New MHA TIME SKIP just changed EVERYTHING!! My Hero Academia Chapter 424 Reveals the Future of Deku

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final battle is over and the new time skip reveals the fate of deu bakugo oako and so much more Japan is being rebuilt the international heroes are there helping but is this the end or did this chapter just confirm that the story is not over let's talk about it right now you guys know how this works if you enjoy my M videos and you want me to keep them going leave a quick like and comment right now for that YouTube algorithm and subscribing on YouTube is completely free but it helps me out a lot so please Subs describe now in the last chapter we saw the downfall of all for one as a huge team effort by deu and the other Heroes on the outside and one for all vestages on the inside led to Al foran's body completely crumbling as his super regeneration failed in one final desperate gamble all for one tried to hold his body together by force and then he attempted to transfer his Quirk factor into deu in order to make him his new vessel now that his current body was crumbling into dust it looked like all for one was actually pretty close to making contact with deu and possessing his body but then kurogiri and bakugo intervened in order to prevent aleran from making contact with deu and turning him into his vessel it seems that kururugi basically died after helping Deku because he drained himself too much with that final warp gate and bakugo was severely injured already so after he helped Deku he just kind of collapsed and continued to lie there almost dead but too stubborn to actually die because it's bakugo now as deu used the Embers of one for all to land one final punch on over one the vestages within one for all reacted activated and attacked all for one from the inside along with the vestage or I guess the personality of tomura himself tomura's personality nearly vanished entirely after Oran took over his body but nana his grandma intervened and stopped him from disappearing completely in the end after being exposed as a deeply lonely man who actually loved his brother but was incapable of expressing it with anything other than violence All For One Was Defeated tomura shigaraki and Deku got to have one final exchange where they said their goodbyes in a sense and then tomura's body turned into little more than dust and so all for one finally died tomura died along with him and kururugi also warped his last gate deu won the heroes won and so seemingly the final battle of the series came to an end the latest chapter starts off with a short time skip to several days after the battle we are listening to my weather wifeu Merill who appears to be reporting out of Washington DC the weather has finally cleared up although the wind is still strong this strong wind was seemingly generated by deku's punch that ended that final war against all foran I'm not 100% sure if what she's saying here is just supposed to be symbolic or if deku's fight with Alan literally generated strong wind gust that made it all the way to America I am definitely not a meteorologist so forgive me if I don't know enough about International wind patterns back in Japan we see Heroes like cementos and the Egyptian hero Salam working on rebuilding one of the many buildings that collapsed during the war the efforts to rebuild Japan have been moving very quickly thanks to all the international Heroes who arrived to help with the rebuilding efforts we see that the top hero from Singapore Big Red Dot is also there and currently giving an interview to a reporter as many Heroes and hero students used both their physical strength and their quirks to repair and rebuild all the damage in the days before quirks appeared this rebuilding effort would have taken a lot longer and it would have been a lot more difficult but in the age of quirks where so many people have super human strength and other incredible superpowers it is much easier for them to complete this difficult job by coming together and combining all of their unique powers and abilities in service of a common goal along with all the heroes and hero students who are helping with the rebuilding effort we even get a small panel of kichi from the Vigilante prequel manga and I always love to see hodik Koshi throwing in these little Easter eggs of characters from his other works as well as from the movies and from the prequel and as the rebuilding efforts continue we are taken to the central hospital where bakugo is recovering from his many serious injuries both of his parents are also there in the room with him looking after him and speaking to the doctor with him the doctor says that bakugo's right arm is so severely injured that it will probably never go back to normal and although surgeries and Rehab will help he may need to use a prothetic arm like muo if he wants to actually keep being a Pro Hero in the future well this is definitely not great news especially because bakugo's Quirk Works off of his sweat and if he had a prosthetic arm then that arm obviously wouldn't be able to produce sweat but bakugo being bakugo he is simply too stubborn to accept the doctor's words and he vows to work hard in rehab until he can regain full use of his arm again the doctor warns him to only do light exercises because he is worried about bakugo's heart as we know edshot just barely managed to save bakugo's Life by repairing his heart and other internal organs after the battle on top of the floating UA frankly the doctor doesn't even know how bakugo managed to keep fighting after suffering such severe injuries or he managed to travel for so many kilometers in order to catch up to Deku and help him in the end and this could be the key to bakugo's recovery bakugo always goes plus Ultra he is too stubborn to give up and he goes beyond what is conventionally considered possible and realistic so who knows maybe bakugo really will be able to fully recover the use of his arm over time without needing to use a prosthetic we then cut to a second room inside the same hospital and here we see that the seriously injured deck went might are recovering inside the same room together for those keeping count how many times has deu been hospitalized since the story started let me know down in the comments if you've been keeping score because I definitely lost count but it has to be like half a dozen right anyway deu is feeling better and he can feel his arms again but Deku being Deku he is upset that he wasn't able to save tenko shimura he refers to tomura as tenko and he says that even though