Cr1TiKaL (penguinz0) Stream Apr 19th, 2018 [God of War]

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this will be quite the experiment all right this is the first time I've ever live-streamed a console game and it's very confusing I spent the last hour or so trying to get this set up and I eventually came up with a strategy that I don't know how effective it's going to be so let me know if the audio is super shitty or anything like that because it's very possible we could run into a few hiccups here Matt and I just saw Amy Schumer's new movie so I'm a bit demoralized lobotomized even so I could have made many mistakes that I'm not even aware of there we go [ __ ] that should fix that welcome aboard diddler oh yeah hold on Aaron I got some bad news for you I can't Jesus Christ I got some bad news for you I can't do that on this computer I'm playing on my eight-year-old laptop and I haven't been on snapchat in a really long time I'm super sorry Serfdom but I really appreciate that now I played God of War one in two I played the [ __ ] out of him I beat the [ __ ] out of him but I did not play God of War three I don't think it's gonna matter much let's get right into this hypetrain here I'll just do a balanced experience I'm not exactly an elite gamer and I might I might even need a bully hunter if people start getting mean about me not being great at console gaming really appreciate that though surf dumb god damn I do go on Instagram though quite a bit [Music] so far it seems like my mics not picking up the in-game audio which is good because I was a problem I was expecting to have because I have to play it through my TV zambese cutting down the handprint of a child that's powerful I remember the first time I did that I don't remember the name of this voice actor but he's got an extremely [ __ ] cool voice what good Lloyd I'm sorry surf Dom it's just I don't know snapchat really killed itself well an Instagram man feel free to message me I go on there quite a bit these days the mic is shitty I'm using a very old mic as well so I'm on my eight-year-old laptop that I brought near my TV I'm on my old microphone which is about four years old and I have strung together the most incredible MacGyver streaming setup I think anyone could ever have imagined sat through the whole [ __ ] movie man moist meter and coming soon I'd give you a nice smooch if I could get in the boat boy the [ __ ] just happened there well how come over welcome aboard surfed um okay if I leave it like this does it echo through my mic I also turned off the donation volume just as a little heads up I'm gonna have to read them and now I haven't made any progress with the LA beast but we are still reaching out to him I didn't even know I had a wiki article it's not at all you [ __ ] loser can't you see I can handle this on my own it goes a little but not much thank God I thought it'd be a lot worse of an echo [Applause] also I'm sorry I missed that Florian and purple Vanessa appreciate it so I don't know [ __ ] all about this game it's it is it a bad echo though that goes a lot oh yeah okay this will fix it it won't echo anymore it'll be a nice little [ __ ] hearing test for me yeah it's not even getting picked up TG Carlsen voices Kratos he's got a beautiful voice if you're watching Carlsen I'm envious so much bass so sultry that's what I imagine the Lord wanted for men that's what he wanted all men to sound like but instead then we end up with people that sound like [ __ ] what what's the guy's name who does the gaming grape welcome aboard a Lee Barker I know the rare time where I don't play fortnight man I haven't played a game on ps4 in a long time blah censor I played Yakuza 6 but besides those to appreciate it cow hi Mexico I mean it's a pretty looking game if I remember right this is like the fourth highest rated ps4 game of all time now so I'm expecting a lot of great things but I'll be honest the combat looks really boring but I guess we'll find out here no one has a chance against the Norse gods cinnamon Glu 22 let's be totally honest that was the last it gay game mm-hmm getting a lot of mixed reviews some people say straight game others say gay just kid Brandon Kratos branded his own son what a monster welcome aboard quick easy Oh No [Music] this is mom but what a plot to us it would be if it wasn't his mom and it's just like it's like shitty uncle like uncle wiggle finger appreciate it chase is the game loud enough on stream can everyone hear it [Music] while there do they call to me oh they're do they call to me thank you my god [Music] get away from it's imhotep that's the biggest plot twist it's just all the Imhotep [ __ ] mummified she's ready hey no not bad hope you've been well also I'm sorry I saw that weasel but I was listening to the cutscene as intently as I can sleep well thank you for the longtime support busting Hyman [Music] [Music] I love this kind of music [Music] rest in peace son brother [Music] so [ __ ] I left my knife on my mom