Could You Finish? | Billy Bolt Smashes His Pipe, Still Beats Lettenbichler

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welcome back to seat time guys reminder i'm woody but this time things are a little bit different we're on an event this is the 2021 red bull tennessee knockout at the trials training center so this video is going to be all about the hard enduro world series guys coming to the united states for the first time for points paying of their world championship it is a little bit drier so it's a little bit dustier the track will be a little bit faster than it has been in years past also there are more competitors some of these competitors have been here in the past manny leyton bickler has won in the past but a lot of the other racers from europe and from other parts of the world have been on the podium so they know what to expect it's hot it's humid but we're all gonna have a lot of fun watching dirt bikes and watching racers be badass in the woods of tennessee let's get to it you can't talk about the red bull tennessee knockout without mentioning the amateurs these racers come from around the globe to test out their gummy tires on the slimy tennessee rocks and roots if they stay upright and make it to the top 30 after their two tko races they get a chance to race the big dogs on sunday [Music] the straight rhythm exhibition race that took place saturday evening was the highest intensity of the weekend the format is a bracket-style head-to-head enduro cross race that keeps the riders twisting the throttle to the stop and the fan screaming for more race fuel fumes we saw the riders eyeing up the log doubles when they were walking the course but watching them bust them out while racing was jaw-dropped [Applause] [Music] we started with 16 racers and whittled our way down to the final bracket race between gas gas's tabby lazuziac and husqvarna's billy bolt bolt came out on top over blazuziak but both rocketed their bikes over the finish line without a care in the world [Music] [Applause] the red bull tennessee knockout is just that a knockout format sunday starts with a hot lap to set the starting order for the first knockout race the first race has the racers started one by one on the longest layout of the day the goal for the racers on course is to finish in the top 25 time wise so they can move on to the second knockout race [Music] [Applause] so far mega impressed with the organization and the infrastructure that's changing all the tracks as it goes along but now i think the organizers are going to twist it a little bit harder and then we're going into tko2 the second knockout has a different start and scoring format the 25 racers who made it through are spread out into five rows of five racers even though all racers are on the course you are only competing against the time of the four other racers you started with on your row the course the racers compete on this time is the slightly varied version from the first knockout race one racer we saw not make it past knockout two was taddy lazuziak quite surprising considering he truly is one of the best hard enduro racers in the world [Applause] [Music] though manny letton bickler was the fastest during the hot laps it was billy bolt who was carrying the momentum into the final race both edged out manny during tko one by 14 seconds and won tko 2 over tristan hart by 38 seconds those close times told us the final was going to be bar to bar hard enduro racing the final race was the shortest course on the weekend the racers had 30 minutes plus one lap in front of them and the one who took the checkered flag took the overall win though the course itself wasn't all that challenging we did see some mishaps that caused quite a lot of back and forth between bolt and letting bitcoin billy bolt seemed to have edged out letting bickler after the halfway point but a random rock smashed bolts pipe in this is definitely a don't use a pipe guard situation if he had a pipe guard on it certainly would have ended his race with a damaged cylinder the lack of power brought on by the damaged pipe caused bolt to take a second attempt on the hill climb out of the red bull ravine this gave letting bickler the opportunity to get in front of bolt [Applause] [Music] letting bickler was cruising his way to a win when he had his own mishap catching a foot peg on a rock this allowed bolt to squeak by to take back the lead from there bolt kept his husqvarna high in the rpms to try and keep enough power to stay in front of letting bickler when the checkered flag was waived holt took the win and letting bickler launched himself over the finish line just two seconds behind billy as all the racers came across the finish line they looked smoky waters red bulls and pipeful of awesomes were consumed to try and start the recovery process the racing we saw from all competitors was unlike any we've seen at the trials training center before the course was also faster and more dry than it has been in years past the hope is that the red bull tennessee knockout stays on the hard enduro world championship schedule and that we see a slower more technical course for the world's best well there you have it guys the 2021 red bull tennessee knockout is over billy bolt is your winner this year manny letton bickler in second tristan hart in third yes this is a champagne bottle hope you guys enjoyed the video a little bit of on-site recap from this event if you want to see more of this stuff let me know tell me i'd love to come to more events and do a brian pierce seat time woody there with george kind of recap i think it'd be awesome remember guys give this thing a thumbs up give it a like whatever the kids are doing these days if got stuff everywhere if you want to get more content from seedtime education entertainment on dirt bikes make sure you give a subscribe if nothing else i hope i got a chance to see you on the trail but if i don't i'll see you guys on the internet peace [Music]
Channel: Seat Time
Views: 72,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: billy bolt, red bull hardline, red bull tko 2021, red bull tko hard enduro, red bull tennessee knockout, red bull tennessee knockout 2021, red bull enduro, billy bolt trials, billy bolt enduro, cody webb enduro, tko enduro, hard enduro, extreme enduro, hard enduro racing, enduro racing, seat time, getting seattime, two stroke pipe guard, two stroke dirt bike, mani lettenbichler, paul bolton enduro, red bull motorsports, manuel lettenbichler gopro
Id: Nv2DaViu8B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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