$10,000 Lego Car Vs Giant Shredder

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that's the Giant Shredder and this is a massive Lego car we're also driving Lego cars on a dangerous bridge crash testing them and of course explosions and then we'll get to the Giant Shredder but first we got to see who gets what vehicle this should be exciting gab's up first you got your little remote yeah it's ready it is with the 20,000 fireworks it'll be fine it's a sh it's good it's in destru I'm ready you're screwed I want to say this is performed in a safe environment do not try this at home are you ready all right here we go in three two one fire in the hole yo it's so alive it's still alive that boy live oh oh you broke it all right well uh now it's my turn I got a tank feeling pretty good about this one I don't know your tracks might blow stranded bro all right here we go you ready 3 2 one light it all right I'm going to start driving oh it's going it looks all right does it still dry backwards it doesn't go forwards maybe one of the gears exploded you're next brother I got this almost 10,000 pieces one of the biggest cranes to ever exist 9 ft tall 10 days to build actually really fast 10 consecutive days with with no sleep here's the deal this thing is so big that the fireworks are going to do absolutely nothing to it or they're going to completely destroy it cuz it has so many pieces hopefully not hopefully not light it up here we go that boy good yo it is still standing I told you it was going to be perfectly fine look at the dangle look at that boy time for level two 20,000 fireworks did no damage now let's upgrade to bigger ones welcome to level two we have boom booms inside of these boxes but only two of them are going to explode ah so there's a chance there's a chance of survival pick a box dang right for the middle yeah here's the fuse let's see if Gabe made the correct decision where are we going run run we don't know if it's going to be a dud or not wait so how do we know if it's a dud or not we wait a long time you picked the right box dude it's still smoking I don't know it could blow up at any time you know what that means ours gets destroyed no no you don't know that it's still smoking I don't think it's a dud James oh oh it's oh oh oh it did a flip oh it's not a done dude it did a flip did you see that it did a flip bro you want to hear the crazy part it did a flip it flipped it let's go see if it's still alive oh that thing is destroyed oh my gosh this is half of it oh look at the front the front of it just got completely blown off oh yeah I think it's repairable oh why' you do you did good yeah now it's really broken no it still drives it's my turn it's either red for boom or green for go I'll say green for go oh and your Tank's Green Oh D thanks bro red for Crane yeah tr's red so that's what I saying I think it's fair that you get the red box all right here we go come here dead dad oh oh all right now the question did I make the right decision will I win this challenge please be a dud man this is a long wait yeah we should have made the fuse like 3 ft instead of 20 you got any final words for your tank no bro it's a dud that thing's not exploding go look at it go check it yeah no freaking way yeah bro that's a dud that thing is not exploding nah dude there's nothing in there there's nothing in there look it's an empty box yeah the tank has won one point for me here it goes oh oh oh oh there it is boys oh oh oh wow oh no now we're going to drive Lego cars across this sketchy Bridge look at the spikes since I won last time I think it's only fair that I get to pick the first car oh that's how that works okay which one you going to pick I'm going pick this one no no the double I have to I have to pick the double decker bus that's what I was going to pick unless you want this one I want that one this one looks cool yes I don't know if I'm nervous for you or the car you guys happen oh oh bro how you going to get it now you know it's meant for the track not for yeah that is true this is a race car so I mean steer it steer it left right it's zooming it's zooming it's going it's going all the way why is it not going um you know it's a Lego car it doesn't really have the most power now I can't even rotate the tires all right my turn time for the double-decker bus and I just found out that it has no steering only forward and backwards yo homie don't break it it looks just like our bus oh wow oh you're stuck slam there we go there we go goab don't stop don't stop need that momentum I'm flooring it oh it's stuck it's stuck someone get a back up back up oh oh yeah oh oh he's going uphill in Reverse oh No Just floor it floor it and straighten out that's impressive oh wait back up back up I can't I can't back up let me help you what are you stop it's your turn bro no one can make it across the sketchy bridge and I don't understand this bus is the buing physics right now all right James let's see if you can make it across the sketchy Bridge so far Gabe is in first place he has made it the furthest go go go go go go go go yeah yeah oh nice nice nice I got this oh my gosh I got this are you going to make it for the game I got this you oh I got this no stuck no there's a PP let me give it a wiggle yeah give it it give bro stop stop stop stop stop stop stop you want me to throw a rock at it yeah throw a rock at it I missed hey the rock made it across the bridge as you guys can see Gabe is in first place he takes the points hey give the bridge a wiggle yeah bro how is the bus not falling oh there it goes on to the next now we've built an entire crash testing site Lego cars will