Best Companions Ranked Best to Worst in Bannerlord

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companions in Mountain Blade 2 bandlord are one of the best parts of the game it allows you to create your own Fellowship of the Ring to help you bring order or tyranny to Colorado they can fill certain roles in your clan and depending on your luck at game creation give you a substantial boost in the early game but who or how do you find the best companions well in this video today I'm going to give you a breakdown of each companion by roll and organize them from best to worst within that role we'll start out by giving you a quick breakdown of some information about companions that you might not be aware of and please if you are a certain amount of hours into your campaign and don't have one of these companions don't worry about it even the worst companion will skill up and become custom built how you want them so don't think you have to re-roll your campaign or anything like that this is just a means to help you in your first or maybe your next campaign whatever it is you can jump ahead to any part of the video that interests you the most using the chapters in both the timeline and the description also if you don't want to watch the video at all you can simply use the Excel spreadsheet I've Linked In the description below a huge huge shout out to stratgaming for compiling all the information within you can find a link to his channel in the description as well he has a ton of really helpful very detailed download breakdown videos if you go to the wiki for battlelord that's out of date by a few versions and tail worlds has been pretty consistent with adding new companions so you'll find some of them there but not all of them but before we get started if you end up enjoying the video please don't forget to like comment or subscribe help me to become the true emperor of the YouTube algorithm let's get started here on the best companions in Mountain Blade 2 bannerlord booting up the game let's go into just some quick information about companions first it's it's like when you go to look at a recipe and they give you the [ __ ] history of something before you actually learn the recipe but this is actual pertinent information I promise so if you press escape and go to or whatever it is to bring up the menu in your console go to campaign options you'll see the option here to auto Auto allocate Clan member perks so if you don't want to manage a kind of fledgling companion that isn't maxed out on their um skills you would click this button and it all out allocates all their perks you don't have to worry about it just want to kind of quickly bring that up but your companions if you go into our clan screen are going to be found here on the left side of the screen now your family is different than your companions your family does not take up the companion slots that you've got so if you're playing the main campaign or if you're playing the sandbox and you've gotten married and had kids or in the main campaign your brother and you've gotten your two brother your younger brother and sister they would appear in your family location and you can use them for all intents and purposes exactly like a normal companion but again they don't take up um any allocation towards this companion amount and you can expand this companion amount by increasing your clan tier you can see right here Clan tier bonus additional Clan party plus one additional companion limit plus one so those are important things in ways that you would get access to more companions within your clan moving into the party screen we can see we have the ability to create a new party clicking that we can click on one of our Companions and I don't know why it's showing me these other things I guess it's kind of pertinent but you'd have them be a party leader now to this is kind of going to be in its own section when we talk about a specific role but when you're looking for the best party leader you'd want to find a character with your really high leadership and tactics so you'd go to back to parties you'd create a new party and you'd quit Dwayne The Golden now you then from there you'll if I press done here he will I'll just press done I can allocate soldiers to his army they've got his troop amount just like I've got my Trooper Mount and this sets him up on his own party keep in mind though this doesn't mean that you don't have to pay him you still have to pay them and it has kind of an initial startup cost so if I take a look right here my main party wages is 1800. I'm gonna press done I'm gonna press done again and if I hover over this now party expenses have gone to 5100 because I gave him a bunch of top-tier troops if I let this kind of go that that amount will go down and that will regulate and he'll start to actually bring in money which is pretty cool those are all fun things and you can see him on the map kind of doing his own Jam but I wanted to quickly kind of bring that up because it is a large portion of the party process or I'm sorry of the companion process now further into parties you also have your individual roles now this is what we're going to be really focusing on throughout this video but I want to kind of help break this down for you and I've talked about this in my beginner's guide video but you've got each one of your four roles your quartermaster which is pretty much going to increase your party limit your scout which is going to give you the sight on anything that has a certain radius around you so you if you have a higher Scout skill you'll be able to see further away from you um surgeon which is going to help out with recovering troops uh making sure that your troops don't actually die they just get wounded in combat and engineer which is in the extents of the campaign map is concerned it helps you out with sieges if you're a governor can help you out with buildings and stuff like that but if you are if you assign no one to these roles the party leader is automatically assumed to be in that role if I click this it gives me a list of all of my companions and if I hover over each one it shows me what perks would then apply to this individual in that role so myself Constantine I've got 280 Stuart I've got all these perks effects increased party size bias plus 70. but this guy and increase party size by 0.5 so oh well I guess I know who's going to be the Quartermaster the Scout let's look at myself well I only have 11. track detection radius Max track difficulty spot distance track information that's all pretty low but if you look at this dude who's already in the front he has 143 Scout he's got all these perks that are that are attributed to it and all these effects that are kicking in will do him like this dude oh well he's got 80 surgeon or 80 medicine he's he's there so basically kind of quickly