whoops [Music] it's quite a silly mistake snarf [Music] Boozer's he's got great taste in meters now it is yours and yeah we're open all guests suggestions if he's up for it [Music] just what you taunt she knew shall we he have no God that voice is so intimidating I [ __ ] love it the [ __ ] is he gonna hunt in the house the boogeyman dust bunnies come on bring me 10 Norse God heads right now little dweeb [Music] well I say now I understand what are we hunting you aren't in deer which way in the directions deer thanks [ __ ] I'll go [ __ ] myself what a great dad it's a love that's a lovely answer yeah there's no there's no notifications on YouTube haven't you downloaded the new firmware update I need to know yeah I love this environment for the mountain depends on you but welcome aboard Lanza where did you find tracks not you though I don't deliver the highest quality gameplay of ever [ __ ] scene [Music] more tracks I don't know if shoenice would be a very interesting guest on the podcast to be honest with you good now what that kid makes that jump I'll [ __ ] my pants cheated kids got to be like three feet tall how did he clear that gap good eye they're not chasing it yes Father how long is this stream gonna be I don't know till it gets real late broke our bridge how are we gonna get across step aside let me show you a little something they won't teach in Boy Scout camp Artie that is pretty cool every single reviewer ever was coming in their pants about how cool throwing the ax was that definitely seems kind of cool but I imagine it quickly gets tiresome now it's up only fire holy fire when I tell you to fire I'm sorry do not be sorry be better find it mmm it's [ __ ] tough love out here behind it thank you and malt I told you it'd never find any concrete evidence all defamation from the start oh my lord it's one of Davy Jones minions from the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie oh look at that beautiful combo I'm already ready for Eve Oh baby what can they made out of feathers made out of like a lava or something [Applause] [Music] will you please remove your bra I'm not wearing a bra as hot as that's going to be to hear and surprising and imagine oh I was destined to be the God of War champion and the competitive scene I'm like the ninja of God of War do it all the time they've never come this close to our woods before the robots working but like I said I turned off the audio on the donation so this is a super story having story heavy game and I didn't want it to maybe interrupt like a super important or emotional cutscene so they still pop-ups around him but I did turn off the audio and I probably will stream the 5150 at some point but not tonight we do what we please boy no excuses no [ __ ] nerd can you heat it from here we should get closer Oh Cal man ten times out of ten how man's an undefeatable God it was her wish and it was time god I can't get over how cool the students voice is [ __ ] man that's that seems like video gaming 101 Oh seems pretty strong why wouldn't I just do this perpetually I mean I guess this is a viable strategy kind of a boring one though [Music] Oh to target I was aiming for Oh baby when's the next WWE video [ __ ] that's how you [ __ ] combo baby slow down arty let's read about the draugar mother said the dragger were warriors who died but their souls were too stubborn and angry to stop fighting I guess that's all the info I need let's keep going arty yeah these muscles I guess not we're just do I break that maybe not Jesus how much ice is here it's probably not the solution we're all gonna be some of this [ __ ] what I Artie I threw my ex up there 200 times you're wrong kid there it's that easy am I getting hot Oh today is 4/20 isn't it no I wasn't I wasn't planning on it go kid Thank You Artie I'm just a puzzle-solving God a genius even oh and I'm finding all of the secret loot oh yes oh come on just a goo sticker you kidding me what a [ __ ] useless chest that was let's explore a little bit here I know there's like a lot of off-the-beaten-path type [ __ ] I'll look for the Raygun or something oh wait maybe this is the right way damn I didn't explore it all yeah those damn wiener missing hangovers get the best of men all the time [ __ ] I don't know but I do love myths let's learn about this one I'm actually curious oh no one pull on it since fine I already knew everything I needed to know about that one something about wolves chasing the Sun and my father right back on the back on the path I'm assuming there's no friendly fire here like it's not gonna have like a mission failed thing call of duty style if I yeah it's always best to test it out just to be safe I don't know why I thought that would work this will probably explode that right yeah no I'm a I'm a video game genius get jacksFilms on the podcast he's welcome to come on if you'd like and I thought a way out was an absolutely superb game at the end the middle part was such a [ __ ] slog but at the end it was beautiful