Could A Single Modern US Cruiser Have Won The 1942 Battle Of Midway? (Naval Battle 91) |DCS

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hello valued viewers I hope you're all doing very well my apologies for my voice I've got that covered again which just keeps happening but we'll battle through speaking of battles we've got a massive really interesting naval battle today the request from you the viewers and lots of you requested is is could a modernized 2020s U.S Cruiser just one take on the entire 1942 World War II Japanese Fleet that attacked Midway let's go and find out before we go into details we need to understand a bit about the history so this all makes sense so I take you back to the Battle of Midway 4th of June 1942.0430 local time there were four naval fleets involved in the battle the Japanese first carrier strike Fleet and their Midway support Fleet the second Fleet to American fleets task force 17 and task force 16. we can see their distance in nautical miles and true bearing from our analog of Midway here shown there there and there at the snapshot time of 0 4 30 in the morning constitution of the fleet which is going to be critical today the Japanese first carrier strike Fleet commanded by Yamamoto in umato and nagumu controlling aircraft carriers four Fleet carriers akagi kaga here you and sooryu two battleships three Cruisers and 12 destroyers aircraft on board the carriers were 75 A6 M2 Zeke Fighters 70 d3a1 Val dive bombers 81 B5 N2 Kate torpedo bombers as well as two duties and eight genes total 236 aircraft on the support Fleet which is going to be not critical today because of their position four heavy Cruisers to destroyers and 12 float planes the American task force 17 and 16 which were positioned as a trap because as we all know the Battle of Midway Was Won by the Americans because they could break the Japanese ciphers and listen to their orders so they knew the attack was happening so they positioned a trap in task 4 16 and 17 and attacked the Japanese before it could hit Midway task force 17 one carrier Yorktown three Cruisers five destroyers Yorktown had 25 F or F4 Wildcats 37 sdb3 dauntless dive bombers 13 td1 Devastator torpedo bombers task 416 with two carriers Enterprise and Hornet five Cruisers and 10 destroyers holding 54 F4F Fighters 75 stb bombers and 24 td-1 torpedo bombers total 228 aircraft on the three carriers so the Japanese had slightly more aircraft at the battle but remember also Midway had its own earrings six Grumman tdf Avengers 4 B-26 Marauders 17 B17 flying fortresses 19 sdb 2s 17 sb2u3 vindicators 21 Brewster buffaloes and seven Grumman Wildcats 91 total the casualties were high as per Wikipedia USA lost one Fleet carrier one Destroyer 150 aircraft destroys heavy losses 307 killed including three as prisoners Japan lost all four Fleet carriers sunk one Heavy Cruiser one Heavy Cruiser damage two destroyers damaged 248 aircraft all every single one of the aircraft destroyed over 3 000 killed 37 captured today we are not modeling any of the American forces because today they are not relevant also generally speaking we are not modeling a submarine anti-submarine warfare or reconnaissance aircraft which are not included in these slides so what we do have modeled is the correct First Fleet and support Fleet in the correct positions for the Americans all we have is what you guys wanted a single modernized 2020s Ticonderoga Cruiser here now the CMP would be able to attack the Japanese at a long distance of over 100 miles if it had a wax support but it doesn't you guys said nothing about a wax I'm taking you guys literally so they've just got the cruiser so I've had to start them moderately close about 55 miles away so uni detail says first look at the Japanese here is the First Fleet I don't know what formation of what they would have been in but what we do have is the correct Constitution I've got four carriers here I've made them all Hero for Simplicity abort them are the correct number of aircraft 236 instead of using the variety of aircraft that we use I've used one generic Pacific Fighter the A6 m0 it will act as air to Air and air to ground in the correct quantities as per real life so you will see today four carriers and 236 aircraft are taking off from them the air to ground slash anti-ship will be armed with bombs and Canon and the air-to-air just Cannon and gun once they realize they're being attacked by the American Cruiser they will all take off and attack the American Cruiser of course this is what happened in real life they were preparing to attack the island but then they spotted the American Fleet then re-armed for anti-ship and attacked the American Fleet we have the correct number of battleships Cruisers and destroyers in there so if we have a look at the front I've got the Yamato class Battleship the biggest battleship ever made by human hand we have the Cruisers which I've used as a Sendai generic Cruiser and we have destroyers which have used as a generic Kamikaze class destroyer all there in the correct quantities we have the same out here all modeled for the support Fleet but that will not take part in the battle today because of the distances shown it's just there and today's Americans starting out of sight over the curvature of the earth about 50 odd miles away is the American modernized Cruiser just one 2020's CMP modern ships are modular they can be armed differently depending on what their mission is we have three different loadouts that we can use Sam Andy ship or land attack cruise missile neither of those are going to be good enough to do the job that we need to do today to destroy an