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really early [Music] right so 300 tpi 300 hard endurance p e 300 i husqvarna t300i in hard enduro form hurting through yeah i've actually missed this bike looking at it it's it's nice and i missed my bikes i can't complain though to be fair appreciation post to husqvarna south africa for looking after us while i was there i had actually no dramas and i would stop bikes for best part two more stop bikes that are maintained pull strap essential for pulling the back wheel or lifting now it's probably a lift strap i'd say that one's a pull stop this one's a lift if it's too low you get on top of it and you lift it up using this pretty good or what i sometimes have to do is get under here that's why i really for all extreme races recommend having their number if you don't have the number plate holder at least have the sides a bit more rigidity to your mud guard give you michelin it's super soft it's not very soft in these temperatures it feels like it feels like i could blow the ice tire at the minute michelin super soft with super soft flat sup whole drilled moose however i can't tell you what's inside there it's michelin but it's a it's a personal topic a man in his moose that's not a secret actually a lot of people seem to drilled moose in the back of the van in one of the south african videos which is often the case people do dwell boosters to make them softer what is on this one exactly i can't tell you because i have no idea but i can't tell you the wheel only has two rim locks so it can't be a very it can't be an extremely soft mousse because when we go really really soft for like what we're racing the day in romania we started to go three room locks just for safety brembo rear disc solid a little bit thicker than normal but proper proper solid i don't think i've ever actually bent one of the brembo discs and again rear shock fin essential i'd see that's probably disc gods and the solid chain blocks probably one of the under a steel sprocket they're probably one of your biggest essentials for a hardened duo without if you don't bend one of them you're going to be able to keep going the whole time they're not going to slow you down fmf silencer quite long um factory don't i feel like uh yeah you can buy them i think power pots power ports fmf7 sir standard head seat did have a i did have a seat which had a little it's not as it wasn't a pump i'd like a bit of a thing on the back i forgot to bring it home from south africa so that's stuck there so we're gonna have to make another seat so let's put standard height seat for the for the most part track shock very soft setting front and back for extreme enduro very soft reasonably fast rebound but again it's kind of a fine line there's no perfect setup because even in the the super technical races there's still fast sections where you want it quite stiff and a little bit of hold up when we're flat out on dirt roads and forest roads with super soft tires and super soft boosters it gets sketchy so as soft as you dare go to keep a little bit of hold up for fast lighting so more 300 obviously well that's quite a topic thing you've got there in your end kickstart yeah kickstarter i understand that you can't actually buy a kickstart kit um a lot of people that actually is a hot topic if i put a picture on instagram or i've seen on graham's instagram um kickstart people get mad about the kickstart obviously main reasons for safety you know if you have problems in a race as seen in billy's video what's it called we go to wheels we go to warehouse yeah we go at wales the kickstart save the day and also fun fact um i actually got told this on one of the tests i did r d um the having the kickstart actually in the engine does actually all the performance having the like the weight of the gear and the mechanical dragon walk i'm going a bit over my head now but it does actually alter the the power curve so 300 engine uh factory engine bits and bobs a little bit can't really go into too much deal i don't really know the deals but we do quite a bit of engine testing and bits and bobs different components yeah few tweaks uh oh massive oh no another massive topic what gearing on these bikes oh yes it's currently 12 yeah that's what i thought i was just double checking 12 48 on my bike occasionally change it usually like if i have a bad day at a race i blame the gear and even though it's probably 90 percent of it or 99 of it isn't to do the gear but it always feels good to make a change after you've had a bad day so so one tooth on the back is usually a good uh mental readjuster readjustment so i'm 12 48 which is pretty similar to about 1351 which is i think slightly lower than standard but i know some people do go even lower than that green one's very very low gearing power valve is um i don't know much about it i just know we're not allowed to touch it so that's factory same with the super enduro bag it's a recluse clutch recluse basket because it's billet aluminium but not automatic despite what everyone seems i like to troll people on instagram a little bit actually but it's it's not automatic i promise f from pipe um we're quite close with fmf last it actually did quite a lot of testing in general on two strokes last year not many races because of covered and all that so we did quite a bit of testing quite a bit of it was on front pipes standard radiators fan essential there's actually a fan on the super enjoy bike as well which i forgot to mention but fan obviously probably actually i'd say a fan is probably even more essential than the brick the the the disc protectors on a harder durability because it's not worse than your bike boiling its tits off everyone's had a wii in a radio finisher race front end front end forks again kind of as soft as you dare go to still be able to ride the bike fast pretty much that's give or take the kind of suspension pull strap for pulling so usually what happens is you get stuck and you just go give like puppy dog eyes to the spectators nearby and they come and go or sometimes if they've got a rope and a hook the hook and gets all excited and hook it on pull you up and then there's loads of loose rope and it gets tangled in your wheels and on your foot rests and around around other people's necks and just corner jar races just pure carnage rims again exhale did you try to use a60s for a little bit