one of the best endings I've ever experienced really it's still cow man by the way cerana I don't know what you don't understand about cow man being an unbeatable needlework relax do not think of it as an animal it is simply a target clear your mind steady your aim and breathe in [Music] I'm going for a headshot it doesn't even let me feed salad oh come on I should have shot it right between the eyes good its gimping my talent with the bow not for long quick piss on it your knife No finish what you started [Music] you know far be it from me to question north matchup mythology I'm not sure how they made their arrows but I don't think that puny arrow would be enough to even down it like that not quickly it's good to see to you Caleb [Music] Jesus [Music] god you couldn't have killed it any slower you're sick fiend already a sick fiend I don't know who rat us Logie is but I hope I fight him as well [Music] [ __ ] poachers [Music] oh [ __ ] gotta get used to the combat here I mean I'd hate to compare it to Dark Souls since everyone and their grandmother and their grandmother's taint compares everything to Dark Souls but that's what the combat really feels like which I respect whoops good lord this Artie's arrow is even do any damage and [ __ ] tickles him damn your heels hmm damn tied right in front of his son I'll have to get used to this combat a bit I don't know who do it with Dan is now but uh I'm interested to learn more about him poor Artie just keeps getting blasted by these things farts that keep [ __ ] doing that [Music] uh-huh how do I use the help or should I really need it luckily artis is getting [ __ ] pummeled instead of me better my son denies what I always say it's probably d-pad right one of these don't which how the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] do I use the health potions that sounds beautiful moldy but that's not a place I'd really like to be but that certainly does sound interesting if nothing else thank you for taking that one on the mouth for me Artie I really asked if this game already I'll get the hang of it though hold on I just got to get in the swing of things it just [ __ ] arty arty is the problem man why Thank You Artie he's thinking it like a real sport he's still going good answer Marty I just cheese him to death I see the yellow shits brought his weak spot right already get him climb in his [ __ ] party clog is : just signature move I won't finish this lucky well I really wish I'd just finished like a [ __ ] one HP and a dream oh Jesus I got him now baby RT goat is urethra it's his only weak spot that and everything that I'm destroying first try well it's a good fatality nice one Artie that's the form I taught you I'm a sack of c4 [Music] you are not ready I'm interested to see the squirrel I hope we see him I found the deer classic alt f4 we are going home a long time I can do this no way ready with plenty of help despair our teamspeak again wow that was pretty [ __ ] cool is this a health potion or okay I see you don't store them for later that makes sense so can I just shoot them with an arrow okay that didn't stun him at all oh yeah baby that was easy nice work art oops I'm just gonna stun everything finishers will always be my favorite thing about Jonna war as with most people I imagine oh it's super sweet Russell I don't think I'm anywhere near this voice actor those dudes voice is [ __ ] great no okay that was a waste of my beautiful axe still can't get the doors open huh quiet that sounds I gonna some promise I'll check out Dan eventually oh let's not have my ass okay you know maybe I should just use my axe to speed just along a little bit [ __ ] did art get over here kids everywhere it's a frost zombie yikes we'll see about that you're right art the axe isn't working luckily my fists pack more of a punch get it Martin why is it he should thank you god damn try out for the football team again next year freshmen I told you something was different about the forest and I told you not to see this this guy's a [ __ ] [ __ ] great job dad [ __ ] you son eat [ __ ] boy but why would a financial burn mother's garden eat [ __ ] boy dad let's go on a picnic you were adopted you piece of [ __ ] boy this is a boss area no doubt hold your tongue boy boss area I've predicted it that's it Shelby so what if I found a pokemon card boy it's mine now you think you're entitled to toys dammit am I wrong is this not a boss area I've never been wrong it has to be a ball oh you see come boy wait by the dumbest man on the beach how the [ __ ] do I I can't cross into the oil pit over there our dude don't answer this question with your mouth but what did the [ __ ] am I supposed to do I definitely thought that was supposed to be a boss area but now I'm just not too sure what a shame inside boy what do I think of the game so far well I'm about 15 minutes into it I can't form a very useful opinion but I like it so far cratis is a pretty big [ __ ] of a father but I mean other than that I'm