This Jet Terrified the West: The MiG-25 Foxbat

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The movie Firefox with Clint Eastwood is loosely based on Viktor Belenkos defection.

Edit: typo

👍︎︎ 170 👤︎︎ u/druule10 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fascinating stuff. Years ago in college I wrote a research paper about how the US acquired various versions of MiG during the Vietnam War and had a special squadron of pilots that flew them against US planes in Nevada. If I recall correctly this program continued in some form and the US still has some newer MiGs and Sukhoi jets that they dick around with.

Edit: One of these projects was called “Have Doughnut” which is kinda fun.

👍︎︎ 125 👤︎︎ u/PioneerDingus 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fun fact about Viktor Belenkos defection. On his first visit to a US grocery store Victor assumed it was staged government propaganda meant to impress him because he'd never seen anything like it. It was just a normal grocery store in Langley, Virginia.

👍︎︎ 371 👤︎︎ u/fu_man_cthulhu 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Damn, I’m not an airplane guy but that was pretty cool.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/novaru 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

All videos made by Mustard (the youtuber who made this video) are amazing. He is the only reason why I got Nebula and only use it to watch his exclusives.

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/SwedenFreakz 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love this story because the foxbat would show up and check out nato and bolt off at ridiculous speeds. The US legit feared a Cold War era version of an F-22 was already fielded and was so spooked they went no holds barred, unlimited funding, pull all he engineers and scientists approach and came up with the F-15. They realized the mig was a one-trick pony and ended up with an airframe that is in widespread use to this day.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/Mediumcomputer 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

My grandfather worked on the XB-70 project as an engineer. Its a pretty impressive aircraft I saw the remaining one in ohio.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/NateDiedAgain09 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

The Mig-25 was the only confirmed Iraqi jet to bring down a Coalition aircraft. RIP Capt. Scott Speicher.

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/TaskForceCausality 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

