Could A Chinese Naval Force Strike The US Mainland West Coast At San Diego? (WarGames 79) | DCS

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hello valued viewers I hope you're doing wonderfully well and I hope you're ready for an epic ending to our latest series of Chinese versus American Naval based videos so here we go what if China wanted to use a naval Attack Force to attack the west coast of America is this even possible in reality probably not if China sent a carrier strike group out of China here they would almost certainly be detected by the American Pacific Center Network at that point probably the US seventh fleet would scrambled from Japan here intercept and block also American forces from the West Coast or maybe in the Pacific would be scrambled and would intercept and block as well and that would be the end of it but the great thing about our wargamer series is we can really ask what if what if it did happen let's say for instance some crazy role play China really wanted to make this happen they sent a massive task force of all their destroy drawers and all their frigates and all three carriers the the owning the shangdong and the fujian out to the South East China Sea here tens of vessels maybe nearly a hundred vessels and then they all split off at a predefined waypoint and when different directions in small four ship flotillas well America would have to track all of these flotillas they couldn't let one get by with overstretched resources and maybe a bit of oversight maybe one got through don't forget that the Pacific sensor network is not only active sensors like Radars it's also passive sentences like you didn't listening to Chinese electromagnetic signals what if one of these flotillas was a very small one the fusion carrier with maybe just one anti-submarine escort who had gone dark and cold was no longer emitting I managed to sneak out during the massive operation and sneak into the Pacific where it could get lost slowly over time refueling at pre-designated positions and then moving silently onto the way west coast of America realistic probably not really and there's no reason for trying to do it anyway because there is no tactical benefit at all but again what if wouldn't it be interesting in our role play this is exactly what's happened they've managed to sneak just one carrier and one called escort through they're not picked up again until 400 kilometers 250 miles off the coast of America San Diego in fact ah Santiago you mean of course discovered by the Germans in 1904 San Diego they call it of course meaning a whale's vagina so 400 kilometers out the Chinese are spotted they've decided to attack the massive U.S naval port in San Diego and that's where we start today next research my friend Raven and I will give you his Link in the video description if you want to check him out does our research here is our surprise attack on a naval base of San Diego three major defensive elements super carriers smaller vessels and MCAS Miramar these are the defensive systems that we see that would be within range for a scramble defense the carriers will be at spot one Carl Vincent Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt super carriers are currently homeported here just west is North Island can have fixed Wing Fighters but is usually for Logistics and rotary Wing assets MCAS Miramar has only Legacy on it due to the Marine Corps waiting for more f-35b 5th gen stealth Fighters when they are finally produced they didn't want to be stuck with the fa-18e and F super hornets and not get the 5th gen Fighters so Miramar interestingly is mainly Legacy Hornets while they wait for their newly produced 5th gen Fighters so that's going to come into play today raven could not find any real air defense Assets in the ERA with the exception to what ships and aircraft may have import however they would likely be turned off which is going to be important you can see active ships transiting in and out regularly I've personally seen at least two destroyers transiting in and out of the port more than likely still active if outside the port entrance so assets at station one up to three Nimitz class carriers but usually only one is docked the other two are out doing their thing at Station 2 here three lhds and one lha all could possibly be import but give two import also at Station 2 8 Ticonderoga Cruisers is their home port for import at any given day also Station 2 13 Arleigh Burke destroyers an average of four to five import also true zumwald destroyers the brand new American Destroyer also importantly 14 LCS unknown how many average import but we'll look at that as well next three up here is Miramar where they keep two squadrons of the Aging fa-18c Hornet not the Super Hornet 36 in total and one Squadron of f-35cs up to 20. I assume because it's the U.S Marine Corps he actually meant f-35b yes in fact he did I see it down there f-35b so I assuming nf35b also finally four at Miramar a Detachment of Marines with Avenger and Stinger Man pads for any air defense stationed at Miramar primarily the first thing to note there is that there are no big long-range American Sams like pac-2 and pack three pay Patriot systems why is that well as far as we can see because they're not expecting to be attacked it's pretty much like we said impossible