Could A Single F-15E Have Stopped The 1941 WWII Pearl Harbor Attack? (Naval Battle 46b) | DCS

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today we're going to talk about a true Titan of the Skies a fighter jet that redefined air superiority the F-15 Eagle but we're not stopping there we're going to discuss how this already formidable aircraft was taken a step further with the introduction of the f-15e Strike Eagle and then place it in a what if historical scenario using the outstanding combat flight simulator DCS World along with Help from My Friends Over at the Grim Reapers everyone tog here the F-15 Eagle developed by McDonnell Douglas now Boeing is an all-weather highly maneuverable tactical fighter designed to gain and maintain Air Supremacy in aerial combat introduced to the 1970s the F-15 was unrivaled boasting a kill ratio of over 100 Victories to zero losses in air-to-air combat the single-seat f-15c was and is an extraordinary aircraft equipped with powerful engines Advanced avionics and state-of-the-art radar systems but as with anything there's always room for improvement and so the torch was passed to a new and even more deadly iteration of the eagle the two-seat f-15e better known as the Strike Eagle now you might be wondering how could they make an already impressive fighter jet even better well this was achieved by expanding the Eagle's role Beyond just air superiority meet the f-15e Strike Eagle a true multi-role fighter capable of air-to-air and air-to-ground missions while the f-15c was designed with a focus on dominating the skies the f-15e Strike Eagle was built to be a master of both the sky and the ground introduced in the late 1980s the Strike Eagle was designed with the goal of conducting high-speed long-range strikes even in the face of enemy ground and air defenses in order to perform these deep strike interdiction missions the Strike Eagle was outfitted with additional fuel tanks for longer range improved radar and navigation systems for targeting and the capacity to carry an array of air-to-ground and air-to-air weaponry this gave it the ability to strike enemy ground installation deep inside enemy territory while still maintaining its air-to-air combat prowess so while the F-15 was and remains an outstanding air superiority Fighter the f-15e Strike Eagle bought a new level of Versatility to the F-15 Line This dual role capability ensures that it remains one of the most effective and versatile combat aircraft to the skies even today but what if we could place the Strike Eagle in a historical situation where it was facing older aircraft yet vastly outnumbered The Talented team at rasbam simulations has spent years developing a high fidelity model of the f-15e Strike Eagle for the world's best combat flight simulator DCS World by eagle Dynamics today my good friends over at the grim reapers are going to take a single f-15e Strike Eagle and see if it can stop the entire Imperial Japanese Navy Fleet that is about to attack Pearl Harbor over to you cap thank you talk and welcome to the f-15e Strike Eagle in DCS today I will be flying and Liam will be weaponeering in the back hello Liam hello and the boys will be watching hello boys morning hello hello good morning we are starting about 30 miles from the Imperial Japanese Fleet historically this fleet was actually split into separated by about 100 miles east to west but to expedite the video I've clumped them all into one Fleet we have the correct amount of aircraft carriers battleships cruises destroyers and Supply ships on the six carriers are the correct amount of aircraft that took part in the real raid 353. historically they were zeros Kate and Val's today to make it as hard for us as possible we've changed them all to zeros the better of the three for air-to-air all of these will take off alerted by our presence and try and shoot us down so today we will be chased by 353 War Birds we will be equipped today with six two thousand pound gbu-10 laser-guided bombs each easily enough to destroy a World War II carrier some World War II carriers were sunk in reality just by one 500 pound non-armor piercing bomb we also have a targeting pod with the ability to find track and lays the targets for the bombs we will destroy the six carriers as quickly as we possibly can before we get swarmed all right I'm gonna get my screen set up as quick as I can so ax on my right default on my left at Ground Master arm right Liam can you start setting up the bombs in the packs please the packs is where the arm set up for various variables all the weapons in the F-15 I believe all right find those targets Liam Liam's now controlling the targeting board and he's found the fleet already very good designated to do our bombing I'll be flying to the suggested Auto forming symbology on the head up display here already see on the teapot aircraft taking off let's go have a look at the fleet they will be taking off at a global total of one aircraft every 15 seconds which is what we predicted the real beat have done already about 20 or 30 aircraft up the progress on the map here symbology tells us two minutes and 20 seconds until release about 30 aircraft up now they will spiral up to about 20 000 feet where they will attack us now you're going to say why don't you go above the altitude that those warbirds could fly what about 40 45 000 feet the plane could do that but unfortunately the technology of the teapod will not allow that maximum just over 20 000 feet for the laser that we need to Mark The Targets in terms of speed we're going faster than what a wolbow can do but we will be zigzagging over the carrier on our two and throw attacks so those zeros will be able to get in front of us and they will be able to attack us 40 seconds to drop [Music] 20 seconds to drop 15 seconds to draw form four Q dropping come away all right free trimming right the bomb is now looking for the reflection of the laser from the ship and you can see by its nose wigging it's found it also look at those little zeros taking off right fingers crossed that is going to be the first shift scratched oh we're gonna get a guy on there as well I think he's gonna