1 COLOR LEGO Challenge!

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today we're going to see who can build the best Lego sculpture using only one color and to see which color we're going to get we're going to spin this wheel Christian can go first all right please be a sucking color oh come on purple that's literally my favorite color wait really yeah please not pink blue that's not bad that's a common color so we're going to go on brick link and we're just going to have a budget of $250 to buy whatever bricks we want of those colors I'm going to go on Crazy K brickling store they're also the sponsor of this video but I really like them cuz they ship super fast so if you need bricks they're like one of the best brickling stores to go to I'm just going to sort by my color blue and now all the bricks I'm going to find are blue so I can grab different ones I'm still not sure I'm going to make we'll figure that out later so I've never used breckling before so I have no idea what I'm doing what I'm planning on ordering um a bunch of these guys less of these less of these and then a minimum amount of these and then hopefully that'll give us enough where we can build a sculpture and have enough pieces to get details so just trying to visualize stuff here so we're going to find our bricks order them and then we got to wait for them to get here so we can build all right so we just got our parts and we're going to build for 3 hours before the judge is going to come and judge who's the best build starting now here's the parts I got I got some bricks some 2x sixs 2x4 bricks and blue since blue is a popular color we also have a lot of that like in studios for some reason I got a bunch of Lego studs don't really remember why also since blue is a really popular color we have the option to use Technic bricks and that'll help us if we want to add any cool features to it now I got to figure out what I'm actually going to build all right so we've got some some purple bricks we got some plates that's not a lot of plates I thought there would be more but all right we've got these guys as our hinges purple pants so I can place this guy here and I can put a brick on top of here and I can control the angle we've got these guys going to be a little bit of our plating some of my favorite pieces purple printed tiles so from a distance I can maybe use these as like an eye of a creature so I've decided to build a dinosaur skull the T-rex skull in fact I got to start by building the bottom of the JW I think I'll do that with 2x4s on these base plates that are luckily blue they don't make purple base plates I honestly think building a dragon would be the coolest so we're going to try that out first I know it's kind of like Riley's build cuz he's doing a T-Rex we're going to see if we can make it a little better than his so I'm going to start by building the head so what I'm doing is building the jaw up and I'm going out every couple bricks to give it like the right shape so now once I get third layer on here I can pop off these base plates and then start adding teeth to the bottom of it we got to overlap on the inside as well so that that none of these pieces will fall apart because it is trying very hard to fall apart this is so blue is my face turning blue yet you know blue is my dad's favorite color same with everyone else in my family maybe not using a reference is like going to be like really hurt me in the end here just comes out like a child drawing she's like oh my God we're going to incorporate this tile as like the eyepiece cuz I've got several colors here and I can overlap them to kind of make something interesting well the dinosaur can have like a white um dinosaur wait a minute you guys got to watch this guy I want this to be a display piece something you could put in your house and just I'm going to put this in my house hey look at that we got a T-Rex bottom skull piece so the T-rex skull has teeth on the bottom and then it has a bottom jaw and a top jaw with like a bunch of holes in it for like nostrils and eyes and stuff so I got to figure out how to make those without it falling apart because structural soundness is ideal look like the most confusing mess of like just purple everywhere you see my table I hate how you could like go as big as you want because you have all the blue in the world and I have just so little purple aha we have his face kind of going there I like how it's going this this kind of looks like he's snarling a little bit all right now that I got the jaw down I'm going to build the teeth and I didn't think about this when I ordered the pieces so I should have gotten some round pieces but I can build teeth out of these so if I add that to a little snot brick then theoretically I could do that and then just like line a bunch of those around the outside actually that might work really well it's all about the randomness especially when you're doing like a creature because God designed All Creatures to be different how do we make neck for this thing we need to break down the complex subjects and something simpler going have to have a joint here and here to connect to another joint which will be coming off here so he has more of a neck I need another hinge up and down hinge yes that's what I need and then hinge this one will be strong enough to hopefully hold the head ah there's an underbelly ah you guys can't see anything aha he has spikes on the back of his neck that looks kind of cool all right I'm going to call that good for the neck and then we're going to work on the body next and then we're going to start having more of a dragon here I hate to see it but I'm kind of proud of myself right now this is looking so cool I'm so excited to see what it looks like that does look cool all right so now we have the bottom jaw done the teeth do look pretty cool you got to admit I also built in some techic bricks right here so I can attach the next section of the jaw because those are blue so glad I didn't get like a color that's not blue now we got to build the top JW I think I'm going to trace this shape onto some paper this is definitely how Master model Builders do it we see the rough outline of it here so we can get the scale what are you doing making a stencil what so now we know how big to build the next one without having to have this over here I'm going to start with plates and then put Technic bricks over them so that it'll be super strong on the inside and it won't fall apart so this is going to be the wings this this looks like a crazy pile of just nothing but these are going to be Wings trust me it's going to be so cool sad thing is uh my reference the wings are like cut off so I'm going to have to like make up what a wing looks like but I think that's