China or anyone could actually get across the Pacific unopposed to get here so it doesn't need defending like for instance where Japan does need defending there's nothing to defend against so there's just local low range Sam systems at Miramar let's go into the details of the battle and Welcome to our simulation if we pan out you're going to see Israel Lebanon and Syria and whatnot we're going to pretend that this is West Coast America inverted upside down so north to south is mirrored it's the closest we can get in game we're going to start with the Chinese faction spotted by American aoax at 250 miles from the west coast to shore they are going to consist of just one carrier which until now has had its emissions off and one again dark and cold anti-submarine frigate the knock through the net and this carrier today is representing the brand new type 003 fujian supercarrier of China which isn't actually ready yet it's going to be ready next year apparently aboard her are her maximum complement of 60 j15 Bravo flying sharks the first 30 to take off will be in air to air convig to attain and keep air superiority they will be AI controlled and set to maximum skill level they will be equipped with a myriad of very dangerous Weaponry for close in we've got pl-10 think aim9x Sidewinder at long range they've got pl-15 six of them this is the equivalent of Americans aim 120d amram it has a bit more range of around about 100 110 miles and medium range pl12 think Legacy amram like m120c they will take off go to maximum altitude and speed and fight to get an opening for the anti-shippers the anti-shippers are 30 flying sharks they will carry a very interesting configuration when the Chinese did their wargaming they found that subsonic and a ship or anti-ground Munitions were not good enough to do this attack it just wouldn't be possible to get close enough and to get through the defenses so they've gone for their brand new well introduced I think 2018 yj-12 anti-land anti-ship missile this is a supersonic missile it's not stealthy they've not done the American larasm type idea instead they've made it go really fast over mark IV that's how they plan to get through the American defense it's such a big heavy missile that we can only get one on each flying shark how many can real flying shots carry well I've been told to but we can't get it working so it's gonna have to be one it may be controversial but that's the way it's gonna have to be and a couple of self defense missiles they will travel to the max launch range of the missile to Max launch range of the missile is 145 miles from Target interestingly in real life it's more like 250 miles it's not a surprise surprise working in game properly at the moment we do not have control over it I have reported it to U-Boat who is the guy responsible for maintaining the Chinese assets in-game hopefully he will listen to me and fix it but for the time being you'll just have to create your own role play why they have to get to 145 miles that is just made by this dotted threat ring here which we will see in game once they spread out and reach that ring they will fire their complement of 30. yj12 SuperSonic missiles and they will be aimed at various ships in the port I can't control which ship they actually go for they will just go for whatever they want to go for and that's the Chinese attack then they will rtb and get the skedaddle out of there before Theodore Roosevelt scrambles so it's critical that you stop these anti-ship units getting to this ring they get to this ring they launch their missiles once they launch their missiles they're almost unstoppable that's the idea behind a yj-12 so it's very important you concentrate on finding and stopping those anti-shippers guys that's your job today next The Americans the Americans have an a-wax and all seeing eye in the sky with a detection range of 300 to 400 miles depending on the Hostile size note the Chinese don't and that's because they came in cold and dark obviously if they would have had an a-wax up then it would have been detected by edint and they would have been spotted further out so no a-wax for the Chinese today let's have a look at the San Diego Port we've got lots of ships as per Raven's best predictions for cold dark taekwonderoga Cruisers import five early bird destroyers import cold and dark interesting asset here we have the LCS pretty cool huh I've been uh trying to find a reason to use them and now we do have a realistic reason to use them as well as that we have two lha slash lhds as we believe they would do everything here is cold and dark by the way it won't be firing it won't be manned and finally one super carrier as predicted we've got Theodore Roosevelt here like Raven said there would be some assets traversing in and out which would have weapons probably active so we've got two early birds here on their way back out to C which are warm and ready to fire other than that no defenses do we are aware of and finally Miramar guys this Miramar where Top Gun is by the way used to be where is it now foul and Naval Air Station in Nevada right okay well anyway the 10 or so miles away that it actually is this is why I had to kind of flip the map upside down here so I could get a port here and 10 miles away have a uh Miramar so it's that's why everything