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foreign welcome back to our my wife reacts channel uh today we're gonna go ahead and be continuing the wife's nf's Journey uh we're going to be reacting to breathe uh just really quickly before we go ahead and dive into this was that breathing yeah oh wow she's playing she's playing out the song now um before we actually go ahead and dive into the uh to the video here guys and the reaction just wanted to go ahead and say thank you guys so very much uh for all of the support so far we've actually reached our very first Milestone which I know we haven't mentioned in any other year there oh yeah uh videos I don't think we did no we haven't mentioned anything it's like a little baby milestones you know little baby yeah you know baby steps baby steps you know whatever you start you got to start off small and you build up on it um but now we just wanted to say thank you guys so very much we finally reached our first Milestone uh our Milestone was to reach at least 100 subscribers oh yeah like 200 now yeah we're at like 225 in the time of recording this or something like 200 and something 200 something our next Milestone just to kind of speak it into existence now is going to be 500 so half of 1K and once we reach the 500 Mark our next one obviously is going to be the big 1K and we'll keep building from there uh but just wanted to say thank you guys so very much for all the support all of the love uh all of the feedback especially within those these last few videos with uh High Ren uh also with uh the how could you leave us reaction you guys have been absolutely killing it with all of the views we accept all feedback positive negative really doesn't matter haters huh we love the haters hey man as I said if you don't have haters you're not you're not doing it right doing it right bro you're gonna you need to have haters to know you're doing something right so I mean hey all feedback is appreciated at the end of the day the way I say and the way I see it is some people will have something to say just then or people some people will say something just to have something to say so you know when it's when it's something that I can like really construct off of and it's just something negative I just let it be you know there's no really time to uh on that but yeah just wanted to say a quick shout out to you guys and say thank you guys so very much and without further Ado to not take up more of your time we're gonna dive oh let's breathe yeah we we gonna breathe all right it sounds like you're starting cocaine at this point but all right okay let's let's get a crackle acting but we're gonna go ahead and dive into this reaction guys enjoy wait this is oh wait hold on wait what happened this is not an actual official video I was about to say I was like I don't think this does have an official video this is the actual audio all right let's actually breathe now yeah well this is what we're gonna do [Music] grew up in a small place had just driving out just to see a movie I'm a simple person City Life just doesn't move me I'd rather be home with my grandparents than playing you didn't want to leave but this dream's calling I had to do it I left my girl there wish I would have done it different and she was right when she told me that I'll never listen I told her I would change a million times I never did it apologies Don't Mean a Thing If you don't never fix it I love what I do but hold on to for everything he said I'm not gonna lie on the dime what is it that you say you got the money when they're like you know you got to like write on you got it right you gotta write it on the money right on the money um well I was gonna say a couple things funny because I'm literally the same way the thing he was saying that he'd rather be home chilling with his grandparents yeah well my grandparents don't live here but I'd rather be home chilling my mom just I guess that's not my home anymore this is my home but anyway you know my point and oh the thing that he was gonna say what did he just say that words are worth actions are worth more than an apology or words with that yeah I'll rewind it for you now I'll never listen I told her I would change a million times they never did it apologies Don't Mean a Thing If you don't never fix it apologies Don't Mean a Thing If you don't ever fix it wait yeah you know how I used to when I was in high school and I would listen to music and they had like a really good like bar I would like save it in my notes for when I posted a picture would be my Instagram caption yeah I actually I actually went through a phase don't tell me you did that yeah and in college I went through her face I'm actually not sure about my Instagram no you still have it actually you do and I still have like a lot of them like it was like a face from like I think it was just because when you were in college I was in high school so it was the same time so I guess it was just a thing because you know you're a little older yeah old people and for those of you that are wondering he was in college and she was in high school we weren't together yet no we were not together I'm only like three years older than her but like yeah right yeah because you're yeah three years yeah we started dating when I was already in college yeah anyway I went through that that weird face where I did this yeah so if I was still like my point to that I was if I was still in that stage I would have been like a bar I wrote down like you know so like can't ask someone that had just hurt me you know like that is a good one it's real I mean it's still like applies to nowadays but you know of course I don't do that anymore of course we're not very mature I love what I do but it's not what I expected this industry is not your friend well that's my perspective sometimes it closest people to you make you feel protected but those are the same people that hurt you most and leave you guessing some people say nobody's perfect but expect Perfection how you supposed to find the answer if you don't ask the question sometimes I look into the mirror and talk to my reflection when I go home wait does he have a song named mirror or reflection no not that I can remember off the top of my head well I wonder where this is going to lead to but I feel like that would have been a good name like mirror reflection whatever but he said Loki is very true because we always talk about this ironically a lot of people expect you to be perfect when obviously no one's perfect so but we always talk about the fact that a lot of people expect Perfection from anyone in general your kids your parents you know or anyone they always expect like we always expect Perfection from someone and it's usually like a parent kid relationship or kids looking up to their parents like the older you get you realize like your parents make mistakes and you're like wow can't pee you made a mistake yeah so we always talk about that so it's very ironic I I think to me out of this whole song there's like two three things like two three bars from this song that I definitely felt like you know if I was still going