Empire Only World Conquest Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord Guide

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this is my attempt at a bannerlord Empire only World Conquest a challenge where I can only use troops companions a wife and equipment from Empire no affiliation with any other existing kingdoms no mercenary work or vassalage at all even for the Empire we will be working ourselves up from the bottom on our own death is enabled meaning finding an Empire wife and growing a family of heirs is essential as even our character can die of natural causes Iron Man mode is on so any decision or outcome is final no reloads plan we need to reach plentif 4 to be eligible to create our own kingdom and start the world Conquest but to do that we need renown fastest way to grind this is to fight battles at a large disadvantage winning tournaments and general warmongering the only other thing in our way is money we are going to need a lot of money to keep on top of expenses peace deals and payments for Lords who we want to poach from other kingdoms I spent a lot of time creating the perfect character I can never think up good names so please welcome Maximus Decimus moodius father of unborn children husband to an unmet wife seeking Vengeance and hopes you are entertained by this video started slow with tournaments and looters and when we got a faster horse and better gear I decided it was time to take on the desert Bandits these are the easiest of all the bandits as the foot troops don't have Shields and don't throw anything you just have to be careful with the horsemen after a couple of successes I got too confident ended up going down and becoming a prisoner this is a small setback but a setback nonetheless we bounced back and which planned till 1 after 28 days we repeat this process until we had forty thousand dinars 190 riding 174 bow when we started recruiting Companions and shortly after that in Autumn 1094 we hit Clan tier 2. now that we're established it's time to start going town to town recruiting we also started the smithing grind and soon hit 100 Smithing and can craft 10 000 Dana weapons reliably as we grow we move on from small bands of Bandits and start hunting minor Clans for better XP for us and our troops in summer 1085 we bought four workshops hit trade 125 and chose the Artisan Community perk that will Net One Renown per day for each Workshop that's making money and made it to tournament Master which also brings one Renown per day so we can passively earn up to five Renown per day this contributed to us reaching clantier 3 the same month as we are now approaching plenty of 4 I will be on the lookout for Rebel towns to take to get an even bigger Head Start we could take on a weakened factions town but we don't have access to the kingdom panel yet and won't be able to pay for peace which would mean certain death now we are finally treated as a noble and can enter castles without needing to bribe guards we start looking for captured Nobles to break out for relationship gain so it's easier to recruit that Clan later on we see out the month by meeting debana we spoke about leadership Valor and charm and got married soon after in summer 1096 two years in we reached our first 1 million and to celebrate the banner fell pregnant back in the field two consecutive couch lances nearly killed me but we still won the battle and Devana actually had twins straight after we are now two and a half years in and our income isn't quite where I want it to be but we reached plenty of 4 and see the perfect Target to start our own kingdom varshek taken from sturgia by the battalions just turned to a rebel town after forgetting to buy all the food we initiate War starve out the Garrison and start The Siege in an assault and actually manage to take it with only one troop getting wounded in Winter 1087 three and a half years into the Run we start our own kingdom we shall name it new Empire we have a lot of options open to us now that we own property we have been limited to our party capacity up until this point but can now build up a larger force and stock them in our new towns Garrison as reserves to use later on in an actual War where we need to replenish the Fallen sturge have suffered with Relentless War so we join in to speed up our own troop training not too sure what I was thinking but I decided to immediately take a second town the sturgeon Revel it was an easy win after starving up the Garrison but this turned out to be the first of a series of irreversible mistakes as I was just not ready in terms of troop numbers finances and I couldn't recruit nearby as Empire towns and villagers were a full day's March away and I was stuck defending my weak towns from other nations that I didn't want to pay tribute to the war picked up fast on our first large battle occurred a 452 versus 368 which we won and while we were staying at Revel 720 sturgeons started Siege preparations we were fearing the worst but amazingly the forest people who made up almost 300 of this large Force ended their contract with sturgia and signed one with Western Empire meaning they aren't at war with us and just walked off leaving