IMPROVED Could A-10 Warthog Squadron Have Prevented The WWII London Raids? (WarGames 4b) | DCS

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hello valued viewers I hope you're all doing very well it's May 2023 recently added to DCS is the Normandy 2.0 map with London and Paris and other places first thing I'd like to do is actually a remake of this war game War Game 4 done two years ago which is slightly boring could an A-10 Warthog Squadron have prevented a World War II Blitz raids on London and it sounded like an easy thing to do but it was more problematic than I first would have thought the problems we found the first time around were first at all that the A10 made a very bad Interceptor an Interceptor needs to climb to 20 25 000 feet quickly and A10 took a long time so this time we're going to get around that by spotting the bomber raid while it's still over France giving us more minutes to get airborne and get behind it secondly our massive Cannon wasn't as effective as we thought it would have been on the bombers so we've switched from combat mix rounds to incendiary high explosive rounds to see if that does more damage thirdly and most importantly we suffered huge latency problems really bad frames per second first time round when we got near the bombers made it very jerky very hard to aim well DCS has come a long way in the last two years we now have multi-threaded support so we're going to try again hope pretty we get a nice smooth 60fps that should allow us to aim at the bombers better so with those three things we're gonna go and try it again the situation is very simple I'm asking above France is a bomber raid of 64 aircraft all ju-88 with a bunch of bombs they're gonna fly at close to their maximum speed across the channel to London and bomb the center of London with 64 times 12 bombs however many that is us a TENS are going to start from Kenley we're gonna have a mixture of 18 A's C's and c2s all configured to be the perfect intercepting A10 we've stripped all but the necessary fuel out we've got four heat seeking air-to-air missiles and we of course got the gun with high explosive rounds we've not tried this we're just gonna run it for the first time and see what happens welcome in viewers now unfortunately we are not at our a10s we need to get there we need to get to this train station a few miles away across the Thames where we can get a train to Kenley and get in our aircraft oh look a bus hey bus speak in there let's go let's go oh sweet everybody start we've already crashed follow the bus oh it's coming back I'll just go guys it's Henley uh okay this is Trafalgar Stanley we're going to Bullseye how is it oh it is look at that I can't really tell where everybody was for the map right well we're following you I was at the front so we're going to bullseye right so I know we're a Bridges okay oh God guys gone inside me good so it appears when someone wants some chaos in a city trust grim reapers to make whole of London into one big bumper car show I've been to London I don't remember being so hilly yes neither do I but it is all right let's go back on track a few minor problems there if you want best not to worry about it take it alert oh no I'm not apparently I'm doing a right three to seven let's not talk about the war uh oh the buses apparently you can go through but not us I'm coming you sobs hey there's a bridge across the Thames so I'll make sure we drive on the right side of the road which is obviously the left exactly right I'll follow the buses if anything happens right Henley anyone know where Henley or wherever we're going Bullseye what was I uh no I'm allowing I'm hoping someone navigates us there that's all I know it looks uh because of parliament viewers I've already looked I'll crash you'll just have to trust me but it is how's the Equinox house of parliament turn right grip I'm so far behind you though what's that always happen I really hope that was your trip that turned right yeah I'm sure I assume they turned right here viewers why does it keep going to return like that yes I see I've just saw one of you Doesn't Remind anyone of Mario Kart in the 1990s okay throw a red sheller to you it's a small mishap oh my oh my God there's a Jeep here this is so freaking hard yes of course some of you are super camp Oh My why why would that do that because we are not going to get to work on time are we to intercept this freaking I think the bombers are going to get there before we were getting I told you we shouldn't have gone out last night on in the town yeah sure um I'm heading south so yeah experiences well my compass hasn't had himself but I'm pretty sure the Thames goes east west well I've been constantly crashing I guess so have you guys as I'm catching you up right I'm going to do the most annoying thing pull over and ask for directions let's do it I know it's not very British but just do it let's go in the right way yes a bird proud of you all right we're all following you still kind of cool oh well that was you parked that was your Park Washington Bird yeah I'm good I'm still good are we carrying on this way yes we are I'm right that's my bird viewers I found Bullseye somewhere this way we will get to work we will get to work yeah there's a right turn coming up yeah I hope it's a main Junction you guys posted was it lock up like that oh God no freaking ABS on this thing is that a rail is that a rail line it is and we're nicknamed close right is that you turning over in going off-road Bud yes yes I'm on a railway so hopefully this is the right way oh God right come on watch Lou where are you the sunflower crabs there drops there how did you have to start gtising us turn right Bird oh my God there's a train um I can't help you with that I can't see your dust smoke cloud his boat was Burger in the