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it finally happened.

edit: CONGRATS on 1 Billion views Casey!!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/_-jack-_ 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

That stuff about film school was a little too vague and a little too much bullshit. There is nothing wrong with film school and I don't really think Casey has the grounds or experience to place so little value on it.

Let's be real. Casey does not make films. He makes vlogs and advertisements with the aid of time lapses, stop motion and drones/top of the range equipment. If he had gone to film school and this was the result - film school would have been wasted on him.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/plsbmyfrend 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

I think we called it

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/sammyewan 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

1 Billion, that must feel amazing, so happy for Casey!

Btw, does anyone have any idea what kind of job those people he was meeting with from Samsung have? Like what role they fulfill in the company?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Tigs_ 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

Casey REALLY should wear a helmet when he's riding his Boosted Boards. Some of the stuff he pulls when he's in heavy traffic makes me nervous. I wonder if Candice has ever said anything to him about wearing a helmet.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/bibliotime 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

I love the convo Candice had with her father. So funny.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BroomSIR 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

the sean parker restaurant scene from The Social Network is probably my favorite movie scene ever

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

Can't wait for all the idiot kids asking their parents for their college money to travel the world

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/PTFOholland 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

Anyone else noticed the ghost town aka Beme HQ on the screen around 1 minute into the vlog?

Also I find it funny that those Samsung employees are exclusively using MacBooks..

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/N6065L 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2016 🗫︎ replies
don't want to use how much how much do you want to buy this one for you got pain Norfolk that way I miss Francine I miss Candace I miss these New York City runs I love it here I just missed it I missed this city like you'd miss a person I like yearn for I was like sad to be away from it seeing as today is my first day back in the office I really wanted to do a are you excited about the new iPhone I used to get so excited about iPhone announcements and this one iPhone 7 I don't think I can do it I'm not ready I love this little guy too much all right I'm so much to do today cuz today is my first day back and I have so much stuff to catch up on a lot of it a lot of those errands that I need to run or outside of this office all right I know I was just like harshing on Apple and stuff but this is not work astray dude this is a bunch of electronics and stuff sent to me from my peeps at Samsung like new headphones and stuff and new memory card I'm actually going to be doing another big awesome 360 project with Samsung soon all right I gotta go I gotta meet it just fell off my skateboard hard broke my microphone I felt so hard look like camera with his cellphone broke my cell phone there and broke my hand look at that we can do right here so much that's much deeper than it looks like my my elbow this lens this lens is totally broken totally broken I was doing like two miles an hour I was going super slow ready really slow like this forward just like that nice nice and slow nice and slow BAM see what is over that's this thing is just dominated looking it was like going and somebody just like yank the port out from under me we can you're hurt not gotten what I've only fallen off this thing a couple times it's always what I'm doing really slow did I fall yeah I just thought escape or it's so hard what do you want how about oh oh oh this just happening fall yeah I smashed my samsung phone and these guys are all with Samsung so kind of an appropriate meeting alright sorry I'm late [Music] nearly done with our meeting here this camera lens seems to be working even though it's all smashed up Kelsey made me put band-aids on my elbows she said it was gross and her out [Music] I just met a lovely young lady named Raquel Raquel nice to meet you that meeting was like four hours long and really important there was like blood running down my arm really embarrassing look at this right everything I just fell off my skateboard look at my elbow this is as close to pornography as I will show on my channel this is what you call camera pornography look at these these show up in an armored vehicle oh it was heavily guarded for those of you not in the know the Canon 5d Mark four is like the newest latest greatest benchmark in camera this is the old ones thank you all right Thank You Savior [Music] million dollars isn't cool you know what's cool you a billion dollars [Applause] that's right a billion my youtube channel just crossed 1 billion views 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 billion now I don't know really what or if that means anything but I just remember years ago reading in the New York Times an article titled the girl with a billion views it was about youtuber jenna Marbles hi Jenna and how she had accrued 1 billion views and when I read that I was like my god that is an infallible number there are only 300 million people in the United States of America there are only 7 billion people on the entire planet in this one young lady via her YouTube to have 1 billion views and today I cross that threshold thank you all 1 billion of you or 100 of you who have each watched 10 million views or 1000 of you who have each watched 1 million views 1 million of you who have each watched thank you today I want to do a special 1 billion view qat having done a Q&A in a while I'm getting a lot of requests for it so here we go Gina what single video made the most impact in terms of those 1 billion ok the most impactful video from me was a movie I made called bike lanes linked right there bike lanes was the first movie I made when I started my own YouTube channel that truly went viral on YouTube demonstrated to me the power of YouTube this one video in 2 days did more views than my entire HBO series did for the life of the show and that blew my mind that affirmed my thinking that YouTube was where I wanted to direct my focus for the future do you think you could achieve a billion views this fast without the vlog no chance there's just no way that you can get those kind of numbers without uploading a lot of content what video you the most proud of I'm the most proud of a movie called my kid in me it's this like 22 minute epic I made about Owen John Barnes what's your biggest advice for filmmakers I'm 13 years old don't waste your time with film school we are at a place right now in this genre where you can buy a camera or you can use your cell phone to make videos that will reach tens of thousands or millions or hundreds of millions of people you don't need the formalities of filmmaking that they teach in school instead take the money that your parents or you or you would borrow to go to film school take that money and spend it on living life this is very much like Verner Hertzog's theory around filmmaking spend that money spend those resources buying experiences because filmmaking is not about the craft it's not about the camera it's not about the year it's about telling stories and sharing experiences and sharing perspectives and if you're only perspectives in life are the ones your professor taught you in film school you're gonna have a really tough time making something people care about I am very much Pro academia I am by kids in college right now and I could not be more proud of him it is film school that I take issue with no one can teach you how to be a storyteller you have to live to be able to do that how are you celebrating I'm not I'm not celebrating I'm making this video and then I'm just putting my head down and I'm making more videos I believe in like benchmarks and I'm proud of 1 billion but with each success comes a bigger more ambitious with each success comes a bigger and more ambitious goal and this success just motivates me to do more do more on YouTube do more in life create more make more reach more people last questions I think it's romantic how much credit do you give Candice on those 1 billion years about 950 million of those 1 billion views I got after I married Candice having a support system like a family is absolutely instrumental in keeping focus and working hard in everything that contributes to your success to my success yeah I mean don't tell her I said this right credit Candice would like all of my success but don't tell her I said that it'll go straight to her head oh yeah I've got that I was riding my skateboard really slowly and powders went into a pothole and I crashed I broke the Rolex hi Stanley so how's everything going I just cool - Sarah hello so what do we do about this thing I don't understand there's no cracks or anything me neither but it must have hit pretty hard look at my elbow how swollen it is we're having a picnic again tonight that's not my family what's up we're boarding the family picnic there are bugs and there's like goose it everywhere I'm sorry the picnic failed epic epic fail I tried really hard to make it special fell so hard so hard so
Channel: CaseyNeistat
Views: 4,925,443
Rating: 4.8761187 out of 5
Id: RNYiCu1N2wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2016
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