their former comrades at a numerical disadvantage fearing that our own troops couldn't defend their own towns I decided to take us to call Castle so that we now own the entire corner and cannot be surrounded this strategy came at the cost of now being spread very thin sturgia War torn at the hands of the battalions Western Empire the coupsate and then the brink of collapse is reduced to its final town wanting our new land for themselves the battalions who had declared war on us are too much of a threat we are in no state to wage a war on a stable faction that has four times the men we do so we agreed to 4900 a day to keep peace our original plan was to First Take Empire Land one of the mechanics in bannelord is settlement loyalty Oren castles and towns get a minus three loyalty per day increasing the risk of rebellion we are playing as a character with an Empire Heritage and will not get this issue with property belonging to Empire we have not taken one yet as opportunity presented itself first in sturgia but now in Winter 1088 Western Empire declared war on us opening the invitation to take land from them with 550 Men We marched for epicrotia the plan was to starve the mount to make it easier but we suddenly got enveloped by two armies totaling 1100 so sacked the town before they could reach us should have commanded the battle better as I had knocked one wall down but should have removed the siege town battlegram before the attack and told everyone to charge through this hole as the split troops and relying on AI cost 150 dead and we went down but we still won the town the two armies that combined 1 100 launched an attack on our new epicradio's 450 Defenders we took down 600 but they regrouped and launched a second assault 395 vs 937 this time we killed 59 and wounded 274. it's frustrating that they will heal back up and sure enough the third Siege of 380 vs 722 starts we win and kill 355 but lose 112 of our own so decide to make peace with Western Empire and Northern Empire who randomly decided to start a war our daily tributes are now over 10 000 a day I decided to keep the war with sturgia to help speed up training as we need to focus on recruitment if we are to stand a chance in the real wars we are upsetting too many people thanks to all this though we hit plenty of five in the spring of 1089. we then came across some sturgeon Lords and defeated them in the field one of which was the leader of the visoving who we have met before and managed to convince him and his clan to join the new Empire for 78 000s and Olek of the coloring for 48 000 Dinars we now have less than one million we have been at war with sturgia for 123 days and have grown to 3 200 men to stop them raiding and picking on our Caravans I declared peace so we can concentrate on the Imperial lands winter 1089 Britannia are stretched thin and after declaring war we easily take amitatus thorus castle and hertegia Castle all before the turn of the year in the spring vashek is attacked and we rush to help it's a large army of 1183. I thought we would do better in a Siege defense than the field as with the Garrison plus militia we would be defending with 1166 so we decide to wait for the siege to start and then join in the assault costing 80 troops this is one-fifth of the total force of Britannia so I thought it was worth it first assault was easily repelled but as most of the casualties were from manganales only 48 Italians died 229 wounded would get back up to fight in the next round so we Sally downed in a 777 versus a thousand but this was a catastrophic mistake we lost the battle and our army broke we were now a prisoner with nothing when we escaped I reluctantly sued for peace to save the continuing Siege of The Jig this was such a devastating setback as I'd lost all my crafting materials so have no way of making any real money we will have to start grinding again but with cash quickly running out from the peace deals I'd have to think up something fast the real effects of the varsegg massacre came later that year in winter 1090. while still trying to build up our forces far away from our properties having emptied my garrisons of all my Elite troops and Wars breaking out we lose versus hertegio Castle in Spring 1091 the treasury is reduced to zero we do however successfully defend Revel and took an emptied fireshag back to help lessen the threat of Britannia around our properties we took kranaroka Castle but lost the combated in the process rest in peace larosian the ball we are at minus three thousand dinar's debt and lost Rush egg again but may the slight comeback defending amitatis then took poros lookaron dynastica and vostrum while taking shabal Zuma Castle another companion died ashavosh the butcher we have been pushing the southern Empire back but they are willing to pay us tribute to help reduce our increasing debt we swapped Wars and now our focus is Western Empire daily tribute is down to 1 300 today we taking like a run we lost a third companion address of the dispossessed death being enabled is wearing down my limited companions at an alarming rate the problem with switching enemies is that now we are facing a fresh Kingdom while