no. Yeah. I don't think it will be Slack. I'm just saying Slack took a portion of email. What's gonna take the other portion? I think it's meetings. Yeah. It's like you get back, Oh, really? I'm sure there's workplace cultures out there that don't have email. There's got to be. There's got to be some forward thinking, correct environment. They have more meetings? No, I was joking. I don't know. What do I know about this? Well, I'm just trying to figure out what the solution is, because, so Stevie, what's the cutoff for a Slack? How many lines? No, no. It's not about like amount of words used. That's about like information you need to process. Is it a single question? Great for Slack. Comment, update. Great for Slack. Document in which there's a plan that's laid out? Yeah, that's an email. Not good for Slack. Well, that's a document. That's a Google doc. No, but they Slack the document. Yeah, yeah. Sometimes. But the conversation around the document? I mean it's not that big of a deal. This is not entertaining. Yeah. And then we have... What'd you say? "This is not entertaining?" Yeah. Nobody cares about this. No, no one. Yeah. Nobody cares. Eating on camera. Well, now this isn't what we do. That's like a Nest surveillance cam right there. So this is eating... Is this eating a meal and going up to one of the security cameras? What? Like going- I believe it's eating when you're in a video meeting. I mean I felt the need to turn my camera off, but I don't all the time. So I've done this. I've tried to put my face on off screen when I take a bite, but then I bring it back in to chew. I think it also depends on who's in the meeting. You know, like if it's like an internal meeting, it's like, you know. What's worse though? What about somebody who- At least mute, if you're me. Exercising while in a meeting. We don't have a lot of that here. We used to have like Like NordicTrack? one person that- But I'm thinking about would walk around in circles and it, I did find it very distracting while in meetings with him. Well, I think this is a good time for me to run something by you guys. Okay. I really don't want to be that middle-aged guy who has a treadmill under his desk. I don't wanna be that guy. I know how you think about him, but like, there's just so much research to suggest that just walking a number of times throughout the day is just so good for you. Yeah, it's really good. It's so good for you! So I'm having a difficult time not getting one of those treadmills that's like literally- Just for you or for all employees? Well, I'm starting with me. I'm setting the example. Of course. Oh, okay. Okay? He setting an example. But, okay, again, I'm- But so then what would you do? Well, I'm gonna give you more information that might help to contextualize this. So as you know, I watch a lot of internet videos. I listen to a lot of podcasts. In the world of middle aged dudes who are like consuming this type of information, one of the latest things of course is this how important zone two exercise is, right? So this is basically like not too crazy intense, and you're supposed to do like several hours a week, and it's incredible for your health, and zone two is like when you are- Walking the dog? You're able to... Walking the dog, you're not gonna get to zone two, unless you're going up a hill. Zone two is when you can still talk, but it's not super easy to talk. Like that's a good rule of thumb. Like- Well that's great for a meeting. You could tell someone... And so again, I was watching this doctor who's all about this zone two- I started to say. and he was saying how he takes his meetings in zone two. And I was like, "This guy's gotta be the most annoying person "to have a meeting with," but then I was like, I kind of feel like I should be him, or be like him. So you're gonna be talking to somebody, and he's like, yes, you can tell when somebody's in zone two because now they don't sound like that. But they might sound like this. "Okay. B-Bill, you got a real good point there, "but have you thought about this? "Have you thought that maybe next quarter, "we could do things a little bit differently?" So Stevie, if I start talking to you like that in meetings, it's really because I know- Are you gonna be on the treadmill at your desk when we're meeting in your office? I think I won't be doing that. I think this is like a Google meet, a Zoom call, but I'm breathing a little bit heavy. Maybe I'm glistening a little bit, but I'm still listening, and I'm gonna live longer. Most importantly. Yeah. I don't know if we want that. "Good Mythical Evening" is coming up real fast. We're gonna be live on August 24th at 10:00 PM Eastern, 7:00 PM Pacific. Tickets available now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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