Could the Empire's fleet at Endor invade Reach (Halo)? | Empire vs UNSC

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hey guys I've got a letter hello and welcome to another episode of Star Wars Galaxies vs. this is a brand new series and I'm not gonna lie I am NOT at all set on the name but what we're gonna be doing in this series is instead of looking at individual starship matchups like we do in starship vs. we're gonna be taking large-scale scenarios like a Galactic invasion and trying to predict what would happen if you like this new series make sure to give this video a like and if I see enough I'll know to continue it I've got some future ideas including seeing which ships in the Star Wars universe could defeat the forerunner ship the mantles approach but anyway let's start with today's video and we're looking at a very interesting topic in my mind it's the invasion of reach this of course was one of the pivotal moments during the human covenant war and is captured by the game Halo Reach were once again looking at the Empire today as we did with my previous two videos and by the way if you want to see them I've put a link to a playlist down in the description and also post it in the comments but we're looking at whether the Empire could have invaded reach specifically whether the Empire's fleet at the Battle of Endor excluding the Death Star could have invaded the planet we've got a few rules for the scenario the first is that we're only looking at the actual defenders of reach at the beginning of the battle so we're not taking the backup fleets only looking at the epsilon you're Danny fleet and any ground forces on the planet the goal of the Empire here is to destroy all major population centers on the planet the goal of the UNSC is to destroy all Imperial naval forces and any troops that have been deployed to the planet if the Empire is successful I'll decide whether the back-up UNSC forces which were on route to reach during the battle could have stopped the invasion if the UNSC is successful I'll look at whether the Empire could have sent a reactionary fleet to take the planet so here's I'm gonna do the battle I'm gonna look at the forces involved in the fall of reach the actual battle itself and then see how the Empire stands up now there are gonna be some discrepancies here because the Halo universe has kind of contradicted itself when it comes to the Battle of reach a few times but I will do my best to try to explain it in a way that you guys can understand so let's talk about the actual battle itself within the Halo universe and the first thing you should know is that this was one of the largest and most important battles during the human covenant or at the time of reach actually the Covenant invading fleet was the largest that had ever been seen they had over 750 warships including an almost 30 kilometer long CSO class super carried the long night of Solace which was the name of the super carrier itself probably carried in tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of covenant assets when you add the 750 warships including CAS class carriers and other important covenant ships you've got tens of millions likely covenant forces on the ground reach was one of the most important planets to the UNSC and given that it was very well defended the Epsilon Eridani fleet which protected reach in the surrounding systems was one of the largest stationed during the war and had 150 ships in total including the UNSC Trafalgar an old bungy site said that reach had a total military manpower of 390 million however that's probably just calculating the total number of fighting aged people on the planet in addition though the site does make it clear that the UNSC had over 100,000 air land and naval assets notably over the planet the UNSC had 20 orbital defense Supermax platforms and an array of nuclear mine finally the UNSC had stationed on the planet several teams of Spartan twos and a team of Spartan threes so let's talk about how the battle went down and really this was not a great victory for either side the UNSC lost of course one of its most important planets and was totally glassed by the Covenant the Covenant on the other hand lost hundreds of ships including their large super carrier the invasion was started by an advanced force comprising of a few covenant Corvettes and the large super carrier they use stealth landed troops immediately and achieved in atmosphere air superiority the UNSC actually won a few early battles they were able to stop the covenants attack on sword base and at the Battle of V Geary they stopped the covenants clandestine landing of troops after destroying one of their towers this point they discovered the large super carrier which were treated in his space apparently somewhere where it had disabled the super Mac platforms the UNSC would actually manage to destroy the super carrier as well and at this point the battle wasn't looking bad however then arrived the fleet of particular justice a massive massive covenant invasion force the fleet of particular Justice engaged reaches orbital defense platforms and the Epsilon Eridani defense force much of the Covenant fleet actually was wiped out by an array of nuclear mines placed around the planet and the opening salvo of UNSC forces and the orbital defense platforms however after surviving this initial attack the fleet of particular Justice wiped out 80% of the UNSC forces around the planet specialized ships like the Covenant super battle cruiser then managed to take Oh many of the orbital defense platforms from a distance the Covenant then landed assets to take out the orbital defense platform generators which were on the planet themselves at this point much of Reach's defense platforms were lost in the Covenant followed up with two more fleets including the fleet of holy respite and the fleet of righteous vigilance the UNSC of course would be routed on reach the planet was lost all of the major cities and really all the planet itself was completely classed and there were almost no survivors so let's now talk about the Empire and specifically their fleet that was active during the Battle of Endor Endor was one of the largest engagements during the Galactic Civil War although given that the war was fought mostly using hit-and-run tactics that's not saying a whole lot if you go about the Star Wars