sieging zionica I was trying to crack the walls as we were slightly outnumbered but then two armies are missing almost a thousand forced us to March early we ended up going down it was one to one but we ended up losing and while wounded my options were to send 51 against 104 or Retreat disorganized with a large speed penalty and with a fresh 1 000 troops waiting to catch me my only option was to Auto resolve I was not feeling confident and I needed my luck to turn but we actually won it and feeling immensely proud I watched the hungry 1000 March away we reach clientia 6 in Spring 1093 and the next few years are spent slowly making mediocre victories gaining a few castles here and there and retaking lost Ones it took everything I owned but I had a nice idea to buy my wife's family the Maestro karos over to my faction or we would have to eventually face each other in battle then I helped my father-in-law take nicolovia Castle we are now a force to be reckoned with almost 1 000 top tier troops in my clan Army but even that isn't enough to escape death as we lose another companion festos of the Hills we have been in debt for over three years and have paid the northern Empire 1 billion angered I Declare War while they are weakened by simultaneous walls with the cousin of landia and Britannia you can see that vlandia asurai and the northern Empire are the superpowers on the map and we have established ourselves among them I discovered a convenient wall climb million Castle but couldn't do much as I had very low Health we did end up going down but won the castle and I took out 1 000 Northern Empire troops with us on 21st Autumn 1094 and after three and a half long years we are now debt free and finally making money our luck begins to change we have had some fantastic victories took Western Empire off the map by taking their last town belgaard and my wife gave birth to our fourth child we recruit our next vassal the serados's looking at the map Western Empire no longer exists sturgia and kuzane are hanging on by a thread we will spend the next year focusing on smithing to fund the wars if we are hoping to topple the imposing flandians and the acerite it is Autumn 1095 and we have our first million since being debt free the acerite took onira but Rebels took it soon after so he took that as a war-free opportunity and took it back off them I was looking at blandia as a war Target as I have potential Wars on both fronts and would only have to look East if we were to succeed I was about to Siege cenopia start the war when two armies totaling 2.3 000 men came into view vlandia is obviously too well armed to take on for now to focus on Empire culture towns and castles I decided to start a war with acerite who occupy several of them I wanted to take properties west to east but their strength seemed to be in the east as they were attacking our Villages and insulted dhonistica so I broke the siege of legata and ran to help it was a three-day March but I made it just in time Siege in progress the next month asurai took an era while we were away we took it back but Army after Army came and took it again we kept this up until we wore asurai down enough to be able to advance we have the 50 reduced chance for prisoner escape riding perk and are keeping enemy Lords to reduce their recovery time in the hopes for a quicker advance and a shorter War we had a huge field Victory when we met 720 acerite and fought them off with our 868 we took out 750 dean of the map while they killed only 19 of ours our vassals want peace with azerite but I say no we continue to push by winter 1096 we have 38 SRI prisoners this is the point I decided not to use the crafted weapon and the Blackheart ax I've been using the whole point of this video is Empire equipment only I intend to play as all the factions at some point and would end up with this exact combination for every playthrough I will switch to fine steel Pomeranian and malevolent just like my companions these new weapons are classified as one-handed and a pole arm and this entire time I've been using two-handed weapons only so my skill levels are almost zero only getting experience from the tournaments we did there will be a large ability drop for our character until I level them up with the help of two of my kingdom zombies I fight in the biggest battle of the campaign so far a 1524 versus 1104 so big that I had to face away from the melee because I dropped frames and at one point the game crashed the next three years are spent steamrolling asari towns and castles and after 305 days of war in summer 1099 asari are no more the next year is spent taking towns and castles from the non-existent cuisine sturgeons while we regroup and prepare for the next Conquest spring 1100 arrives the year Strack gaming 16-year World Conquest speed run finished until we realized that we have paid vlandi a 5 million in tribute and decide that is time to square up to edurant ruler of landia death that died of natural causes three years prior in 1097. we have hit scouting 225 I should have got this sooner but I tried to get a companion to do this so I didn't have to spend the attribute points but I couldn't level them quick