I was in my teens when it landed in Japan. I was into military aviation and at first thought it would be a standard Russian Mig. Then I saw the large twin tailpipes and knew exactly what it was. They completely took it apart before they boxed it up and sent it back to the Russians. Among other things they found out it used vacuum tubes in the electronics. Turnabout is fair play though, after Iran fell the Russians offered engineering assistance to keep their F14 Tomcats running provided they could study the aircraft, much of the technology went into the Mig 31 Foxhound, which uses a lot of F14 tech, minus the problematic folding wings.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/passporttohell 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
This video was made possible by CuriosityStream.  Watch thousands of high-quality documentaries   and get access to my streaming service,  Nebula using the link in the description.   In November 1971, two Israeli fighter jets  race to intercept an unidentified aircraft.   The F4 Phantoms are among the fastest jets  in the world, but they’re not fast enough.   Because they’re chasing a MiG-25. A plane  that can fly so fast and high, it can outrun   any fighter or air defense system. For nearly a decade, the Soviet Union’s   MiG-25 will remain a complete mystery and leave  western intelligence scrambling for answers.   In the opening years of the Cold War a new kind  of weapon emerged, the intercontinental bomber.   An aircraft with enough range to reach nearly any  part of the world to deliver a nuclear strike.   America’s first intercontinental bomber not only flew further,   it flew higher and faster than any bomber before  it, making it extremely difficult to intercept.   And it started a decade-long trend of  building strategic bombers that flew   ever higher and faster. The Soviet Union responded by building   increasingly capable fighter-interceptors  to try and stop them. But by the late 1950s,   Soviet intelligence had learned that the Americans  were developing a new state-of-the-art bomber that   would fly so high and fast, it would render the  entire Soviet Air Force virtually obsolete.   The XB-70 was so cutting edge, that only a few  years earlier it would have been impossible to   build. But the Americans were aiming to have  the bomber ready in just a few short years.   For Soviet leadership, a sense of panic set in.   As the largest country in the world,  there were over twenty two million square   kilometers of airspace guard. At any moment,  American bombers could emerge from the north,   or from bases in the east, or NATO  allied countries in the west.   And only a handful of supersonic bombers  would be enough to overwhelm air defenses.   The Soviet Union would have just a few short years  to design and build a new interceptor to match the   incredible performance of the upcoming B-70. It would have to be as fast as Soviet ingenuity   could make it, and developed in record  time. But to effectively guard the country’s   enormous airspace, they’d also need to mass  produce the new jet by the hundreds.   The MiG-25 was the Soviet Union’s  answer, an interceptor that would   overcome the odds with brute force. To catch the XB-70, engineers would need to   equip the MiG with enormously powerful engines.  But there wouldn't be time to develop new ones.   Instead, they’d make due with a turbojet  originally built to power cruise missiles   and reconnaissance drones. They were the  largest engines ever put on a fighter,   but they were essentially disposable. It meant  that initial versions of the MiG had engines   with a service life of just 150 hours. At intercept speeds , the MiG-25 would have   to withstand serious kinetic heating,  with some parts reaching 300 Celsius.   But lightweight heat-resistant titanium was just  too difficult to produce on a mass scale.   So engineers built the jet largely out of heavy  nickel-steel alloy, a material that could be   quickly welded together and easily repaired at  even the most remote and ill-equipped airbase.   But it meant the more than forty thousand pound  jet could never be maneuverable, a characteristic   considered irrelevant for its mission. To spot enemy bombers, the MiG-25 was   equipped with a colossal 600 kilowatt  radar designed to detect high flying   aircraft up to a hundred kilometers away and  burn right through their jamming devices.   And it would only need one kind of weapon. Four of  the largest air-to-air missiles ever produced.   Along with the interceptor, there would  also be a dedicated reconnaissance version   with powerful surveillance cameras, increased  range, and an even higher service ceiling. Some   versions could even be equipped for high altitude  bombing. But the vast majority of MiG-25s would   be built as dedicated interceptors. Mass production began in 1969,   and at one point, one hundred MiG-25’s  were rolling off assembly lines   every single month. The Mig-25 would fly higher  and faster than any combat jet in history, and it   would have a profound effect on the Cold War. Just  not in the way the Soviets were expecting.   In 1967, the Soviet Union put on a  massive airshow. And they made sure   the Americans were watching. The event was even  broadcast in English for western audiences. The Soviets unveiled several new aircraft for  the very first time, but they saved the best for   last. In the final 10 minutes, three prototype  MiG-25s were sent roaring past the audience.   It was the first time anyone outside of the  Soviet Union would see the new aircraft. And   for western intelligence, it set off alarm bells. The grainy footage revealed an aircraft  with all the hallmarks of an agile fighter,   the unusually large wings suggested extreme  maneuverability. Enormous air intakes hinted   at massive engines and experts suspected the  use of advanced lightweight titanium.   But what worried them the most, was that the plane  looked eerily similar to concepts for America’s   next-generation air superiority fighter. A jet  that wouldn't be ready for another ten years.   In Washington, military planners  struggled to understand how the   Soviets could have leapfrogged so far  ahead. Because only a few months later,   the Soviet Union started registering incredible  new world records for speed and altitude.   And the media soon caught wind, spreading  fears that the mysterious new jet   could outperform anything built by the West. The  US Air Force Chief of Staff even publicly admitted   that for the first time, the Soviet’s had a  jet that the United States couldn't match.   The perceived threat posed by the mysterious  new jet motivated the US to drastically increase   performance targets for its next-generation  fighters. But for years, the Americans were   desperate for any information they could get. They’d catch another glimpse in 1971,   when Israeli radar controllers began  tracking MiG-25’s over the Saini peninsula.   