liking it [Music] boy come rub your face on this fire I'm creating [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] camera not staying still is pissing you off I actually really like the camera not so much during combat I'd like if it was pulled out a little bit more but maybe I should because I'm a [ __ ] idiot but everything else it looks fine and you lost control things trying to kill us not you get angry anger can be a weapon if you control it use it you clearly cannot well you haven't been sick in a long time I'm better now [ __ ] nut sack is very uncomfortable on this little couch come on in I want you to try I bet he's gonna slap him yep I was expecting it in the face that's right again poke him in the eyes yep why are you doing too slow try again yeah weak again again Jesus kid [ __ ] wound up like a Looney tune what kind of game is this kind of like a hack and slash a little buff you can get lost and not really excited for new avengers is difficult and you what Reyes are clearly not ready quiet [ __ ] Girl Scouts again more importantly I know what you are boy use the floor now this guy doesn't sound very intimidating he's like the town drunk that is kind of intimidating that's how it should be bigger definitely the one long way from home long way from the EDM stage you already know it man's whatever it is you seek I do not have it you should move on and here I thought your kind was supposed to be so enlightened so much better so much looks like a far cry billon you hide out here in the woods like a coward you said all have anal beads in my facial hair [ __ ] roasted dis track incoming I'm pretty sure leave my home you are going to have tea now [ __ ] dumb is this guy I warned you I know you would not listen I might what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ he's already gone kaio-ken [Music] how disappointing come on I guarantee you this guy ends up becoming an ally I can sense it already poor guy you're just a [ __ ] punching bag for me my timing is impeccable I wish I was as strong as this in real life but then again I'm sure everyone wishes uh I can't block that why haven't I learned Jesus Kratos isn't that old in this game though you know I mean uh-huh every single [ __ ] time I've been hit by that again oh I swear I'm I'm just I'm trying not to get hit by that every single time just most of the time why not use the axe I didn't think I could Oh what that makes it a little easier I thought it was going to be a fistfight yikes Jesus what a venture is this what would I do if I was this strong to be a superhero [ __ ] yeah this is super [ __ ] cool it's like an anime fight but but with a bald guy and a homeless guy [Music] the destruction definitely is pretty badass okay they said I'm gonna use my axe can't try again you talk too much you won't talk fine maybe whoever it is you've got you don't go near boy [Applause] this spoke um about getting [ __ ] annihilated of the tree Oh baby can I even use you know I'm not gonna bother using my axe in this state yeah well I can't yeah I can't use my axe in this state which I guess makes sense no I can't help I almost went to block it again see I knew I'd remember to use my axe I never forget something more than once stream viewing veterans will know that for a fact I got him now vanquishing him right back to the duck dynasty realm I appreciate it raise your flame sleep well man let's bring the [ __ ] moon down on him now I guess this little that will have to suffice for a second best I'm sure he's fine he's too strong to be vanquished by just a simple 15 ton Boulder why am i fighting far cry 5 I don't know he's [ __ ] with me man when you oh oh they're gonna kiss we're gonna [ __ ] kiss it's gonna be a super kiss you're gonna start like like head-butting lips together it'll be the most masculine makeout you've ever [ __ ] seen [Music] this is really [ __ ] cool we'll see about that if this really is an anime it'll be through the power of friendship camaraderie or maybe love I guess this would be like a lesson in love like learn to love strangers and [ __ ] so then we really would have to like jerk him off to win I hope all the boss fights as cool as this this is great now if I remember correctly from the tutorial when it glows red like that means I can do a finisher on them right I just need to get close enough god damn it I went for it I went for the finisher [Music] [ __ ] this guy's [ __ ] strong I did it again ever no [ __ ] no matter how consciously aware of it I am I just [ __ ] keep doing it also if you're looking for signs if she like starts rubbing your Winkie it's a pretty strong sign that she kind of likes your Winkie maybe she's like it was their first time rubbing it got really turned off by it you really can't know for sure these days while he's taking a lot more damage this time they like automatically reduce me didn't easy mode or something counting No like I keep thinking that'll work but one day well I look like a goddamn genius in front of