legends numbers which of course you guys know that I like to do the Empire had a total of about 50 ships the fleet was of course led by the executor a 19 kilometer super stardestroyer in addition there were also two larger battle cruisers although we don't actually know very much about them the main fleet was comprised of 33 Imperial One and imperial two class Star Destroyers supplementing these forces or three Tector class star destroyers of victory Class Star Destroyer a victory 2 class Star Destroyer several immobilizer cruisers and then several later frigates this is quite an impressive force and although realistically the Empire probably could have spared a lot more for this battle this fleet was powerful enough to actually test the entirety of the Rebel Alliance it's my theory and if you want to learn more about this you can watch my video called what would have really happened after Endor which is kind of like Maya got a Star Wars audiobook that the Empire only moved so few ships because the Alliance would have noticed fleet movements had they actually brought in more star destroyers you have to remember that the attack on the Death Star was supposed to be a trap by the Empire and really the star destroyers were just there to make sure that the Rebel Alliance did not escape this is important because it represents a difficulty that the Empire is gonna have here the covenants invaded reach with their largest force seen to date the Empire's fleet in this instance however was most likely meant for secrecy I think this brings us to the actual matchup when you play the game Halo Reach you don't necessarily realize how large of a conflict it was however when you do some digging and when you actually read into the forces used by the Covenant you realize just how important and just how large of a battle that this was I mean the Covenant through hundreds of ships at the orbital defense platforms and the other defenses at reach and most of them were destroyed the Empire here has only 50 ships given that there are 20 orbital defense platforms that means that there's one for every two Imperial ships we also have a hundred and fifty UNSC ships most of these would also have a Mac on them so that means that we've got three Mac cannons for every single Imperial ship I'm really not going to get into the power scale on how Star Wars has shields of whatever power because I don't think it's necessary here we know that a Mac is an extremely powerful weapon and unless we go with the kind of ridiculous Star Wars legends numbers which puts the shot of a single turbo laser in the 300 Giga ton range I think it's pretty clear that the Empire is gonna lose this space battle especially when we take the nuclear minefield into account even if some ships get through or like some of the orbital defense platforms are pointing in the wrong direction I still don't think the Empire will be able to successfully continue the invasion a fleet of this size would have had probably at max a thousand walkers and when you're losing a bunch of ships that number gets cut down pretty dramatically the UNSC has extensive ground forces including the use of Spartans I really don't think the Empire will be able to dig in and actually win any battles on the ground he'll have to rely on Star Destroyers in space taking down the cities from above with base Delta maneuvers even if we are assuming that the Empire somehow managed to miraculously destroy all of the orbital defense platforms in the surrounding reach fleet each one of these star destroyers is still going to be a huge target fairly confident that the UNSC could even without remaining orbital naval assets managed to destroy them somehow I mean we saw in Halo Reach just how crafty the Spartan threes and Spartan twos can be so yeah many of this battle to the UNSC I mean I could have looked more in depth at actually the power differences between the UNSC and the Empire but given the disparity of resources in this case I really just did not think it was necessary and I thought the result here was pretty clear so the Emperor notices that some pesky planet has destroyed an invading force can the Empire somehow muster the rest of its forces and take down reach I think the answer here is pretty clearly yes I mean the Empire had for example the Death Star - however even without super weapons though it's been said in Star Wars legends that the Empire had trillions of individuals and millions of vessels I think it's pretty likely that if the Empire really wanted to they could Ram reach out of existence just by flying ship satify by conventional means I mean it's really no contest so that's my final finding the Empire could not have excessively invaded reach with their forces from Endor however the full Empire certainly could but as I always say that's just one man's opinion I would love to hear what you guys think taking a second right now and vote in the upper right hand corner first we're gonna talk about could the empire haven't abated reach with their forces from the Battle of Endor and on second thought I'm actually not going to include the poll of could the Empire have defeated reach with all of their resources because I think that that's pretty clear I really hope you guys are enjoying this video and that you're enjoying more generally these new types of matchups then take a bit more research on my end but there are a lot of fun to do if you have ideas for future ones make sure to let me know down in the comments and if you see any suggestions that you like give them a thumbs up and the support in comment anyway thank you very much for watching guys as always may the force be with you [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 384,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star wars, halo, halo reach, star wars endor, battle of endor, unsc vs empire, empire vs unsc, halo vs star wars, star wars vs halo, empires fleet endor, fall of reach, empire, star wars who would win, versus, who would win, vs, unsc, covenant, unsc vs, empire vs, galactic civil war, super star destroyer, endor super star destroyer, mac cannon, mac, Epsilon Eridani fleet, reach, halo reach battle, covenant supercarrier, starwars, star wars halo, halo game, Galactic empire
Id: x-kT5Y_SW88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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