is flipped on it's on its butt here Miramar we have the 20 stealths which I think should be F-35 Bravos if they're US Marine Corps and 36 Legacy fa 18cs so first AI F-35 Bravos I have reduced the number of them slightly because we've also got some humans coming in to make up the numbers up to 20 but there will be 20 stealths in today the stealth will be taking off first the AI will be maximum skill level when I use these stealths I have to make the difficult decision whether to use them in stealth mode and carry just four amrams because we don't have the sidekick mod in yet and I'm not even sure it's in in real life yet and anyway it wouldn't work on it if I'd be anyway only works on the A and C so there you go and only a four missiles or go full murder spec and have 10 missiles and it does make a massive difference now I've been watching the results of the previous battles where we've been using F35 which is becoming a more regular feature as of course it is in real life and I'm starting to tend towards the stealth configuration with less cells it just seems to be overall more effective because it is basically immune to fire until it gets really close so today the AI is going to be stealth configuration with four aim 120ds aim 120d is a long range missile it's not quite as long a range as the pl15 as per real life it's more like 90-ish miles for the po15 is more like 100 or slightly above but they're more or less comparable about 15 of those are going to scramble probably uh gotta do to jump over to my humans at that point and I've got today Grump Matrix push Simba Cannonball Violet say hello hello guys you have a choice of either a stealth f-35b with four amrams and it's important you think about this and choose right because it's going to probably make the difference between winning and losing this very important battle stealth configuration one or you can have a murder configuration one the murderers and actually an a model because it's the only way I can get it to work an a model is murder with 10 amrams but you're not a stealthy this has a radar cross section of 0.5 meter squared it is very visible to the Chinese Radars and they will shoot you around 100 miles or something or the stealth one only four missiles but a radar cross section of 0.005 meter squared it's invisible until about 20 miles so that's important decision you must make and then finally the 36 fa-18cs uh it's a bit weird because there's not enough spawning places at this Ram at David that we've had to use for Miramar I have to phase them in afterwards once the Lightnings have taken off which is the only way I can do it but there will otherwise be 36 Legacy Hornets so these are the Legacy Hornets that the USMC are using until they get their precious F-35 Bravos to replace them the next thing I had to decide is which Armament could they use it could actually use the modern a120d well I've got my friend Raven to do research and apparently the Legacy see on its can fire the a120d they won't actually use them to their maximum kind of envelope but it'll still be better than something like an old a120c they'll have four long-range a120ds this is all tested and working two low range m120cs uh some Hobs and a bag finally we have US Marine Corps 12 Avengers here no idea how many they have in real life but I put 12 here not it's going to make a massive difference this is a low range defense system so that is the American Defense Force obviously China is going to get as close to the farming line as possible fighter missiles against the uh guys in Port here do as much damage and then run away the Americans are going to be all out defense scrambled as quickly as they possibly can and that's one very important thing to note here guys as you know humans are not compatible with AI if you go messing around on Runway zero nine or on Runway 3-3 you will break the game and AI will stop working you must only use Runway one one that is the human designated Runway make sure you scramble as quickly as possible because the AI is stupid and take like forever to taxi and I've tried everything I can to speed it up but I can't but they won't be up until four minutes after the whistle goes you guys can be up in 30 seconds which leads us to predictions I think this is going to be a brilliant brilliant fight I've only tested it in single player and single player is completely different to multiplayer completely different things happen for reasons that we don't possibly understand so I only know so much of what's going to happen but it's going to be a freaking awesome fight it's going to be absolutely white knuckled and it's going to be fast this is not an hour long battle this is going to be minutes you've got to get up as quickly as you possibly can but guys fuel fuel fuel is very important because we've had lots of problems where f35s are running out of fuel and lots of the valued viewers on the internet saying cap you're stupid f35s will never run out of fuel they carry so much fuel yes they carry a lot of fuel but you've got to understand that if an F-35 or anything uses afterburner their range goes from hundreds of miles or above a thousand to tens of Miles the problem with afterburner is for emergency use only and in any jet even an F-35 it will just absolutely strip your mileage right down so we've got