look through these and see who you want to be in these roles because that's who we'll be talking about we'll also go into of course I hope you're going to be the best Caravan masters best Governors and so on so forth but I did want to quickly show those things off and this these these roles apply to the perks so there's a bunch of different perks right we're going to go over that right now by clicking this button and we'll go to leadership I'm going to hover over this one this is governor and then Dash party leader so that parenthetical notation tells you how this perk will apply to you I've used a cheat console to boost this character up for a stream for tail worlds don't look at him as anything your character should never be level six with all these red numbers red numbers this is all a bunch of cheating but just ignore that part so that parenthetical notation here for governor Dash party leader tells me that the top line of this perk applies to being a governor since I am the main character I will never be a governor so let's click over to Dwayne The Golden here and we'll go to leadership we'll hover over this one party leader slash party leader you as the main character are assumed to always be the party leader but Dwayne The Golden we just put him in charge of an party so he is now a party leader so he would get both of these perk attributes active as the party leader over here party leader and Governor well only the party leader portion is going to be active here party leader party leader so you get the point if I look at Steward you'll see quartermaster okay reduce food consumption while in an army by 10 I have assigned myself quartermaster so quartermaster will apply to myself if I had another companion and they had this perk this perk would only be active if they were in the quartermaster role one last example just to really drive it home doctor's oath surgeon your medicine skill also applies to enemy casualties increasing potential prisoners now because that one character was assigned to the role of surgeon he gets this perk but also you see personal meaning it will always be active regardless of what's going on right because it's just a personal attribute so increases Max Health by five so hopefully these things kind of give you a good idea of how companions operate in the world the other big thing I wanted to talk about too is how to find companions so you find companions by simply bringing up the encyclopedia and I'm using a mod here to to show off some things we're going to talk about in this um in this video so ignore stuff if you're if your encyclopedia doesn't look like that it's called the encyclopedia extender mod you can find it on the Steam Workshop but you're going to go ahead and go to Heroes and then you're going to look on this left side you can look for occupation Wanderer is what you want to find this is what it'll look like by default well we want to go occupation Wanderer you can click alive but it won't really matter so I shouldn't show you any dead ones but from this list these are all of the companions available to you to recruit into your um into your clan if it says you know my clan name is valdor so this says merovic of the valdor that guy's already in my clan so I don't have to worry about it but these are the companions we'll be taking a look at and we can find them quickly by okay let's look at lavalios of the Hills and wow music's bumping right now um again ignore a lot of this information you shouldn't be able to see equipment cell value level prisoner or Army in fact I'm going to collapse this and this um you won't even actually be able to see his attributes you'll only be able to see his skills and then his last scene location which is quasira which is actually pretty dated already so we can press this button to add them to a bookmark to find him easily if we want to but mainly we want to find where he's at right so quasira that's one day ago okay that's pretty far away but we'll press track but before we even do that before we dedicate ourselves to doing this I'm going to keep the encyclopedia right here I'm going to close we're going to go over here to poros I don't think you have to go to the tavern District but I just do it because I think that's where they get the rumors and then we're going to go in and out basically press n okay see now that says lassina quasira today rather than one day ago so it updates all of your Wanderers locations for you to quickly find them so you now have to make the Trek all the way over here to quasira to find this companion if you do that though just stop in on towns along the way to make sure he's still there he might have moved over to HUB Yar ariakis or sonala they randomly move every so couple of days but that's how you would quickly track down any of these Heroes uh diathan diasma pretty close actually no that's actually pretty far away still but see that's kind of just how you do it you you look on the map let's say okay the shield made in okay she's a domestica that's not too far away that's right over here okay we can go get that so finding your your companions um is a pretty big part of the situation and if you don't know how to do it it can be very frustrating so this is pretty much the main way you would do it right you just go through this list you find them okay koias and all these say today because we just popped into the town and updated here for us so that is how you find your companions across the list let's start getting into some of the best companions here in Banner Lord so the first character we're going to be taking a look at is the Scout some things to keep in mind here are that when we take a look at this list you'll have a different list that looks somewhat different from this it's just an Excel spreadsheet and you can organize it however you see fit but when you take a look at this you'll see wastes Hills horse thief Huntress it doesn't matter what their first name is it only matters what the last portion of their name is so going back to the game really quick let's just take a look this says Castor the boar uh Cole Hal uh Cal Thief blood ax that little ending portion iron belly Dead Eye willow bark that's the kind of the notion of uh who this who that character actually is so looking over here uh we also see the culture it's worth noting that the acerai have the best single focused characters you want the best Scout it's an asterisk Scout you want the best um surgeon it's an asteroid guess what if you want the best engineer it's ass or I actually might be it might be engineering I can't remember we're going to take a look because it's in this video but also keep in mind that you don't need to find the very best character like I've said a million times now because take a look at this guy right here this black character the blondia black 80 scouting but he