What If Naruto Had Both Yin & Yang Kurama?

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[Music] foreign the story has been told so many times if nobody here knows how Naruto got the nine tails then you objectively live under a rock alright alright I'm just picking you don't live under a rock just very close to one Naruto was born on a night that the village was thrown into turmoil the Ninetales was set free and in a moment of freedom and Vengeance having been trapped in a cage of human chakra since the era of the First Hokage nearly 70 years Kurama attempted to lay waste to those who would threaten him a gentle creature and a force of nature forced to the provocation of wrath for being mistreated honestly I feel like this was a grand mistake of hashirama senju capturing the tailed beasts and subjecting them to the rule of the great Shinobi Nations we had to drop the ball on that one hashirama Sama but at the same time I won't accuse him as this would have happened anyway however befriending Kurama could have been better than sealing him away if possible but I guess that's just where the cookie he crumbles hashirama was a great human being but he was just that a human being so it's understandable that he makes mistakes still doesn't really change that he and Minato are among my favorite Hokage in fact Naruto is actually really low on my list of Hokage only beating out hirizen we don't talk about danzo he technically wasn't even Hokage he was Lord Fifth and a half not even worthy of being on the Rock wait what was I talking about again uh oh yeah so anyway Kurama gets pulled out of Kushina the Red Hot Chili Pepper of the leaf dies and baby b Naruto ends up having to have the nine tails sealed into him ah he's adorable but something big should be noted when Minato steals korama away he only seals half into Naruto the Yang half Minato keeps the yin to himself which he drags to the shinigami's stomach along with him Minato knew from the start that Naruto wouldn't be able to handle the full nine tails which is why he divided kurama's power in half but I wonder what if Naruto managed to get all of drama welcome to the amagi before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reached stretches Beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please also consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year we've also noticed a little trend of YouTube unsubscribing people from channels so if you could do us a favor and double check that you are subscribed we would really appreciate it this story is about the same as you'd expect it Naruto is an unloved unprotected being who is hated by everyone and cast aside but he attempts to join the academy and well he sucks he sucks at everything he can't even make a regular Shadow clone but amazingly through some less than legal methods as well as the help of Erica umino Naruto manages to pass and gets added to team seven so far nothing really seems to be different that is until the Land of Waves Arc for most of the series Kurama has remains dormant within Naruto despite the incredible power he possesses the seal is strong and he hasn't been able to break it so he merely awaits for Naruto to give him a chance and that chance eventually comes in the form of Sasuke's supposed death Naruto's emotions go out of control and he loses his grip on kurama's power Kurama starts to manifest as a chakra cloak but this is more than you'd remember his power continues to Skyrocket Naruto's power goes beyond comprehension shaking the entire Bridge a feeling comes over the entire Village in the distance children are crying on the bridge workers are wetting themselves attempting to hide and jumping into the water below even the man gato is bringing with him take a second look to see if it's really worth it to go to the bridge zabaza himself would look back at Naruto and ask what the hell is that kid Kakashi would feel a cold shiver run down his spine as there had only been one time he had felt this he turns back and looks Naruto's back arches as his face stares straight up into the sky his energy spiking out of control he lets out a massive cry and Haku sitting on the ground is still in awe Naruto would look down at him his eyes red his teeth turned to fangs the pigmentation around his eyes further becoming like that of a fox's whiskers becoming far more feral suddenly he steps forward and rips Haku to shreds Blood and Guts everywhere well actually no I won't say that don't want to get too Gory for the more sensitive peeps here let's just say that Kurama kills Haku and leaves the rest up to your imagination Naruto would step forward and would seem to offer a cold smile Karama would quickly appear before them with speed that even ajoning couldn't match the only reason Kakashi could even see it was because of his Sharingan with one small slash of his claws Kurama would bisect zabaza the long way the movement so fast that zabaza himself would not have even noticed he would think it missed until he falls Naruto would turn to face Kakashi he would groan the mere look of that Sharingan in his head filled the Beast Within with rage at one time that thing had been used to control him learning from that mistake Kurama resolves to only look into Kakashi's right eye to avoid the Sharingan he steps forward as if he's getting ready to give Kakashi the same fate as zabazo when suddenly there is a yellow Flash in his subconscious Naruto is cut out of kurama's grip and the seal is tightened once more suddenly Naruto would fall forward with a gasp shivering in fear what happened to me he says as he looks up at Kakashi tears of Terror sitting atop his lower eyelids Kakashi at this point takes a step back unsure what to do the Shinobi in his heart screams out kill him kill him and the teacher and Mentor inside of him shouts protect him protect him unsure what to do at all he Bears his Sharingan and puts