all of you you'll be like holy Lord this guy really is the Messiah [ __ ] yeah there we go I really think you don't need signs to know if they're interested in you I think you should just go for it anyway just be like hey look I sponsored charlie stream do you want to mash pisser's yeah that's a suit this is some super high adrenaline [ __ ] here Dingle and I am gonna get Dark Souls remastered I was gonna let him go for as long as possible but I feel like the game has like a breakout maybe [Music] this game is pretty [ __ ] nuts charlie and I appreciate that scroll scrote evil scroll Scroll live so you're not screwed evil [Music] did he know my past fun they played the previous three games Kratos they know everything about you just it's not like his son [Music] [Music] turns out the stranger is actually a man a shapeshifter and he's our shape-shifted into our tea [Music] welcome aboard the clown but we cannot stay here you better not be playing that goddamn game boy again arty boy there was so much I thought you're all right I am all right gather your things yeah God my [ __ ] scrotum does not feel good on this catch you or not so we have no choice enjoy the extra moisturizer from this yes sir [Music] sing me that Drake song about the hotline bling' ings do it boy [Music] yes but an important one you don't want to know arty you're not ready boy don't you have ups don't you ever ask me another stupid [ __ ] question I did what had to be done like how the Sun always just teleports to my back like a kangaroo a child in his mother's pouch but it's my ass cheeks as a man [Music] alright alright shut your mouth boy that to kill people before having I don't know I haven't felt your scrotum on my couch so I guess I can't say one way or the other they're supposed to be dead people we're trying to survive to come Oh was your heart to it on our journey we will be attacked by all the pillow under my nuts a doze your heart to their desperation close your heart to their suffering puzzle-solving time time to shine excuse me Artie Artie please I appreciate it Fox is this uncharted now hopefully not shut up Artyom Artie on it [Music] boy Thank You Artie god I'm just the expert puzzle solver holy [ __ ] no puzzle is too complicated for me wait how are you gonna get across now easy oh my god more special loot for a real gamer thank you more beautiful hack silver yeah Who am I supposed to go now RT would you say where he's already are do you report in I don't see any more GP everybody keep going up right okay so where do i boost this nerd why is he just standing there I'm right here RT fine whatever I'll lower the bridge again oh I see forgot all about that mechanic oh wait there's something over here to think I almost missed even the smallest piece of loot okay everything on the ground in this [ __ ] from cat [ __ ] to dog [ __ ] I'll pick it all up and put it in my pocket you never know when it might come in handy for bartering already gives me a hearty that I'm sure that's what the designers intended worshipping the gods gods cared nothing for them then should not pray to monsters oh god it's not real arty what a little bit of dub like penis Oh friendly still trying Rama's possibly yes where's the next jump I need to make oh I went the wrong way now I have to lower it myself at this time okay that's the point aren't I supposed to keep going up oh I think I understand oh wait am I wrong I must be wrong and I was thinking about playing runescape again pretty recently actually it's just the making money on that game is so [ __ ] awful because you have to just keep farming the same bosses over and over again for very little profit and the best way of doing it is just staking and it's all luck god that's beautiful look appreciate that Pringles I hope this kicks off a beautiful weekend for you she hadn't locked the tree she wishes for her pyre why'd you do that [Music] never speak to me again boy Tom no looking back now [Music] so how long will it take to get to the mountain I do not know we're not going to the mountain rd before weren't your Falls I do not know okay okay yeah [ __ ] boy god I'm all ready to master this combat system see for an ordinary gamer this might present a challenge but for an elite gaming operative like myself this is baby stuff we're gonna be just combo like it not anything at all were you taking notes Artie with your pussy-ass little bow Bokke the [ __ ] are you doing Artie hmmm tutorial complete [Applause] I really don't even need Artie it's nice to have him though because he's invincible so I use him as like a meat puppet behind you without classroom pressure on Artie please Christ can't you see my indicator I know where they are just like all Greek warriors did there's no friendly fire on their behalf either [Applause] no mr. Kondo God [ __ ] how many more I'm greasing [ __ ] stains out here but they're just so many there yeah easy appreciate it jack take that Ontario if you Walter help distract them whoever is not my focus