have a bad friggin day two thousand pounds of penetrating bomb boom carrier sunk right one carrier down five to go uh I need to extend a few more miles from the target shown by the G sign there before I make my turn let's have a look at the global situation so we're now flying above probably about 50 aircraft next Target designated wardrobe it will take the zeros four to five minutes to climb to this altitude so we do a footbed at a time right and start turning to the Target always a left turn because the t-fold is biased to the left foreign for a bomb and one billion dollar loss look at that yeah that one billion dollar loss viewers is uh inflation obviously inflation driven so 60 degrees or four eight miles out 20 degrees off four ten on ASL 30 seconds to drop right so far I'm just going okay viewers 20 seconds to drop 10 seconds to drop bomb full Q you play I'm gonna try and watch this bomb separate the way there's a way 35 seconds to impact re-trimming come on bomb track yes we have a nose wiggle check my plane all as well that is a sexy wiggle it is a sexy wiggle let me jiggle that about all day oh it's going to be right on his face foreign good work so far two down okay oh and we got a uh zero as well check on the global situation oh there are a lot next Target designated Roger they're up to 14 000 feet now viewers five thousand feet to go and they can start intercepting us so I'm gonna give a wet about us I'm a bit slow after burner on right I'm turning in left turn now obviously once we're taking out the carrier no more planes can take off on that carrier viewers 45 degrees or four ten on ASL oh my God there's Targets in my Crosshair there are zeros co-attitude 25 seconds to release flight in the cans ten seconds form released you as we did have some practice with the bombs but not with the uh zeros so this is all new for us okay wait this is not scripted we have no idea what's going to happen when someone track the phone please they're going to try and intercept her stuff but they won't because of our speed hopefully here he comes go on our starboard missed oh guns guns guns oh my God we almost got smacked this is gonna be hard than I thought Progressive bomb yes brilliant great work thank you crunch camps again we've been hit we got hit somewhere oh we could we still operable zero there's six fingers crossed Columbus yeah next Target is designated I'm gonna put it out a bit for a second to catch me on the turn what do I do guys what do I do how do I beat these guys this I don't know what to do with this boy uh yo-yo oh yo yo are you ready to turn into him yep all right viewers we're gonna have to start going hardcore F15 for every 25 000 Max 45 000 Max well this got exciting very quickly luckily with its two Pratt and Whitney engines this is extremely powerful aircraft user should be all right so I'm gonna dive in I'm gonna go fast for this time now I know it sounds I know it sounds easy views just go 700 knots but the problems won't work if I do that they have a kind of a speed limit in terms of the teapots two angle cap in parameters 20 seconds 400 knots five seconds oh my God our nose cones missing since the noji airplane is a radiation hazard oh my God shotgun evasive any of us over the right I'm trying not to release our radar lock I'm sorry or um teapot lock I can't just go with basic views because we'll lose the teapot lock and I can't look forward to use any bombs is it guiding it's still guiding maybe a second come on come on come on come on come on we literally need you to hit all right steady steady the plane cat steady slowing down as well come on I can't overseat my angle we've done it we're done hands on just to go viewers then we have a look at the Tactical situation they are all over us and they're all up to friggin altitude and they're chasing us Liam are you ready for a Scandinavian flick of course let's do it uh tins pick maneuver okay let me out now I'm aware it's hard for you to do your job when I'm doing these Maneuvers I've also got to stay alive and now a pub is diving down 10 seconds to drop if that's designated five seconds I've got to do my job now viewers I've got a Dodge bullets but not lose the teapot track I will lose the bomb leave us alone leave us alone it's harder than it looks get off we've been hit arms arms tracking oh thank God 15 seconds 15 seconds come on Daddy here she goes steady reducing speed for the angle three two come on come on no defensive defensive hit burner on get the Chuck out of here okay no obvious major superstructure damage so all right Liam oh situation it's F1 carrier left they're right behind us just you just look at your screens Liam just don't look out of the cockpit that's my only advice oh my God right tent burner on purple we're in full ATM they're turning in our Circle get off get off get off get off get off all right onboard Liam do your thing 500 knots that's too fast to form 10 seconds come on come on come on bump release attention ah my camera angles are wrong dirty steady release bombs away bombs away hold it steady cap right look for threats I'll survive for 30 more seconds they're dropping right on us now cans burner better on 20 seconds I'm not gonna risk it come on baby I'm just gonna sit and watch now hold her steady standby yeah we're good yeah yeah we did it first time viewers let's go we're celebrating time oh got shot again I love Victoria's Players let's get a chop out of here now there's one thing these warbirds can't do viewers and that's put down uh sixty thousand thousand pounds of thrust and go straight up right now that was good that was so good in fact that I think we're gonna do it again viewers and sorry talk for using up your video time but uh this time I think we're gonna get everyone in an F15 and let's see how quickly we can do that with a whole bunch a whole Squadron of f-15s Welcome in viewers we now have six beautiful f-15es I am going to be flying solo then fire is going to have Brandon as a wizard Simba solo wombat with Liam as a wizard push solo let's try to solo with divvied up the targets and hopefully we go for all the right targets we've deconflicted our laser prf codes the