Naruto to sleep with the strongest genjutsu he can cast he carefully takes up Naruto and feels that his chakra has calmed he returns as he sees Sakura there no longer protecting tazuna right now it seems like tzuna is protecting her she's behind him scared half to death refusing to stand anywhere near Naruto the shock of the situation had left her stunned she hadn't even processed Sasuke yet who Kakashi could tell was still alive after close inspection they don't stop for anything they make their way back to leave as fast as they possibly could Kakashi would wonder if he should bring Naruto into the village and risk The Village being Ground Zero of the Ninetales attack once more or leave him outside to get someone while risking artha being stolen in the end he makes the decision to send Sakura in who can't wait for a chance to get away from this he informs her to run the hokage's office with a letter from Kakashi to get her through the door it wouldn't be long before the Hokage in full battle gear surrounded by onbu Shota from this moment they take Naruto off to a secret location run by the onbu their Danza would meet them Kakashi would give a debriefing as would Sakura and Sasuke who's just waking up from his coma Sakura and Sasuke are allowed to leave when they finish giving their debriefing but Kakashi stays behind danzo is adamant that the nine tails should be stripped from Naruto and given to a new host however hirazin recalls the promise he made to Minato and Kushina and refuses danzo's steadfastly disagrees but hirazen refuses to allow them to strip it from Naruto he takes executive action to place a new CL on Naruto to completely cut off the nine tails influence on him this is a variation on the Five Element seal danzo considers using koroamatsukami on hirazin but with Kakashi in the room he knows that it will easily be countered Kakashi is no slouch and he also does not trust danzo as far as he can throw him Naruto is allowed to be free as heroism believes that he's no longer a threat however he keeps a guard of onbu close on his tail at all times however after this ordeal team 7 would end up transferred to a new jonian Yamato now Naruto Sakura and Sasuke don't understand why they were transferred over to him Sakura thinks it's because he doesn't like them anymore Sasuke thinks it's because he's too scared and Naruto feels it's the same as all the others he realized Naruto's the nine tails and has begun to hate him how much longer until Yamato does the same in actuality however he risen ordered this after hearing that Karama specifically avoided making eye contact with Kakashi he realizes that the tailed beast has learned how the Sharingan functions and thus can no longer be used he transferred them to Yamato because as Yamato as it stands is the only person in the world who can currently make use of the same wood style that the First Hokage had this means that he has the capability of using the same techniques as hashirama senju which includes and is not limited to Hokage style 60 year old technique entering Society with bliss bringing hands man what a great Jutsu this technique would be able to help pacify Naruto should the threat of the nine tails ever return given all of this team 7 would also be restricted from entering the tuning exams which means that the rookie 9 is now just the rookie 6. however as the tuning exams start to take place it becomes evident that something's up Naruto at this time would have met jaraya and started training under him to become a better Shinobi Jiraiya would question the five elements seal Naruto possesses but Naruto would beg him not to take it off or else the demon might get out jariah knows what this means but he thinks that Naruto is being over dramatic Naruto can learn to control it however upon learning that it was the third Hokage who just recently placed this seal on him he relents as the tuning exams continue it becomes known that Orochimaru is on the Move Gara unopposed by Sasuke the best he would have to fight is Neji and I sort of feel like Gara beats him that on top of everything else Gara would put himself to sleep and release shikaku but can he be stopped well probably if Yamato gets there in time in the end though Naruto and jiraya would be facing off against orochimaru's snakes it's then that Naruto decides to trust jariah jariah would remove the Five Element seal and tell Naruto that if he uses the tailed BEAST's power not to give it an inch in his mind Naruto would help Yamato face off against Gara and he would end up in the hospital after much like in the original he would travel with jaraya to get Tsunade along the way he would find the Akatsuki who seek him for his nine tails when he gets there most of this Remains the Same that is until Kurama tells him to take his chakra to beat Orochimaru normally Kurama would be turned down but his power and influence here is greater than before if Naruto in a moment of need gives into karama's Power which is possible the moment he gets his heart muscles cut by kabato Karama might just be able to take over and if he takes over well imagine that cage we see Karama in and Naruto is standing on the outside talking to Karama well reverse that Naruto is now the one in the cage and Kurama is the one outside you know what happens here Karama forces Naruto's body to suddenly go kurama's sage mode and with that my soul Orochimaru is dead kabato's dead they're so dead that even the impure World reincarnation Jutsu won't be able to bring them back to life that's an exaggeration but also it's not because the Akatsuki will not learn to use the impure World reincarnation Jutsu because Kabuto isn't alive to teach them Kurama would take over Naruto's body at any point in time Karama can escape Naruto's body but for a second let's just make an assumption what if Karama is smart enough to realize that he can much more easily hide if he has