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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey so today we're just sorting up some cattle we've got a lot of charolais right here and they're gonna go to the cell yard the corianders we are sorting off [Music] so pretty decent looking little crossbred calves they're mixed with a few corianies so we're just cleaning them up right here okay now we're going to sort bulls and heifers off of these cattle it'll make it a little easier for them at the sale barn we had one little bull get by us so we are going to bring him back right here [Music] [Music] hey let's look at them real quick out here in the pasture that we call the airport pasture we've got one heifer and one steer that we need to get in that goes with this stuff so here are ten pretty nice little heifers right here some little charolais cross a little bit different in size there's like two packages of heifers right there probably and then uh right over here we've got this is the last coriander bull that we have on the place and we've had him on some first calf heifers but uh we're done with him so we're gonna send him to the cell barn also there he is right there and then there are 14 of these bull calves over here pretty nice growthy kind of calves lots of little coriander babies right here of cows right here had that cory any bull on them that were taken off today so all of these babies the majority of them are out of that bull and uh he's the last he's the last bull on this rancho that's a corey annie that was of breed in size so we're gonna take him to the cell barn and that should cut back on our coriani uh population but we brought all these cows in with their babies there were two or three bigger babies that we weaned and a heifer that didn't belong in here and then a couple of other heifers that we took off and uh we just we're doing a little cow ology right here we fed these cows a little hay in here they're not gonna stay in here but we wanted to feed them a little hay in here so that next time they'd be just as apt to want to come in here as they were this time [Music] home away from home right there i just came back over to the lq for a minute and dropped some things off that were in the back seat it's about uh it's about 1 30 so there's still a good old chunk of the day left that we can get something done keith loaded some big bales of hay and he was gonna go feed some cows at uh what we call tank number two out in the pollock pasture and i am going to load a couple of bills ahead and i'm gonna go to eagle nest eagle mess tank you'll recognize it when i show it to you some of you have been there with me before when we were gathering yearlings there last year anyway let's go uh let's go see what the cows are doing see how they're looking hey check it out i'm loaded i've got two big bells i have got three blocks of salt got three or four bags of cubes i was just standing here talking to my dad he just got me a brand inspection paper on these cattle and we're looking at this tree right here so this tree is right here by this alley by our sorting alley and i promise you the way this tree got planted was from cow manure because i remember when this tree was little bitty and first came up and i thought we should chop it down but then i thought well what the heck we'll let it grow and this tree's probably five years old and uh it does provide some good shade i did have to get after it here uh about two months ago with a saw i didn't have a very good saw i had a chainsaw till somebody stole it but uh anyway i took a hand saw to this tree and cleaned it up so it wasn't hanging over here in the alley because it was it was in the way of us going up and down this alley but the interesting thing to us today are all of these little mesquite blooms that are on here these little mesquite they look like a little caterpillar right now see them right there there are no beans yet pretty soon this tree will be loaded with beans but these branches are heavy right now because of all the all the water in the branches feeding these mesquite blossoms right here a whole bunch of beans come out of ever blossom i wish i could find some that were starting i've looked all through them there's nothing really starting yet no i can't find anything no they're they're uh they get a whole every blossom gets a whole big bunch of beans and half a dozen or more what's the earliest beans we've had before oh about now in april april 15th tax day usually about when we get them these are about ready and when they and from one day to the next they're there you know today you know i don't see them tomorrow it might be those ones that are way up high they'll eventually fall off and then the cows will just basically kind of lick them up off the ground we're hoping for a good bean crop over on parts of our desert because when these little blossoms right here turn into a bean the amount of protein and the food value in that bean for these cows is pretty unbelievable that's how this tree got planted was a cow ate a bean over there in the pasture somewhere and then deposited manure in this alleyway and it rooted right there and grew a tree these trees are kind of a pain but i'll tell you what the shade that that tree produces right now is pretty welcome all right let's go see if we can find some cows let's go see if we can find some mesquite trees with with bean blossoms on it and see what's going on out in the country whew it is starting to warm up a little bit it's already 88 degrees at about 2 30 in the afternoon maybe it's later than that three o'clock all right we should start running into some cows right up in here i saw one cow and calf back there i got out to dump her a little cake out on the ground and she took off so i guess she's not in too bad of shape [Music] ah okay this is the tank that we call the eagle nest let's see what kind of water we have in it ah there's a pretty good little hole of water in there okay i'm sitting here at what we call our power line corrals kind of a big dry lot right here that you can trap cows in and i've been running the siren a little bit i've fed a little bit of cake here and i'm getting more and more cows coming in here so that'll be good we'll feed them a pretty big pretty big healthy dose of hay right here i still see more cows coming [Music] these old cows look pretty good for being out here on this dry desert okay we'll leave these cows here they're pretty content lots of nice little calves one of the bulls came in and we're going to go out this way and around kind of down this power line and back out to the highway that way and see if we run across any other cattle i don't have much more to feed them other than i do have another sack of cake that we could uh feed just a few if we found them so we'll do that and go out that other direction okay let's roll [Music] i didn't think there'd be any cows right here but i stopped and hit my siren a time or two and look what i turned up lots of cows all right everybody thanks for joining us today we'll see you tomorrow we're headed to marana to the cell barn tomorrow morning you can go with me good night flakey out you
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 13,778
Rating: 4.9701176 out of 5
Keywords: the rodeo video, flake out, rodeo video, cowboy, cattle, cattle farming, ranching, ranching cattle, family, trucker, roping, roping cattle, roping pen, resistol, resistol hats, resistol cowboy hat, wrangler, wrangler jeans, cactus ropes, horse, horse video, riding, horses, blue rooster cattle co, roping steers, boot, arizona, snowflake, cowpunchers, liberty safe, national ropers supply, bio mane, Reed Flake, Amy Flake, RodeoReed.
Id: lOgMlhwJZCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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