Crafting your Fortune - BEST Smithing Guide | Bannerlord

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I have discovered a method that will  completely revolutionise the way you   make money from smithing, and astoundingly,  I’ve not seen anyone else talk about this. I’m   going tell you exactly how you can quickly  sell all your crafted weapons hassle free,   without the need to spend years  in game going town to town.  But first I want everyone on the same page,  so I’ve made my own comprehensive smithing   guide that will take you from your first lump of  charcoal to an expansive and flourishing kingdom   brimming with prosperity. I will put a timestamp  if you just want to know the selling method.  My favourite time to start the smithing grind  is Clan tier 3. At this point you should have   6 companions, a wife, and most importantly,  a heap of weapons from months of battle loot.  The first step is to refine wood into charcoal  until you and most of your companions are   smithing level 25, where I recommend everyone  choose the ‘Efficient Charcoal Maker’ perk.   A good start is to also buy wooden hammers  that provide 3 hardwood each and are cheap.   Alternatively, a common place to buy the cheapest  hardwood is the Battanian town of Seonon.  Second step is to smelt everything  available. When I finished I reached   level 50 and choose the ‘Curious Smelter’  perk - smelting unlocks parts and the more   we learn the better we can start the next step. The simplest way I’d recommend beginners to start   smithing, and what I do in my playthroughs, is  to focus on 2 handed swords, they’re the easiest   to learn new parts for and can quickly become  valuable trade commodities which brings us into   Step three - using every companion, make 2 handed  swords using the highest tier components currently   known, then looking at cut damage. Component tier  is more important so choose that over cut damage.   One other addition is to only use the handles  that allow both one handed and two handed,   even if it’s a lower tier – experience is  almost entirely relative to the value to   the item and these handles add a lot to  the finished product. Check the trader   for reference and these are worth up to 800. Smelting weapons unlocks parts the fastest so   we’re going to get our main character-only  to smelt these new weapons with his new   100% unlock rate perk and our companions will  continue smithing with the newest components.  Repeating step three again, Tier 2 parts  have dropped in so we’ll change the recipe   and check the trader to see if we’re going  in the right direction, these ones are worth   up to 1,320, but we’ll be reforging these again. One more cycle and they’re now worth 2 thousand,   but we won’t stop until we unlock more tiers. Its worth noting that if you are running out   of crafting materials, you can dedicate one  companion to refining to help make additional   higher value materials, or buy Pugios, they  provide one of every bar except Themeskene. Tier 3 parts are appearing, and these are  selling for over 7 thousand. When Tier 4   parts come out, they’re worth upwards  of 10 thousand which means we’re close.   Again, focus on the highest tier handle that  allows 1 handed and 2 handed use, then the   highest tier of the other components, then as high  cut damage as possible. For this particular one  I’m using the Tier 4 Fine Steel Paramerion Blade, Western Crescent Guard,  Reinforced Jewelled Two-Handed Grip, and Western Lobbed Pommel. This requires   3 fine steel and 4 steel. A more economical version   will be to swap the blade with the Tier  4 Pointed Falchion Blade, it sells for 2   thousand less but swaps fine steel for wrought  iron which is significantly more accessible.  Now we’ve unlocked tier 5 handles we  can see they are all 2 handed only,   to test it, I made 3 swords with the same parts  apart from the handle, I made 2 with different   Tier 5 handles and one with a Tier 4 handle that  also allowed 1 handed use. remarkably the Tier 4   handle contributed an additional 3 thousand  to its overall value compared to the others. We hit smithing 175 and are met with an  interesting choice ‘-50% trade penalty   when selling smithed weapons’ or ‘-50%  stamina spent while smithing’ meaning we   can craft twice as much. A quick tip to help you  decide: if you’re aiming for your character to   reach smithing 275+ and take the perks that  increase the chances of making ‘fine’ and   ‘masterwork’ items then you probably want to  be the one smithing, so I’d take the stamina   perk – but if you your companions to do most of  the smithing then I’d recommend the trade perk. Currently, our best weapon sells for 23,346.  after taking the Trade Penalty perk it’s now   worth 37,076, a 158% increase. Now,  looking at the town Car Benseth,   we won’t be able to sell that here. If  we’re lucky we might be able to sell one   of the cheaper ones and have to move on, not  anymore. But first, we’re going to need MORE. This might not be the most valuable 2 handed  sword you can smith, but I can never remember the   recipe’s I made in previous playthroughs and this  was the best I found while filming this video,   I’ll name it ‘Shoe horn’. It sells for 27  thousand and does not require any thameskene.   Buy pugios or use a refiner companion  and this is an easy bulk money maker. Which leads us into step 4 – make as many Shoe  horns or any other profitable recipes you know,   the higher the value the better, don’t cap your  earning potential by making cheaper swords so you   can sell them in towns, use your crafting stamina  efficiently and go for the most valuable weapons. Now here is the revolutionary method,  normally with this amount it would take   an in-game year to sell all these but I don’t  want you to waste that amount of time anymore,   you don’t want to sell them in a town,  thet would only provide around 40   thousand denars each time, here’s what  you do - you want to find a noble,   preferably a clan leader. These are normally  the ones with blue exclamation marks for quests. Heres an army leader, he has 72k!   That’s better, and there’s also a clan  leader in there, Vyldur -he has 106k! Found another army, aradwr has 76k,  Melidir has 124k, Ergeon has 151k Here’s not only a clan leader but a kingdom  ruler, king raganvad is willing to trade 160k! This is good but this isn’t even the best way,  now this EVEN BETTER method works best if you   are in a kingdom as you can summon lords to you  quickly by creating an army, call all the clan   leaders and wait for them to arrive in your army,  barter with them exactly like we just did above:  I sold 106 thousand to Sajaruan. 274 thousand to Oros  And 838 thousand to Dagunic. Then dismiss  them from your army. This is where the magic   happens - wait one week then call them all  back into your army - look at these results:  Sajuruan now has 264 thousand, more  than double what they had before.  Oros has 567 thousand, more than  double what they had before.  And Dagunic has returned with 1.1 million  – we ran out of weapons to sell him,   but he still returned with  a huge increase in funds. This goes to demonstrate that regardless of the  quantity of crafted weapons in your possession,   a mere in-game week is all it takes. This  efficient approach saves a significant   amount of your time, enabling you to proceed  with your endeavours of world domination. I hope you found this video helpful and if you want to have an NPC named   after you in my next video, consider  becoming a member. It would not only   contribute to the support of the channel but  also brings me a step closer to being able   to dedicate myself to this pursuit  on full time basis. Until next time reinforce Jules tool handed for this particular  one I'm using the tier 4 Feinstein Para   I'm using and Western lobbed puddle again these are normally the ones with  the blue exclamation this efficient   approach saves a casino wait wait  wait wait again smelting weapons   and our companions will con all by pujios  they provide all by pujios they provide one   then again but if your companion it sells for  27 000 and does not require I sold 106 000 to   which leads us out Pinterest which leads us which  leads us I'll do it again I'll do it again wait
Channel: Bim94
Views: 23,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V181wvQWLRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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