still has 160 bow he has like a 120 two-handed 90 Athletics he's still great at other things and on top of it even if you got the lowest Scout skill character at the beginning of the game they're going to increase in Scout skills so quickly so don't worry if you don't get the very best or it just hasn't spawned into your game so to kind of give you a real quick way before we break down you know the best actual Scout you kind of can see its wastes here um let's take a look at acerai and wastes so go back to the game return game so we have our Wanderer Heroes encyclopedia so culture that's what we're taking a look at not Kingdom because Kingdom means that they're part of that Kingdom culture is what their what their culture is the character themselves like Cole Cal Thief says culture botanian so let's click acerai well I don't see any of the wastes on here that's okay like I said actually I think this guy is of the wastes yeah he has fat feet of the waste so this character is of the waist but let's assume that I didn't have him let's click blondia and we could then see okay this is a shark loud Dead Eye well that's that's the second best right well what about petanian horse thief and this is how you would kind of do it you just kind of go down click the cultures okay cool we got the horse thief right here he's got a hundred Scout skill I'm gonna go pick him up and I'm good to go so now that we've kind of gone through how to get the character let's just quickly talk about what ones are the best and the wastes obviously has the best single Scout skill I always try to focus this character because on top of it they've got really good bow skill what that means for me is that I can use that character as the captain of my um range regimen my my archery um Infantry foot archers archers um so I can make that character my captain so it fits a two purpose role he'll also give bonuses to Athletics and if I actually have him in control of any fiends he'll make really good bonuses to the fiends so I find the ways to be one of the best single companion characters because scouting is great to have boa is going to be good to benefit your archers and like I said if you're putting a bunch of fian archers the battanian noble Line This benefits them even further on top of that if I were to jump down from wastes I would actually skip over volandia of the hills because yeah he's got 120 Scotty and 91-handed and 120 crossbow which is great if I'm doing a vlondian build but I'd prefer the battanian horse thief because he's got great one-handed and good pull arm as well as throwing riding he just is a better more well-rounded character that allows me to pull into say I can place him on Horseback and have him be a really good commander of my um riding characters I could put him on foot and he would still give really great bonuses to my infantry because it was one-handed he doesn't have any Athletics but still he has pole arms so he's going to give bonuses to any infantry that has both one-handed and pole arm and if I had to follow this up with another one that is not the very top pick it'd probably be the tracker which has 150 one-handed 151 pole arm 125 bow I mean you can see this is just such a well-rounded character that it could make them the captain of virtually anything else I couldn't make them a a party leader but they've got a really great role in the tracker I think if I couldn't get the wastes I'd probably go for the tracker if I had to be like honest about it I'm losing 40 scouting skill but I'll earn that back so quickly so I would just search valondian uh culture look for anyone with a Tracker surname onto them and find a really good character that could fit into the captaincy of almost anything I need them to within my Army moving into the best surgeon we have the acerai scholar which is Leaps and Bounds Above the Rest now unlike the Scout which had a bunch of really fun Dynamic options for your surgeon it's kind of a very linear playing field everyone for the most part has as you can see 71-handed 70 throwing in 70 Athletics the asteroid scholar has 30 more one-handed 20 more throwing and 21 more Athletics so they're naturally better in those roles so they can fit into those roles as sergeants I've personally never found the need to put the surgeon into the sergeant role I'm sorry into the captain role in the battlefield just because I always find that I get you could find a generic one-handed non-roll-specific character that just fits a better Captain role than than a than a surgeon and I just don't want my surgeon to get ripped apart so I don't know why I just I I never make them captains so their their combat capabilities are always kind of never a focus of mine but the it's a linear progression like I said you have the Blondie and bitter draft at 60 but then at the asteroid scholar 120 finding any one of these though to be totally honest with you is way better than nothing A lot of people recommend you know just you be the surgeon and you get your surgeon skilled with 25 for the first perk it is very nice but I'm getting just 60 surgeon right out the gate allows it so that you don't have to deal with as many uh wounded well I'm sorry as many dead soldiers you get more wounded soldiers which come back to life right they they get back up so getting that asterisk scholar at 121 in your early game is a huge Boon but finding the Healer the surgeon the willow bark of the bitter draft is still going to be a massive Boon to your campaign and if they haven't populated in your campaign yet they will or they might uh companions come and go from that companion list this is something I forgot to talk about a little bit ago but in the beginning portions of the game you'll have less of a companion pool to pull from and as the latter portions of the game progress or just as days go by more companions will populate into the realm and some will actually leave so if you don't have any at the start you might get some later just kind of keep those things in mind but this is arguably the best uh medicine or scholar The Scholar is the best surgeon in the game with 121 medicine moving into the best engineer we have again the asteroid engineer his that's his title is just engineer now there is an Empire scholar and it's important you don't get the Empire scholar and the asterisk scholar mixed up it's why this culture tab is so important because now if I search for if I want to go find the best surgeon and I'm looking for scholar and I just go oh I found a guy he's a scholar he's perfect it's him well you probably maybe found the Empire scholar and he's actually just going to get a decent engineer well used to be used to be the best engineer actually so make sure you are actually looking for the proper Assyrian engineer now you can see he has got the best engineering at 80. um but he might not