I Made Rocket League in LEGO!!

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today I'm gonna build rocket League out of Lego with working controllable cars and huge Lego stadium so I can play the game in real life using Lego also this video is sponsored by Shopify more on them later so step one we need to build the base we're gonna build a rocket League Stadium using base plates and walls we need to start by laying out the base plates we're gonna make this in five Lego base plates wide so now we have to go eight long and then we'll have our stadium and the checkered look is actually not too bad especially with the designs we're gonna be putting over it it's gonna look a lot cooler but for now since we have two different colors who's that the rest [Music] this should give us plenty of room to actually play rocket league with remote control Lego cars the next step is to actually lock these together and then we can build the goals as you can see it's all locked together we're gonna actually put blue and orange details on it because those are the two colors in rocket League of most of the stadiums the plan for this to actually have two remote control Lego cars that we build and we can actually play rocket League I even got a special Lego soccer ball the next step is to build the goals that are going to go on both sides of this for the goals I got a bunch of different pieces too we have a lot of clear pieces because the backs of the goals are kind of clear sorry I was just sick my voice is like so we got some curve pieces for the corners that are way too big wait a minute all right this is the size of the goal here so let's just build up this a little bit and get a feel for where the glass is going to go [Music] this is right here and then over in front of that we have this that should work so let's take this we'll connect these together with these plates and then connect the next section [Music] [Applause] and that goes right there now to actually hinge this we can use these special pieces on one side we'll take one of these erlings and we'll put it right here so we can connect this and now we can hinge it and then on the other side this piece and then we snap This Together nice and now we have a hinging go it's very beautiful and then we need to build up these walls because these are also cool [Music] thank you now on the design I'm going with there's like these tanks so I'm gonna build a couple of those let me attend these so now we gotta build nine more of those and then this goal is basically done all right and now we've done it we have the rocket League goal it's now just gotta build one more of these with blue highlights and we can connect these to our base so right now the Stadium's looking really good we're going to build the outside ring that'll go around it and the designs on the actual field of blue and orange however it's not quite complete yet because we need to actually build cars to go in it and for the soccer ball I actually have something really cool I went scouring the internet for a Lego soccer ball and what I found was the only soccer ball that's actually the right size for this would be the Lego McDonald's promotional soccer ball these are like little Lego soccer figures so you push them down and then the kicker kind of moves so you can just but anyway the important thing here is we have a Lego ball for our rocket League now we need to actually build cars so that we can actually play rocket League to power each car we're going to need a battery box and this switch is on and off and then we're going to connect that to a infrared receiver the reason we have this is so that we can control two separate Motors on the back of it with a remote and for the drive motor what's gonna actually Propel the car we're gonna use a regular motor snap we turn the battery box on and we push the red button our motor starts so we can control the speed of the car with this one and then to turn the car we're gonna actually use a Servo motor and the servo motor has this really unique property where it only turns so much so that's how the electronics for this is going to work so we got to do is combine this into a tight compact space and just basically create a base for the car so we can add designs and whatever spilled a couple chassis for the wheels so we can get the scale I want Wheels with a lot of grip but I also want them to not be ginormous snap together two of these axles put the wheels on those so now we kind of get the scale for one of our cars okay so now we just got to build the steering mechanism so you put those in there this will be rigid with the body and this one will turn now this is the worst way just to build this I've just showed you um so that's not how you actually want to do this the way you actually want to do this is by looking at all the mechanisms Legos made to turn things and copying them whatever this vehicle was this one turned that's the mechanism I just created oh I'm dumb we can use this mechanism we just have to fix it the connection Point needs to be flush with this piece here yeah that's why it's good to build Lego sets because you learn a lot from okay so to make the steering mechanism actually work we're gonna do is we're gonna put this piece in here and snap in two of these and then we're going to take an axle and put two gears on it the Turning part kind of slides around a little bit so you do need two gears I think next we want to do is grab one of these and this has like you know little gear notches on it it's like a gear rack but small and connected technique and I found a great way to attach wheels looking at some Technic sets that Lego actually produced click on one of these and one of these you want to make sure the tires the connections for those are on the liftron it's going to be static and then on the bottom side we want to actually put this piece and this will control the steering so now we just need to connect this now I've