to be careful you've got to manage that 150 miles as best you can you can respawn guys whether you actually get time to have a respawn I don't know but we'll see we'll just have to keep an eye on your fuel and see how we go guys same with AI they've got to manage their fuel here and be sensible and fuel is all watered pretty well by the way if you'll burn rate more or less about what they should be in few loads are more or less so about what they should be predictions guys that should be American win provided the fleet is half a week the fleet is only two awake as we believe they would be in real life they're all cold and dark and they will not have time 10 minutes they will not be able to get up and running so there's only two destroyers that are actually up warm and ready to fire so better in manga when do the nuclear missiles from Brandenburg Air Force Base arrive is that Germany minutes no it's on the on the coast of California uh Vandenberg space Force Base right I'm afraid to say uh that our beloved people have not programmed it into the game so no Vandenberg missiles any other predictions uh what about the California Air National Guard and their f-15s and f-16s well I was assured by Raven they are out of scramble range so blame him that's another good thing to point value viewers remember even in F-15 you can't actually go very far on full afterburn it can only go 100 miles or so these are very important things when to factor in when we're talking about minutes maybe 10 to 15 minutes of reaction time which is actually why I chose this place for Miramar as I figured it would be one of the weakest spots in America we'll just can't script Mexico to help us there we go there's the answer stand by for battle and here we go valued viewers the big one can us at what we consider one of its weaker points defend against a let's face it stretching reality a bit but a stealthy Chinese Naval attack well let's find out in three two one go and we're off right let's start with America one do we got here we're off to Miramar humans what versions have you decided to fly stealth or killer or murder I'm sorry all right um one thing valued viewers I've asked you whether the gun holds that these can carry are stealthy or not and you guys have given me a mixed answer some have said yes some have said no I don't know who to believe so the time being I'm not giving them gum hunt not always and humans because they don't have to follow taxi Doctrine can just take off super quick as I see they are uh well I mean we were right next to the Road she were because I knew you would mess around with AI and Bully them because why do humans always have the bully AI why can't you be nice to AI I'm nice to AI he has never a nice purse yeah they look after you they do your chores whatever I went to a hotel the other day I would stop yapping in a minute I had a vacuum cleaner that was fully automated it drove itself around I was terrified and wouldn't go nearer all right that's my guys up let's have a look at the AI the AI are basically just so nerdy even in a scrambled life or death situation no taxi at five knots it's so frustrating and they will sit and spend ages just following Doctrine which is so wouldn't do if this was this is real life in go because otherwise your country gets freaking nuked but anyway that's the way it is they'll be up as soon as they can Matrix is in the lead now what's the best way to go Max Burn Mill power I don't know I would suggest he's keeping an eye on your fuel and dealing with it as you see fit one bonus of the stealth configuration is it's much less draggy it will use less Fuel and that should all be modeled in as well so that's one thing to know just going to have a look at the Chinese notes have a look at the San Diego Port here are our destroyers which are up and moving now that weapon systems up those not so much but is that cool I love those LCS look how cool this is yes yeah oh and we don't have zoom out by the way I looked and we don't have a zoom wall I think there's only two in real life anyway so it doesn't matter right China are up and they turn the sensors on they realize they can't get any further before being detected and they are up they're scrambling their flying sharks and nasso is a freaking flying shark I'm the fan of the flying shark I mean again assuming it does what it says on paper because it's got all the benefits of the Blanca but more or less but with the benefits of the brand new Chinese missiles as well which again on paper should be genuinely good they're gonna gets high and as fast as they possibly can because they want to start lobbing those missiles over at America now the problem is they won't be able to do that because America is using stealth configuration which means the flying sharks can only see these stealths at 20 miles whereas the stealths can see the j-15s at I don't know 100 miles something like that bear in mind that Jammers will be in use today and that always makes things more difficult so expect Jammers let's have a look at fujian of course no it's not fujian because we don't have fujian because we don't know much about fujia so we've got an American supercarrier um instead its launch rates will probably be more or less about the same I would expect uh for applying sharks and sharks and then 30 air