right way cause I'm following bird no yeah when you when you get to the train yeah take a right there's a little road [Music] just past the train for you now find some signals besides some signals yeah visual signals oh the bumpers have just gotten their feet to it uh that'll be fine uh here we go guys yes and where's the freaking station this is it that's it yeah we're at a station Booth right that'll do guys stand by for training and stuff let me in welcome in viewers we got to work just in time now it's time for scramble A10 A's can you please touch me to the runway hnc is off we go it's a very short World War II Runway so I would suggest collapse now flaps 25 degrees down I've got those two go GTA for Cannonball of course to Target is it 1.0 drop 140 for Target yeah eight and a and eight and C viewers are equal in terms of kinematically in terms of Speed Line here all right piece of candy piece of candy a piece of canopy turning two Targets okay drinkers we're coming to get you now what's going to be our best wine proof of I'm Steve not if I'm Steve where I always know 10 so we can't catch the simplest there's my guys it's my 18a's up there viewers has anyone made over 200 knots yet yep guys because we're not under any huge pressure I would say that guys at the very front can you come off at about 10 of your problem please just to allow someone to catch up pretty probably the best going blob take it back I think those A's are actually a little faster maybe they're a bit lighter all right targets are now at wow 70 miles or 70 miles to go it's kind of impressive the good news is I'm getting pretty good FPS guys so it's gonna be it's gonna certainly look a lot better be easier uh you can level up at Angel's 20 if you like guys you want to get a little higher to dive on the bombers Roger 25 pressure Mark will even go to 25. should we lead level at 20 and slow down so they catch up yeah kind of fall bring the frogs [Music] I know those bombers are well into the channel now if you can come on we're trying to catch those 18 A's up guys follow me 207 all right hold that hold that for a minute chance the old Seas to catch up guys we've got to make sure we don't shoot ourselves down with Sidewinders so um no firing into the blob when there are a10s in there with guns so I think we'll use our Sidewinders first then we'll go with guns distance is 30 nautical miles what we don't want to do viewers just go head on if you go head on we literally won't we'd have power the speed to turn around and catch them up again in time before London again we found that last time yeah hence we have to intercept from behind thousand feet above the bombers which is nice we are representing an entire Squadron guys so if you do die which uh it's very possible you might get hit by your own wingman or something you may respawn um whether you'll get up to altitude in time again it's very unlikely all right information with the boys again let's see what we call is going to handle this this isn't really cheating either viewers the Allies did indeed spot the Germans says the British did indeed spot the Germans forming up over France so it's a realistic full time here we go viewingtons what time is intercept yeah 11 o'clock Apostles will be firing us all right here we go into even before they hit England just for their England right you start losing formation guys so just think about yourself whatever your attitude is a bit steep inflict are we clears to Fox too yes you may start borrowing now guys it's gonna be getting an IOD signature and like so let's just be patient thus far nothing weird's happened it's nice and rare there we go that's always going now it's pretty smooth yeah where it talks to Gans first kill let's read it right it's Christ has anyone still got missiles guys okay just be very selective about your targets please because we've now got a TENS in dogfight ERS bombs going going down I forgot to put the scoreboard on viewers I just realized that's simply me but never mind we'll visualize pretty easily one thing I'll make this better don't forget to inject your canopy yep already over that man this gun's good this is still quite laggy but it's not as bad as it was last time please I don't want to formation fly with them I want to get behind them and we're shooting your countrymen down terrible I think they did bad things I'm not gonna lie in London all right guys let's keep going try and be sparse with your ammo I know it's attempting to do huge bursts we don't have a huge amount of kill the Kingdom from a ccip Gun Site isn't there also a funnel side for it's pretty crap each one of these bullets is like a friggin bomb s oh oh what happened viewers oh no a thing may have happened there um where did he come from right trim the out may have lost situation awareness a bit I think I could still fly keep going guys all is well oh that's good I can't do it I'm gonna rely on you guys got punching out keep going guys there are oh man we're doing good we're doing real good just keep it up do good things by hitting them with our body is actually it turns out the biggest threat here flying pretty close box formations yes if you could pick a Target now there's still few of them right we've got time to let them been out of it and let the dead ones you off I've lost an engine got one engine on fire Roger I'd just try and be um I don't know do a thing would be my suggestion you know I think did I hit him surprisingly difficult like you remember viewers when that um Russian flanker hit that drone planes up high going slow don't maneuver very well come on Gans it's like you and like you alone do it they were good I'm gonna take my time yes you are the odd thing is I didn't feel or hear a thing happened to me sounds like another a tennis still with me I think we've just about