aging Cherokee body oh yes wouldn't that be fun Kurama kills Tsunade and jiraya as well and he heads back to the leaf seemingly defeated he's taken in for debriefing where he puts on quite a show tearfully telling them that jariah was killed and everyone died they were killed by Orochimaru and kawato I would also assume that Kurama would have disposed of the bodies from here he begins searching for the perfect time to let himself lose he realizes that the Uchiha are dead without them nobody can stop him nobody except Sasuke Kakashi and Yamato Naruto would have witnessed Yamato using wood release at some point in time and Kurama would know what that does so the first person he would go for is Yamato since he's close by and the jonin in charge of Naruto he would be the biggest threat so he'd seek Yamato out and wait for the perfect moment he would play the troubled card he'd act like he was upset from the mission like he needed to talk to his jonian alone and the moment they're alone the claws come out Thomas Payne wants wrote the cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf this is about the size of it remember that the fox is a cunning creature in Japanese mythology it's only challenged by the Tanuki which is explanation for why Kurama and shukaku have the heaviest rivalry the moment Yamato isn't paying attention chakra mode is activated and he ruptures him apart before he even has a chance next on the list is Sasuke it wouldn't be too hard though he's just a kid he was almost killed by Haku who Karama had already slaughtered and the best part he lives by himself korama would leave the room and close the door behind him he would rush down the street as people spit at him for being the nine tails this makes Kurama smile because finally they're spinning at the right person and he is about to spit back he finds Sasuke's apartment and knocks on the door Sasuke opens the door to see Naruto covered in blood and his eyes scream I need help Sasuke would let him in and ask him what the problem was he doesn't even have a chance to finish that sentence Naruto completely eviscerates the yanguchiha he would then make his way to his own apart treatment where he would take a shower and get on a fresh set of clothes as he's about to leave though he suddenly hears a knock at the door he's confused with who could possibly be there who visits Naruto nobody that's who he comes to the door and would open it and wouldn't you know it it's Kakashi harake Kurama is shocked to see him at the same time he knows this is highly unusual Kakashi is putting on a happy face which is unsettling Kakashi only does this when it's a serious matter as if Kakashi is already saying that he knows but he can't know right not unless he found Yamato or Sasuke but even then who could believe a child like Naruto again for that matter could kill a highly skilled Joni and especially in the most brutal way that he had but then again Naruto wasn't just another kid was he he was the nine tails chinchuriki and that would answer a lot of questions Naruto lets him in as if nothing's wrong Kakashi steps in and looks around Kurama in Naruto's voice questions the jonian so what brings you by Kakashi Sensei Kakashi would look around oh no nothing much just wanted to check up on you heard you were going through some stuff Karama would begin to smile he's just here because I've been playing the victim Karama thinks he has unknowingly walked right into my trap Kurama would then look over yeah I've just been looking for someone to talk to Kakashi would nod understandable you watched Tsunade and jiraya die was a Godfather to you right I bet it's hard to find someone to talk with have you tried talking to Yamato about it he is your jonian maybe Sasuke he understands you better than anyone he's lost people too at first Karama was startled by the sudden mention of Sasuke and Yamato's names but maybe the logic was there I tried but I couldn't find them Kakashi would nod of course not but the anbu that I've been following you ever since the Land of Waves sure did Karama knew at that moment he attempted to attack Kakashi flying right into chakra mode but Kakashi barely dodged Kurama would turn around and see Kakashi raise his headband above his eye exposing a Sharingan Kurama would laugh what sort of fool do you take me for I know exactly what that does and how to avoid it korama would rush at him again but suddenly his right leg goes out from under him what there was a sudden surge of intense pain he looked down and saw his right leg no longer existed he cursed and looked up to see Kakashi but his Sharingan had changed it bore a brand new design what was his new ability that had crippled his house body at this point Kurama felt like he was screwed how would he be able to deal with this Kakashi could merely look at him and kuramo is dead what more could he do wait the answer was right there Naruto Kakashi wouldn't kill Naruto he may have mortally wounded this body but he wouldn't just kill him he could have but he didn't he could have used kamui on his head but he didn't he was still intending to say of Naruto Karama would groan and return to base suddenly he'd cry out in agony and roll over blood still gushing from his leg he would scream Kakashi Sensei what why is my light gone Kakashi would kneel down and look at Naruto quit playing around I can see the tailed beast chakra still pulsing through your chakra Pathways if you think I'm not willing to kill Naruto nine tails think again I like him but if I need to kill him to protect the Village from you I will and you'll die too Karama would look up you would only free me to return to this world he would shout Kakashi would think for a moment maybe so but what if you're not in this world Karama would be confused but before he could question him further he would end up in the kamui dimension he would cry out in anger Kakashi would stand