Easy Bread Pudding | No Oven No Bake | How To Make Bread Pudding

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this quick and easy bread pudding is creamy delicious and it's going to melt in your mouth hi and you're watching plating it with Wendy where I share with you recipes which impress with these if you enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a like share and comment and if you haven't subscribed already and you want to try out recipes that turn out right every time then go ahead press that subscribe button and while you're at it if you hit on that Bell icon you'll be the first one to get notified every time I upload a new video now let's get started for this recipe we're going to go in with three slices of white bread trying to cut off only the edges here so that we don't waste too much of the bread and if you chose the edges you can make bread crumbs we're just going to cut these down into smaller bits [Music] you could even just tear the bread if you wanted into a bowl [Music] now let's cut the last slice if you wanted you could even keep the crust on the bread and use it but I prefer cutting it out because I don't like the specks of the darker crust coming into the pudding now let's add these pieces also to the Bowl on a medium heat we're going to bring two cups of milk which is approximately 500 ml to a boil and to sweeten it up we're going to go in with quarter cup of white granulated sugar and while the milk is heating give it a gentle stir so that the milk does not burn the milk has started coming to a boil now we're going to allow it to keep boiling for another two or three minutes this is going to help the milk thicken just a little bit and now we're going to pour this hot milk on top of the bread and watch the way the bread is going to absorb it like a sponge and while the milk is still hot we're going to toss in two tablespoons of room temperature unsalted butter if you don't have unsalted butter on hand you could always substitute with salted butter just skip the salt later on and we're just going to press this down till the butter melts and you'll see how the bread is absorbing all the milk and the butter the butter adds a lot of flavor to the pudding just going to give it a gentle stir now we're going to keep this aside to cool down completely and beat up the eggs now to get a nice rich custard for our pudding we're going to go in with two large eggs I'm just going to put them in this bowl here and make sure that the eggs are at room temperature otherwise when you add them to the bread the butter is going to freeze take an egg and we're going to go in with two egg yolks and this is going to give the custard a really nice rich flavor it's going to separate the white out I'm going to add the yolks along with the eggs and that's the second yolk to the eggs we're going to add one teaspoon of pure vanilla extract and just a tad pinch of salt now let's speed this up to get a creamy smooth texture to our bread pudding we're going to blend all the ingredients together the milk has now cooled down so let's add it foreign now let's blend it and bring it together now we've got that nice smooth mixture let's keep it aside and go over to the stove to make our caramel to make the caramel we're going to add quarter cup of white granulated sugar to a small Skillet and to that we're going to add two tablespoons of water and here's a tip I'm going to share with you to prevent the sugar from crystallizing we're going to add two drops of lemon juice and we're just going to pass it through a strainer now we're going to switch on stove on to medium heat and allow the sugar to melt and caramelize and occasionally we're just going to give it a light stir so you can see the sugars already started to melt and soon it'll start caramelizing the sugar started caramelizing so now you want to keep a close eye on it because you want to take it off the heat and put it back on the heat because that way you can control the color of the caramel so as you can see I'm lifting it up the heat and then placing it back on and I'm going to continue doing this like in a nice golden brown color to the caramel our caramel is all ready and we're going to be using a six inch round cake pan so we're just going to pour the caramel in with one hand and swirl the cake pan with the other hand now you want to swirl it till you get a nice even layer our caramel has cooled and set so now let's add in our bread pudding mixture and now we're going to pass the mixture through a sieve so that if there are any bread pieces we can catch it in the sieve [Music] we're going to be steaming our bread pudding and so that no water gets into the bread pudding while it's steaming we're going to cover it with an aluminum foil and press it down tight so it steams well okay now let's go over to the stove and steam our pudding we're going to be steaming up pudding in a deep pan now you could either go in by putting a metal base at the bottom but if you don't have one here's another tip I have for you just use two kitchen paper towels and place it at the bottom and now we're going to pour in some water which is going to come up to half the level of your cake pack and now we're going to switch our stove on to medium and we're going to heat the water up just a little bit before we place our pudding inside okay the water has now heated up so let's place the pudding inside right in the center and I'm going to cover it up with a lid and allow it to steam on a medium heat for about 35 to 40 minutes after which we'll open it and check whether it's ready it's been about 40 minutes since our pudding has been steaming so let's check whether it's done let's take off the lid and carefully using a pair of tongs gonna lift it up and take a look yes it's done can you see that our pudding is ready let's switch off the heat and now allow it to cool so now we're going to allow the pudding to cool completely before we cover it up and place it into the refrigerator for about two hours before we unmold it pudding has been chilling in the fridge for about two hours so now it's time for us to unmold it let's take off this cover so as you can see it has set well you'll notice that it has already pulled away from the cake pan but we're still going to give it a little bit of help by running our offset spatula around just to make sure that it comes out neatly I'm just going to flip it over and give it a few shakes you can already see the caramel has come down and now we're going to lift up the cake pan wow and that's Beauty and because we love to impress we're going to top it with some caramelized hazelnuts and if you want to know how to make these let me know in the comments below and I will definitely do a video on it now let's cut the pudding so we can give it a taste the knife just slipped through it oh my goodness look at that just look at that amazing texture and now it's time to give out bread pudding a taste [Music] wow I'm really excited hmm wow the texture is so smooth and it has a lovely hint of caramel flavor to it you're definitely going to want to try this recipe so hop onto my website platingitwithwendy.com thanks for watching see you soon
Channel: Platin' It With Wendy
Views: 823,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bread pudding, caramel pudding, bread pudding recipe, how to make egg pudding, dessert, desert recipe, egg pudding, dessert with milk, dessert with egg, leche flan, pudding with egg, low cost dessert, bread pudding recipe without oven, bread pudding without oven, bread pudding with custard
Id: rT5jt47RPE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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