The jets were clocked flying at more than two and  half times the speed of sound, at an altitude of   over twenty kilometers. At one point, they even  tracked one of the MiGs accelerating beyond   Mach 3. But the jets flew so high and fast,  no fighter in the world could catch them.   For over a decade, the MiG-25 remained  a mystery and continued to worry western   intelligence. But that was about to change  in the most dramatic way possible.   On September 6th, 1976, the Soviet Union’s most  secretive jet showed up seemingly out of nowhere   over northern Japan. It then made a dramatic  crash landing at a sleepy commercial airport,   Nearly colliding with an airliner and  skidding right off the end of a runway.   It was the first time anyone in the West would  see a MiG-25 in person. And as curious onlookers   gathered, no one seemed to know where  it had come from or how it got here.   Piloting the MiG was 29 year old Viktor  Belenko. He was quickly taken into custody   where he explained that he escaped the Soviet  Union to seek asylum in the United States.   Disillusioned with life in the Soviet  Union and harsh conditions at his airbase,   Belenko had planned his escape for months. While  on a training exercise over the sea of Japan,   he reported engine trouble, giving him a  chance to fall back from his group.   Belenko then descended low enough  to evade radar detection. Once   out of Soviet air space, he set course  for the nearest Japanese air base.   But with limited fuel and difficulty navigating,  he was forced to find the nearest airport.   Belenko was well aware that his  MiG-25 was a prized possession   and he provided invaluable information to  western intelligence, who shipped his MiG to a   nearby air base to examine every inch of it. And they were in for the shock of a lifetime.   The MiG-25 obviously wasn’t the agile  fighter they were expecting.   Its heavy stainless steel airframe severely  limited maneuverability and the large wings   were needed just to keep the jet airborne. The  engines, while powerful enough to exceed Mach 3,   couldn’t sustain those speeds without  permanent damage. Meaning the practical   limit was around Mach 2.8. The MiG’s radar was powerful but   lacked look-down capability, meaning it  couldn't track low flying targets.   The compromises that Soviet engineers were forced  to make were now glaringly apparent. But they   wouldn’t have mattered much for intercepting a  high-altitude, supersonic bomber like the B-70.   But the B-70 never made it into production.  Instead, the Americans switched their tactics   from high speed and high altitude, to low  altitude radar and defense evading aircraft.   Leaving western intelligence perplexed as to why  the MiG-25 was produced in such large numbers.   The only other aircraft the interceptor  would potentially have to guard against   were a handful of reconnaissance aircraft. The same media that once stoked fears about a   Soviet super-plane now openly mocked the MiG  as a crudely built machine that was more or   less useless in combat. An inferior aircraft that  proved the Soviets were behind in technology.   Belenko’s defection outraged Soviet leadership,  who demanded that he return to the Soviet   Union along with the stolen MiG. Instead,  Belenko was granted American citizenship,   while his MiG was sent back to the  Soviet Union in dozens of pieces.   The Americans had learned everything there was  to know about the MiG-25, and they now understood   critical components of the Soviet air defense  system. With the MiG-25 so thoroughly compromised,   Soviet engineers had to work around the  clock to modernize the aircraft.   Equipping the MiG-25 with more  powerful and reliable engines,   a more sophisticated look-down radar, and the  ability to field a wider range of missiles..   Meanwhile older versions of the jet,  no longer a closely guarded secret,   were exported to other countries. In all,  nearly twelve hundred MiG-25s were produced.   But more than fifty years later, the MiG-25  is still the fastest fighter jet ever built.   An aircraft that would set twenty nine  World Records. In 1977, a MiG-25 climbed   to an incredible altitude of 123,000 feet,  setting a record that still stands today.   Although the aircraft had been built  to intercept high altitude bombers,   downgraded export versions even  saw moderate success in combat.   But by the late 1970s, the Soviet  Union had moved on. Because   development of a next-generation interceptor  was well underway. A jet that would have cutting   edge avionics, sophisticated engines,  and a radar and weapons control system   so advanced, it could engage multiple targets  simultaneously from a hundred kilometers away   and even link with other fighters to coordinate  an attack. In the process, instantly upgrading   the capabilities of older Soviet fighters. Where the MiG-25’s design was about brute force,   the new MiG-31 would use the state-of-the-art to  become the world's most formidable interceptor.   You can learn more about the MiG-31’s  brilliant engineering in my latest video   now on Nebula. Nebula is where you can watch  a growing number of my exclusive videos, like   a bizarre Soviet proposal that would’ve seen the  MiG-25 turned into a supersonic business jet.   Nebula is where YouTube’s top educational  creators upload new videos every day.   And where you can enjoy videos without  advertisements or sponsor messages.   The best part about Nebula is that it’s  free when you sign up for CuriosityStream.   A streaming service with thousands of big  budget award-winning documentaries. A recent favorite of mine is Armstrong, a  beautiful documentary narrated by Harrison Ford that follows the incredible life of Neil  Armstrong, from his early days in the navy,   to his daring career as test pilot and astronaut  and his eventual landing on the Moon.   Get unlimited access to both CuriosityStream  and Nebula for less than $2 a month   by going to and use  the promo code ‘mustard’ when you sign up.
Channel: Mustard
Views: 8,627,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MiG-25, Mig 25, Mig25, mig, MiG-25 Foxbat, Mikoyan, fastest jet, fastest airplane, supersonic, Viktor Belenko, Spy plane, foxbat, soviet air force, air force, interceptor, spy plane, XB-70, fastest planes, military aircraft, turbojet, fighter jet, F4 Phantom, Cold War, B-70 bomber, Mig-31, mig 31, F-15, air superiority fighter, Belenko defection, soviet union defection, radar, best fighter plane, best fighter jet, mustard documentary, mustard videos, mustard, mustard aviation
Id: W1L1sU0uI0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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