should be yours but only one safe to do so I didn't ask for your answer boy oh wait I don't need to lower the difficulty but I would like to do some of this and I level up docking shielder cool I'll wait for the game to teach me that I'm not gonna dive in yet blindly this guy sounds like a real married the guy just killed not Kratos as voice actors [ __ ] perfect space your shots speed cost accuracy hey I think there's a chest over good IRT yeah Jesus I [ __ ] I said that a lot louder than I expected it just echoed enough throughout this entire little room so this is like a perk okay okay how do I use this r1 and l1 got it take the head party shut your mouth let me lift this pillar up for you Thanks amen Vargas god bless food poisoning not yet you [ __ ] idiot don't worry I got you covered grab onto my ax I'll pull you to myself grab it arty take my axe oh that was a beautiful toss already that's totally on you that's what happens when you play on bridges lesson number one about being a kid you never play on a bridge amen Jesus Christ started slow down the oyster will cost us law tutorial arena of zombies here trogir whatever but these aren't moving are they dead I mean more dead boy damn wisdom teeth removal is never easy stay stay lucid don't get addicted to the painkillers or anything so many there's nothing for me I can grease [ __ ] stains all [ __ ] night if I have to watch this special move bad camera angle almost cost me on that morning try to make this game look so easy don't I how'd it where do I see the cooldown oh I see Jesus now I'm not making it look quite as easy as I was unfortunately luckily ate both of them I might as well use my Spartan for mix try it out maybe I should have used it earlier save myself some help very long how often do i smoke weed you won't get me that easily FBI [Applause] now crocodile if you want to talk about Crockett on open book Nevermore I would never touch that [ __ ] does not matter if you fire only once show me control once again already demonstrating his uselessness don't you ever tell me to look at something again arty ever read it try reading it now with my axe in it no I respect that then painkillers are extremely addictive it's always better if you don't need him just get them Jesus Artie shoot him Christ I'm pressing clear dammit Artie you killed your father Strether's again already but don't [ __ ] us you know we really should do break it so every game requires a dancing rhythm element to it it's like if I wanted to attack this guy right here and have to bust out a nice move on the DDR Matt maybe should go first legs those seam open Oh Artie yeah that's my boy already that's my [ __ ] boy Olie Lord there's a lot of them Artie luckily they're focused on Artie oh he's oh my lord they're really going for the small fry I got you covered Artie how do I know how do I help you okay good lord we have boys on boys on boys out here damnit Viking 27 miles with one meal in a day I mean do I even need to say anything about that it's one of the healthiest things that humans needed to do I mean right next to life dropping a toaster in your bathtub I yeah but it's a close second what's up Brody stay close I'm sure you'd be a great personal trainer especially with a name like that good guy where is this old lady prang gotcha we're gonna see tits in this game I don't want to I don't want to get banned I needed stunner the arrows there we go that's my boy arty oops wrong button arty i misclicked don't be disappointed with your father even gods make mistakes [Applause] shooter again Artie's what is she is the [ __ ] beekeeper or something I don't understand your magic shooter Artie dammit Artie there we go I think I saw a secret passageway over here so let's get the one piece I can only afford one thing here oh wait that's the one I already have [ __ ] idiot I don't have any of these I'm having a hard time understanding this one what happens oh I see it just kind of like circular saws inside of them no I mean you can cry into anything you want there's nothing abnormal about it that seems most useful but I'm gonna take this anyone just for the sake of style how do I know oh yeah I can see that being useful in almost three situations off the top of my head can I level up boys stats now I should be able to deal 'evil his speech though this Kratos doesn't want to hear it I told you boy I know nothing more of it already if you give me one more [ __ ] order I swear to God boy who does this kid think he is do I really have to look up there come on already oh I guess we need to get back up there but how follow me you following me already stay close I'm doing some pretty cool [ __ ] let's go I really don't need your help Artie just stay on standby let me show you something cool though you see this pile of [ __ ] I don't know if reason oh I see the axe does it kind of cool probably not like super useful or anything but it is nice [Music] locks on to you know I'm super-worried the combat was gonna be extremely