Couples Therapy But The Therapist Is 7 Years Old | Kid Theory

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on youtube do you see happy couples mr b surprised his girlfriend with a hundred thousand roses hundred thousand roses that's not good how did you see the world when you were a kid [Music] we brought in three couples to receive counselling from kid therapists to see if a kid's perspective could guide the couples through their relationship struggles do you know what therapist is i think a therapist is someone who helps other people people or couples if they're having a bad day or are in a bad or in or if they are in a bad situation hi my name is isabelle hello hi this is ruby i'm andrew nice to meet you nice to meet you too hello my name is evan hi evan thank you hello are you gavin yes so how are you guys feeling today you're feeling good well i'm feeling nervous i've never done it same here we have a couple things that we might need to work on so um i'm very very different from my wife here kathy i love video games a lot same here but that means i also like to stay at home a lot and just kind of do things you know on my own and play video games with my friends yeah so i prefer going out so i like hanging out with my friends outside i like going out hiking picnic you know the park yeah i actually have a park by me i also like to ride bikes and stuff yeah so our problem is that i like going out and he prefers staying indoor so every weekend we have you know trouble deciding what to do and we always argue about it wait i have an idea um you know pokemon go it's like a video game but you can walk around you can try that out so the first of the week you play video games that he likes and then the other 50 of the week then you'll have to do what she likes okay 50 50. i like that a lot right now it's 80 video games and 20 going out so we have to split it halfway down yeah i like that that's fair yeah yeah okay so what do you guys disagree on do we disagree on do you have instagram no well we disagree on instagram sometimes i don't know i sometimes have a problem that you don't like to post me on your instagram you should be proud of who you're with like you should want to post them i don't know just sometimes it feels like he tries to hide me i don't think that it's much of a big deal if you want to contact virtually you should use sex messages face time or resume yeah you can zoom me yeah we could i guess huh how can i help you guys huh i get a little grumpy when i have a bad day yeah i come home and i do put it on her sometimes and i don't know how to deal with this sometimes i don't know how to make him not be grumpy do you know how we can fix that well um i i would think probably like if you guys have like other rooms you could go to one room and then you can go to one room okay and then when you cool down you can tell her all about it yeah that's a good idea i don't know why i think of that we never thought of that so good suggestion i feel like we sort of disagree on things when it comes to like jealousy and like fear of losing someone like all relationships end and it is going to either end in breakup and death or divorce are you afraid that i will lose i will leave you no okay just wondering so if if you guys had to choose would you propose right now propose right now [Music] just straight up pull out a ring and propose right there that that's like you have to plan that so i would i would say no no like if you had it planned though oh if i had a plan of course yes but like as of right now just get down on my knees that wouldn't make sense well i think of it like a rank like karate you have like this belt you're at the second highest ranking and then when you get married you go to a black belt okay so you think you'd be like a level up yes okay i do have something else someone else's advice with though okay so at home we live together and i do everything around the house and he's great at cooking so he does the cooking but i do everything else do you think that's fair amount of chores how can we make that more fair um you do 50 50 of the house and he does yeah and then he does the other 50 yeah but cooking is a lot of work you have to chop the stuff you have to buy the stuff i cook every single day but you only clean every three or four days i clean the kitchen every day that's true yeah you have a point i have an idea a first teacher how to cook okay that's true that's good first started eggs even i can make scrambled eggs you just i'm turning the oven on get a pan wrap the eggs scramble them up done thank you for teaching so he should teach me how to cook i should help him cook more and he should help me clean more yes i love that her and my sister don't really get along yeah and i'm not sure why you know i don't know how to talk to her she doesn't talk to me so how do you think i should try to befriend her probably get her like a gift and tell her how you really feel like oh i think you're not like being nice and probably say something like that okay well do you think she would want to talk to me though probably give her flowers and a card or like a teddy bear like most people do kind of oh okay she loves nightmare before christmas oh you see yeah you should have told me that well there you go okay on youtube do you see happy couples oh yeah mr b surprised his girlfriend with a hundred thousand roses hundred thousand roses that's not good like if she wants like a necklace or ring you should save up to buy what she wants okay i think he does do that he surprises me a lot so i think that was good advice he's meeting those requirements right now well i appreciate you taking the time out to sit down and talk our problems with us thanks kevin thank you we're gonna find those games okay bye bye nice to meet you nice meeting you too thanks doc all right [Music] what do you think makes a relationship work that they trust in each other and to love each other and not cheat on each other i think love is a level beyond friendship it takes a lot of help and a lot of responsibility and trust to make our relationship work my best suggestion for games among us are friday night among us is like oh there's imposters and stuff and then friday night funkin is like it's like a beat game roblox is pretty good because it has a whole bunch of different games there's a game called sims i don't really like it but my mom does because like it's like a real life but instead of a game do you think she'll like that maybe i should try it out yes
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,962,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Kids React, Kids Couple Therapy, Kid Therapist, Couple Therapy, Funny Couple Therapy, Kids Theory, kids theory jubilee, kid therapist jubilee, kid therapy jubilee, ask a kid therapist, kids give couples advice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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