Easy PORK JERKY Made In The Oven - How To Make Pork Jerky

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it is time for some more jerky but it's not beef jerky or chicken jerky today it's pork jerky i'm gonna take a five pound pork loin trim it up get it into some good slices put it in an amazing marinade let it have several hours in the oven to dry out and at the end of the day we're gonna have some amazing pork jerky so i'm starting with a pork loin here now you can use any kind of pork you want but some are going to be better as an end result than others pork fat to me doesn't have the same sort of flavor that beef fat would have now a lot of people when they're making jerky will leave that fat in they won't necessarily trim it off the cut of beef they're using to make beef jerky if you're making jerky for preservation it does help to remove the fat because the fat has a tendency to go rancid first i don't make my jerky for preservation as i've always said the jerky's gone within a week i keep it in the refrigerator so if you want to do it for preservation that's a whole other thing this is not how to do it that way but this is how to make amazing fresh pork jerky this pork loin i'm using today is fairly lean but there is fat and we're going to take the fat off the outside that's the way i like to do it i'm not going to get in here and remove these fat veins those are just going to be there and part of the jerky but if i flip this over that's a lot of fat we're going to get that off of there [Music] want to get this down so there's just bare meat left you might lose a little bit in the process but for me that leaves a better end product i think i mentioned that this is about a five and a half pound pork loin pork tenderloin also works very well for this [Music] all right so this is not ready yet you can see it's pretty squishy and when you're making your slices for jerky you want to try and get a really straight edge even if you don't want super thin slices a nice clean edge is helpful in keeping the pieces a uniform thickness helps them dry out about the same rate so this is going to go in the freezer for about 30 minutes to firm up that'll help us get cleaner slices and while that's going on we're going to make our marinade so the marinade for this pork jerky is pretty simple now i'm doing it in the oven because that's a super easy way to do it you can do it out on the smoker the electric smoker the pellet grill those both work great anywhere that you can maintain a temperature you know in that 160 to 175 range that should work and if you're doing it on some sort of smoker you're going to enhance the flavor by adding smoke when you're doing it in the oven if you want some of that smoke flavor in your marinade you could add a little bit of liquid smoke i know a lot of people don't like that but it is an option i'm not using liquid smoke today i'm using a seasoning i've used before which is terrific so let's get this marinade done we're starting with three quarters of a cup of soy sauce you can use low sodium regular soy sauce tamari whatever you want to this i'm going to add about three tablespoons of honey next i'm going to add one teaspoon of a coarsely ground black pepper and now for that smoky flavor component i'm adding one tablespoon of a south african smoked seasoning from trader joe's i've used this many times in videos and it is just fantastic i'm just gonna whisk this together get that honey incorporated this may not seem like a lot of marinade for five pounds but it's going to be fine this pork is going to marinate overnight in the refrigerator in this just a quick little taste here mmm really nice smokiness from that seasoning i really love that and the honey just cuts the saltiness perfectly if you want to cut that saltiness even more a little bit more honey or some maple syrup or something will work or you can even use brown sugar the idea in this is to go for flavors that you like all right let's get our pork loin out of the freezer slice it up and get it in the marinade all right so this has been in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes i could let it go longer if i wanted to but i kind of got to get moving on this it's still a little bit soft but i don't want it frozen solid so i'm just going to go ahead and i'm going to square off this end first [Music] set that piece aside that'll still be jerky we'll deal with that later i'm just going to start making slices just about like that i like mine somewhere between an eighth and a quarter inch thick [Music] another thing you can do to have smaller pieces that are easier to manage is slice this straight up the middle like this in fact i think i'm going to do that so here is a pile of cut pork pieces and it's time to get them in the marinade gonna fill this bowl and get everybody coated these pieces are going to stay in this bowl in this marinade overnight i'll probably shift their positions stir it up a bit probably three or four times but i want to give these a good probably 16 hours in this marinade as you can see there's plenty of that marinade sometimes people think you need a lot like cups and cups of marinade this is going to coat all of these pieces make sure you separate them get every surface coated all right this is looking good i'm going to put a cover on this bowl it's going to go in the refrigerator overnight and i'll see you tomorrow when we make some terrific pork jerky well good morning our pork pieces have been marinating overnight in the refrigerator i shifted their position two times went in there you know just gloved hand moved them around got that marinade redistributed now it's time to rack them up and get them in the oven and remember you can do this out on a smoke or two if you have a smoker that'll go to lower temperatures that's perfect