Cowardly GOP Senators Look Away As Devastating Footage Shows Exactly Who Incited The Capitol Riot

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hey everybody welcome to late show i'm your host stephen colbert have a lovely lovely step by my coffee right here get all zipped up there you go sound loves that right doesn't the sound guys love that just want to point out anybody who happens to see me walking down the street one day this is what i wore to work today that's how long we've been riding today because we were shocked right we did not know how interesting this day was going to be in that it was far less boring than we thought because here we go again again because it's day one of the second impeachment of the 45th president i got that real feeling of deja coo i'll tell you all about it in my unfortunately necessary segment don and the giant impeach two go fast we're furious [Music] here i am the big big fat dumb bastard i did a horrible job a horrible dog i did a horrible job a horrible job here i am the big big fat dumb bastard but i did a horrible job a horrible job i did a horrible job he did a horrible job yeah [Applause] i smell a hit it's one year and four days since we finished up the last impeachment trial of the same president february of 2020 oh we were so young then i longed for a simpler time when people hiding from nazis and not leaving their house for months were just the plots of jojo rabbit and parasite in the lead-up to the trial republicans were grasping at straws to justify their opposition to impeachment take rnc chair and woman pretending to think ronna mcdaniel yesterday mcdaniel tweeted biden should heed lincoln's words by urging democrats in the senate to abandon their political game of impeachment not sure you want to bring lincoln into this one rana he was never a huge fan of your flag but the dumbest gop argument against impeachment might have come from wisconsin senator ron johnson seen here after being reminded to breathe on sunday johnson said impeachment might be a sinister distraction by nancy pelosi you have to kind of ask the question you know what what is this impeachment all about we now know that uh 45 republican centers believe it's unconstitutional is this another diversion operation is this meant to deflect away from potentially what what the speaker knew and when she knew it i don't know but i'm suspicious of course it all makes sense now pelosi did everything she could to get biden elected knowing full well that the former president would foment lies about how it was rigged culminating in a violent insurrection howling for her blood in the temple of american democracy all so she could have her podium moved for free oh you win this time nancy today was billed as dry illegal arguments over the wording of impeachment of the constitution and the senators set aside four hours to debate this issue if your constitutional argument lasts longer than four hours try having sex it's way more fun but the prosecutors went straight for the heart with a devastating video proving the president's rally and the riot at the capitol were one in the same thing i would play it for you but it is very hard to watch you would need a box of kleenex if not a poncho perhaps even a diaper it was especially hard to watch for the cowards in the senate like florida senator rick scott who studied papers in his lap taking only the tiniest glimpses at the screen to his right arkansas senator tom cotton who also focused on papers in front of him instead of the images depicting the insurrection at the capitol and marco rubio did the same and rand paul who instead of watching looked down at the pad of line paper in his lap where he had already begun doodling with a pencil you know what they say gentlemen see no evil hear no evil makes you seem really evil and i wonder what rand paul was doodling instead of looking at the video maybe a game of hangman jimmy let's see how close he got let's see here mike ants so that 13-minute video house managers basically proved their case you can't separate the president's rally from the violent attack any more than you can separate gorilla glue from that lady's hair today 44 republican senators voted that the trial was unconstitutional because they don't want to have this trial well tough nuts the country is like a bar the last president puked in the bathroom somebody's got to clean it up or we can't use the bathroom anymore oh and you're the ones who decided to be a busboy so grab a mop and do your job but if you can't find a mop use rand paul's hair house manager jamie raskin spoke about how dangerous it would be for the country if the senate couldn't try former presidents their argument is that if you commit an impeachable offense in your last few weeks in office you do it with constitutional impunity you get away with it this would create a brand new january exception to the constitution of the united states of america a january exception yes a january exception which is what i call it when i do dry january and start drinking on the seventh because of what happened on the sixth and he's right it doesn't make sense that for their last month in office presidents get to do whatever they want it's like if instead of senior skip day high schools had senior stab day maybe the president's lawyers are right maybe the founding fathers did want presidents to get away with anything in the last part of their term that's why they call it the lame duck because there's no more dangerous animal than a corner duck oh they'll peck your shins like they were crusty baguettes and when it came to whether the president is impeachable after leaving office raskin reached back to the early days of the republic the true rule was stated by former president john quincy adams when he categorically declared i hold myself so long as i have the breath of life in my body amenable to impeachment by the house for everything i did during the time i held any public office yes indeed that is john quincy