Razor Clam, Catch, Clean and Cook 2023 Washington State

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good morning and welcome to walks with moss  today we have something special planned we're   going to do a razor clam catch clean and  cook it's oh Dark 30 in the morning and   we have the long drive to get to the  Ocean Beach to get there for low tide   Come Along on our adventure and I'll show  you how to dig a razor clam with a shovel   okay Bella and I are in the car now everything's  packed up and we're headed to the ocean we'll be   there in about an hour and 45 minutes  in time to hit the low tide right now   it's 10 minutes to 5AM and I am not a morning  person but I love digging razor clams so much   that I'll get up for this so I'll see  you again when we get to the ocean well hello we have made it to the ocean  and the Sun is starting to come up   it's about 6 30. and we're going to get some  razor clams now I'm letting Bella run around   while I get dressed and then after that  she's going to wait in the car while I   dig clams then she can run around some more  later it's a fair amount of people out here   for a weekday in the wind a little bit rainy  supposed to be eight foot swells today and   I dig in the surf with a shovel so I'm gonna  have to be careful you have to pay attention foreign okay all dressed up ready to get some razor clams  Bella will go in the car until I'm done he'll be   safer for her she's so happy and excited I  feel bad about putting her in the car but   it's got to be done she'll get to run around  later so let's go get some razor clams let's   go get some razor clams I love this most people  have clam guns there's a few with shovels though so I'm going to strap this to my head and  start clam digging and it's all going to be   from my headband today I hope it turns out okay it's clam shop and here we go I feel it here it comes  clam number one woohoo razor clam   yeah put that in my little bag there and here  we go 19 more to go there's another Shelf oh yeah two for two here comes the clam oh that's  a Beauty look at the size of that one oh yeah   that's two yeah yeah here comes a way  but let's see if we can get one anyway   yeah there's a show right there oh shoot I felt  something crunching but it won't be the clam I'm   going for oh good it was just a sand dollar  in the hole here you go number three woohoo   yay see if we can get another one  there's a lot of them right here just gotta watch for those shows okay  another little break in the waves   let's see if we can thump up another clam oh there's a show right there it doesn't look like  a real big one but I'm going to go for it anyway here we go oh it feels decent size  actually oh shoot it's fighting and   here comes the water oh am I gonna get it  out before the water comes yeah just barely   there we go beautiful delicious razor clam woohoo can we get another one on this set of waves  let's see there we go that looks like a big show   see oh I might have nicked it with my shovel maybe  not I'm not sure I might have taken its neck off   yeah is it still got its neck oh it does  it just sucked it in all right this is some   good clam digging today I think there might be  one right there yep there is let's try for it yep oh wow that one was really shallow  really lucky I didn't break this one oh here we go all right there's two showed there there it is that's five woohoo the nice thing about digging out  here on the surf with a shovel   is that you don't have to dig very deep if you're up on the dry  sand then it's a lot of work but out here with the shovel there's one just gotta stick it straight in Pull  It Forward put your hand behind and there's a clam just like that hardly any work hoping to get another clam in between  waves here there's a big wave coming though not seen anything this might be one here  let's see oh I can see it's neck that's   definitely one there I'm just gonna go  for it wow they're shallow here today there we go 10. oftentimes the limit is 15 but the wind has been  raised to 20 just recently oh there's another one here we go here comes the water 11. woohoo the digging is good enough today that  I can start being picky and only going after   the clam shows that look like they might be  big it's not a hundred percent reliable but   bigger clams tend to make bigger shows so I'm  going to try to ignore the little shows now I'd call this a medium-sized shell  we'll see what size clam comes out of it   there we go it doesn't feel like a big one there's 14. water's coming so we'll wait but there is one  right there yeah I'll go for it just in case it's   gonna be very Ginger because it felt quite shallow  pretty sure I saw one here anyway yeah I felt it there we go there we go I think that's 15 so I'm going to go  up and count now to make sure maybe put these in   the car too because they're getting heavy yeah  I'm gonna head back to the car with my first 15.   this is some great digging here today  amazing okay I'm gonna count this first batch two three four five six seven eight nine ten  eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen   Seventeen eighteen it's a good thing I counted  okay we can have two more clams before we're at   our limit of 20. and I'm going to let Bella come  out and play there's not very many diggers not   much traffic and the digging is really good and we  only have two clams to go this will be a good test for Bella we'll see what kind  of clam digging dog she is let's go get some clams okay let's go get  our last two and let's make them be big ones oh that looks like a big show there let's get it how big is it it feels medium-sized okay it  sure looks big oh well all right now for my next   clam ooh there's a oh that looks like a big show  right there okay let's go there are so many here hey where'd you go Clem that one got scared out before I could get it oh  my gosh if I don't get this one oh no I'm gonna   get it if I don't get this if I didn't get this  this will be the first one all day I didn't get   but I got it and that's a good one to finish  up on a real good one to finish up on all right y fat juicy razor clams all right now let's just let's wash  off in the surf here a little bit and I'm gonna go up and get some water  to put in my clam bucket we did it what an incredible day of  clam digging down here today   they are all laid out on  the sand 20 fat razor clams now we've got to clean them and cook them but  first I've got some chores I need to do in