i've done it in the electric smoker the pellet grill works great but for super easy the oven's hard to beat so i'm just going to start taking my pieces putting them on the rack here and i want them to not touch if possible they will shrink up and pull away so if they do get a little crowded it's not the end of the world and if they're too wet from that marinade go ahead and dab them off with a paper towel that just aids in the drying time if they go in super super wet it takes longer but if you want to leave it on you can it might just take a little bit longer but these have absorbed a lot of that marinade overnight now i'm going to be using several racks today this is just one here and one thing you can do at this point before it goes in the oven is hit it with a little bit more seasoning if you like a certain rub or a certain commercial seasoning you like go ahead and sprinkle a little bit on what i'm going to do right here is i'm going to hit these with a little bit of texas best rib rub from heaven made products this is really great on pork and so i just want to give just a light dusting not a lot and i'm not doing both sides i'm just doing one side you can flip it over and do that if you want but i find that this is enough you're going to bite through it it's going to be on this side all right i'm going to go ahead and get the rest of these on racks and then we're going to get them in the oven [Music] so my oven has a dehydrate function which allows me to set the temperature fairly low if your oven doesn't have that you can set it somewhere around you know 165 to 175 i set mine to 165. 175 is pretty much the top but if you have to go to a higher temperature because your oven doesn't go any lower you're just gonna have to monitor it and see how quickly it's drying out so i'll see you back here in a couple hours and we check this jerky all right we've been going just about two hours now let's see how our pork jerky is doing got nice color on that but it's two hours it's not going to be ready yet we're looking at something closer to four or five hours to make jerky using this method it can take as long as six or seven depending on the thickness of the cut of the pork how much moisture but so far this is looking good we're just going to close this up and let this keep going we'll check this again in another two hours all right we've been going four hours let's have a look at our pork jerky [Music] jerky's got a really nice color on it pork jerky tends to have a more reddish color than a beef jerky which gets that sort of darker black color let's just see how we're doing here let's peel one of these pieces up let's see how that bends just a little bit more to go i want to see that start to tear and not snap but it's still holding together so i think we've got at least another one maybe two hours left i'll see you back here in one to two hours all right we've been going five and a half hours now i think this jerky's probably done if not pretty close to done so let's take a look that is looking really good let's see let's try this piece here and i want to see it start to break just like that you can see it's not snapping now you can take this to any level of dryness you want this is the level of dryness that i like i don't like it super dry i like there to still be you know just that hint of moisture in there so this is looking exactly the way i want it i'm going to get this out of here let it cool down for 10 or 15 minutes and then we're gonna have a taste all right here we are our finished pork jerky now i did a quick weigh on this and it's just over two pounds now i didn't use all of the jerky pieces i couldn't fit them all in the oven i saved some of those that i'm gonna do separately on my electric smoker so it was probably about three and a half pounds of meat that went in and we have about two pounds here of jerky and it looks fantastic i am just dying to dive into this so it's time to taste so let's see i'm gonna take this piece here now you can see on the back here you get some of the lines that are impressed there from the baking rack if you want to flip these over halfway through the cook or every hour or something go ahead but i don't really care it doesn't bother me if one side has a little bit of that look on it it still tastes the same so let's see that is some fine pork jerky and one of the things i really like about being able to do it in the oven is just convenience not everybody has a smoker or a dehydrator but most people have an oven even if your oven can't get all the way down to that you know 165 to 175 if you have to do it a little higher than that you just have to watch it so it doesn't dry out too much too quickly or get past the level of dryness you want but for me this is perfect and as i mentioned i don't make this for preservation this is going to go in a ziploc bag in the refrigerator i'll eat this over the next three four five days it'll be gone before you know a week is out if you want to make this for preservation look for some other videos on youtube that show you how to do that i don't make it that way because it gets eaten pretty quickly and i like this with a little bit more of the moisture in it not super super dried out and this is just really tasty so if you want to expand your jerky repertoire beyond beef or chicken or turkey pork is a great thing to turn into jerky i like using a leaner cut like a pork loin or pork tenderloin slice it up give it a great marinade maybe add some rub before it goes in the oven or the smoker give it that time and you'll have fantastic jerky
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 52,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, jerky, pork
Id: ORqg-_9YRp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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