done it guys and we're like oh we don't say freaking world it's like we're only counting two left right finish it look Brandon with one engine I think it might actually help start you with one engine it's not held with one engine right it does not cap absolutely two left guys to finish it off we're doing so much better than the last one good hit I think they've all freaking turned around they have all turn around feel free to mop up guys but they've all turned around look at that viewers with incendiary ammunition more time to get up to altitude and speed so it could really go in more efficiently and we changed single core processing to multi-core so we actually had some FBS this time and we wiped them out like real freaking easy 64 of them [Applause] nice as soon as one of those shells hit them they just they just go up like a missiles heaven all right I'm out of ammo for those who survived I will have you land at Dean land so for the guys in combat 270 for 20 miles website on my F10 there's still some going yeah I'm watching them and their pilots have jumped out I'll go and check them all now quickly but the ones I'm looking they've got no pilots in them as in the people they're just flying around in circles the uh the parachutes are hilarious it's just a cloud of parachutes none of them are heading to um London I can tell you that where are the parachutes you also see the kind of parachutes yeah yeah none of them are on target they're all they're all evasive or they're most of them are just flying with no pilot oh these are got Pilots but they've got no engines no fancy Landing circuits to straighten under sob I don't think I've got the engine power to do anything fancy let's have a look at you drop huh you use Shaggy said did you catch you in the junkers yes I think there's a ju-88 planning to land at the same field yeah why not guys why not When in Rome we're all friends now we should know shut them down let me have a look at him yeah it's got Pilots but no engines and I can see his wings bars let's go CDU diverted Inland actually it's just gonna engage autopilot oh I have visual on him yep drop is going to land with no engines screw up and it is drop we're talking about it's still time for that guys if you can land as slow as possible and with your air brakes out because there's like stuck a 20-foot Runway come on drop be a hero be a hero literally find information with the junkers ladies and gentlemen Grim Reaper's videos here he goes first man 40 knots come on come on come on that's it that's a burn up speed of 15. I'll get slow drop gotta get slowly Hammer those brakes some of those milk ball tops 90 70 60s bring it made it no engines made it all the way back that's quite a hill at the start of that uh radius isn't it I'll let them find that out the hardware drop you stay right there right you saw just get your asses down maybe a burning carcass about here you drop so well I can't move no he can't okay the burning caucus could have missed you so you're okay it's gonna be mutable by bird it really is a hero look it's good about to hit the hill right someone else coming up behind it's Brandon with his one engine are we allowed to go third break yep no I whatever just I'm asking if I'm allowed to use a gun as a break oh that's great absolutely oh Brandon the jack to Jack reject Good Man true Reaper oh look at them right through kinda uh my hydraulic trout ah that one's inbound Hey look it's above it it's a good enough it's Grim Reaper standing here in the opposite direction see those two scans hit that bump and the bum are you still going well done boys right the boy is doing things guys literally doing stuff and things I really want our barrels to touch I can't move I can't help her there another man down was that a no gear Landing that's how he does it no gear or hit the pivot and the divot sent him up in the air again that David's awesome we've got to use it on another video we've got a tiny little wooden fence already make it Blow it'll buff out on the left on the left up stop stop you guys are a little closer than usual and activate activate gun I think this is the perfect place for like a race in the village Dukes flip that jump oh um yes this is uh the thing that's about to happen we are landing we're so good at Landing we're all in fire last man in that thing was good taxiing not so much taxi here's the problems guys tracking all the Jokers hi viewers since we did so dang well all the junkers are all here they literally are all here don't know why some reason I imagine Crosby did such a good job of shooting of course 64 down we're gonna have a celebratory jumping session in our Jeeps welcome back viewers we're gonna do a thing because you know it needs to be done that weird jumper we found is over there somewhere guys I'll ask you to go and do the jump when you're ready punch it honk Myers look how big the runway is when you're in Jeeps how small it seems when you're on a friggin A10 let's run one Runway needs a mow does need to mow doesn't it just oh my God 64 miles an hour this is a freaking Beast I never found it yet yep I'm just about to hit it uh maybe not here it is oh wow that's pretty oh we gotta go the other way it looks like it's forcing oh wow that is terrible in cars yeah isn't it all right let's do it just do it this way oh yeah it's definitely a wrap this way all right let's do it 50 now I think it's two no it only affects planes that oh oh that's a shame the other one we try value viewers I hope you enjoyed it otherwise and bye-bye
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 98,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, London, Blitz, Bombing Raid, A-10, Thunderbolt, Warthog, Intercept
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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