be placed right here and they will fly all the way into this wall and the car with the least amount of damage will will win but first we got to pick our cars go ahead what'd you get pull it up motorcycle you're definitely losing this one I'm going pick this one oh all right Gabe might win and I got a hyper car these things are very fragile not good in accidents it's going to go fast well I'm first this is the coneg yesco and I got my little guys in there this car is freaking crazy dude the level of detail in this thing are we ready say goodbye say goodbye you're I'm so nervous woo here we go in 3 2 [Music] 1 oh oh oh wait I think you're good wait wait wait wait wait wait okay okay so we have a we have a lot of impact on this side what is this get out oh wait hold on kick it was he along for the ride he was in the car there's a moth in there okay hold on let's look at the damage here oh what is that that's the whole front of the car look at that front bumper coming off the whole whole front of the car is missing even the back of the car oh hey it comes up oh my gosh yo but look wait our Lego people are still good they're looking for the pennies between the seats right now I don't know if they're good we got the green machine here the motorcycle O3 with my rider he ain't no Lego man we have a test dummy for this wall little wind shield right here you know we got two functional wheels that spin he's not even going to hit the wall he's going to go over over the wall he's going to pop a wheelie and drive to outer space he's not even holding on to the handle bar he don't need to okay all right go go ahead good luck good luck my friend all right in three two one lift [Music] off oh got left you're supposed to hold on I forgot to hold on I told you he wasn't holding on to the handle bar let's go look at the damage as you can see the bike went like this all the way down hit this and just disappeared it's in not too bad of condition dude dude honestly it looks better than what it was it's it's all right these are all the pieces you lost it looks like it's the side pieces The Protector pieces you know cosmetic oh the whole tire is coming off the The Rim my dude oh it just deflated the flated blow back up oh well stop you're just trying to rip pieces off at this point I would say that so far far me and James probably have equal amount of damage to our vehicles but let's see if games is going to survive now it's time for my humy I got a guy up here at the front cuz I know he'll be fine one holding on to the engine and one guy just uh checking everything back here making sure the car is good to go I just want to say this thing is insane I mean this minigun like actually spins the the back opens up you can see the entire engine oh it's just crazy dude and we're just going to crash it all right here we go here goes nothing 3 2 1 oh what H that's not fair we have to do that again 3 2 1 tire fell off again a lot of tires fell off what if we just took the tires off of it what I'll just send it like this since you just want to crash it a third time cuz it's so strong 3 2 1 yeah that was a good one I think you got the worst brother oh my gosh dude look at the front the whole front is completely gone we got doors over here we got oh oh looks brand new so well I think it's safe to say that James definitely won this one you definitely had the least amount of pieces crashed I thought I was done for when I got the motorcycle and now we're going to put Lego cars in a shredder you won last time so gets pick first I'm going defer and let Gabe pick first this okay ballistic missile okay so I just want to go ahead and say that Lego cars that we have for the shredder are massive look at this thing dude there's so many wheels on this thing it's like 3 ft long and the missile hands up yeah all right go ahead James don't break it what you got what you got what you got oh why why what' you get what' you get he got a train choo choo I got the smallest one and there's James's Lego thing oh it's so cute oh the final card is for me I got a tow truck oh yeah boys yo this thing is freaking massive yo this this is the biggest Lego car I've ever seen and it weighs I kid you not this is probably like 20 lb it's 11,000 pieces oh man well one less talk about your uh what's there to say I got the Polar Express it's going to be crushed easily if I had something big like your guys's I wouldn't have an issue I actually think I have a chance of survival but James it's game over bro all right here he goes just push it yeah look at it go oh there it goes oh oh oh oh bro this is just the tiny Lego vehicle get the other one in there my train just turned into a boat it's a submarine now it's more like the Titanic good luck sad sad day can we just take a moment to appreciate how beautiful and M massive this thing is here we go 3 2 1 another another we just ate the entire thing 11,000 in pieces gone all that work just for 3 seconds of fun now it's time for games the missile truck this thing is huge good luck bro it's going to make it that Miss's Too Tall knock it over I think it broke the machine he jammed it does that mean Gabe wins like for real n it still works he didn't break it it still works I think it's safe to say that no one won this one zero points for all of us the machine won what are you doing which means we're all tied with one point comment down below who you think won the the challenge
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 2,534,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: wa94UuFfalM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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