necessarily be truly the best engineer I think it kind of depends on what you want to use the character for outside of engineering if you want him as a governor or something like that well he actually doesn't have anything good when it comes to Steward trade or medicine but he has at least decent crossbow at 120. the cazette guy of knowing has a hundred crossbow which is okay but he doesn't really have anything else truly I think the best actual engineer is the blondian Wainwright who has 110 bow because you probably have access to a lot of bow characters he's going to have 60 two-handed and 50 Athletics so this will at least give him abilities to threaten into other things if you put him in sieges with you he'll actually be able to be at least a somewhat competent captain and um he'll just be able to kind of hold his own a little bit better if you want to jump down a little bit more a curse it's going to give you more bow more two-handed and more Athletics but you lose 20 engineering now unlike Scout or surgeon you're not going to have very many opportunities to increase engineering for your companions let alone yourself so I would try to get the valondi and Wainwright if I could um barring that because eight knowing or azerian engineer just I think that's kind of dealer's Choice whichever one you have access to the 90 one-handed on the engineers nice and all but I think the Wainwright kind of has a little bit more to offer to you has a competent captain of archers with 110 bow and plenty of perks to give attributes to uh versus 90 one-handed where you could like I said just find a generic combat companion you could replace that but again for engineer I would focus on trying to get the max engineering you could just because they're with scouting you wander around the map you're going to increase your scouting with surgeon you get into combat you're going to increase your medicine skill engineering has such a niche level of uh Niche level of trying to improve the skill that it's really just get the guy with the best one and just walk away from there it's also the companion I don't think you really need to worry about um I almost never feel the engineering role and I've won plenty of sieges so it does help to have an engineer in Siege 100 because they can set up the camps quicker they can build better Siege engines actually and they get access to Siege engines quicker but you might have a better engineer in your army when you're sieging so it won't even really matter if you just have a oh this NPC who's with me another Nobles got like 180 engineering well it defaults to him being the engineer for the Army so I wouldn't worry about that as much um the worst engineer is the boar but solely because of this engineering skill he still has 161-handed 170 pole arm some good writing I think on here nope I was wrong I thought he had good writing um but still uh the boar even though he's the worst engineer is still a pretty solid character and with great one-handed and great pole arm so it kind of goes to show you from a lot of what we've talked about so far the best single skill character isn't always the best character and that's what I'm trying to kind of impress upon with each one of these sections is that if you don't find the best one it's okay there's probably plenty of other things that other character does that are really good that they're really good at and you'll get skill points and the other things that you want them to focus on over time so let's jump into some other roles that you can fill with your companions moving over to some of our best captains I want to talk about the best infantry Captain for your army now again this is going to be very variable depending on how your army composition is made up and I've organized this list by one-handed skill as one-handed skill is going to give you probably the most benefit to individual heavy infantry soldiers but heavy infantry soldiers also have pole arms sometimes they have two-handed skill they definitely need Athletics and every so often they've got throwing depending upon what you're looking at right certain portions of the Imperial infantry line have throwing skill but then they lose it when they become a legionnaire when they have the pilum which can only be well done once well they use it as a pull arm otherwise so what we're looking at is a character or looking for is a character that doesn't have a single skill like scouting or medicine but a wide range of skills to offer that can fit into the multiple types of units that will fill that infantry formation position so taking a look at this and going to organize this from one-handed you would think that maybe the golden is the best single uh character for maintaining the captainship of the Infantry soldiers or maybe the boar but I actually don't find that to be the case even though they've got 180 or 161-handed skill it doesn't necessarily matter and if I scroll all the way down here you've got plenty of characters to choose from so again still don't feel like you're you're going to be missing out but really the best ones in my opinion are are is the sturgeon blood acts you could also extend this to Sturgill biter or cazette she wolf but you could even go further down to The azerite Swordsman all of them have a very similar stat range here of 150 one-handed 200 two-handed 170 pole arm and 110 Athletics this gives them a wide range of traits that can apply to both one-handed and two-handed soldiers so a two-headed Soldier could be something like damn I can't even think between the sort of a fian is a twin Soldier but they're they're going to be in your Archer situation more than your infantry I mean I can't think of a two-handed oh um the asteroid Palace guard would be a two-handed soldier or a pull or uh the sturgeon line Breakers would be a two-handed soldier a pole arm character would be any one of your heavy infantry soldiers that also uses a pull arm but this can also apply to manaliatons or the foxman any of the ones that use those heavy swinging pull arms to do damage so this is a really great wide-ranging character that gets a lot of benefits you could even put the volondian tracker in here which in my opinion might be one of the best single characters for his wide range of skills to apply to almost everything he's got 150 150 151 and all three of those critical Vigor skills and 100 Athletics 100 throwing 100 crossbow 125 bow it gets better a hundred riding so you could put him in any slot and on top of it he's got that 100 scouting that we talked about earlier so I think probably one of the best characters is the Blondie and tracker for at nearly goddamn everything but let's look at what the uh the sturgeon blood ax looks like in the actual game so jumping back here into the into this menu I can see the perks that he has active well well built is