entire fleet so I've modified a special Cruiser within realism limits the real Cruiser can carry up to 80 sm2 sm-6 missiles in its VLS system I've replaced all of those with s number six so she's essentially today this could happen in real life carrying 80 sm-6 missiles which are capable of anti-ship she will also be carrying her standard issue 8 sm-3 missiles which will obviously have no relevance today no tomahawks I'm stripping them all out today and she will have a maximum complement of Aid harpoons so a total of 88 Andy ship missiles today which I repeat could be done in real life also she will have her Max complement of 64 essm for anti-aircraft so we've configured her for maximum damage to a fleet with a bit of self-defense from the air she is going to charge the Japanese at flank speed once her over the horizon Center's seat the tallest of the Japanese ships she'll start firing and that will happen out of interest just under 40 miles also I need something for my humans to do we don't just like AI versus AI it can get through every stale I've got my beautiful humans say hello beautiful humans hello hello beautiful humans Cruisers of course While most ships can carry helicopters I think this can carry either two or three helicopters in real life but we're going to bend that slightly and say it can take five because I want to include all of my humans because my guys have different modules in game that they can fly I've allowed essentially any helicopter that could be possibly carried by a ship this size so they can take Apaches mi-24s his trials car 50 and that's it they're equipped with a generic Loadout of half air to Air and half air to ground guys there was only one helipad so you must as adults communicate with each other and spawn one at a time take off in the next guy's pawns takeoff and the next guy's pawns objective is to defend the carrier from the zeros there are too many zeros to be taken up the ship's defenses the ships can only shoot down 64 of them with their essms the rest are up to you so you've got a lot of air-to-air work to do if you die you can respond infinitely that is unrealistic but again I want you to have a fun game for an hour and a half as well and that's pretty much it guys you've got the full realistic first carrier strike group of Midway in all their might versus one American Cruiser guys we've got two predictions I'll do mine first uh I think this is the most stupid bloody thing I've ever heard do you realize how much tonnage there is there and how much Firepower 18-inch guns and all that stuff I think it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard but I modeled it as realistically I modded it in the America's favor but within realism I think it's stupid I don't think there's any way you're going to win but you guys what do you think pretty much agree why yeah I picked for this particular Mission I don't know but what I do know is that these helicopters are going to save the day so we have to shoot down 16 zeros each I can't do the maths a bit more maybe but everyone they're gonna be fighting you as well they're gonna be shooting you down what skill level are they are away all right viewers uh get ready for a thrashing right guys here we go the long-awaited modernized Ticonderoga CMP versus the entire Midway first Carrier Group Simba please um pause Ayla server all right here we go stamps coming up first damn uh before you do switch holiday take off to let the next player suggest now there hey squares before you uh let the other boys in please okay soccer's up soccer's clearer all right let's see if it works viewers for the next one's opponent yeah it works I'm so proud of you boys brings a tear to the eye let's have a look at the first carrier flea viewers now real life would they be closer together or further apart I really wasn't sure I get a feeling maybe even closer together Burying my new Indian guns to protect each other but I didn't want them to you know run into each other necessarily all 236 aircraft a day model for viewing pleasure four carriers for the beautiful Yamato beautiful Yamato look at that son of a b valued viewers 72 000 tons of pure whatever your destiny 18 by one inch gums I think the biggest Naval winch uh Naval guns ever made four final cruises at the front uh single funnel destroyers no twin tunnel Destroyers look at that viewers thousands of thousands of thousands of men right there fire is clear what would have happened if the Americans hadn't broken the codes were almost certainly Midway would have been taken and whatever that means let's go and have a look at the boys again oh no they're all up right guys I suggest you get West West get 5000 feet and go and try and intercept as quickly as you can don't worry about surviving too long you won't survive very long against 200 aircraft obviously just try and shoot something we've got soccer in his trusty mi-24 oh we've caught five we're in a Mistral push in the car 50. Romy head of a chopper six air-to-air weapons in that thing plus guns Simba Pine symbol check here fly is in a car 50. a true tank of a chopper all right check the overview or 20 planes Airborne so far guys the fighter Varian with no bombs how far over the horizon would you see that massive smoke trail of yours from the oil probably quite far I'd imagine so obviously the Japanese have spotted Japanese in real life or you know any carrier group would have uh Recon planes constantly out hundreds of miles away and they would radio back what they'd seen so that's obviously happened here has happened in the real battle Droid old let's get announced [Applause] [Music] got probably 30 Airborne