that was the thing last year we're going to use these 60s but we all thought oh i found them a bit too stiff prefer xl a little more flex in them um factory front brake uh oh go on edward number 10 must cylinder again nice and aggressive nice and grabby sounds like i'm being perfect it feels so weird riding a bike without a stretch grip there's a little mods people could probably do at home a little bit of old air filter if the um oh this is actually a factory cap a lot of people ask where they could get rid of these homes i don't think you can i think that um but this little moderate this little bit of foam money outside if in the event of an emergency and your bike lands upside down and it wants to leak oil out this will just catch it stop it leaking everywhere i see this on the amount of people are training schools and hobby riders and stuff that i see with the lock stops like out here and they've got about this much lock and they wonder why they can't reach the floor and they can't turn around under your lock stops sling them lock stops out full lock lovely stuff just go in the front pull strap wrap the foot pegs we're on five mil down and five mil back just get the center of gravity a little bit lower a little bit further back for them kind of like trousy sections so quickly recap tires soft tires and mousses soft tires mousses suspension engine soft everything uh kind of soft engine again i didn't really go too much in a deal but engine is uh quite strong with the power is really strong off the bottom so it pulls you can try and um stay in that high again off the clutch and just let it work like almost layer it just so you can find grip when it's when it's slippy on them steep hills like really strong power at the bottom um hence why also we have quite low gearing have feel this edward that likes my bike he sits on it you always sit and discuss well now i was annoyed because you went to australia not australia you went to south africa and left the shitty 450 here when you could have left me there a nice clutch just the most important thing of anyone of your bike is your hands and your feet are comfortable because that's where is in contact with your body if your hands your feet are comfortable that goes into your elbows and your shoulders your body neck brain to your brain hands and feet most importantly there's another part that touches the the like the arse ah and if you want to keep your ass comfortable what do you wear you wear kicks lovely stuff oh i've missed another thing these little um blue bits bling bits they're actually a bit better than bling the um little bit the rubber in there so when you crash right you can't move it with your hand but if you crash it's obviously breaking the master cylinder so they're they're actually very useful but it's probably a good investment i'm gonna save your money if you ride hard enjoy you're gonna crash often enough you're probably gonna be a commercial or at worst uh at best i mean what's the word yeah at least gonna break a lever if you're not gonna break a master now with these i'm not gonna promise you they're going to appear but you've got less chance you're limited yeah definitely uh improve your odds of having a damage free ride is that it i think so our sxs some plate and i would say especially on the husky having a nice little flap over your linkage a lot of people say linkage gets in the wheel blah blah blah i honestly think if you've got a nice good little scoop on it like that um so your bike can slide you don't even know it's a linkage i said that's the one oh and you need a really really mint graphics kit yeah lovely graphics do they help if you look fast go fast don't you if you look fast real fast go fast that's the that's the ruling that's what tommy said look pro go slow no that's your model there you have it are you happy now ed's been trying to get us to do that for you well we haven't been calling yes but ed's been trying to get us to do that for a while yeah well you'll see from the comments below that people will appreciate that if there's anything you want us to go into more depth of we'll answer that on the podcast oh he's just doing all that but yeah um well i had an impulse buying boat podcast kit so now i need well i'm hoping ed can do some research and figure out how to use it because because i'm a bit busy over the next few weeks but anyway thanks for watching anything you require further detail on it's freezing in this garage if there's anything you require further detail on comment down below and we'll we'll go into further detail at some point two lovely brand new bags going scrag all over now next time it comes in we'll do a we'll have a little recap have a damage assessment see what i broke i think that's about it thanks for watching like share subscribe share it actually that'd be good um share it on instagram get because we need some more subscribers don't worry yeah we do we had which actually we've had some we're still having solid growth but we've had consistent growth but i think we need to level up now well i'm back i'm back your channel's changing again okay yeah well you don't have to endure my editing anymore um although although i am improving it just takes me a long time to do it now i'm impressed with your skills i'm impressed with your effort now i actually thoroughly enjoy it i honestly find it really therapeutic however it just takes up so much of my time it's a good job i've had no races to do although i have actually been training rather hard in the last few months um i definitely pulled the right move to head south for a few months because the weather down here is shite but anyway um see you in a bit soon a bit [Music]
Channel: Billy Bolt
Views: 66,551
Rating: 4.9823437 out of 5
Keywords: billy bolt, motocross, super enduro, ktm, kawasaki, honda, husqvarna, hard enduro, Billy Bolt, BB57, Husqvarna, Enduro, Motocross, Extreme Enduro, Red Bull, Rockstar, Supercross, Wheelie, Crash, Fail, Dirt Bike Fails, Back Flips, Lockdown, Boris, BoJo, Logan Paul, Extreme, Erzberg, MotoGP, Jonny Walker, Graham Jarvis, RedBull, Energy Drink, Cowm Leisure, Bolt, Fails, Dirt Bike, Superbike, Monster Energy, track build, ramp, dubai, desert riding, tommy searle, matt jones, wales, Vlog, vlogger, travel, brexit
Id: wFt9Pl_YBEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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