personal form-fitting is personal but it's also got a captaincy on here tier three foot troops and Information Gain four percent movement speed this one not going to apply but this one Sprint will infantry troops in your formation getting three percent movement speed during battle so you can see that these things actually very much help the character and help out his captaincy right uh whatever he is too for his type formations your troops received 25 less morale penalty from casualties when using Shield wall Square scan or column formations things that you'll be using quite a bit if there is an infantry Commander so you get a lot of really great things from the one-handed and two-handed and pull arm skill of the blood ax character and I think like it kind of fits right like that the blood ax character is arguably like the best inventory Commander I mean but Cole biter and she wolf both fill the same roles swordsman's the same exact style of role their perks might be a little bit varied and different how the game has decided them and that's again when choosing a lower skill uh Soldier could really come in handy because okay well you know what I'm going to choose [ __ ] I don't even know who right um sturgeon lucky character and I'm going to choose different one-handed perks perks for him you can download a mod that allows you to completely respect them but your best infantry Commander is probably any one of these right here with the blondian tracker kind of raining Supreme amongst all of them because they can just fit so many different roles but I would definitely look to those initially for my uh infantry commanders Switching gears let's talk about the best Cavalry Captain companion that you can have that was a tongue twister and it is the acerai golden character he's also the best party leader which we'll talk about in a little bit here but he offers a lot of great things because he's got the most writing of any companion in conjunction with the most one-handed with the most writing and the most pole arm with the most writing and the most throwing with the most writing why all four of those things are important is of course writing is going to be the chief skill we're taking a look at when it comes to any Cavalry character one hand it is going to be the big thing they're going to use but pull arm's going to be their primary form of damage and throwing is going to be useful if you're taking a look at the asurai ferris character right the noble line of azerite AI has throwing as a very huge and primary draw of them in addition to If you're looking at the sturgeon line you've got mounted skirmisher units that throw weapons you get them in Britannia do you yes do you yes yes you do um so you've got throwing as a really nice thing that you can take advantage of in three separate kingdoms types of care types of Cavalry characters and um you get really good follow-ups after this I mean you've got the Falcon dispossessed and horse thief are all very good but the valondian loud character is also still very great because he's got good Athletics and good two-handed so if this character is Manning or or being the or if he is the captain of your uh Cavalry characters or formation and you go into a Siege he'll still give some boost to Athletics with as a captain of that unit same thing here with the Empire silent character the worst one of course is going to be something like a sturgeon frostbeard which has 70 writing but no one on one hand no pull arm no throwing nothing he does have two-handed which is cool but doesn't even have Athletics to get bonuses into he's really just not geared for I think he's got he's got some good bow but that's really it and maybe if you're thinking purely of a uh of an actual melee Cavalry character the Ragged might be your quote unquote worst but you still get a bunch of other nice skills so you just got to make sure that what you're putting as the captain fits the different roles that that those units or that formation will be taking advantage of they're going to be using that one hand skill if they get if they get kind of Trapped into combat they're going to use that pole arm primarily if they're a specific type of throwing unit or a specific type of Cavalry they'll use throwing so keep those things in mind for your army composition but the asteroid golden character is your best bet here taking a look at his perks in game just to give you an idea of what that additional 20 riding is going to do um it's not going to do a whole ton right because the 150 is the perk level uh but he gets them closer to the next perk level and the perk at 150 for him in this current I think this is all randomly generated for his perks he has horse Archer which is mounted oxygen information deal five percent more range damage that's okay that is what it is but Nimble Steed is very nice because mounted troops in your formation gain 30 riding skill and this kind of comes back to that 20 extra riding that he has above the other character candidates if we go over to our character profile click on writing we can see what writing actually does for the for the individual increases speed Mount or maneuverability matted weapon damage penalty and weapon speed and reload penalties reduced up to I think it's 40 or 50 is when that becomes zero percent but then distance Mount resistance is increased as well so having that 30 extra skill on all of your uh Cavalry characters is a very nice Boon to have again those perks are more often than not randomly associated with the character so don't always kind of Bank on them being there but still my point is that at 170 writing he is only five points away from the next perk level that you can then choose if you bring them into your into your army versus the next the characters below that have to wait 25 skill to jump up to breeder which is actually very good that's only for party leaders and governors or riding horde again for party leaders and governors two things to kind of consider but that golden character is a great party leader let's move over now into some archers before talking about horse archers for Archers we have a very similar cast of characters and you're gonna be not surprised here that the asteri wastes character is the best single bow character it's the same one with the very high scouting skill right I think it's 140. uh yeah 140 scouting so he he kind of serves that Dual Purpose right he can be the character that is your scout as well as the captain of your archers and he brings a lot of great attributes to the table Athletics at 110 which is very nice but it's kind of weird here that the best archers all the way down to 135 are also good at two-handed but not at one-handed the majority of your Archer characters uh Astron Master Archer um the Palatine guard um valondians are crossbows but your cazette Marksman all of your