looking at the blood on the floor this was truly for the best Danza would want the tailed beast stripped from Naruto which was sad but National Security was at stake Kakashi would try his best to save Naruto but it was all in danzo's hands now Kakashi would make his way back to danzo and declare that he had captured the nine tails Danza would ask him to present the child and Kakashi would use his kamui but to his surprise Naruto did not come out danzo seemed angered and Kakashi was confused where is he Kakashi Danza would ask and Kakashi would smile and rub the back of his head no clue elsewhere Kurama would wake up to see a man sitting in front of him a man in an orange spiral mask where am I who are you he would ask the man would laugh don't you recognize me Kurama would be shocked matara Uchiha he would quickly Look Away From Him Toby would stand it seems you've learned from your past encounters with me you should further note that there is no way for you to beat me submit Kurama would sit there for a minute and suddenly he would shoot out from the body of Naruto abandoning it entirely to face off against Toby however he would find that his attacks passed right through the being's body suddenly Toby would disappear and reappear in front of Kurama and stare him right in the eye you're a big Target nine tails he would say in that smooth as silk English dub matara voice Neil Kaplan is such a wonderful voice actor Kurama would fight it but find himself cast under genjutsu and what does the Akatsuki do with him feed him to the ghetto statue of course sad enough this leads to the death of Naruto giving Naruto the nine tails in full is not a good idea because when he loses control in such a young State he loses control and Kurama is free to escape and do as he will but before we close this video let's take a look at how things would change alrighty this is still during the search for Tsunade Arc so obviously Tsunade doesn't become the Hokage that would be danzo the Sasuke recovery Arc never occurs because Sasuke is dead as is Orochimaru and Kabuto this leaves the sound 4 with nobody to work for or snatch from the village nobody would be searching for Sasuke either because as I said earlier El es la grande muerto since this has happened the two and a half year time skip is pretty empty as nobody's training right now I mean maybe Sakura but all in all her career is probably over over scarred for life the kazakage rescue mission happens but is a big flop because Sakura isn't there to help Chio kill sasury and Naruto isn't there to stop data from escaping with gara's body the Tenchi Bridge recon mission never happens because the only people from that entire encounter is still alive are sakura and Sai and neither have any motivation for doing so the Akatsuki suppression would take place and believe it or not this still turns out exactly the same because Kakashi could have killed kakuzu without Naruto's hell don't let anyone tell you otherwise the tale of Jiraiya the gal that never happens because he got dead before Payne had a chance to get his mitts on him no faded battle between Brothers either as Itachi merely dies of his illness alone pain never attacks konoha to kill anyone because the nine tails isn't there none of this actually happens all they need now is the eight tails and that won't be that hard the five kage Summit never has time to happen before anyone can start even focusing their forces the ten tails is revived the five nations are in disarray unable to coordinate Payne planned to use this as a weapon to teach them to never War again but not Toby or Obito he would betray pain before he could do much of anything killing him and taking the Rinnegan for himself to cast the infinite tsukiomi but alas this fails as well because black satsu still exists and turns him into the vessel of kagio otsutsuki kagya would reclaim her chakra from the world and would turn all humans into zatsu it's then that taneri otsutsuki would attempt to destroy the Earth by pelting it with the moon whether he actually does this or not is unknown his grandmother may show up there just to spank him and we know she would or maybe he just pelts the Earth and nothing happens because zetsu just grow back anyway she waits for momoshiki and kinshiki both of whom show up but you can't tell me that both of them are stronger than kaguya who has absorbed all of the chakra possible on Earth if so than Naruto by the boruto era is stronger than all the Shinobi on Earth put together maybe in some tsukiyomi dream ishiki would likely never cause her an issue it would take a pretty high episode to defeat her and scene that's the end of my what if but it's only one interpretation what are your interpretations what if Naruto got the full portion of demon Fox would he lose control or would he just get stronger I could have written that instead but I doubt that it would have been anywhere near as interesting anyways leave a comment and tell us what you think give a like if you're so inclined would be our honor to receive it try tossing a coin to your local Witcher by subscribing to our Channel and supporting us helps us make more content for you and ring that Bell so you get informed we do make that content until then peace
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 61,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nine tailed demon fox, what if, death, Kurama, Naruto, nine-tailed, tails, beast, beasts, Yin & Yang, Minato, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Konoha, Yellow Flash, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Kakashi, Madara Uchiha, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, uchiha, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Hinata, Itachi, Nagato, Orochimaru, Yin and Yang, Yin
Id: iiCm6xJkWPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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