Overpowered Motorized Skateboard

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Welp just watched the vlog, ready to see the subreddit tear Casey apart just for not wanting to talk about beme today... and that he doesn't love us lol


👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2015 🗫︎ replies

Lol the t-shirt he has in the last couple mins "I have Beme codes"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/dannydlc1023 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2015 🗫︎ replies

It's actually a good sign that he doesn't want the vlogs to be dominated by Beme, that's the reason most of the people started watching his vlogs. I like to see his work, not Beme (I don't fucking care about Beme). Obviously is always interesting to see how his company is going and how they work but we don't need this vlog to be about Beme. Either way he should start answering some questions about Beme from time to time and this would be the right time to make it.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/JagsTuga 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2015 🗫︎ replies

I really enjoyed this movie. He seemed really happy to ride his (extremely expensive) skateboard. I was smiling all the way through.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/triag 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2015 🗫︎ replies
it's Tuesday morning tomorrow morning I leave for California I'm going to Anaheim for for VidCon which I've never done before and I'm pretty excited about hey I know you what's up my cat nice to see this morning I think you're on the vlog I've been a little overwhelmed with questions about beam especially on Twitter I appreciate it feel free to keep them coming but I really have come to enjoy the dialogue that is this vlog with you the viewers and I don't want to just be dominated by beam so let's make this QA about something else first let me just give sort of the required apology for that terrible noise you're hearing in the background I don't know it's just general New York City nonsense sorry for the noise okay back the Q&A David asks what's your favorite and least favorite part of your average day favorite part is waking up I love starting the day least favorite part is the battle between life do I leave work early so I can spend a little extra time with the family where I get my work done and then I have to see my family less it's like a lose-lose have you ever collaborated with Candice on any work no I'd like to I just find that like work plus relationships is never a good idea so I try to be supportive but actually like collaborating with her I think might be dangerous Rufus asks when did you stop smoking uh you know I was never a huge smoker I smoked for like a couple years when I was like 22 23 running through an airport as fast as I could to catch my plane and like having trouble breathing and that's not was like smoking is for idiots I'm done and I like I quit then in there and I've never smoked again so he's bad Gabi asks how do I realize what I want to do with my life I literally have no idea and I'm 19 figuring out like your purpose or your passion or your mission in life is really really hard to do I've always said like you should either be realizing your dreams or figuring out what they are figuring out what they are is really hard the best advice I could give to how to figure it out is to keep very very busy and for some people that means going to college for some people that means getting a job for other people it can manifest itself in a million different ways but sitting around trying to figure it out will never yield results Danielle asks what did you think the first time you saw Candice Candice was such a babe when I met her and she was so out of my league so the first thing that I thought when I saw her was like I will stop at nothing to get this girl to like me it was like it was a hard-fought battle that one Michael asks favorite hobby running running is the one thing I'd love to do in my free time more than anything else Dexter asks why don't you bike anymore I live very close to the office walking is literally faster than having to lock my bike up that's all my mom wants to know your favorite place to travel and where you would go that you've never been favorite place to travel unquestionably Cape Town South Africa that's Candace's hometown it's where she was born she's so happy when she's there and it's also like this incredible place on the other side of the planet where would I go that haven't been yet I've never been to China I love to go to China by like ultimate goal as I'd love to go to space which feels like it could happen in my lifetime what would you do if you woke up in the morning you realize that the last 10 years of your life was a dream I get to work Richard asks how does Candice feel about you always being at work honestly it's one of the reasons why I love her so much and why our marriage is the success that it is so far is she's really understanding of my not just of the fact that I have to work a lot but the fact that like my work is Who I am and if there is any threat to that that it would like be a threat to me as an entire person works not something I do work is literally the person is who I am it's my identity and she doesn't want to jeopardize that she's very supportive Candice is great rival asks do you love us us the subscribers love is a strong word I owe you guys the people that watch my blog and the people have downloaded beam and the people that follow me on Twitter I owe like so much of my career to the fact that you've chosen to give your time to spend it with me and the stuff that I made I appreciate that on a level that is indescribable like without the audience for this vlog and everywhere else like I wouldn't have so I appreciate that but I don't really know why like some like social media kids and like vloggers say I love you the audience I love like six people on planet Earth two of them are my children so love is a strong word if I'm going to be really honest with you I wouldn't use the word love it's a deep appreciation for the fact that you're so generous with your time and that you're so honest with me and that you say nice things and the comments below it means so much love okay I got to end this right now I have something I'd like to share with you so I have nearly every means of unnecessary motorized vehicular personal transport systems I have this busted white hoverboard this fully functional black hoverboard this ridiculously fun one wheel hoverboard this self-balancing motorized unicycle but but there's one means of unnecessary human whatever I called it before that I don't have that I really want and that's changing today contained in this box is something I literally wanted since I was a little little tiny boy what's that you got there skateboard motorized skateboard okay I've got a lot of work to do today but yesterday I went the entire day without leaving the office literally and that's gonna be different today so I gotta go check in with the team and then I'm gonna take a quick motorized skateboard office break hey what's up guys okay this is the inaugural ride on the boosted board I think I'm doing it right I did not read the instructions per usual hey it feels pretty good I feel like I must not have charged it because I think the battery is dead don't these things come charge I knew I was using this thing wrong this skateboard has an app that's ridiculous and and I was set to beginner mode I've now moved it into Pro Mode Pro Mode okay now actually go 24 miles an hour instead of 11 whoa that's that okay starting to get the hang of it it's a little on the 2fast side there's truthfully honestly absolutely no need for a staple for a skateboard to go this fast it's literally faster than the speed limit in New York City allows yo Casey nice that you are like my hero oh my gosh hi this thing yes right this all right Matt I will see you in California say flight don't work too late it is 11 13 in the PM I have a flight tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. so I have to be up at 5 a.m. and I've impact I'm still at the office
Channel: CaseyNeistat
Views: 3,328,656
Rating: 4.8840966 out of 5
Id: tSCoVPoCt1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2015
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