to ground for one truck if everything works out right which I hope it does we have to really budge the flying sharks to get them working with a steam catapult as you can see it just about Works they just about don't fall out of the sky but you know what is good enough oh I'm excited about this battle guys the distance between the front are 153 nautical miles also remembered the anti-ship Chinese only have to get to that point there 145 miles out away from San Diego to fire so it's critical that my guys get here and gain air superiority if they don't do that and the anti-ships get here well I haven't actually seen the battle through to the end but I'm pretty sure that Port is going to go bye-bye uh most aggressive as ever is Matrix in the front oof Matrix talk you talk us through your game plan AI can't listen to you got up to 40 000 feet plus no contrails track while scan mode I'm looking for the targets I'm not expecting them to appear until about 120 miles on the radar Well Jack I can see you're in supercruise as well so you're super sonic without afterburner uh one of the beautiful things about having a slick stealth mode F35 who's burning next to no fuel well not much you can go hundreds of miles but it's also supersonic so that's great to see uh AI are up finally it's taking them four minutes or so to get up you can see the game clock at the top right there by the way and here they come now what are AI going to do AI will plan their fuel it's pretty stupid and you know they're not super clever but they will plan their fuel So currently they know a target's there because awex has seen them but they're going slow that's up to them we let them do what they want I've got here push whose information with push you think that may be me why the Moon they're taking a bit of a slower more literary role but that's fine I don't know where your fuel counter is by the way so you'll have to figure that out as you go Simba's catchy oh my goodness gracious talk us through him but what have you seen 130 Mark are you sure are you sure Simba picked him up Center locked up locked up at 120. technically technically that is above the range of the even my a120 did I've made in game this is my aim 120d and I'm all right well let's say I wouldn't suggest blowing a whole load yet at that range guys technically that shouldn't be a possible shot but we'll see the real a120 value viewers would actually go much higher but because of limits in my and Simba's brain we have to keep it relatively low because we have problem with the radar again we just do the best we can it's the best we can do and in terms of what it can achieve its relatively risk the range is about right the center is about right and so on another shot from also murder spec so oh you murdered yep wow so I am gonna do long range deterrents all right so I hopefully I can slow the aggression down and let the stealths get in so look at the difference in Doctrine Simba murder spec going in full burner I think he knows he's not going home you know because he's going to stealth uh Matrix supercruise a mixture between the two and these guys just on cruise if AI is going to catch them up soon but that's very interesting oh please don't see your jam no they're not they're just really bad at taking off AI so bad at taking off in this game uh but never mind they've done their best there once all of them yep that's the problem once they're up the fa18s will start spawning in okay let's have a look at the progress of this it's fully out of burn now I've given it I'm not actually sure how many Rocket Motors this has in real life but we've given it two uh just you know go far enough to achieve 100 miles and I've also noticed we now have the ability to put three Rocket motors on one which we can use to simulate a Ramjet so we should actually be able to do the meteor property now which would be interesting seems to be new tech they're adding into game okay it's down to two and a half two and two point six thousand knots uh about just on the mark four oh and there you see some cons oh the hostiles are made the error of conning oh the Masters are firing po15s out must be a Simba because they can only see Simba at 90 miles 90 mile pr15 is coming in oh this is getting exciting now and this one who's it gonna go for is it gonna track I'll be I will be uh uncle's monkey if this hits because there will be a 135 mile shot unbelievable Simba one hand you just broken the gr record 135 shot in live action 35 mile shot and that's because he got so high and so fast he's not gonna have any field to fight but he's done it well known Simba there's my boy right there another one going in I went for the same Target that's a shame right inaccuracies or inefficiencies will happen Okay po15 is doing their thing they're programmed uh to have a slightly longer burn than the a120s and they'll go about 10 maybe 20 miles further otherwise the same sensor and the same fins and stuff as far as DCS actually cares right Matrix is next in line at 70 miles box three and he's got missiles out sim is getting chased by the pl 15s and you can see he's evading them which is good remember uh America has a wax Chinese don't in this case he's like oh look at that closure rate can Timber get another kill this will be probably 100 over 100 miles don't know we will oh