enough but now there is a zero percent chance for enemy Lords escaping making future Wars much easier we only need to defeat a lord once no resupplying or recovery we take a few castles and even one of my vassals Olek takes one we find King edurant alone in the fields who strike him down and take him prisoner where he will remain Northern Empire decide to engage in war with us but we will not turn back we will continue to push flandia and if we are to lose land then we'll just double back on whatever we lost we marched to take back legetta there were over 2 000 troops inside but I thought I could just fire manganel most of them out of the way before we charge no problem eyes bulging with imagined corpses I didn't realize them leave just before I reached the gate so I had to deal with a one to two ratio battle where I had 1071 against their 2005. it was the biggest battle of the campaign and a staggering Victory 1156 killed and only 91 of ours died surely was the Agincourt of calradia after this vladia have half the troops they started the war with and it's even been a year in Spring 1101 70 days into the war we see 61 flandian Lords as prisoner in our army and 11 Townsend castles gained Olek has taken two castles as well as varsheg our vassals are definitely putting the work in that winter I recruited my last Lord into the kingdom of new Empire the vlandian berican day rothad who even came with a castle we have left a skeleton crew to man our new castles but anyone taking them are being swallowed up by our vassals close behind we can focus on pushing forward while they clean up behind us this isn't something you can control the AI are just having a good initiative moment our army has become so large that I've had to play with the performance settings as frame drops mean I cannot help in battle without it looking like a PowerPoint and being unable to time attack and blocks properly vlandia is down to less than 10 of what they started with troopwise and we have 84 Noble prisoners we are in a world war at the moment but our focus is to extinguish flandia everything else can wait after conquering most of the West we take the two Rebel towns and Western Empire's Castle before eradicating van DIA from their Homeland I restock my companions in my own party with top tier troops and start to push Northern Empire the war with them started 107 days ago but this is the real start we take the last Castle from the koozai which happened to be an old sturger so released 26 prisoners and sign a peace treaty while we are pushing the northern Empire our allies take the last flandian town odok and that is the end of landia 41 000 casualties inflicted and almost zero total strength do we have all their Lords we sold 88 of them for Amiga 28 000 dinars the next few months we take Northern Empire off the map and sell the 30 Lords we captured including 15 Rebel clang members we held on to for 33 000. Southern Empire who have only been mentioned a handful of times this video have taken a castle but it's just two Rebel towns to deal with now for the Nostalgia we do one last prison break that absolutely fails and end up killing the explorian leader of the lanalian we take the last of the Southern Empire off the map but now must tend to the northern Empire who have just taken a castle summer 15 1104 the day we took the last of the Rebel towns and therefore taken all 120 thiefs the continent is United under the banner of new Empire there's only one thing to do this banned the clan Army after two decades of companionship in review my biggest mistake was claiming the first towns in sturgia I should have waited even for an extra year and seek an Empire town with recruits nearby if there was trouble I wouldn't be more than a few hours away I was unable to replenish any fallen troops let alone build them up being able to stockpile troops in the Garrison wasn't worth all this I'm annoyed I used non-empire weapons for so long it completely missed my character build and there were some really good perks I could have been taking advantage of I wasn't too impressed with the workshops there was supposed to be an early game passive Renown maker but I only bought them when we were virtually Clancy of four already they didn't make any difference financially and I lost a few due to Wars next time I think a better idea will be to go with Caravans at least that way my companions can be leveling up their party skills at the same time I'm still happy with this run this is the first time I've ever completed a world conquest and I'm surprised our main character didn't die Maximus 1070 the year he retired and I've still never played long enough for children to become adults I really hope you enjoyed this video this was my first ever big video and I've learned a lot I'm Keen to do it all again for the other factions so I'll see you in the next one foreign
Channel: Bim94
Views: 91,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guide, bannerlord, mount and blade, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord, strategy, world conquest
Id: Pq3ZtoUkdUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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