now distance between aircraft fronts oh just over 30 nautical miles we're in a strange position here but his helicopters these Russian attack had a couple of viewers and almost fly as fast as these World War II aircraft have used the definition of the flying tank Apaches are available viewers but uh they don't have dedicated uh air-to-air weapons so they're just not that much use at the moment or what we're doing [Music] guys the heat signature of those World War II Fighters is going to be much lower than your used to doing it yesterday about you had to get within about five or six kilometers I have to ship so much cover a lot of the merchandise Heroes uh viewers carriers it's just much easier and more reliable if I do it like that all these assets yeah I'm asking to maintain go ahead top I'm almost at altitude I have eyes on the enemy about that 25 miles away how are you doing here are you on optic at some time or you just see them soon afterwards remember viewers see chiko can still use this essm and on sea Sparrow missiles to defend yourself against their aerial targets has a range of well against a slow low Target or probably not very much maybe 15 miles maybe 20 miles if you're lucky those are the Harpoon launchers rear Naval gun bushmasters uh uh twin Sea Whiz front Naval gun it's a well-armed ship okay I'm guessing about 50 aircraft Airborne now Guys Silver planes now on my TV but it's kind of look on the right now we got eight minutes in [Music] okay distance between the aircraft runs of nine nautical miles guys not long before missile engagement range I can very much see the fleet from pooch's flying tanks block on first Target some of you are under five miles now oh here we go viewers the thing we've been waiting for you know the thing who she's about to get smothered you do Vickers against an air Target ladies and gentlemen I'll give you fly it's got a new metal looking there is too small to get a real lock on it but I can catch it about that I don't know about that I missed my 20 feet it's about 20 feet what a good try submerge which is it dogfight that's one oh thing is about to get gassed fly two miles sails away you could do that Stingers on that thing you know fly don't lose situational awareness for the ones that are right next to you guys suppose absolutely against mother dinner quite bad shots uh Vickers aren't doing the job speed pure dog fight guys emerge Flyers chasing one I'm Gonna Fly chase him Fox one I don't know I don't know what it is it's doing a thing though Dan it's doing a thing oh I didn't explode he's got the wrong kind of fuse on his sock go for the l66 you gave me the wrong missiles oh go for the r60s then pushes out a new um I've been hit going in for a dog fight ing in fly on the deck right in the second something's happening if something's happening yes ISM Israel okay viewers okay yes yes harpoons are firing oh my God everything's faring we should go first cruises just gone nuts it might be worth leaving your respawns for a minute everything just fired viewers did you see all that oh so much is happening so quickly now oh my God I don't know what to watch that haha okay best thing now is to watch with the scoreboard viewers it's going to tell you roughly what's going on that just happened whatever that is it just happened five zeros down six zeros down seven zeros down a lot is going to happen very fast now viewers eight zeros down yes come into the sm6 is a fight oh my God they're reaching nah uh it's all going too far smoke Trails things are happening in our viewers the sm-6s are now attacking and this is absolutely possible in real life probably that's your best I killed watching from the deck one Destroyer down eleven zeros down two destroyers down three destroyers down the S Sub six is incredibly powerful against small ships they can even break the back of a small Destroyer let me know when you're cleared it Cruiser hit but not sunk aircraft carrier hit sm-6 is ignore the syntax on the sm-6 uh and yes of two viewers I've had to mess around to get them to work they are all sm-6 missiles foreign taking off clear the deck destroy your hair and kill Roger Simba's spawning in okay 64. oh no it doesn't matter oh man this is complex bit of Target duplication going on here in my great viewers that is unfortunately when I wasn't it was taken on a cruiser Cruisers can take a lot of hits as you can see and save as an aircraft carrier 69 sounds clear the deck here Roger guys wonder how many years since I've got I don't know push in it's not like it's fun and I'm gonna get out get back in go ahead five destroyers down 36 A6 word harpoon's going in or is spawning in or Asus M's modern crews are best Cruiser apparently those more SMS going out guys from meat head of a weapon viewers take us clear 43 zeros down five destroys down a bunch of cruises here aircraft carriers here aircraft carriers take a lot of sm-6 as a single viewers probably about eight or nine I'd imagine well first aircraft carrier destroyed look at that viewers it's on fire and they're doing evasive maneuvers brilliant work and about hit another aircraft carrier ladies and gentlemen are getting the Firepower of modern 22 oh it's been in that one damn fire is down and respawning oh geez a massive battery coming in right now viewers Yamato fire is clear here bang smacked into hero look at that viewers sunk three to go uh actually look at some of this how's it going with the front guys I'm watching the uh fee being smashed I can't see what's how close are they getting they are not penetrating past the SMS beautiful 13 miles you've kept them at 13 miles of debate that's great