adams second most famous quote right after i'm not the paul giamatti one that's my dad when raskin was finished impeachment manager joe nagoos took over and he gave the senators a history lesson in 1797 about a decade after our country had ratified our constitution there was a senator from tennessee by the name of william blount who was caught conspiring with the british to try to sell florida and louisiana florida and louisiana to the british that's crazy everyone knows a great president offers to trade puerto rico for greenland to denmark now keep in mind these constitutional originalists are arguing that you can't impeach someone once they've left office well nagoose curb stomped that with the founders owned boots four days later the house of representatives impeached him a day after that this body the united states senate expelled him from office so he was very much a former official despite that the house went forward with its impeachment proceeding in order to disqualify him from ever again holding federal office and so the senate proceeded with the trial with none other than thomas jefferson presiding wow jefferson himself presided that's going to be tough for the defense to refute it's like tj said all men are created equal except for the 45th president's legal team were they kicked in the head by a horse after that we heard from another impeachment manager david cicilline who laid a hard truth on the crowd make no mistake about it as you think about that day things could have been much worse as one senator said they could have killed all of us that is chilling i'm looking forward to the defense's rebuttal okay i suppose they could have killed all of us but they really only wanted to kill you guys so motion to dismiss anyone no after a short recess it was time for bruce castor the president's lawyer to argue on the former president's behalf my name is bruce castor i am the lead prosecutor elite counsel for the 45th president of the united states i am the lead prosecutor sorry the defense here to prove the president is guilty sorry innocent should have been sent to jail sorry to mar-a-lago wow i guess freud's mom's got my penis i mean cat's tongue a cat's dump but i'm not sure which side caster thought he was on given how impressed he was by the house manager's case before i begin i want to comment on the outstanding presentation from our opponents i'll be quite frank with you we changed what we were going to do on account that we thought that the house manager's presentation was well done and uh when it uh when it turned out that the other guys were prepared we called an audible and decided to be prepared ourselves and you all can imagine how hard of a decision that was for us since we are again completely unprepared but i'll give castor this the man can talk and talk and talk my name is bruce castor i am the lead prosecutor elite counsel for the 45th president of the united states i was an assistant d.a for such a long time senators of the united states they're not ordinary people they are extraordinary people it was happening in athens and it was happening in rome he who would trade liberty for some temporary security deserves neither liberty nor security i worked in this building 40 years ago i got lost then and i still do i can tell castor was so rambling there were times it seemed like his plan was to put everybody to sleep then grab the articles of impeachment and just tiptoe out even c-span tried to save their ratings by switching to live testimony from the house subcommittee on paint drying occasionally caster stumbled onto an actual point like when he argued impeachment shouldn't happen very much until the impeachment of bill clinton no one alive had ever lived through a presidential impeachment not unless some of you are 150 years old not a single person alive had lived through a presidential impeachment now most of us have lived through three of them this is supposed to be the ultimate safety valve the last thing that happens the most rare treatment ideally yeah but it's not a requirement for them to be rare that's like the police going well prosecuting triple homicides supposed to be a rare occurrence we had one last week so let's call these three headless bodies in oopsie daisy could they have been sleeping on a railroad track then we got another one of the president's lawyers david shone who played bad cops who cast his bad lawyer and somehow after being literally attacked by a mob shone argued that the real threat to the senate was the impeachment hearing itself i can promise you that if these proceedings go forward everyone will look bad well that's why we open with you clowns it makes everyone else look good by comparison shone tried to defend his client by playing a montage of democrats saying they wanted to impeach as far back as 2017. uh dave that's not the knockout punch you think it is your honor my client did not burn down that school i presented the court three years of 9-1-1 calls saying that he's an arsonist shone seemed aware that he was going on for a long time i know this is a lot to listen to at once a lot of words but that words are what make our constitution quite frankly really words you did go to law school our constitution's made of words weird words where the s's look like f's and capital letters have weird frilly curls on the end and the paper's yellow and cracked for some reason it's a scary document there's a treasure map on the back the defense rests we've got a great show for you tonight my guest is john oliver stick around [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Views: 4,095,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Late Show, Late Show, Stephen Colbert, Steven Colbert, Colbert, celebrity, celeb, celebrities, late night, talk show, comedian, comedy, CBS, joke, jokes, funny, funny video, funny videos, humor, hollywood, famous
Id: mzL76X6FUHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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