Archer characters use one-handed swords except for the theons which are the best archers in the game and they all use two-handed swords so you can kind of take those things with that not necessarily grain of salt but keep those things in mind that if you know you maybe do want to focus on fee and characters the best Archer is still going to benefit them with 152-headed skill if you want to stick strictly with one-handed you don't want any bonuses two-handed your next best chance is the cazette hawk with 130 bow so you've got that with because he gives access to 120 uh one-handed but personally if I were to choose it would go to again the valondian tracker 125 bow 150 one-handed and 100 Athletics Athletics is all very important for these roles because even though they're not going to be riding down field and attacking things with their um with their swords having an athletic skill is really good because it may help out with their speed their health whatever it is however the perks have been allocated so let's take a look at what wastes looks like in the game here we can see this character and here's two-handed here infantry troops information are leading have their damage increase by 15 against Shields that's not a two-handed exclusive capability so keep those things in mind on the edge and feature troops in this formation you're leading have their swing speed increase by two percent again not a two-handed focused thing in mind it's just a swing speed increase across the board so they don't need to have two-handed weapons to take advantage of this I was just trying to tell you like okay if you don't for some reason like some thematic reason you don't want him to use a two-handed weapon then here here you go use a one-handed one but Bo gives a lot of really great capabilities for captains equipped troops Information Gain five percent bow damage um ignore five percent of armor uh five percent accuracy with both I think the rest here are personal and Governor yeah personal and governor and so on so forth so keep those things in mind when you are deciding here Athletics but troops information gained 10 weapon handling does not regardless of single or two-handed weapon so uh just kind of reinforcing this point it doesn't matter if they're not using 200 weapons they'll still give those bonuses but it's just thematically if you want them to have two inner weapons with the rest of your archers having one-handed weapons or vice versa is up to you I personally find that if you're using a bow and arrow having a two-handed weapon kind of makes a little bit more sense because you can have a two-hour weapon then a bow then two slots for arrows if you want to use a shield go for it you just lose a slot for your arrows so keep those things in mind your waist is your best character um for single highest bow attribute points but if I had to probably choose the best one overall it probably would go to the vladian tracker yet again because he just has so many more attributes you can give bonuses to that will give bonuses to just everything if they're uh uh um everything across the board like infantry and whatnot but let's go now into our horse Archer for horse Archer across the board it's kind of a wild game here um you do want good riding skill but you probably primarily want better bow skill than anything else because you want to make sure that they have good access to those bow attributes that armor penetration the accuracy the damage whatever it is and the kazade hawk wins the game here with 120 riding 130 bow and 120 one-handed of course I'm just going to mention it The valondian Trackers on the list here because he still has 125 bow 100 riding and 150 one-handed so he definitely gives a plenty of options to your characters but strictly speaking that Hawk is going to fill that row I'm sorry that role quite quite well and naturally right because eight are the best like horse Lords right the writers of Rohan of uh of Colorado so they fit into that role quite nicely and even if you just take this guy frostbeard at 70 riding a 135 bow he still will be a very competent archery Commander so again just to kind of bring this point home you don't need the very best one if I scroll up you still have a bunch of different options here for good high riding characters but they might not have the best bow they might have crossbow skill I don't think I even really do to be honest yeah they don't have any crossbow just making sure here unless it's avalonian tracker I if he's the single best character in the game I easily I think probably the single best like combat-oriented companion in the game because you can just cover [ __ ] everything I've said it like 40 times now uh but again here because zadehawk fills that role for that uh Archer quite well taking a look at what he looks like in the game too you see all these perks bow control Bodkin and quick adjustments were ones that we already saw giving access to accuracy ignoring enemy armor and doing that damage to Bow uh full speed on riding is going to help out with mounted troops in your information gain 10 charge damage now that's crucial of course but these will sometimes be randomized depending on what they are but you also get stuff like deflect which increases their combat Effectiveness and um Shield Bearer which increases their movement speed by three percent things that you'll kind of learn to appreciate for your horse archers in Mountain blade Banner Lord talking about the best party leader companion we have to take a look at tactics and leadership in the game to better understand them so for tactics this gives you a simulation advantage that's every time you press send troops and that's what your AI or what the companion is going to do for you if it's leading an army it's going to be using tactics primarily also decrease the sacrifice troop number when trying to get away and Leadership is going to increase morale of the party under your command and Garrison size by 56 not as crucial unless you make them a governor so let's go back to our list and take a look and decide what is the best character and we have three candidates as the best leadership or best uh um party leading companion Falcon golden and Wanderer I like golden as the best character in this slot uh because he just can apply so many other attributes because you also have to look at writing and one-handed and two-handed and throwing in pole arm in athletics he doesn't have any Athletics or two-handeds we don't have to look there but these other skills they might have Perks that he's selected that give him party leader which is the only role that a companion can actually take advantage of right uh wait wait that didn't make any sense I'm saying that this is the only time that that companion can take advantage of that party leader a parenthetical notation on a perk so if