Craig Ferguson - Creepy Moments - February 2014 HQ

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do you know who lives in Peachtree Road Atlanta Elton Sean he named one of his albums after it the driveway to Elton John's house is frozen over right now so he prefers his guests to enter through the back door what are you applauding races your suspenders going on I call them braces because I'm not really from around England they call embraces and England and in Scotland they call splendas are what ladies hold God yeah that's what you know that like the ladies garter belt that importer when they said Larry King's wearing suspenders I'm like hello then I'm like a disappointed how is funny I knew that if we kept talking something funny would happen it's a great day for Katy Perry and John Mayer who are rumoured to be engaged it's true I always thought they were a great pair and I like John Mayer to know why my father smoked a pipe when I was little though did he solve crimes I wish he wasn't crying no he's just a dude who likes it it was the seventies man pipes were in oh that kind of pipe all right you're old you know packet pipe kind of thing no that sounds even worse the favorite to win this year's the dog known as komen door you have picture of komen door see I'd love a dog like that it's just you just Leonardo just rule I don't use as a mop your floors will be spotless just put a bit of you know the tears off you gonna roll around and we could save my vacuum cleaner for what I really need it by special alone time what is my vacuum cleaner half jazz the proper amount proper amount of suction I looked up what year you were born in tiger yes I'm the year of the tiger you are growl what are you well I prefer to call the animal a rooster other people say it is the year of the for me Julie that's every year so I've heard like you know it's been a long time since I used anyway surely you've got the that absentee Florian are you a fan of winter sports the first time I went skiing I fell down and got snow and my papa schnitzel it cost me a great deal of pain for many days that's terrible no I loved it now I go skiing every weekend alright temp this is from page in Virginia you've been there Jinyu yeah good luck to the lower portion yeah what Laura Virginia lure Virginia what's the name of the area that you like it's a on the air you sure I think we said everyone else come on it's Ragnarok tomorrow live a little man now man I can't I can't do it Ben I've been instructed not to say anything vulgar we won't get to the end of the show no I know all right this is one page in Virginia what purchase lower Virginia oh yeah I said dear Craig and Jeff which of you has a better evil villain laughs clitoris I was answering your question all right yes okay so you are Austrian pretending to not be Austrian yeah for for money well I know how to say is yeah cuz this is impossible you already said all I know how to say is yeah so you're from Austria yeah you enjoy you enjoy tiny little sausages yeah where do you enjoy them yeah this is really giving me nowhere to go anyway the event and Winter Olympics that I'm interested it's called the skeleton because it's called because the thing they go down on looks like a skeleton do you think that it might be a joke in their job nope but I'll give you the gold medal okay well you serve III try to serve my dad's our surfer my brother's surf I get I can get up don't make a joke out of that something I get up when I say and I kind of go in a bit of a straight lines sometimes I get a curve on better skater a better skateboarder and snowboarder than I am are you is this therapeutic yeah for you it's there every time always like this mocha it's a great day for baseball do you enjoy the baseball to help the base play it's America's pastime it is indeed did you ever play baseball I did it played with a lot of balls in my day yes I had baseball were you when you were playing baseball will you have pitcher or did you do the catch I was a catcher 11:30 here we come this is from Liz in Portland Oregon or we've been there oh yeah good place what did we eat when we were there we had that's alright to me all the time it was you and I well I'm sort I'm weirdly big on oral health it's like a thing with me I mean I make my living with this this mouth you only get one of them just for the record just for the record I don't do I didn't do anything there
Channel: TheBetterQualityVids
Views: 147,394
Rating: 4.8507462 out of 5
Keywords: Craig Ferguson, The Late Late Show (TV Program), Creepy Moments, Funny Moments, Compilation, February, 2014, Fun, Funny, Late Show, Talk Show, Geoff Peterson (Fictional Character), Weird Horse, TheBetterQualityVids, Better Quality Vids, HQ, HD, High Quality, Top, Secretariat, Winter, Alfredo Sauce, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Larry King, Elizabeth Banks, Julie Chen, Abbie Cornish, Winter Olympics
Id: uARSUlF11Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 07 2014
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