boring but it's really not bad and this is only just the beginning - I'm excited I definitely thought the combat was gonna be the weakest part of this game he needs a sorcery mom you saying me personally or the boy because his mom's dead his mom's [ __ ] dying wouldn't you get to start [ __ ] chicks have some sympathy Toronto his wife just died but where's Hulk Hogan's and have a WrestleMania without the Hulk mania do you say about him look here are you looking here Jesus Hardy I've seen this language before thanks for the valuable Intel already had I'd hate to know what it meant [ __ ] [ __ ] hmm time for some puzzle solving all right so step one obviously is to break this step two is even more obvious I murder Artie if we encounter man you will stay out of it mmm understand fine you will stay out of it boy speak no more of us what a brutal father I can help you dad eat [ __ ] what do you mean you did it what the [ __ ] I didn't see you throwing an axe kid man Artie I have a god damn in Vindicator I know where they are oh wait this is a guy that only is affected by fists easy [Applause] oh Jesus this one's such a tedious enemy to fight because artis arrows are so [ __ ] slow [ __ ] it we're good you know I should have if I was thinking I I really should have used it on the bee lady that would have been really smart to just finish her off but instead I've made a [ __ ] dumb decision that may have just cost artiest [ __ ] life Gitta Marty thank you for taking that instead of me Artie your combat prowess never ceases to amaze [Music] oh one more arty popper real good with one more thank you very much Artie it's getting [ __ ] late I'm getting really tired I wish it didn't take me like an hour and a half just to set up the streaming I think I am gonna go to bed here in a minute [ __ ] I didn't get to hear the whole joke who want to smoke some fat zucchinis over FaceTime there have to be some type of [ __ ] idiot to turn that off across the bridge boy where's the locking mechanism at it I don't know what I'm expecting that happen by doing that boy where is the locking mechanism how do I make him cross I can make him shoot arrows across the bridge but that's not very helpful across the bridge come on nerd I really don't see where to lock it oh now I do did it yeah I'm a puzzle solving genius some might even argue I invented these puzzles and I don't think I've missed a single chassis out of you appreciate that sushi breakfast I'm gonna get some sleep right after the next cutscene unless it's a boss fight that I'm gonna have way too much [ __ ] adrenaline pumping through me and testosterone to go to sleep ass already to ask your father [ __ ] himself coworkers there untouched look okay after this combat sectioning that I'm going to notice behind me we'll have to keep them alive strip off their meat this fight is mine alone what an awful way to go oh that's arty I thought it was another cannibal menace you know you wouldn't some you lose some arty let that be a lesson here how many more are there I don't see anyone this is going to be an ally he looks like a good guy sleep is for the weak I would normally agree Chris but Tiana did want to play the game with me like see it boy good work boy where did he touch you show me on this man [ __ ] you crying for man they wanted to eat your meat close your heart to it come then watch out boy it's a deck frost uh-uh so they playing by walking dead zombie rules spoiler alert you I will handle this these are the immune to axe guys right yeah whoops see immune he's not the [ __ ] is this Artie oh yeah it's always really hard to distinguish from Artie they came back that's an astute observation Artie who just finished boy excuse me boy and collect yourself we must find a way out follow me art that's Jane I'm not seeing you running my laps Artie I'm gonna get a bed I'm gonna play more of this tomorrow I'll probably beat it tomorrow I know it's like a 30-hour game but I'm an elite gamer they say 30 hours I say 30 minutes alright everyone thanks for tuning in everyone who donated massive thank you really appreciate it and to the new sponsors welcome aboard we really appreciate it thanks everyone for tuning in to up
Channel: Cr1TiKaL Full Streams - Random Videos
Views: 131,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cr1TiKaL, penguinz0, youtube, youtube gaming, livestream, live stream, charlie, theofficialpodcast, kaya, kayaorsan, moist meter, jackson, andrew, huggbees, zealotonpc, critikal, cr1tikal, critical, cr1tikal livestream, Tiana, cr1tikals girlfriend, girlfriend, steam, game, video game, stream, critikal livestream, critical livestream, streaming, Speedrun, critikal live stream, Hearthstone, Overwatch, h3h3, Runescape, full stream, Playerunknown's Battlegrounds, PUBG, Fortnite, Full Stream, God of War
Id: wtt_VLzvSX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 28sec (5428 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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