Ocean   Shores so after I get my chores done then we'll  come back to the beach and clean and cook some   of these Bella is so happy she loves the beach  so much time to get out of these hip waders now sure sure when you dig with a clam gun you dig  up higher on the beach and you go a lot deeper   these holes are for people with clam guns but  when you have a shovel you go down on the surf you're gonna be a star Bella yeah I've been a  fog before yeah and record your digging the Clown that's a big fat one too much better than  the one that's a great one which was this big   yeah nice it's great digging here today oh that was a good one nice nice big ones today that's a nice dig right there it is oh there it is Bella look I haven't given her any clams yet maybe  she'll change her mind after she's had   some oh there's two neutrals right there  too you're in a good spot holy cow yeah oh there's one right here too it's bubbling   someone's telling me your dog's gonna ruin  the shows and I'm like not up in the dry sand   it doesn't matter if a dog's up in the dry sand  it's down in the surf that it matters when you're   digging with a shovel and you got to be fast yeah  did you shovel or if you do yeah I shovel so there   you go there you don't want a dog walking on  the whole it's like the new laminator good I   love this thing it's like pulling up butter oh do  you get that one though nah my dad would disown me   if I use the clam gun oh he would yeah he's all  Dash it yeah it's really exciting with a shovel   though because it's a race when you have a shovel  oh he's kind of a little guy yeah not too big   okay now I got two more in here Steph  oh yeah there it is that's a beauty   yeah you can get 20 now they said yeah yeah  okay all done got my City clothes back on ready to go do some chores in town come back here and have a razor clam feast  really couldn't ask for a better day of clam   digging than this this was amazing I got  my limit in just nothing flat it was great   here's all my clams lined up in a row one  two three four five six seven eight nine ten so here's how I clean them with scissors quickly   kills them quickly and is a little bit  more Humane than some of the other ways so here's how I clean a clam I like to kill  it quickly instead of boiling it in water for   a couple reasons I think this is maybe a little  bit more Humane to kill it quickly with scissors   and they taste better when they're killed with  scissors so I just take the point of my scissor   and go in and make sure I cut the Digger open  because that's where the all the nerves are in   a clam then after that pull the clam out of the  shell with a butter knife it's real easy real   fast so for the next stage of cleaning cut the  neck all the way open cut the tip off the neck   and then I pull the Digger off you can clean these  whole but I like to pull the Digger off and eat   the Digger separately so this part is the Digger  and you want to clean all this stuff out of there   since I'm right here on the beach I can actually  just put it on the ground and seagulls will come   enjoy it later got some water here rinse  it off get all the yucky stuff out of it it's anything that's not white just take it out here we go here's one perfectly clean Digger  and I'll just keep doing that until I have   enough to eat and then I'll probably clean  the rest of them okay I'll set up on the   beach now ready to cook up these razor clams  I've got this old stove I haven't used it in   a couple of years my daughter kept it  when I went to New Zealand and back   hopefully it still works  we'll find out in a minute okay fingers crossed will this old stove light aha it lit just fine yeah all right okay well my  stove warms up I'm gonna start getting my plan   so I'm just going to eat the diggers that's the  tender part the diggers the necks are great too   but I like to smoke them or put them in clam  chowder so I'm just gonna use the diggers   start out by putting them in some  flour that's got salt and pepper in it it's taking a while to eat all this nice diggers that's probably going to be enough  for me right there for starters anyway   all right so shaking my diggers  up in flour and salt and pepper here they are for the next step I've got some eggs here   to hold on to everything really tightly  winds howling got some eggs here no Bella not for you get it beat up real good after  I dredge the clams and eggs some panko breadcrumbs I hope  I can get this all to stay down I think that'll be enough bread crumbs because  we've worked faster everything's gonna blow away so here we go I hope it's warmed  up so next the clams go in the egg   this probably isn't exactly the right way to  do it but I'm just going to do it this way okay bread crumbs are going on there pretty nicely okay it took some doing here in the wind but the  pan is finally hot enough and it's time for the   razor clams to go in now at home I'd probably just  put in one at a time so they could cook quicker   since I'm cooking here in the wind  and I'm really hungry it's gonna   just gonna turn it up a  bit and put them all in try there we go these are taking a little bit longer to cook  than I would like so they won't be quite   as tender as I was hoping but they're still  going to be absolutely delicious I know that okay these are nicely browned it's time to eat here we are fresh razor clams time for a taste test it's good you know it's good and  they're not too tough because I   am cooking just the diggers it didn't matter that  it took longer longer fry than it should have so I'm just gonna sit here on the  beach now with Bella and enjoy   some razor clams and enjoy my afternoon thank  you for watching I hope you enjoyed this video   if you did please hit the like button comment  subscribe tell your friends all that good stuff you want to say something about  the Kite Festival for my video come on down to the beach uh first weekend in June  on Friday we'll have a night fly so we'll have we'll have kids kite Pinky run into the bowl the bowl bowl you can't run with prizes for  them very cool so that's 30 feet long it's 9   sniper wow so it's even bigger than  it looks from here oh yeah it's good   30 feet long wow thank you until next time
Channel: Walks with Moss
Views: 32,935
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Id: Q7sscV3779c
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Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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