Easy and Amazing Creme Brulee Recipe | Preppy Kitchen

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- Hey, I'm John Kanell and today on Preppy Kitchen, we're making creme brulee. So let's get started. (bell dinging) First off, we're gonna grab some precious vanilla beans. I'm using one for this recipe, but you don't have to use vanilla bean. You could definitely use no extract or vanilla bean paste. Use a sharp knife, cut it down the middle. This is gonna be crazy because your fingernails are gonna get a little black from this and it looks like you have dirty hands. It's vanilla beans. (laughs) Okay, we open it up and you see just this beautiful, rich like, look all these thousands of vanilla beans in here. It's amazing. You can use your knife or a spoon, and we're gonna scrape this pod clean, and all that precious cargo out. Ah, that is a ton of vanilla flavor on my knife. Set that aside for a moment. Now in a smaller medium pot, we're gonna add three cups of heavy cream, right inside. Ooh, so rich and delicious. I need one more cup. So that's 720 ML and now we're gonna add our amazing precious vanilla beans, as well as the vanilla bean pod. Don't worry about this having some like, little fibers, husky pieces. We're gonna strain it all out in a minute. Put this onto a medium heat. We're gonna bring it to a scald and then we're gonna let this just infuse for 15 minutes. That vanilla flavor is perfectly in the cream. While our cream is like infusing and getting all these delicious flavors, we're gonna have our oven set to 325 and heating up and we're gonna separate five eggs. So whites are not to be discarded. You could use those for a delicious merengue, perhaps or something that uses egg whites. The yolks are what we're using for this rich custard. So I love all custards. You know, if you watch this channel that I am obsessed with eclairs and cream puffs but creme brulee is right up there too. Creamy, beautiful, delicate vanilla flavor and cracking into that caramel on top is really fun. It's also a good excuse to use your kitchen torch. Right now, we're gonna add half a cup of sugar. In you go. (pleasant music) That's all the whole recipe needs except for the top. And then just a pinch, pinch of salt, an eighth of a teaspoon. Grab a whisk. We're gonna whisk this up really until it's combined. So just a little movement like that is all you need. This is gonna be ready to incorporate. Once our cream is ready. Let's check. Our cream's come to a simmer. So we're gonna turn this off and let it sit for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes of cooling time, this is ready to pour in and I'm using a little bit of a sieve here just to catch the big bits of vanilla. There's some like pod pieces that ruin the texture. So pour that all through. (laughs) I see a bean. Now, I'm actually gonna scoop this out again 'cause this is full of beans, which is part of the beauty. So I want to have the beans gone, but the pod pieces here, you can see full of little pod pieces. They smell delicious though, mm. Okay, we're gonna stir this together. Part of waiting 15 minutes was so the cream wasn't burning hot and didn't cook the eggs. If it was gonna be cooking the eggs, it'd be scrambled eggs and we'd have a temper the mixture and back and forth. But because it cooled it down, it's not even a problem. Alright, that's ready to pour into our ramekins. We're cooking our custard in a bain Marie, which just means I'm gonna use really hot water to, oh, you didn't see that. We're gonna use really hot water to even the temperature out so our custard bakes evenly. So fill this container up about, of the, about a third of the way up with really hot water. There we go. These are six, six ounce ramekins, but you could use different sizes if you want. It's really up to you. Please don't, please don't spill. (laughs) Alright. Ah! Okay. We're gonna fill these up just, just like where the liquid is. Oh my gosh. I'm gonna be in heaven, eating these. I will be sharing of course. (laughs) We're over filling them just a little bit so, that's my bad, but that's okay 'cause this one's small. These are gonna bake at 325 for 30 to 40 minutes until they're set. But the center has a slight wobble when you jiggle it, but be very careful taking this into the oven, everything, cause there's water, it's hot, be careful. My creme brulee is out of the fridge. It's nicely chilled so that wobble is gone and we're ready to brulee it. The most fun part. However, it's also the most frustrating part because if you've ever done this at home, the sugar has a tendency to burn if you don't do it the right way. First step, I'm using caster sugar. You could use granulated sugar. Caster sugar is like between granulated and powdered sugar. It has a finer grain, which I think toasts better. I'm gonna sprinkle about one and a half teaspoons over the surface. This will depend on the size of your ramekin. If you chose a really big ramekin, that's shallow, you're gonna use more sugar. Give this like a little bit of a shake, all the way out to the edges. Brush some sugar over towards the edge. What happens is if you have too much in the center where it tends to collect, it will just like, burn as you're trying to brulee at all. So you want a thin layer, thinner than you might think. And if you don't have a torch, just enjoy this delicious custard as is. It doesn't really work to broil them. I'm gonna tell you that now. All right, (laughs) time to do it. So move your torch around. You want like a lighter amber color. If you go too dark, what's gonna happen is burnt sugar, which just tastes bitter. Then move the heat as you go along. It'll continue to burn, even after you move things around. Here we go. Oh my God, that was perfect. (laughs) I'm gonna tell you behind the scenes, I've burnt so many creme brulees. This is very frustrating for me, but this is exactly what you want. It's golden Amber and just right. So you're really erring on the side of being conservative with your sugar for that nice crack. We'll do one more. Give it a little spin. I think the brushing is really important because you just, you can't wiggle it right. Just be gentle 'cause you don't wanna work the sugar in to the custard and get it wet. This is a horrible torch, by the way. You want like the big, like a big backyard, like garage torch. All right. So sweeping motions across the top. Don't try and caramelize all the sugar in one place. It'll continue to caramelize and you can come back to it. I have to call my mom. This has been the most successful bruleeing ever. All right. Just continue and serve immediately or within like half an hour or so. If you let them sit out too long, the sugar will melt and you won't have that nice crack. I'm so excited for this moment. (spoon clicking) (laughs) Look at that beautiful custard. If you like this recipe, check out my vanilla playlist. (crunching) Mm. That's so good. I'm just gonna keep eating this. You make this though, and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Preppy Kitchen
Views: 1,249,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook, how to make, With this recipe, creme brulee, how to make creme brulee, creme brulee recipe, easy creme brulee, best creme brulee, vanilla creme brulee, best creme brulee recipe, creme brulee video, crème brûlée, the best creme brulee, creme brulee asmr, how to make creme brulee easy, creme brulee recipe without torch, creme brulee recipe easy, dessert, creme brulee without torch
Id: 6tSdlo0r0Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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