no we didn't it ran out of whatever it ran out of that's a shame but you've got one kill at least Matrix is now firing his stealth configuration and the interesting thing about this is Matrix can see these missiles onto Target because he's stealthy he will only be seen about 20 miles as is more or less accurate in real life words where's Simba gone do you Dyson but awesome died got hit that's a shame yeah you can respawn again if you want guys uh disconnected somehow oh well you can definitely respawn it it seems will happen oh that's why you missile disappeared your missile just disappeared when it was about to hit someone I was like okay oh well uh that's internet I'm afraid valid viewers uh right Matrix is pushing on his missile 2.6 000 knots just under mark four and Mark 3.6 or something a little Starbucks crank at the moment Roger as it should do more or less in real life and missiles from AI coming out at 80 nautical miles no I assume these missiles are dead I don't think they've got log on after launch I don't think they're gonna acquire new targets we made if they could uh right aim on 20D for matrix it's flown past the first Target he looks to me like oh it's guiding you see that little twitch it did there that means it's still got the actuator battery on and the guidance yes Matrix second kill of the day very hard to notch at 2300 not missile lots of energy to expand and boom good kill great work so far guys and here come the masses now I've got push I've got Violet I've got AI all chucking their amrams out oh look I don't know 70 miles or so come on guys Rock story The emblems don't really make those white Trails I've just made it do it so that you guys the value viewers can see a little box three times four and somebody has shot a missile at me from behind uh tracking oh no they're not gram you know not don't worry about it yes it is God damn it Friendly Fire douchebag don't you pilot moon has locked and shot Grump well you'd have to deal with that in the mess later on Matrix has got within 20 miles unfortunately and it's been shot in fact it's a bit high but he's got a dodgy aspect for his still he's gonna get out of there luckily it's not pl-15 it's appeal something else okay here comes the m120d losses will happen in in this war guys a120d smug at the face that's my humans oh didn't kill him he didn't kill him yes he did no he didn't this will look at all those missiles coming in my God that will finish him off Bloom to Pieces another one down another one down smashing through these Chinese and these Chinese are not easy to kill you can take my word for that missiles are just too hard to notch they're kinematically massively powerful to a so analog analog for the AC radar we've got a super powerful so it's very hard to beat these missiles not impossible these are some good shot scars you've done some great shots smashing through the Chinese really really well I've never seen actually do this well look at that almost every shot is perfectly placed at the right time the right lots of splashes going on doing an amazingly well guys okay one of them has got through onto you guys one of them is 20 miles from you guys and he's shooting you guys so be careful he snuck through at high altitude he should have been intercepted but he wasn't it almost looks like he's gone over the top and come back down and he is pumping out PL 15s now a pair twelves what's that altitude uh I'm not really allowed to say uh spell it you'll have to find out you can see the F10 map if he's on your symbol a wax so you will be able to see him yourself oh he's got so close and now he's spraying and praying at the stealth look at that when he's once he's in with that 20 more buffer it's going to change everything what do I watch what do I watch okay the missiles have all been duped by the stealth that's good that's good news Legacy and Rams going over the top uh Matrix might have it might be the Unlucky One he's got pl15 on him with a modern radar and make yourself go get another one that's one well done Violet killed the uh toned herself by killing the uh bad guy that got in so you're all safe I wonder how the F-18 is doing f-18s are yes Simba Wimber I'm gonna do a nice sexy flyby of the port uh when are you doing that right now look at that and he is super carrier LCS lha lhd uh destroyers Cruisers pretty cool huh right back on with the battle oh my God the prone to getting close Violet moon is getting dangerously close to guys now no it's still all Air to air at the moment so at least no anti-shippers are out nothing to worry about there and Violet's got to worry about clopping one right in the face here father you've got an active missile and used to get super defensive good defense look at that you've got that 90 degree mixed with a snail Duff the missile up this guy no stealth you get a full five meter squared RCS and you're hitting the face well done oh things happening this guy's from the fantasy but he's out of one another one right past him look at that have you ever seen anything like it and that's the beauty of stealth valued viewers do US Marine Corps need to keep buying sales personally I think so proving their metal here uh Violet has got herself into a possible murder Friday's going to assemble the freaking dog fight but she's got no she's gonna love