Working cowboys. Spring works. Sorting, deworming, branding, & a cattle drive!

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jasper back there i think you've met jasper and mighty eagle they help us a lot on the painted desert ranch but today we are on their ranch my cousin brad runs this ranch or manages this ranch and he usually asks henson to help him uh during their branding time which is uh twice a year they brand in the fall in the spring it's a pretty big deal usually so they've been gathering cows for the last two days and today they are sorting things to go to sale and they're gonna brand and then they'll um turn everything back out and they'll have to go across the highway to do that which is pretty cool so i'm gonna try and bring you guys along for all of that um should be fun it's always fun to see cowboys roping things and um just being on their horses so i'm gonna show a lot of that and hopefully you guys enjoy it hopefully we can get some video of jasper back there roping some calves and stuff but anyway i hope you guys enjoy this video [Music] so these guys have the herd all the way down there and they're bringing um several sorry they're bringing several at a time and they'll all get funneled down in here and get separated back there in those pins here comes another bunch they're going to separate these out into cabs [Music] there's another pin back there for the ones they're gonna sell and then there's a pin back there for a mama [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] so the cows are coming down this way [Music] the baby got by roped it back [Music] he's on zar today [Music] so that one's going back to the calf pin the sorting's all done this is the sail pin those are all the mamas and the babies are up up there in that pin up there so we got that crew in the back bringing the cows up and they just come right through here to get dewormed with ever making that's it all right one more time [Music] [Music] well we brought half the cabs in here they'll work these and then let them out and i'm keeping track of heifers and steers [Music] and trying to video all at the same time but this little gadget here is called a nord fork i've gotten a lot of questions about it uh staking in the ground um right there you stake it down and then it holds their their head for you pretty handy tool especially if uh you don't have very many people to to help brands [Music] maybe longer right trey [Music] [Music] so this is the first set of calves they're just letting them out [Music] you better believe once we get out of here we're pretty dusted um [Music] nice [Music] [Music] [Music] like your leggings oh yeah hanson made these leggings for coilin [Music] getting put to good use today [Music] [Laughter] that's how todd does it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] wow [Music] um that's how you fish ladies and gentlemen [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] um go see let's go see if he can reach it [Music] nope dang it can't reach it you can drag it with a horse might as well okay it's time to push all these cows up the road and across the highway back up there they're already starting to come it'll take him a few minutes to get up here but we've got this gate open right here and one of the cowboys parked right there and over here back there so they'll cross the highway go in this gate on this side and they'll push them just straight back that way and they'll go back into that pasture [Music] they're coming through the gate now uh um [Music] uh well guys that's a wrap i think brad has two more weekends of brandings just like that i don't know if we'll be able to go to those but they're sure fun think so fun stuff yeah fun stuff dirty look at hints and got pretty dirty i don't think it looks dirty in that video calf crapped on me there might be some iva mech yeah actually well i dusted myself off the maverick with the air co presser and then everybody else did the same thing whenever i turned it on everybody else went over there and did it too my boots are pretty uh dusty that's why i like to tuck my pants in my boots because otherwise i'll come home with about two pounds of sand or dirt in my in my pant cuffs or folds um anyway fun stuff czar got some good workouts oh yeah yeah he's probably tired henson used him all three days those were long yeah long probably uh six hour rides maybe yeah seven hour rides for two days in a row and then sorting and stuff on the last day so he got some good workouts well we'll see you next time i'm not sure what we're gonna do next but i'm sure it'll be fun bye you
Channel: Painted Desert Ranch
Views: 82,696
Rating: 4.8995137 out of 5
Id: p552eU5KhTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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