Spray on Stone with Epoxy | Stone Coat Countertops Epoxy

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you want simple countertops in this video  we're going to show you two samples of a   simple countertop that takes you five  minutes or less for the decorative part   we're going to show you how to do marble spray  and granite spray is your jam marble or would   you rather have granite we're gonna show you both  it's a one-two punch i'm feeling frisky let's go have you seen the video how we make our sample  boards how we do a drop edge with a rock face how   we bring in that grinder to give these realistic  looking details if you haven't seen that check   it out because that's the same way you can build  brand new countertops you can also do this same   stone coat epoxy process over your old existing  surfaces like countertops table tops desktops   shower walls floors and more visit our website  anytime for all the products used in this video   these are easy techniques if you guys do home  shows this would be a really valuable display   because people walking by your booth it would  trick the eye you know you got two stones   married together so i'd like to do like an angle  something like this okay so i'll do an angle and   it'll show half marble spray half granite it'll  be a really cool display so let's get started i like that right there okay so i got   white marble spray and silver marble spray going  over a black undercoat that's our epoxy undercoat test that spray first i'm gonna do the edges  first guys now i'm just gonna do the field   that's it right there let me do uh one more  here nice that's it for that side the marble   spray dries really quickly so my spray fan will be  able to be laid right on top of that marble spray   almost instantly as opposed to the granite sprays  they take a while to set up so i'll do that second   so that i can mask off this section and then spray  the granite that's a pro tip do you like these pro   tips let me know in the comments below what's been  your favorite stone coat countertop pro tip of all   time okay guys when spraying these marble sprays  you got a little safety donut right there that   little cap you got to pull that off and pull that  donut off and then it'll spray all right here we go nice that looks cool a couple  couple of shades on there okay what two colors am i using on stone spray   i'm gonna use our greystone and our  stone sienna i love these things okay test spray your sprays first do your edges  first and start a little further back this does   over spray pretty substantially so just be sure  to mask the area that you don't want sprayed okay now it's time for the graystone nice that's gonna look like granite that's sick man i like the uh the different  effects on the same board man that is   that's killer okay i'm going to let this dry and  then we'll be ready for the next step and the next   step is simple it's just clear stone coat epoxy  it's heat resistant scratch resistant uv resistant   food safe it's DIY friendly because it's a one  to one ratio there's no noxious smell there's   zero VOC's that means there's no solvents escaping  it's an amazing product designed for kitchen and   bathroom use and abuse we are all dry we are ready  for the clear coat on this it's been a couple of   hours and that's nice and dry sanded with 220 grit  we'll wipe the dust we'll mix the clear coat of   stone coat epoxy at a one to one ratio for about  two minutes using a drill i'll trowel that with   our 1/8" by 1/8" square notch trowel it's designed  to have three ounces per square foot i know i'm   throwing a lot of information at you but did  you know right there at stonecoatcountertops.com   we have a training portal it's an actual epoxy  academy it's going to teach you all of these   things at your pace plus you can rewind this video  and take some notes but we've already done that   for you as well we have pdfs that are downloadable  for epoxy basics this is a basic recipe it's   super simple no stress involved it's designed  for the do-it-yourselfer to get things done   pro tip in the winter time warm  that epoxy up get it nice and warm   and then do that one to one ratio  it'll mix much easier for you pull that off pull any loose  bristles out and you're ready to pour what i like about doing this kind of a recipe is  all of your color is in that undercoat and so if   you're new to epoxy you could actually come back  and adjust it you can you could add more you could   repaint it and just start over the spray cans will  do so much square footage that you don't have to   be in a hurry you don't have to worry you can just  get that under painting just how you like it but   again if you practice on a little piece of paper  or cardboard first to get your spray technique   down remember a little goes a long way and start  with those edges you're going to get it to look   like this i mean this this would take a faux  finish or hours upon hours to do this marbling   here and we did it in seconds you know so i'm  just looking at the value of this technique and   man you can really upgrade an old kitchen so  quickly uh with with just a little can of spray   look at this edge i mean i don't  think you can get a more perfect edge   with that rock face my brother made these and wow   like it's just they're perfect perfect okay you  can see the bubbles there let's torch them out look at the edge bro right here that looks really good it it  looks does on this marble spray yeah the in and out really makes a good  difference yeah i like seeing that's not too much they just spray right out of  can that's the cool part yeah   you don't have to have any skills creating marble  and granite countertops is as simple as spraying   it right out of a can let us know what you  think of this video in the comments below   and from all of us here at stone coat countertops  you got this and we'll see you on the next video
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 1,684,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy countertop, art resin, painting countertops, epoxy table, epoxy resin, epoxy resin table, diy, diy epoxy, stone coat countertops, stone coat, diy crafts, concrete countertop, overlay, diy concrete countertop, granite countertop, how to, how to epoxy, marble, granite, granite counters, marble counters, marble countertops, stone textured spray paint, marble spray, marble spray paint, marble effect, marble effect painting, spray on stone with epoxy, spray on stone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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