they've got that perk and it says party leader slash party leader they don't get that that bonus until they're actually set as a party leader and having such a high amount of perks to take advantage of it increases the chances that he would possibly have a good party leader um perk to take advantage of and having that leadership and tactics to then push into those roles um Wanderer is still good though because he also has 80s scouting so they'll be good at actually scouting across the map for you well for themselves and Falcon is still good here too because they've got decent enough riding and one-handed and throwing and polar just not as good as the golden Golden's got what 40 or 39 more here he's got um almost said 60 here but 59 more here 40 more here uh 69 here it's also not the right number but still um and 59 more there so plenty of skills to take advantage of and the goldness is again one of the best characters that fits that role just a definitely a kind of one of those come all characters that can do a lot of different things and we've seen this character before but taking a look at it from the leadership and tactics perspective we get tight formations your infantryman deal 10 more damage to Calvin simulations they don't get the captain portion that's worth noting they don't get that Captain portion unless I actually I don't think they assign themselves captainship um in the simulations but party leader troops deal five percent more damage in simulations and open bat and Open Fields um plus one troops to join you when fighting in hideouts it doesn't really matter for them 10 more damage and simulations against Bandit parties uh 4xp per day for tiers one to two and these both of these are going to apply here heroic leader not gonna apply at all but loyalty and honor will both apply to him so keeping these things in mind having these good tactics and Leadership characters are really going to pay out for you and it's worth noting too that even if you were to choose the cazette She Wolf which is arguably the worst in the list with 30 leadership and 20 tactics they might still have really good two-handed pole arm Athletics and or one-handed perks that do have party leader so as I've said many many times before don't feel like you're getting shortchanged if you only have because they'd outcast in your in your uh campaign at the current moment they might still make a just fine party leader or you want them to become a good party leader so you assign them party leadership so keep those things in mind also worth noting too when you do make someone a party when you have them as your uh party we're not a vassal right now but you would click this button right here these flags and you could have your party the other party in your clan come and join your army they do that for free without costing you any influence and it is a great way to increase your leadership how maintain high mile in your party assemble and Lead armies and upgrade your troops so this allows you to get a lot of leadership very quickly by simply just leading a army of your army oh I'm sorry your party and another one of your own Clans parties moving over to a pretty linear one we have the best Caravan leader and it's the asteri spice vendor like hands down because this is again a very linear progression your level of trade and your level of Steward are going to make you a better Caravan leader especially stewardship which is going to give you access to more troops in your party as you go so the spice Fender kind of just fits that role immediately you could have the spice vendor actually fill the quartermaster role of your own Army if you want and until you get to the point that you want her to lead a caravan for you and that's not a terrible idea because she has 121-handed 140 crossbow so she could actually lead a valondian unit of crossbowmen if you wanted her to but as you go down this list to the valondian bitter draft you have a character that has got 40 trade and 40 Steward which is not going to make them as good of a caravan leader but they'll still be pretty good in well decent enough in combat across the board here just kind of middling 70. actually they're not decent enough they're terrible in combat I've lied to you I tried to be optimistic on that guy I just wasn't he's he's not going to fit the bill man but you definitely want to make sure that you're getting your Assyrian uh spice vendor or Empire Exile or kazade Swift um below that it's just Rough and Tumble um those are your three Best Bets for your best Caravan leader in Mountain blade to cap us off let's talk about the best governor for your feets for your territories now this one's going to be a little bit more of an expanded discussion because it's not so cut and dry you're not just choosing one simple skill set and going cool it's going to work done if you do want more of an automatic Choice you're like hey I I don't care about building anything out from scratch just tell me the quickest one guy it's probably going to be one of these three the Astra engineer The cazette Knowing or valondi and Wayne right just because they have the most engineering and Engineering increases the build rate or the build speed in which you make buildings within your fees there you go there it is you're done but actually the best character for this has things across multiple Fields here engineering we just talked about that but it's also going to help out with just kind of producing better buildings and whatnot medicine is going to help out with stuff when it comes to sieges recovering from those sieges wounded soldiers in the sieges your stewardship is going to help out with increasing certain capacity within your individual uh Thief maybe happiness maybe loyalty maybe the Hearth which is the basically the population within your entire fiefdom and its creation of militia and what have you trade is going to help out with certain income portions of this leadership is going to help out with the proficiency of your Garrison you have a really top tier Garrison world leadership's going to help with that Garrison size what have you all those things are going to be important so what you do is the best true Governor is built from the ground up and you have to kind of look at things a little bit long term you yourself have to decide where you're going to have your Thief are you going to create a kingdom okay if you're creating a kingdom where is the cultural location of your kingdom going to be let's say you choose any one of the towns in kazee well that means that the city's culture will be cause eight so you want to choose a governor whose culture matches that from there you want to then decide like how or when you want this to happen if you're being maybe a vassal maybe you have a back line and it's just not as important to you so you're just not very quickly