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driver signature tourist rock paper scissors it's been a while since we did a bit of steve the stalker mr shit's not messing around hello hello and welcome back we're here well you know where we are because i'm definitely putting his name in the title clicky clicky drivers land java signature to us for the 2022 model husky launch i just woke up i feel like i've been hit by a bus 20 past 10 um and i think we're supposed to start filming and stuff at 10 so i was expecting to be getting shouted at to go and do some work but uh yeah i haven't been shouted at yet so i thought i might as well start the vlog quick little intro to the vlog give it a little show you around i'm going to see what's happening outside haven't really said hello anyone yet because i'm just very tired when i woke up [Music] nope [Music] oh dragon drake and i could pull it off like this that's the question in it because if you look at this he has pants quite hard to do this one handed put it on there do you get what i'm saying am i cool enough can i run that off stay tuned to find out i don't know i don't know if i've got that in this but we'll see uh let me put the peak on this please see i've brought it oh no oh no um on a serious note as we've just had the shop stickers out shop is obviously still offline um i am going to make a serious serious push in the next couple weeks to get merch going again so comment down below what you want to see t-shirts styles hoodies whatever clothing i want to see it don't have bright colors doing it sort of colors throughout the mud got them oversized got them skinny got them baggy nothing loose let us know what you want to see on the shop and i'm going to make a real big effort to get the shot back going because it's still got about 5 000 sticker sheets to sell so they definitely need to go back online asap fair few messages recently asked and seeing the current get on that's because the website's offline but it will be back online soon i promise i'm going to get dressed now do some proper work let's fix them go i'll stick to go pawn you sweet boy today with the actual camera harness so you get a gist of what goes on um i'll have to take it off when we do the actual clips or whatever but i don't know i've never been here it's green spot he knows where we're riding so you might see some good [ __ ] you might not i'm getting dressed [ __ ] me it's hot and uh yeah see you on the big camera later this afternoon what what do you want 300 or 350 i think it's 23. i want 350. no what you say you're going to be on a 350. rock paper scissors ready rock fit i want 350. it's been a while since we did a bit of steve the stock of it [Music] graham just left i have no idea where i'm going to never been before so yeah oh yeah good morning afternoon so guys i'm gonna work one hour for example with you and then after the first 30 minutes we change the bikes so if you want graham go with fifa you can start there i start with you around here next spot which direction that way or that way [Music] so mister mr shit's not messing around three goes and we're done eh yeah is he you're the man no way jump on the go now give steve a start only a little one but steve steve's feeling extra soft on this suspension so we can't be going too big it's going to get a bit out of land but uh hi little jumpy [Music] wow [Music] ah right a bike swap i should have videoed that actually that would have been funny another another bike swap you know because we took you on bikes and that you didn't already know that go watch your video good video um so i'm still photographing away two stanking this time i'm gonna be here right there yeah this way or this way okay if you do this way i can see your your face through there hmm [Applause] [Music] locations i'm going onto video jarvis land jarvis signature tour of spain um it's my first time i came i actually was going to come a winter but um didn't get around getting this far down spain but um yeah it's my first time here and i have to say i'm most impressed by set up to be fair um and he hasn't even asked us or told us to see this i'll be billing him for it after but i am most impressed with this setup um some sick riding and yeah nice little accommodation set up with a pool and all sorts of that so if you do come on holiday tell them billy you come here because of billy's [Music] vlog i was actually just telling everyone how nice spot it is and and how good it is oh thanks now you're feeling on the jarvis thing yeah it's very good you've got a relaxed feeling you relax holiday vibes holiday vibes so i'll be inviting you for that clip later but anyway no anyone that does come tell him tell him you've arrived because of billy's vlog and he can uh can do us 20 can't agree with a discount code you've got to go have your pictures took now same bikes now and then we've got a swap again in 20 minutes what's first impressions of the 2022 husqvarna 350. massive improvement he's not safe on a 350. not [ __ ] safe i'm not going to bother propping the camera up and videoing any of this because there's nowhere really to hide it behind anything it's and i want to save a bit of battery on the gopro because i think we might be going for a trail ride out to london but you'll have to just watch the video that this professional video guys gonna make in fact so go and watch that and probably be out in a few weeks time oh it's probably tucker's few weeks to do this vlog i haven't been that good on old turnaround time lately but i'm gonna try and improve i'm gonna say this will be out this week but that could be ambitious [Music] it's not easy oh i've just had such a mint nap [ __ ] outfit like tommy actually but anyway team photos now so a normal kid so i'm dressed up all smart than that [Applause] [Music] you've already done that one that's another 50 quid if you want another gordon if you're focusing on the new bikes the new turbos the new tour but so that people can ride these exact bikes very bikes they're going to be on the floor your bill for this video is expensive now 350s 300 some people still like the four strokes [Music] why don't we give a free trip do away i'll think about it that'd be a good price get some interest i'd rather than shred him [Music] first herzberg when you forgot your knee braces and i lent you the car to go back to the hotel and you got a speed-in ticket i paid the speed actually you never never given me the money said that's a good story that i was forgetting graham always reminds us whenever he reckons i'm in debt with him my first and the time i saved your life at romania i was actually gonna finish um my first asberg what is the chrono changing gear yeah my first asberg 2016 gets a truck and starts to get changed and realized i left my knee bases on the radiator in the hotel it's like an hour till the start and if you've ever been desperate you know like what the queue is like to get in and out the quarry started a bit of a panic at the bottom higher call i actually went the wrong way because that's been tickets nowhere near the air that speed cameras actually nowhere near the hotel um got lost and got a spoon taking green's car but i got back got my knee braces got back finished got factory rides and then the rest is history so well done grim might not be sat here today if you hadn't lent as your car that that morning exactly you're gonna owe me for the rest of your life i going don't actually think i'm gonna bother videoing anything else so i'm gonna end this vlog now the first one we're gonna resume the next one tomorrow we're here at the beach is this the local grimm oh here we go again now we're here at the beach having that presentation and food and that in there but we're not gonna bother filming anymore just dinner really so see the next uploads which we'll pick up for tomorrow morning when we're going on a proper java signature tour today we're just sticking around but tomorrow actually properly our java signature tour for journalists so see you then see a bit
Channel: Billy Bolt
Views: 96,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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