CrankGameplays Memes

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Ooooohhhhh Over thirty thousand sunrises and sunsets. Full moons, half moons, crescent moons. Seasons coming in and out and in and out just like the tides *Ocean sounds* Ethan Mark Nestor will finally make the video he promised to make a million fucking years ago Welcome, to the meme video! (sarcastic yays and confetti) Woops! January 31st 2018 is when I tweeted out about this May 30th 2018 (some laughs) is when you will be res- this is when I'm recording it, this is not even when it's going to be released- WOOPSIES So awhile ago, I tweeted out "gonna do a video where I look at some sweet CrankGameplays memes. Send me your dankest memes from the channel and make sure they're hella lit, fam." #guccigang I fucking hate myself (laughs) So, a lot of you guys replied with some of your favorite little memes from the channel. So lets go through them today, okay. First off, we got, uh, from @vestown some just great quality (laughs at self) The mouth is so small. Just some really quality photoshop work here- some really- I like this one a lot. One- it's a good picture of me, but two- it's me holding a pair of mes, holding a pair of pears. Wow, good job ves! There's a whole lotta- There's a whole lotta weird photoshop stuff There's a whole lot of my eyes being really big, really big mouths- This one's not photoshopped, it's just blurry. And then we have this. This is just mean. This is just mean. (They ask you how you are, you just have to say you're fine) (and you're not really fine, but you just can't) (get into it because they would never understand) Oh, Ethan can't get verified, oh, ah, funny! Lets photoshop a verification take mark on it. Oh, funny, funny, funny! You bet I checked! Ah, Tasha, coming in with the sweet spot the difference game. That is... pretty simi- ah- I mean- mm- that's pretty accurate, actually. Ah, I never knew that I was a filthy rat. But I am. Another classic: the sweet lens flare thing, oh there's that. What? (giggle) Also, it's you cammy, I know you! You always do a bunch of memey shit on the channel. What are you doin? What are these? God, these are all awful. Oh, oh, oh, oh, now these, these, these are the worst. These are the worst things I've ever seen. AGHH. Not only do I not like it because it's fuckin' feet, and feet are gross, but also, my face on a foot. UHH- I DON'T LIKE IT. @vanillalunar, were you formerly @vanillanestor? What did I do to disappoint you? Ah, a classic, I see; it's a play on words. Oo. because my username is CrankGameplays This movie is called "Christmas with the Kranks." They put my face over everyone's. Ahh- that- look at that shitty kid (giggles). OH NO! I've never seen this before (laughs). It's "Getting Over It" but it's me (sighs). Oh god. Why- why did you do this? God there's just a lot of really horrible pictures of me on here Oh-except for this one. God. I am HOT Alright! Step it up a little bit with the- with the memes here. Come on! What do we got? What do we got? You know we've got predictable ones- Ten minutes into youtube and chill and he gives you this look Mm, mhmm. We've heard it. That's not me Get out of here. That's not me at all oooh. oh you put nipples- is that? Hold on. Wait. It that my nipples or is that acne? HEEEEY! My face has gotten a lot we can't make those jokes anymore! How dare you Tasha? I believed in you. Did I? (Laughs) This one's really good. It doesn't even have a caption which is why I like it so much It's the "where's my super-suit?"but it's probably "where's my cranky crew?" (claps) I see what you did there. Hey! That's funny. Oh.Oh! oh-oh no. It's not its- it's this. It's this one. *disgusted ohs* Lee you did good. Good? I don't know if we'd call it that. Is this just a video clip from an old video of mine? (Video) OOH- OOh you got me! No. AHH. I miss-clicked and now I have to scroll all the way back through. I expected more soup group uh representation here in this- in this thread. There's uh- a group chat on twitter called the soup group And they're memey- and they- they've got some pretty quality memes. I have to say- but any of them showing up in here? *Demonic voice* Not really. Where's the soup? Where's my supersoup? Okay- hold on let's see what this is. (Video) Woah I knew it! Got him girl! get the fuck off me! Holy fuck-twats Eh-eh-eeeeh Throw it out. Throw it out Oh god I look like the biggest fuckboi- EVER oooh. NOOOOO I'll never touch my hair again. Incorrect God- I'm so ugly in all of these. OOOOOOOH! Dexter. God you guys coming after me with the dogs in my life Well- I