uh trying to boost your fee so it'll kind of do this as a slower Pace but this is when your companions level kicks in here so because eight knowing is a level ten meaning his skill allocation is very low very minimal so you can actually level this character up quickly and when you level them up quickly you're going to start to focus on medicine Steward trade and Leadership and you do this by assigning them the quartermaster with seven plus food variety right a bunch of different food medicine sign them as the surgeon they're going to boost their medicine for trade make them the Caravan leader for leadership make them a leader of a party engineering what have you this is how you build this character from the ground up and this reinforces something that we talked about earlier when it comes to not choosing the best one for the role maybe you know what the game just started and I sure I have access to the 120 medicine character but I only have tier one two and three troops if they die they're easy to replace it's not that big of a deal I'm not going to focus on my medicine or on that top tier medicine character I might go recruit him and make him just a captain but I'm actually going to work on the medicine of the future Governor I have in mind so that's when you'd place that character as your surgeon let him build up his actual skill do a bunch of uh fights with just looters and simulate them to boost that all those things up this is when the bitter draft a character I talked crap about a little bit ago is actually pretty good he already has 60 medicine 42 Steward and 40 trade and he's level 11. so he's gonna get skill way faster and remember you are the one allocating these skill points so if we jump back to our character thing here here's one of our companions you're you allocate these attribute and these Focus points as you see fit so let's just jump over to my character let's say this is a companion I wanted to work on well I got nine uh Focus points and we're gonna put them into Steward we're gonna put them into trade and engineering and Leadership here I'm just going to make sure this character is just filled out it's just jacked to the lines on these Focus points in mind so that's why getting an underexperienced character isn't the worst thing in the world it's actually very good and this is how you build these characters from the drought the the from the ground from the ground up so take a look here you know we'll look down this list uh the battanian healer is a good one too already starts with 82 medicine I would say maybe choose the character whose skill you don't want to worry about building up on your own like man I don't want to deal with engineering okay well then take this because ain't knowing guy or the Empire scholar who's level 10 was 60 engineering you don't have to deal with it so you just kind of go from there the villani and Wainwright level 11 80 engineering work on the rest of the stuff you can go all the way down here to the willow bark Sturgill willow bark still you got 62 medicine so these characters while they seem like kind of throwaway characters when the hell am I ever going to use him this is when it comes to the four the Empire surgeon 82 right there the spice Fender actually can be pretty good here if you never want to work on Stewart or trade and just work on engineering and medicine but the level 14 so keep in mind it's going to slow things down their progression down so this is how you kind of build the proper Governor the proper Governor doesn't really exist in the game out the gate because the governorship is spread across so many different skills to really get the most value out of them and a huge shout out to my big bro here flesson19 he has a ton of videos that cover this exact subject he gave me a really great breakdown on how you actually make the best Governors by really focusing on these skills you start early in the game you don't start late in the game you don't start when you've got your Thief is basically what he was saying well if it's your first Thief maybe disappoint the engineer then you work on the next one but you work on this in the early portions of your game Mountain blade beat Mountain baby mountain Blade 2 Banner Lord is supposed to be built or played from as a very long form game and the first 100 days of your game the economy hasn't even balanced and that's like 20 hours of gameplay depending on how you play really so keep these things in mind you might not be able to be off to the races with the best Governor right out the gate that's cool you're gonna have to build it from the ground up you might not have access to the best armor in the game it will come in due time you might not have access to all these uh companions they will populate in your game over time don't worry about it so with all that being said that brings our video here to a close if you have any questions about your companions maybe there's certain ones that I missed and you wanted to find out what the best one is you've got access to that Excel document you can just go ahead and pull from there take a look at whatever you want or maybe you want to ask me directly please by all means leave me a comment below or maybe you've said you know what screw your ideas Italian Spartacus this is actually the best character for this role and here's why let it be known in the comment section below try to disseminate as much information out to the people so they can make informed decisions about their campaign and ensuring that they have the best companion for the roles that they see fit as always guys thank you so much for watching here today go ahead and let me know if there's any videos you want to see covered as far as guides I will be redoing all of my unit uh breakdown guides where I take a look at each individual Kingdom's units and rating them on a tier scale of low mid and high tier so we'll be doing that here in the coming week or so so be on the lookout for that but any other videos that you want to see go ahead and let me know in the comment section below as always thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take care [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 219,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Companions Ranked Best to Worst in Bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blade, Best Scouting Companion, Best Surgeon Companion, Best Engineer Companion, best captain bannerlord, best infantry bannerlord, best cavalry bannerlord, best archer captain bannerlord, best horse archer bannerlord, Best Caravan Leader Companion, best governor bannerlord, Best Party Leader Companion, best companion bannerlord
Id: NYcr7Nudq-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 10sec (3070 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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