work you're doing guys keep doing whatever you're doing as long as they can't get Point Blank oh harpoons are going in look at this viewers much bigger Warhead four times this bigger Warhead on this dang that was smashed I'll break the back of a cruiser crews are dead and now going for the battleships Auto wow shut down Another Hero here brilliant work on the anti-carrier stuff still lots of airplanes airborne right it appears we're out of the ssm's now that's the bad news so it's all up to you guys now but the the hostels are seriously wounded right now on Carrier down one Cruiser down eight destroyers down and 60 zeros down obviously when the car is destroyed viewers no more aircraft will be able to take off the comments interestingly they're not targeting the battleships I think they know that missiles just can't damage the battleships eventually offers Detroit Rising gun down but um oh I wish I'd seen that come on stock do another one nice sock yeah yeah face yes um yeah good answered him g'day nerd okay bombers are now six miles away it's not gonna be long before Verizon hit with a 30 mil um so much smashed it's hard to know really what sport now viewers but a lot of stuff's getting blown up another carrier here two carriers down now what excellent fire viewers yeah that's a full sinking two carriers fully sunk now they've only got half their Air Force now oh we got the third carrier now excellent excellent firing from the CMP viewers I'm thinking I'm sinking oh it's wonderful when a plan actually works oh here's a problem if I that merge fire Winchester first bombers got through on the carrier two miles I'd suggest you're getting done need one guy hovering about the ship yeah the bushmaster snailed him see where's nailed him ladies and gentlemen American seaways best to vote the ship is now out of missiles Point defense on the ship please guys fire is respawning good hit good hit one of you great job they just keep coming viewers now all our defense on the cruiser that's on fire now uh what a cool ship this is I just keep freaking coming viewers protruded pieces top merge everything good kill Dave Kamikaze coming in missed haha good kill fire camel's in trouble from a massive oh God camel shake it off it's just a wing I'm on a sex I'm gonna get him off here all right okay you're good camo if you're good oh this is much more hot at work when I afford into it yeah it's very hard about guys you're all doing double workload right now Palmer's coming in D1 Zero's down Quest fire respawning I just tried to land on the Cruiser oh bomb just went off oh the Cruiser's in the Cruiser's here oh no he's looking over well the bridge is gone the bridge is gone we're still fighting oh we hit it again oh my God that's too hard oh the guns are still going I think you still respawn guys yep I just respond on it okay you sons of component freaking man oh no no no no no no no no no no it's just too many of them [Music] if the ship goes down use your last life to charge charge the Yamato Fleet that's one oh oh a bomb inbound mister oh Jesus Christ she's a tough girl she's a tough girl oh oh oh oh oh no she's still sailable she's still sellable guys I'm taking control of the ship expect crazy defense game master ship uh words set path Simba can you respawn as the game master and control the ship sure uh spawning oh no guys use your last life charge charge the Japanese that's the boat already sunk yeah the boat is now sunk two uh carriers survived two hostile carry survived a red Health look at that viewers red Health red health or yellow Health you sons of they've only got a few ships left half a dozen ships left guys two carriers are in red Health we can win this we can get a couple of guys somehow past all these Horizons charge them down maximum speed three of you three of you made it alive they're just swarming the corpse of the freaking ship Cub bastards it's occupy and trim it out and go west it's not on the F1 Wing he's only got he's missing a rotor he's missing a rotor fine who's missing a wing too um can't win this viewers but you know what we can do we can get maximum rolling guy we use all of our missiles all 80 sm-6 is provide and do did the maximum damage that they can do eight anti-ship uh harpoons were fired everything we could do was put into that camera group but there's just too much steel where are the carriers back they're at the back do you need to Loop right around the back otherwise the Yamato's these two big ships that I'm looking at are the Yamato good news is we're still sinking and they're uh Japanese baits are still concentrating on my body it's gonna buy you a couple of minutes before it sinks fully to take off just um whenever it's just got gunned down uh two helicopters left oh pushes again they found them boost and stock have somehow survived the onslaught they've got a freaking long way to go guys 21 miles to go and oh and these guys are still operating the viewers I just didn't just didn't promise because you can't at 40 miles you don't know which ship is which all you can do as far away it's on the scope have you forgotten about me cat you know on the map because I've got no way finally passing behind the Yamato wow I'm gonna have to find you by free cam so roughly how close I'm about two miles okay we have a ghost plane viewers Simba's out there somewhere we just don't know where okay the game for some reason the game thinks you're dead but you know what that's a game problem it's not a cat problem so continue try and shoot good loop around the back do you want to pass in front of the Yamato symbol I don't think I could see him guys I'm off on that but