connected to my battery box we want to make sure it's straight so this actually works check it out [Music] okay so that's perfect and this does have a differential on it technically since these are both on separate axles for the back we actually do need to build a differential so the next step is to build the back axle on the car and figure out how to motorize that so this is the back axle we have and this is wrong because we actually need to put a difference put an axle on this side put in your bevel gear like that so you can see they can turn it separately of each other with a differential it's actually easier for the car to turn because the wheel on the inside turns a lot less in the wheel on the outside and if that's the same axle you're gonna have skidding and it just is not efficient at all and so now we just need to make this spin using this motor so to attach this to this we could do is we could take another block put this inside of here does that fit it doesn't fit okay this differential fits we're gonna use this one nice and then we can attach something to the top of that to make that spin and we put a little bevel gear through here I think we can so now if we put that there we can still spin it like that we have a good gear ratio here for torque and then we just need to activate this year well we could we could Mount this here and then all we got to do is make a little connection between these two gears and the way we can do that is just with a track let's hope this fits around and put them together cool okay so now if we plug this in it should work and it does check this out the stop one wheel the other one still spins now that we have both those on there we have turn right and left and then we have forward and backwards that's really compact too so that's like perfect now you've got to attach all these together I'm using some ripped arms and stuff hahaha okay so now we know this works we need to build one identical to it that we can cover them with designs and finish building the stadium all right so now we have two perfectly functioning buggies the next step for these is actually design them like the cars from rocket league and make them look cool I think you want to make the first one look like the octane and while I'm doing that I'm going to tell you about this video's sponsor Shopify Shopify is an all-in-one Commerce platform that lets you create your own online store easily it has all the customization and theme options to match your brand and it's user friendly so it's really easy to manage and learn last year I saw the limited drop of Oobleck crash dummies using Shopify and I was able to create a storefront that matched my brand and the style that I wanted I was definitely a beginner to selling things online but using Shopify made it really easy to set up and manage thanks to you guys we sold out of ooblecks in like three days Shopify makes Commerce easy and accessible for entrepreneurs at any scale to sell their products online or in person and they have Integrations with all the major social media platforms like YouTube Instagram Twitter Facebook so it makes it easy to integrate your store with the following you already have or to grow your following alongside your Shopify store just finished designing the first car to look like the octane from rocket league for the second one I think I'm gonna base it off the Shopify Rebellion Esports car because it looks pretty cool and they've sponsored this video creating a storefront with Shopify is a great way to grow your business or to get a head start on your entrepreneurial dream that's a big word so if you want to check out Shopify yourself you can click the first link down in the description and sign up today huge thanks to Shopify for sponsoring this video let's finish our rocket League Stadium alright so I just finished designing the second one as you can see I basically just reskinned this design so here as you can see we can go forward we can go backwards we can turn the other one works clear as well this is going to be really really fun I'm glad these things work the next step we need to actually lay down the design for the stadium we're going to try and recreate the design for the dfh stadium we're gonna need blue and orange pieces to lay down all over it luckily I ordered so that it will match the actual design in the game so first there's a light blue straight cross we got to go all the way across this way okay so we got the majority of the orange laid down however I just realized on this side in this little shape here on the actual map that's filled in with dark bluish gray and to keep it real to the actual map I have to fill that in with dark bluish Gray I found the super cool Hammer I put in my crazy Lego products video but it's actually really nice boom okay somebody's got a hammer in like a bunch more plates foreign now these are all locked together I'm just gonna do the same thing for the other side now we can put these back now we take this and this thing slides under here I accidentally measured wrong turns out this one is four studs longer than that one but it doesn't really matter the Gold's line up that's all that matters also I just want to take a quick second to remind you guys to subscribe if you're not already we make super cool uploads and I'm trying to get to a million subscribers this year so please consider subscribing it would mean a lot we only need like a couple hundred thousand so I'm building these areas three studs wide because it gives it like the perfect thickness you know this is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be can't wait to build the walls that go all the way around those are gonna be the coolest part though [Music] so I'm gonna take this one on my phone I'm simply going to reflect it and that we just need to now build an orange I had a simple trick to make building easier if you have something that's like flat and you need to get like the opposite of it