Could A Chinese Hypersonic Missile Barrage REALLY Sink A US Carrier Group? (WarGames 141) | DCS

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hello valued viewers I hope you're all doing very well it's mid-june 2023 and by far over the last week the most requested war game from you guys the viewers is can we reenact China's latest claim that they've simulated Hypersonic missile attacks on a U.S carrier stroke group and sunkit including the carrier CH what do we know about the claim of the real life simulation yeah it was a Chinese war game and we have actually quite a lot of information of the setup it was a U.S carry group with a Ford carrier and a Ticonderoga Cruiser and for early Burke destroyers and all of them were loaded to the max with the air missiles and the Chinese were actually using ground launch two types of ground launched anti-ship ballistic missiles the df21d which I think it was and the df-26 and they are very long range 2 000 kilometers and four thousand kilometers and they were fired in three syllables of eight per syllable and I think of the 20 runs of this they got a result oh I think was 5.6 out of six ships destroyed wow that's really impressive okay well let's do our scenario then it's going to be pretty close aggressing is a U.S a carrier stroke group it has a supercarrier in the middle it has the correct five escorts as per the real simulation it has Ticonderoga CMP modernized Tyco Cruiser and it has four Ollie Burke flight threes modernized Ollie Burks their formation is what I would consider an optimal Point defense so it's not a tactical defense it's a point defense they all know that the Hustler missiles are coming for the carrier so they've surrounded the carrier close to help defend it all five escort ships are armed with modernized sm-2 missiles sm-6 missiles and sm-3 missiles as well as their Phalanx also there is some defense on the carrier they have a-wax support their eye in the sky 250 miles to the east we have three Chinese type 055 destroyers very modern destroyers each of these carrying eight yj-21 Hypersonic missiles these are not the same as the DF series that were used in the simulation but they are actually more modern claimed as entering service in 2021 each will fire their Salvo of eight totalink 24 and they have a wax support first guys I want to run this through without the Americans defending themselves as a control test just to make sure everything works off we go type 055 as you mentioned the yj-20 value is actually a derivative of the df-12 so it's based on the same missile and it still has a range of I think over 500 miles so it is an extremely high range missile yes yeah yeah exactly compared to other since this is actually an anti-ship ballistic missile I mean it's different kind of class from other types of internship missiles we have its speeds CH going to be what Mark 7 Mark 8 depending on altitude yeah we have yeah exactly we are within the DCS limitations as it's hard to emulate the exact exactly how this works in real life with the different stages and the maneuvering so we have done a lot of tests and the result is we think this speed we have now west about Mach 7 or 8 is what will best emulate the real thing as we can do it right now even at those high speeds viewers it's going to take a while to do 250 nautical miles uh in the background we can say we've done something similar before we did this about six months ago candy Russian air-launched Hypersonic control missiles destroy a U.S carrier group and we've got some interesting very interesting results on that but it's not really relevant the King Charles is a much inferior weapon to the Chinese yj21 are much older as well as that the US carrier group was modeled less accurately back then and they were working but just not as accurate as they are now that CH has really got grips with all of the systems in the missiles so pretty high impact speed it will lose some speed uh going down to a thicker air but now look slow viewers but don't believe it it is extremely fast it's just the just the size it makes it so smash Harry hit and on fire yeah it doesn't more or less matter if you have a warhead or not right it will just go straight through it to smash it to Pieces wouldn't it just I'm just seeing it all works viewers coming in from different angles most of the missiles are going for the same front escort ship but the carrot is getting hit yep I think it's near enough to uh to work I can't control which ship they shoot at viewers but at least they've sent the carry in the test right now I'm going to ask the Americans to try and defend themselves uh CH confirmed we've not tried this before and not in this format no no it's as we always do it 100 Surprise 100 unscripted which almost always means it goes wrong first time viewers but let's try so prediction CH what is going to happen are they going to get through are the Americans gonna defend completely 50 50 what do you think is going to happen yeah they have all the kinds of missiles I mean there are some three would you would think it would be a good missile here because they will go pretty high but not they will not keep the high altitude for so long so I don't think they will have that great use of the sm-3s but we know that the sm6 are pretty good in these scenarios but I think with 24 missiles it's hard to keep up I think we will see leakage right that is when the defense gets overwhelmed and when uh uh latter missiles in the train start leaking through I'm gonna say I'm gonna go for the Americans uh we've got Mike here Mike your predictions based on what you've seen so far which is not a great deal I think sm6 should do a good job but the other thing I've been thinking of um the Heat Signature these things must give off coming back into atmosphere um are the are there rims based on the sparrow are they heat Seekers rims rims what are rims anyone what rims are you you mean the remixes on the Ford yeah the roommate size I don't think they will have a chance to pretty much do anything in this because they are so very uh low range and it's something going at mark seven or eight we have seen this before but this kind of things I think the only thing to have any chance is is weapons that have a