mean I sorted through the memes There's a fair amount of good ones. There's a fair amount of bad on-. (Laughs) That's pretty good. Some of you really came out swinging. Some of you really struck out. I do wanna do one last meme that came up in the last few days. That I really love. Where is it? Where is it? Ah- here it is. Sunlight. One of my- one of my favorite memes from this channel right now. (Video) Oh boy wowie wowie wowie wowie wowie. (Ethan) Wowie Wowie (V)Sun. The only form of life. Where did it come from? Where did it go? *echoed* O (Video)Who? (Ethan) Who? (Video) Guide us into the sunset once the sun starts to set? (Video and Ethan) All those questions answered and answered (Video and Ethan) On today's show (V +E ) Hi! I'm neil neilson (V) I'm neil neilson and welcome to (E) (Laughs) SUNLIGHT (V) The greatest invention (E) The animatic is just so good (V) Today we are going to be exploring how sun interacts with our warm course bodies (E) with our warm course bodies. (E) (Laughs) (V) and why it makes the soil (E) the soil (E +V) HOOOOOOT (E) I don't know- I don't even know why I think that this bit was so funny (V) Today we will be looking at the sun- up, down, left, right, many angles of the sun (V) have you ever thought to yourself (E) But I really loved this bit (V) Wow is sure is bright. (V +E) You're damn right it is. (E) I don't know I really like that bit a lot. So okay- this- I wanna point this out Because I did plan on making this video and this just happened around the same time. This is not the point of making the video- I'M NOT ehhhh A SELLOUT Great. Another meme. Ahh. Right here in my mentions? In my good christian mentions? Sunlight- The moon of the day. Wow and it is a reply to this Right here. Wow vestown. wooh Good timing. Dude. Your like 40000 years late fame Or right on time! But because I like that bit a lot and I did some goofs on twitter I decided- Hey, why not make a shirt out of it? So we're gonna be doing a little- a little sale Only for a week so starting right now Whenever this video comes out For the next there's going to be SUNLIGHT shirts if you- if you want them Because I- nothing has gone up on the store in a while and I was beginning like hey- this funny bit. People might like this. Uhm, so you can do that. Again this was not the point of that video I was gonna make this video anyway. I wasn't like- *Thug? voice* "Oh time to lure 'em in and the snatch 'em up with a sweet deal. That wasn't the- That wasn't what I was trying to do. But anyway! Thank you for your submission (Laughs). To the memes- I'm sorry that it took so long. But hey- I forgot about it and there's nothing you can do when you forget- even though I was reminded about it a lot in my mentions. I was like- okay I'll do it later because it's eh eu eh. I don't know but I forgot about it. I'm sorry But now it's here for your eyes. Was it even that good? Probably not . But I mean the source material wasn't that great to begin with. But I tried my best. So anyway I'm going to end this here. It is really cool though seeing you guys make like funny stuff out of the goofs from the channel and stuff like that. Like that animatic. They just made because they thought that that bit was funny. And that's cool and like all the little like gifs and the little memes that you guys make of the channel and all that art and everything. It's very much appreciated. and I know you guys make like a lot of jokes and stuff with the channel And I don't know- it's just cool that you guys are so in- into the videos and into this community and stuff like that. You guys are always so active and engaged in stuff like that So even if- when it comes to like this stuff Like little memes I really do appreciate it a lot because it just shows that you guys are like having a good time and you enjoy being in this community You know I really enjoy having you here. So thank you guys so much for watching. Hope you enjoyed it! If you did be sure to slap that like button right in the face and I will see you guys in the next video Love you all, stay cranky! Bye! OOOH It's the moment you've been (Laughs) Is that how I'm going to start?
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 264,086
Rating: 4.9869852 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, memes, meme video, crankgameplays memes, crankgameplays meme video, reaction, reading comments, reading your comments, reading youtube comments, reading tweets, twitter q&A, q&a, meme reactions
Id: g1mT88qUdvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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