what a wing looks like you see this guys all cool Riley doesn't have the details so this is going to look very interesting in a time lapse cuz you see it start to come together and it's not a bat trust me all right so I added a bunch of Technic bricks on the bottom and now I'm going to go and put blue pins through because Technic makes blue pins this is our dinosaur skull we have to just build out the lip a little bit more and then I can run some Technic through there to hold this Jawbone UP so we grab some of these guys this guy here this guy now watch this snap this guy on look this plate here stops this from going anymore backwards which holds up the jaw oh my gosh that's dope so that should hold it up theoretic I don't know if it will once we get all that weight on there but now we got to start working on that we got to totally beep up this upper jaw and then work on curving it over to make the eye sockets which is going to be the hardest part I hate how it's taking me an hour to make a couple Wings it's not a blueberry Dragon looks like a grap fine Dragon actually this is the dragon wing and so from what I remember right how it works is there's normally a bigger section like this and then it kind of like goes into a smaller section here and then this comes out to a tip now bird wings are like a giant fan going to here and and then it's kind of some wait I think it's just a fan all around I don't know what I'm saying I should probably stop talking uh let's continue building keep making the dragon wing we got 1 hour and 20 minutes left I need to build the top part of the skull what I want to do is start building a frame that I can then copy and leave room for the nostrils there's one that goes across here and it goes so I'm going to start by building that another super important thing about like building these these kind of builds is overlapping so if you build you want to make sure overlap your pieces like this because this thing needs to be stable and it is pretty stable right right now look it can open and close yours can't do that this is going to be like so fun like an editing like the final reveal when I set mine next to yours cuz yours is going to like Dwarf Mine by like so much now I'm connecting this top part here as you can see so if I build these guys up just a little bit more like that is already basically it so there's two shapes here that kind of bridge up into this to make the nostril holes and then we have these big eye sockets that go here we're doing really really good this is this is turning out better than expected so so far we've got our base build which is the dragon neck which is finished we're working on his body I just need to figure out the kind of scale I want to work with probably because of time I'm going to re leave stuff a little uh bit of a half Rush state so it's not going to look that pretty I just want to point out this genius technique there's no purple bar hinges so Christian used this bar right here and like some purple Clips they're genius thanks right here at the tip of the nostril I'm also adding just a few of these little teeth pieces that will add angle to it so I basically have to close in this Gap around this head and build this piece up to here no oh shoot I got to have teeth too rushing just got to finish this back part here and cover this up we are so so close throwing everything I can at it to get the shap before we run out of time uh we actually finished up a little early which means the judge is late so I'm going to use the extra time to support up the bottom half here make his legs bigger and beefier so he can actually stand up on them and like do a better job with his tail he can't really support himself it's called teamwork yeah for the thumbnail all right and our mystery judge is here Kanda what's up Kanda big mystery so we're both given one color to build something at using only that color and your job is to judge which one is better and I'm going to reveal this to you this is build one the B- Rex oh so this one is mine I'm wearing blue we figured you'd kind of figure that out cuz he's wearing purple I hadn't but thanks for explaining that I had a bunch of teeth around the front here I also made it so that you can kind of open and whoa you kind of open and close it a little Don't touch don't touch it it's a little bit fragile you can see on the inside I use Technic to like re enforce it and like recertify it all these holes were super hard to make this one's like the nostril this is the old factory Center I don't know all these terms okay this is my build the B rex why is it called the B- Rex cuz it's blue and it's a T-Rex the B- Rex it reminds me of Jurassic Park really what partk I'm just kidding and that's my build so now I got to move don't touch Christian's having some last minute issues the judge is waiting Christian I'm going to just try and get it so his head doesn't fall so back here we wow that looks a lot better we brought this to life I like how it's all purple too yeah except for like the tail bed which I okay I'm just kidding here it is whoa can it Fly um surprisingly yes really yeah it it can stay about 5 seconds before it the ground show her yeah cool you can move them around and put them in different positions I spent the most time on the head and the neck you can see by its more detailed than everything else cuz this is kind of rushed he can't stand sadly I wasn't able to finish his legs make them strong enough to do that well you know upper body strength it's not a very big talent for pterodactyls she just called yours a pterodactyl oh no it does look like it what is it a dragon it's a it's a grape Dragon my bad I had dinosaur on the brain it's almost like one of us started building a dinosaur and then the other one was like ah I like his wings whatever the heck these are the fine pieces that is pretty cool I like that I can touch this one and Christian doesn't yell at me touching it oh was fine I would like to present this trophy to Christian oh thanks because his paroda Dragon um it's so rig there's two trophies for chrisen in a row let me touch his GG Christian GG all right huge thanks for watching guys check out one of these two videos popping up on your screen and also subscribe see you in the next one see you bye
Channel: Brick Science
Views: 432,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, legos, brick science, LEGO Tutorials, lego mocs, 1 Color Challenge, LEGO 1 Color Building Challenge, LEGO Challenge, LEGO 1 Color Challenge, but you can only use 1 color, TD Bricks, Sacred bricks, Brick science christian, Christian, Riley, LEGO Diy, LEGO Building Videos
Id: dET7f8CfTuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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