through that phase that we were just talking about that was definitely one of the things that I would have posted so far every single I mean if I would like if I could stop for every bar which I can but I won't I wouldn't because so far he's got it on the money no yeah that but that that particular bar right there that I don't know it just hits home for me just because throughout a point in my life that's exactly how I felt especially the people that were surrounding me it was like whenever I don't want to throw it under the bus but that's what I was talking about wow um well not particular well obviously with me and you and you know every relationship goes through there everything oh not that I'm saying like how you always told me that people around you expect like expected Perfection from you something yeah but like even like even with between me and you but it was thing but it was like particularly at another point in my life where it was like I surrounded myself again around certain people in my life that I just felt like I had to please them in every single thing that I did whenever I wouldn't it would have this obviously it would displease them and that when I first heard this song I was like damn like I saw a reflection in the mirror of me and like all my actions it's like you had a therapy session yeah exactly basically like that but it was like that you know you know a lot of people say that nobody's perfect but they expect Perfection out of you and that's just right now I'm already done but expect Perfection how you supposed to post them talk to my reflection when I go home and turn the music off whatever am I left with foreign [Music] we used to be close but it's time passed we became disconnected you never felt love and I always felt disrespected your family thought I was a joke I was always defensive they just wanted what was best for you I just couldn't accept it and hurting you was not a part of my plan or my intentions but I was immature I guess I had to learn some lessons we grew apart in our lives went in different directions and there's a lot wait before he even finishes like because I don't know where he's going with this or I don't know if this is about is he still like with his wife I mean Legacy High School childhood girlfriend kind of his wife now I wanna I wanna say that in this particular song He's probably talking about like an earlier like relationship he had like because I was he's not referring to his current wife right now no okay because I was gonna say this happens a lot in like early you know when you're like really young relationship and I mean we're still very young we're in our early 20s but still especially like in high school like fresh out of high school like everything he's saying kind of really applies to that like you expect especially a guy like especially when it's someone that's troubled I wouldn't even make it like a guy but like whoever's troubled in the relationship whether it's a girl the guy the other person's family is always kind of like judgmental and obviously that really I mean at any age of your family if you're close to them and they disapprove of your relationship it's going to affect you but especially if you're like 16 17 18 you know like you're you live at home like what are you gonna do run away from your hands oh my God you don't like Bobby I'm out yeah I mean some people do it I mean they do but there's some people that do it but but you know what I mean realistic like typically I guess not realistically but typically that's kind of the thing and they just sort of drift away a lot of times they end up coming back which is why I was gonna say is as current partner I don't know because it's more so like an illusion as to he's speaking about an earlier relationship I don't think it is so his wife right now is probably just an earlier relationship in general um but I also just say that like with that is just more so he's just more so speaking as to like you know you're probably just young you know you're you're so you're so immature and and he says it at a point I'm not sure if he's already said it um but he says like I was just really immature of that given points yeah exactly like he just finished saying like I was really immature at this point I have a lot of lessons I still need to learn because you know once you're young you feel like you know everything you think you know Aaron trust me we all I'm pretty sure we've all been there at least I mean not even that if we look back like five years from now we're gonna look back and be like wow we really stopping you everything yeah yeah and that that that that's not really something that just stops I don't know it's gonna be always yeah it's always going to be like damn I really learned a lot in the past three to four years especially every year like when you get married you have kids your kids have kids or your kids you know go to college high school whatever yeah life keeps going and keep cutting life keeps evolving bro and you gotta change with the times gotta change with the time okay I gotta sign to go with it I'll stop singing I promise some lessons we grew apart in our lives we're in different directions and there's a lot of responsibilities that I neglected I had a lot that was bottle inside Couldn't express it and this pain won't leave I can feel the depression it's taking over my body feels like I'm always stressing Dr told me I should sleep but I'm always Restless I lay Awakening I didn't think my thoughts are Relentless I need a moment to breathe I need a moment to vent this I seem to be the only person that I play pretend and when I turn the music off what am I really left with huh you know something that's interesting and I just noticed it right now and I'm not sure it's just if it's because of the headphones or anything or something like that or just because I'm kind of really focusing on this I'm not sure if you caught on to this but like in that whole entire verse where he was like you know my doctor tells me to sleep but I'm always Restless yeah you know this whole entire beat has pretty much just been like kind of chill and like it makes it sound like you kind of just want to like take a deep breath and kind of just you know relax yourself and things like that but in that past verse right there if you listen closely and I'm not sure if you guys have some good headphones at home or whatever but in the background you hear like a tapping like a yeah like like I'm sorry if I if I log star barking um but like you hear like a tapping in the background like kind of waking you up like yeah it's like uh he's trying to tell himself like you're gonna get no I need to relax and I need to breathe and you know I need to knock on your own door it kind of is like that suspense building in the background there I I heard it but very mildly but I did pick up on it it's like like yeah but no open up your brain he just has something I was going to mention but now let me forget he just said oh the music thing that he said when you turn off the music now what you're left with whatever yeah yeah are the worst yeah so the moment you turn that