I'm still alive again viewers that's normally me problem how is that possible behind it's still running with one missing plate I'm tough viewers were in a weird position now where the patches have just got bugged and invisible to everyone including their hostiles and push and damp are damaged enough that the Hostile skills I'm back on uh invisible Simba Wimber viewers invisible symbol window smash that thing bang die not bad I I got the new skills he got the Rockets Rockets aren't what I'm firing I think he's bugged yes that's working do that Simba you have yours oh hold on they're still coming out this sons of well I'm going to attack these carriers that are on the deck and hopefully their explosions help yeah good idea tell you what these 30 millimeter cannons 71 you guys ever went by some kind of horses thank God they can't see you because they are bristling with Naval guns I mean but it's wooden decks yeah so fire of the zero now it's food deck it would put it together I'm not sure the books I'll expose it but they would do a lot they would chew the deck up whatever you remember but actually they were not armored and they often had the forms of the hangar Bay yeah so if you get penetrate I had a lucky hit yeah no speaking trip just breaks that's these bullets would start a massive fire as well which they should never be able to contain it damn spirits will do 74 percent 26 to go guys we need some big Russian missiles in here total inflation of Justice cost viewers 1.8 billion to the uh Japanese 3.3 billion yes it's burning zebras burning 3.3 75 damage to the uh Americans strange but on the sea one of the biggest concerns fire it's like kill the rising 77 damage around the highway oh oh bad things just happened there's planes are taking up against Timber yeah you killed the one that was a running area yeah I smashed the plates up again uh but um that's so funny 91 aircraft shot and we'll do some sweet sweet damage percentage damage 81 percent all right it's your carrier slowing down yeah it will do boys are seven miles out I still have 16 hellfires so use that do you have all your uh eight hellfires no I'm missing a wing yeah not the boat the explosion of the aircraft may be damage to both I think that's all the players done now on those carriers guys no more spawning in which means they've all just taken off they've done so it's now finished the ship off you can use your face afterwards Simba you're not going home or you've got no home to go to so it's not gonna make no difference coming in here we go boys shoot his little knob head oh that nearly missed no it's just graphical Bridge okay oh you're shooting back you're shooting back oh said to the end boost said to the freaking End and Winchester on uh all right come on you should be able to make it that's fine you're not gonna nowhere to go home guys so right to the end the one just landed a bunch of Landing oh oh now he lost the other Wing let's try and use that face a beautiful pushy face oh my God the carrots are still free 50 meters before the ship what happened to fire dad still a zero uh spawning on that carrier but freaking believable how far inbound he's here please here please here got a warhead on it yeah it looks yeah uh yeah go on fire yep oh right on the aircraft crazy hey uh uh if you go for the far carrier it's the one that's at 83 dead so you can definitely finish one off they're both about 175 yeah rockers aren't working on it no he's firing the uh uh illumination Rockets oh did I give you the wrong Rockets no no you need to change it to be in a rockets on the pot red tie explosive yeah you gave them the wrong Rockets far one has two airplanes on it smack him yeah yeah there we go that's all my Rockets percentage uh 91. George is missing the planes all right percentage 96 nice maybe get a bit closer if you can destroyed yeah um oh that's beneficial to us oh look at that that's damage to the carrier guys and he's standing in with fire it's an American boiler huh hi hi I don't know text player value is vast increase what's the damage 84. you're going 110 rounds left I got it to 93. all right be facing to it let's end it okay value viewers that was good bonus only the end obviously but I wanted my partners to have some fun and we say I'll run out sometimes boom done uh back to the original question can a single modernized uh us Cruiser win the Battle of Midway no it can't could it do it when it has its uh new Mark 5 tomahawks maybe could you do it when it has its new laurasm B Andy ship missiles maybe but neighbor of those exist at the moment and there's certainly not on any ships at the moment so that would be a hypothesis otherwise a really good fight lots of action anything to draw from it my Pilots we did better than I expected well with guys yeah you did really well he's win the war I already say God and again very impressed by damn socks flying skills and behind Roger getting the small Fighters is incredible hard speaking of which bragging rights fire dad got six skills amazingly well done so gone three companies are just the ones that you know caught so I got three kills great Simba got one kill plus you all did loads of damage to the uh aircraft carriers in the lulled section that was great guys uh thanks for the suggestion and um I'll see you all later
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 849,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, Battle of midway, wwII, World War 2, Cruiser, Navy
Id: vF3AB2f7NwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 27sec (2607 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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