tenko changed there in the end and he stopped being driven by hate he still didn't want to stop being the leader of the the league of villains he didn't want to turn his back on his friends despite the fact that they were villains in some ways tomura AKA tenko had his Redemption because he turned against his master all for one and he contributed to defeating him but he still didn't revert back into the same innocent civilian that little tenko was he is tenko but he is also tomura at the same time all might asks Deku what tenko's face looked like at the end when he and Deku had their final exchange before tenko's body disintegrated because if Deku no longer saw a crying little boy then that means that tenko's heart was saved in the end as we saw Tenco or tomura or whatever you want to call him wasn't crying in the end and we learn in this chapter that he was almost smiling in short he remained an edgy but nuanced character Until the End certainly not good but not completely evil either all might sensed that deu had transferred one for all and its vestages to tomura during the final battle and he believes that tomura must have UND deku's intentions the vestages of one for all were there to help fight off all for one and to give tomura a chance at Redemption deu says that yes he did transfer one for all over to tomura but he still has more one for all Embers inside of him this seems to confirm that Deku didn't spend all of his remaining Embers on that final attack he still has some left and he will continue to use them as long as he can now how long will that be and will it allow him to keep being a hero long term I don't know but comment down below Bel what you think deu will do in the future will he become quirkless or will he keep using the Embers for a long time or will something else happen that kind of throws everything for a loop this chapter also seems to confirm that the main onefor all Quirk itself was inside tomura when he died and so presumably both all for one and one for all died along with him I was wondering whether Deku managed to get one for all back somehow at the very last second like maybe when he made contact with tomura that final time but unless we learn more info in the future we have to assume that the original one for all is now gone and all that's left inside of deu are its Embers at this point bakugo forces his way into Deku and Al might's room even though he should have been resting in his own room bakugo over hears that Deku still has some of his Quirk left and he remembers how he and Deku used to proudly hold up their all might cards as kids he then also remembers how he used to bully Deku and bakugo begins to cry bakugo is clearly sorry for all the times that he treated Deku poorly and he says that he wants to stay Rivals and keep competing with deu for a very long time and this of course is the highest praise that anyone can ever hope to get from bakugo if he wants to be your rival forever that means that he truly respects you all might Praises both of them for getting so much stronger and improving so much as Heroes since the day he first met them when deu stood up Against All Odds and made his way to all for one and defeated him he became everyone's hero and when bakugo saved all might's life several chapters earlier bakugo became his hero because if it wasn't for bakugo all might wouldn't even be here right now spending time with them and talking to them for that reason all might says that the two of them are both the greatest heroes and he thanks both of them for everything they've done and for all the sacrifices they've had to make now if you're wondering whether this is the end the actual final chapter of the story because it definitely kind of feels that way the narrator who appears to be deu himself implies that this is not the end he says that when he was younger he thought that the world would automatically return to a state of Peace as soon as a war ended but that's not always the case and their story is not over yet as deu and bakugo both smile we see Shoto from behind and we see oako looking out the window presumably inside her own hospital room which confirms that she is in fact alive and we knew that would happen but it's good to know for sure the narrator says that they still need to create their bright future they still need to go beyond and the final page of the chapter gives us some very interesting images we see deu kaminar Ida and other students from behind as they walk towards the UA building which is still in the process of being rebuilt after the war some time has clearly passed because deu is walking normally and he appears to be fully recovered so this indicates that we are at the beginning of a Time skip epilog deu now appears to have a permanent scar on the right side of his face and the injury forced him to kind of change his hairstyle because a portion of his hair on the right side is now gone gone this reminds us that deu has been through a lot he is not the same idealistic boy that he was when the story started but even so deu is still deu and he is still on the same Journey that he's been on all along the journey to become a great and Noble hero this chapter was called epilogue and it definitely looks like we are wrapping things up and going into a Time skip that will tell us what happens to everyone in the future but this doesn't seem to be the Final Chapter there is still more to the story and I'm really wondering how many chapters we actually have left normally Shonen Jump gives us a heads up at least a few weeks before a major manga ends but as far as I know there is no official announcement yet so I'm not sure we could have like one more chapter left or three I guess we'll have to wait and see what do you guys think how many chapters are left let me know down in the comments also come on Hoshi where is deku's Dad the final war is over we're into a new time Skip and still no dad reveal are you really going to leave us hanging without any sort of resolution on Hisashi midia please H please we've been waiting so long if you're looking for another epic ma video to watch next check out this video where we ranked the top 13 strongest multiple Quirk users in mha link on screen and in the description if you enjoyed this video leave a quick like to let me know and don't forget to subscribe it is completely free but it helps me out a lot
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 357,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2CRpJ20iXSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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