off is like yeah with your own you yourself and your thoughts that's either a recipe for disaster or genius ideas and in this case I'm pretty sure it was a recipe for it oh yeah I mean you know what I mean yeah well well he's with what he's alluding with or what he's basically saying in that that previous verse right there is like you know you know I'm always constantly being Restless I feel the depression setting in obviously when you have symptoms like that you don't really want to be alone with your thoughts but enough and if voicing out his voicing out all those anxieties that he has inside of him and that that depression or those just intrusive thoughts that people like to say um that's what music does for him it's like a way for him to vent then one party says I need a moment of breathe I need a moment to vent this like music is when he has his ventilator exactly that's his as ventilator you can go ahead and get all that excess energy off but whenever he's alone and he's not you know writing music or something like that it's probably just like way too much building in but yeah it's his way to decompress yeah basically but I just wanted to point out that I'm not sure if that's something there I'm just digging too deep with that but I noticed that like let's see if we hear it again because I just went back and seeing one and when I turn the music off what am I really left with [Music] it's gone now no it was like a two-second thing yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ends yeah but I love this outro it like actually sounds really peaceful so I always let it play out usually I like cut off my outros first songs but you know what's funny it reminds me or like now that it reminds me but it kind of takes me to like the beach like if you're at the beach this might be something like the background kind of like the breathe part the girl singing and with the beat would be really nice if you're at the beach kind of like at night with the ocean yeah the waves are crashing yeah that's actually kind of what I picture or like like driving in like kind of like in a sunset or not even in a sunset like it's already kind of like yeah yeah the sun is already almost gone it's kind of kind of dark it's like a piece remember there was a video I can't remember the which one but I was like oh this is kind of I can't remember what video but I said this is oh this gives me Vibes of like driving late at night by yourself like going on a late night drive yeah it was like in a depressing way I think it was a I think it is it was a reaction I just want to know I don't know but it was one of them like you you mentioned like that's not the kind of song that you just listened to nonchalant yeah or that it was either that I just want to know her no a therapy said no not therapy session uh how could you leave us I was like oh that's like something you would drive late at night like just kind of depressed by yourself this is like the opposite this is like I just want to relax windows down like just chilling and you know vibing like yeah and that's what that's what's so great about NF at the end of the day though because you know you could definitely find chill songs to just kind of space out too and there's nothing not really think about anything but even with this one there's so much real thought into it and like such Robots lyrics are so let me let me be let me be the lyrics go so hard but it can still be like a chill you know a chill moment like if you're not really listening for the lyrics or like the meaning behind it yeah just it's like a Chill song yeah the beat itself in the background and like the main the main chorus itself is yeah I agree with you right breath is that even a word no it's not I don't know my English is about to go looking breathful that's not right that's not right I just made that up if your English is not very good it's my wife Maya my English is even worse um but yeah that's basically the end of the song um honestly I really liked it it was very peaceful especially if it's like late at night right now so it's kind of it matches the energy we just need to breathe like my dog is breathing in my legs right now he's like and my feet just chilling there but anyways we're gonna close this one off here still has like 20 seconds to go but it's just a breathe outro um thank you guys again for watching thank you before you close that out what are you gonna rate it don't honestly okay I'll get nine and a half because we're going into summer right now well actually we're in summer no summer starts June something technically or July something whatever we're in summer going to summer I don't know we live in Florida it's always summertime and you know that's the time to go to the beach at night so nine and a half for sure I wouldn't give it a 10 just because I'm still waiting for a perfect song I mean but as he said don't know that Perfection don't do that I'll give it a nine and a half though I really like that I mean that's pretty solid I'll give it a I would give it I would give it a nine nine point five and everyone's perfect why isn't that no I mean I'm not saying it needs to be perfect I just personally feel like I probably could have used a longer song that's why I said it's not the perfect I feel like realistically I mean the verses he said were so hard that they account for a lot of time but realistically he's like it was very short this is like a four minute video the verses weren't that long and yeah you know and I mean it is a pretty kind of decent sized song yeah it's four minutes but realistically he's singing like what two minutes out of this yeah so I mean to me I would have appreciated another verse in there which is um but that's just me obviously but it's a it's a great song nonetheless but yeah I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut you off I just wanted to make sure that we got that ready X we forget yeah but no yeah we just want to thank you guys again so much for watching um thank you for tuning in please make sure to like subscribe comment if you would like and we'll be back with another video very Pronto make sure to leave suggestions any comments questions concerns down below and my husband and I will be back my husband my wife you know we're from my husband and wife Times we'll be back yeah thank you guys thank you guys so much for watching as she said please go ahead and leave a like uh subscribe if you're new feel free to comment down in the comment section below uh I'm also going to go ahead and Link the uh the main channel for NF here for any of you that are watching uh and then for the very first time here with us and you want to know more about NF I'll be linking his main channel in the description there so you can go ahead and sub to him as well but with that being said guys oh my God there's my battery that being said guys uh thank you guys so very much for watching and we're out peace thank you
Channel: AlcantaraReacts
Views: 1,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 98L72fNPRxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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