super long range because if you if you look at this you will see the sm6 almost it doesn't look like they move on the map because in comparison to the other ones but these are actually very very quick uh or fast missiles their views because the first shots have come out already from escort ships it's sm6 I'm sorry I completely forgot to save you as it's a bit late and we're all tired but um all of these escort ships also have essm their maximum complement I think of about 64 of them so they are massively well packed for defensive right uh what are these uh what mark IV I'm guessing SMC yeah or even more yeah four or four to five yeah high speeds how many missiles they fire is completely up to them viewers but they have the ability to fight as many as they want and you can see lots of going out now more sm6 I'm guessing right six sm-6r more sm-6 going YJ 21s at 4 000 knots sm-6 at 2000 knots YG 21s are 80 miles from the carrier sm-2 is coming out now look at that and I think Byram you meant these uh I understand what you meant now when you say Dreams yeah sorry probably wrong yeah everyone is called dream exactly made me a little confused right I was just thinking if there was any that relied on a an infrared signature these are active we have a combination here DSM or Active Radar homing the sm6 also and the sm-3 and sm-2 Mrs are semi-active of course guys because we've had our first sm-3 out these are like 12 million dollars a pop incredibly potent defense missile yeah yeah exactly these are inside the block one the moves at the Mach 9 wow right here we go first possible intercept I mean this is going to happen so fast that foreign wow look at all those sm3s look at that viewingtons it's hard to know where to look where do you want to look from do you want to look from there yj's made it through yj's making it through there's some trees are missing oh that's possible leakage they now have to fire a new one which takes the time as we mentioned yeah I mean you have to get up to speed on you in the missile for that Target so surprised about this essm probably essm I'm gonna pause because it's happening so quickly and like I said we don't prepare these viewers and we want to know what's going on here I forgot to put my counter on so I can't see how many uh missiles have been fired sorry that's stupid off me but lots would have been fired let's just have a look at the sky all those trails and look at that tens of trails of missiles going out sm-2s sm-6s sm-3s essms all smashing up look at that one you have like 112 to 130 Miss sites per wow so let's see okay oh my God but this one's got real close look just like CH said leakage is happening because these things go so fast so freaking hard to react to them that's why I didn't need to Target at least a couple of years around because if you miss it you have to start all over again with your reaction fire a new one and it takes time to get missiles airborne yeah this has got the carry uh trying to keep up with the bloody things yeah they're doing pretty well actually yeah I don't even think the bean counters would be bothered pounds because the carriers like nine billion or whatever yeah and that's what I think it works great now with this so we're running they actually are firing so we don't hold on to the midsize yeah so they're just getting rid of everything again I should have put the counter on stupid I mean not to but they're firing basically everything the threat is so big oops I keep pressing the wrong button so excited viewers I keep pressing the wrong freaking button yeah yeah what what I mean there were about 20 miles or about 20 miles that might it's probably I would expect esm at that point coming out and because they're really accurate yeah and where the mind is nothing with this beat so it is pretty close I mean the PK the probability of kills terrible view is probably about five not in five percent probably about two or three percent but that's all they need to defend his yjs exactly yeah Harry just fight something oh look a big lapse going on here they've got lazy maybe that's because these are all kind of accounted for yeah extremely well actually even though if you don't count the cost of it I mean well even if you kind of said uh the the 4.8 million are missile everyone's in sm6 and everything that you presents um exactly yeah yeah I'm gonna do it I was right I was freaking right that's right the loss of the 24 got through wow you could not that was amazing that was such a good thing that was so good views I want to run it again but uh so in our simulation done as close to the as we can to the Chinese simulation America won but they did lose a 1.5 billion dollar it's closer carrier but they didn't lose the carrier and a strike group is still active so that's literally our data viewers what we like to do at this point is uh We've tested out the theory now we want to duplicate the results so what I'm going to do for you is is a thing a naughty naughty thing that you won't like me for I'm gonna make it almost well I'm gonna make it impossible for the Americans now everything at once everyone wants to see an American I think it would yeah I don't think you need to add as mainly but yeah let's do it what I'm going to do viewers as well for the logs is I'm going to put on the um counter that counts the money expended every time a missile is five because uh it makes it even more fun standby right last run viewers um I'm aware it's getting silly at this point but we're silly people so um CA just talked me down to four so we've got four but they're all at the same time so they're obviously going to win one thing we know is if you oversaturate any carrier group vampires are gonna get through now if you look at the top right viewers you will see the counter on now it counts every single missile and the associated cost so yeah in US dollars so already it's actually quite an expensive launch uh just from the Chinese is this the first time we will see an overflow error or in the script I would not want to be American right now guys oh here we go here's this s here we go viewers yeah let's see them on there wow up to 100. look for that third of a billion from China they fired all of them third of a billion America 0.1 