instead of like doing all the measurements backwards [Music] look how nice that looks it looks like there's some glyphs on the side but it's really just supposed to be designed so now the next step is to put ramps all the way around this what I mean by that are walls so they're going to literally come out like this so that the cars and the ball will stay inside of this so here's how we're going to do that so we basically want to make a curve like this that goes all the way around kind of like a slope so the cars can like bump into it and basically the ball can roll down it however this needs to go all the way around our 8x5 base plate setup so I bought a bunch of Lego tiles these are all six by six Lego tiles so basically if we take three of these attach them like that that creates a good slope first let's just attach some hinges together let's grab some plates and since we're inverting the curve instead of curving this way like we usually do we're going to curve this way so that means we will just need two by twos we're gonna jump a plate on that one and then now we can hinge it like that we just need to build up the plate layers underneath so we get the right angle and then we can copy it on the other side something like this should work to go around the entirety of the outside however there's the areas on the edges that are at like a 45 degree angle and then let's just work on the curved part I have these pieces and these are some really interesting wedge plates what's nice about these is if we attach it to this changes the angle as you can see when we put these together they still kind of hold the angle but it curves so we need to do that again all right guys check this out it's gonna be satisfying it was really satisfying in my head to be fair to actually attach it I'm attaching these pieces and these are like these little stand-up hinges so I'm putting them backwards right there several points along this that now attaches it to the base plate now on the back here I'm putting in place these braces because it works a lot better using Technic just a couple Technic pieces and wow does that work good look how beautiful that curve is we're going to put glass up on the top and then we're going to do that these are Lego plastic panels that are clear and so we're gonna take one of these on each of these and just go all the way and we just got to connect that with probably brackets that'll go around the entire thing looks super cool and then we're gonna do something really cool and add lights to actually make it light up this is going to be like the coolest part of this whole project and it's going to look really cool around the stadium [Music] now if we wrap this all the way around the outside is that cool or what [Music] all right guys this is it we finally finished it it looks absolutely beautiful we have both of the cars in place ready to go I think these actually turned out really good with the shaping and stuff I even included some decals on the Shopify car but the pieces connections may cause us some stability issues either way though they look sick the stadium just turned out really really good and the LEDs really really make it look a lot cooler honestly like I'm super happy with this thing we have our ball here and this is gonna be what we're gonna try and get into the goal also as a quick note I modified the remote so as you can see this is how you steer and this would be forward and backward and we're gonna actually play rocket League I have my sister Ella who's gonna come over and actually play with us and we're gonna see who can score the most goals in eight minutes and now as you can see it's on the wheels reset and we're ready to go so this is Ella my sister and we're gonna actually play rocket league so let's use your car three three so we're gonna go for eight minutes and see if you can get the most goals in eight minutes wait three two one go I kind of figured there's a break off oh gosh I don't know what to do ooh Railroad oh God hey it's over me no oh my gosh no oh wait yeah so on two to one right now and I had a tiny bit of practice so I'm gonna give you like a five second hit such a good background I'm pausing the timer again okay go oh yeah I forgot to give me a head start nope it's kind of very breakable wait I got it I got it I got it I got it yes I got it I got it [Music] you're supposed to give me this one the cards are a little breakable but that's just because I designed them to be like look like the actual cars but where's removing Parts as we go you know kind of how the game works sorry the wall is just taking it right now being good [Music] [Applause] let's go my car's just gonna be with nothing left get out of my goal that's cheap you can't park his head wow it's a lot faster without the armor on it's kind of an advantage yes all right there's a minute 40 left on the clock and it's three to four let's go how come you always start before I go oh your whole car's breaking yes yes so good here ah that was it though which means I win we look equally torn up though that's true huge thanks for watching if you enjoyed click on one of these videos popping up on the screen and make sure to check out this video sponsor Shopify first link down in the description GG why do you just like just say good game no because GG is a good game
Channel: Brick Science
Views: 2,258,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, rocket league, lego rocket league, rocket league IRL, rocket league lego cars, lego cars, lego soccer, soccer with cars, shopify, brick science shopify, brick science, brick science rocket league, brick science ella, riley, lego build, lego rocket league stadium, lego octane, how to build lego octane, how to build lego car, remote control lego cars, rocket league challenge, irl content, entertainment, TD Bricks, Sacred Bricks
Id: -kOzKYYc1l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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