chance of this working is absolutely minimal is anyone not ready to go Simba please unpause server and expect hilarity all right viewers talk about never tried before right ah that thanks push but there's a thing though very what was going to happen wasn't it guys um what about our viewers Simba please unpause again we've got a way of deconflicting tonight hitting each other this time for you as well I hope we have okay I'm going up yes look at the boys do it right well done okay let's try Armament screen take a take a white out look again should be further to the right no this is one okay I'm up one up one upper row I think we should be right one more row it's up one more Row for us no the other one has three in it there it is right there guys how did you Commander Point track from the front seat how many carriers are in that rail bar Auto acquisition down Roger thank you Simba you're fired have four minutes out slowed down too much this is why you need a wizard viewers I'm trying to fly the plane and drop the freaking phone and operate the teapot I am certain you're on the wrong carrier you need to go right in towards the middle more a little bit and that's that Center one we are shifting the 88 right that's where 1588 that's the two carrier formation you need to go right yeah no we we are there that two carrier is ours right side took care of ours make sure you're in the left one if you are I'm going to start games I haven't been able to get it so I just video scratch it I've got a point track I just had to get close enough 90 seconds out cap is ready to bomb God that's stressful right whoever's up too high enough away your lasers whoever's up and Palms you're too high your laser will work excited William bumps away from that flight pave boy whoever drop your speed's probably quite High what's your speed slow down around that very tired slow down hard I'm dropping 10 seconds right one bombs away got 30 seconds out uh pickle people's way our bomb didn't sink the carrier do you want us to shrink it again well this must be mine oh he's doing his really well guys right we were on the right target guys stop oh come on what did it Miss oh no hit I got it I got I got it uh right Two Carries remaining oh um bring your background to the left give you another Target we've got uh two full health carriers and uh two others at like one percent health we got the backyard we're going for the uh Target deconviction problems going on because as happens in real life so we're going back to what the normal sunk ones Australia you're going for the one on the left there bombs away okay done I'm sorry too late for me to tell brilliant any idea what one you're tracking because I've got nowhere uh no mine was tracking it just it hit the carrier which one you were talking now we hit the stars back here five seconds all your bombs dead you just got hit we're done I'm bobbing one that's on fire because I don't think it's Sun sinking I'm trying to move the Pod to get the one behind it correct the two carriers are on fire still launching aircraft Roger I'm re-bombing one fires pickle fire dance form looks like it's on the fully health carrier about Playboy well someone's about to hit a new carrier nice work you lot are you mastering of friggin f-15s F50 has just come out a few days ago so it's all new to us at the moment we're coming in for it oh it's extra tough this time around viewers we don't know why someone's missed laying behind that behind that behind that there's the first one behind it interesting separation viewers behind it behind us look great I've even better right there watch this viewers I'll get this working Ed is nobody no more carriers left we've got the air to ground gun sight in action still alive it's fine leave it or if you want to put one more on it we can be advised airtights in there as well most zeros are below 12 000. I missed that one we missed it we gotta come back around whatever oh my God I'm in trouble viewers now oh I've got Palace nights all carriers are up I've got one pixel of Health that's awfully annoying awfully annoying and rather Unlucky One might say one showing I was there just one yeah I see there are four zeros underwater right someone finished the last one off then guys you're rolling in with everyone back right back right we have we got a good Vector on the on the release of the carrier Slow Down slow down on it yeah it's guiding here we go viewers sorry it's been ugly but getting five planes first time on all the right targets and barramundi carries us for some reason taking lots of damage surprisingly difficult thing to do well done boys just gonna hit any office guys get hit by a for that yes you did right I'm going to give you two minutes to dog fight do it not each other Simba bend it on your tail oh good maneuver s never gonna happen I have radar you don't tell me how to live my life cat Korea boy it seems just free advice six miles I can't really turn the aircraft here's the thing these are giant bomb trucks viewers I've never gonna outmaneuver a war bird but you're an ATM mode prove me wrong flash one what did you get him with kill it nice you just killed my bad yep here we go under the merge with a half shot off wing for example oh yeah well you're missing a rear stab as well guys don't forget that that will hinder your progress slightly it'll buff out oh somebody you guys lost the left elevator my bad sub train you're gonna kill us all right let's come back home you now have permission and get the chuff out of there guys I have a family yeah talk us through it what happened wow what about Liam's family in the middle of the ocean all right he's not dead yet yes stupid there's tiger sharks all over this area guys um but I'm going to die we've finally done the challenge of beating the Imperial Japanese Fleet well done I hope you enjoyed that and bye bye
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 64,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, F-15E, Strike Eagle, Mudhen, Pearl Harbor, Pearl Harbour, WWII, World War 2
Id: taDozXqVgNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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