billion 0.15 billion oh that's in pressure oh I gotta watch this all day viewers we went to the SMS 3 start coming out the world's most expensive fireworks show 22 billion point a quarter of a billion you just keep pumping it out 0.3 billion 51 Sams yeah it's gonna crash yeah sm3s are coming out now now the money's really going on 0.4 billion and nothing's been blown up yet viewers so we have two to one a little bit more than two to one now in ratio between the attacking and defending they could do a lot more they could actually do a lot more viewers they could afford 500 right now they have that ability but they don't think they need it maybe they're freaking right yeah or maybe he has cookie maybe not just cook it once got through yeah I should imagine the essm will take it and yeah exactly and yes yes we never knew exactly so be the same every time you run it either yep it will always be different every time you run it views to think what the hell was going to happen okay I think the Americans have done it they're looking really really well here if you just can't keep last ones here yeah we're all pretty surprised viewers we we really thought he's going to get through yeah oh actually I I didn't but I just said that to be cocky I did secretly think they were actually going to get through so well done hold on USA they did actually this better this time yeah and that's the index so actually that's really pretty realistic yes you never know exactly how all this will turn out that's why you shouldn't talk me down right we're going for the whole hog this time we're going for 10 or 80. I want to try to get you keeping your patreons yes um um viewers they uh China don't even have this many type five fives and Y day 21 so this Theory this physically is impossible but I just want to see a friggin blown up carrier is there so much to ask yeah oh wow nearly a billion from China well America's gonna go freaking nuts this time yeah 150 missiles support around then just add on to it 62 already yeah into a wide shot oh it's a pretty pretty impressive capability I mean from a defense stands foreign 68 for 72. they haven't found enough why haven't you fired more yeah that's interesting yeah how about they see and maybe they haven't seen all of them yet but yeah I think they will start again because it's a long stream of miscarriage fired about 20. that's interesting why so hey no no it's a simultaneous uh channels they they have a finite amount of channels oh no scoreboard's not working that's what's happening the scoreboards are firing but the scoreboard's not going up okay okay okay no I see what's the scoreboard yeah yeah but they still have a finite amount of channels yeah no you're right you're absolutely so this you're saying these boats can only uh attract so many people I always think there's something the scoreboard stopped working with you is it's um I must have set it up bro it's not counting every missiles only counting every 10th missile or something oh well never mind so this the money's wrong as well so we did the Overflow it yeah we finally break the scoreboard viewers too many missiles well let's still see if we can get any yj21s through I mean there's some enemy sizes in the air I mean even even if you didn't have a seat go it would hit something oh [Music] oh getting close come on my blood is boiling it's it's like the Americans are doing the best work on the pressure I do they do wow this is just impressive even the carrier is doing something tiny work with their small rims yeah oh someone just shot a Firelands I heard of Phalanx just so I exited there and that's yeah that's a very optimistic guy yeah I think what we found is um the scoreboard can only capture so many missiles have been fired at once for you as I think that's what's happening and there's just so many going out okay or have you lost it yeah yeah I mean that bear in mind 72 simultaneous launch Hypersonic missiles just been shot that's it it's done freaking done wow yeah still save the carrier so we I actually yeah you need even more to break them that's impressive if you say that's a trap oh my God ch right so we've made it as hard as we possibly can and we won't go any further because it's getting titty now it's already got silly but we've not pulled any punches just to make sure we're not uh trying to make the Americans win or anything those as you saw there's the fighter missiles they are traveling and the terminal velocity is like Mark six or mark seven they're never going to get you know faster than that in real life the American ships have got weapon free fire that's all they've got assigned to them and they're not Invincible they're not cheating in any way I'm just thoroughly flabbergasted with that that is absolutely amazing uh now what's the question now of course is which is right is the real war game that China ran or the simulated real war game they're trying to run right ran right or is our war game right predictions I'm going to say that ours is right and America's could defend themselves but I don't know yeah I'm also pretty sure that uh yeah I think yes as always the truth is always somewhere in between but I think we are closer to the truth actually yeah I think the Chinese kind of propaganda is about as truthful as a UK politician when it comes to what the capabilities are but with the West we've seen The Proven technology we've seen it evolved and Patriots a great example from the 90s the Americans said yeah it can shoot missiles doubt it's not great but look how that's evolved so I can totally believe these new sm6s absolutely fair enough well done and well done the carry group you they used everything I even heard of failings there trying to shoot down a Hypersonic missile which is going about 10 times fast and the frigging Bullet From the Phalanx yeah so fair enough fair enough they deserved it Well Done everyone involved and we'll see you later
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 178,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, Hypersonic, Missile, Dongfeng, DF-21, DF-25, DF-26, US, Aircraft, Carrier, Group, Attack, Strike, Naval
Id: D_zPazAJRX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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