him to kill him with oh she's got an internal gun whoops uh yeah accidentally gave her a cannon when she shouldn't have one but you know what that's my error so you can use it you can only apologize cat I can only apologize for that value view it's almost impossible keep up with all these mods and all the different versions we're using there's a lot going on well done Violet Moon friggin Hell she's atoning herself she's gonna dogfight with a supersonic flanker and nailed him and say I've saved a buddy the dogfight freaking Queen right okay what's going on here now another air to air gonna be I'm getting a bit muddy at this point violets found another guy to shoot down or has she yes she has here comes for that Moon blah blah blah blah blah blah look at that look at that ladies and gentlemen I'll give you the still slowly growing anti-ship Jets Airborne are you kidding me three zero zero for one eight one right anti-ships are airborne this is where the problems happen guys but it looks very cool but it's not that useful you really want to be thinking about anti-ship now boof plus someone else just shot him anyway and violet you've got yet another active missile chasing you do a thing do a violet thing There She Goes look get the 90s she got that 90 degrees man's freaking exciting my guys are playing a friendly Farm my guys are flying so freaking world I can't seem to do anything wrong and bear in mind how confusing this is all they see is a wall of Jammers that's all they see here where the anti-ship that's air to air to air wondering oh I got too much to talk about now lots of air-to-air still lots of a120ds going up where's the Hornet yeah now you can see the super Hornets guys so we've run out of stealths now here come the Hornet sorry Legacy hornets and yes the a120ds are on and working which is great let's see old airplane old old airplane 40 year old airframe pretty much uh Violet Moon's got another dogfight how is she doing this freaking unreal honest AI it may be problematic they're not as good at dodging as violet oh yes they are hit that 90 degrees perfectly so much easier to notch in a stealth um but it's a normal plane how the hell is Volcan game behind them like that force him into a dogfight and guns guns guns again that's super sexy okay not sure it's super tactical but that's okay right let's keep watching um look at cannibal he's done a thing I don't know what he's done but he's done a thing in a stealth variant oh he's missing he's missing a rear stab he's been hit are you still flying pretty sure I couldn't do it in real life but you know what that's okay Violet's still in an epic dog fight and Winchester oh that's okay because your name you have to have a name on D chasing him down anyway back to base for you violet you escaped this one finally ran out of legs you can beat these big missile Big Orange missiles making them turn they can't turn you make them turn their range goes down to like 20 miles that's something to bear in mind they they become aerodynamically not unstable but inefficient so better uh 100 pounds of fuel that's a violet problem you've done a worryingly well to get this far to be honest some of the last air to air is going down oh my God you guys are doing so freaking well it did not go at all like this on single player so it shows the difference what humans can do when humans go in and humans play well and do human things but a I just couldn't do didn't try notching so he died let's have a look Andy ship us out freaking energy ship us out but they're about to go whacked oh this is so sexy first anti-ship is getting whacked guys boom and your ship his own friggin War had exploded yes anti-ship is going down um yeah that's my guys that's my guys right there keep it up guys you've got to keep it up there's 25 more anti-shippers to go we may not get them get to the line oh my pants are on friggin fire I want to go see a doctor about that cap no look at that you not uh five meter RCS guy notched a friggin amram fair play good work if you can get it oh Violet well guys got through he needs dog fighting I wish I could help right now well I wish I could help stop doing steel things more anti-ship is going down from Legacy amrams that were fired like 10 minutes ago God knows how many miles we can still definitely definitely do this guys Hornets coming in Hornets are still 90 miles out they're burning they're going as fast as their tiny little Eco saver engines can make them unfortunately not fast enough now here's a problem look at how Dragon they are look at their stores they have to carry on the outside of their body this makes them very draggy it's burn all the fuel and they still can't go very fast but Amy however ugly she is look how slick she is go much faster for the amount of fuel burn which is always super important today anyway I'll stop the yapping shot well this guy last Chinese defense mad guy just literally mad dogged all these freaking missiles off look at that where are they going who knows who even cares at this point because anti-shipers are getting shot there's an unintentional dogfight going on between Ai and that is always ugly to see AI dogfights like blind Muppets oh stealth just got smacked he was out of fuel did you see him he was going like 200 knots he ran his fuel out that's a 90 problem I'm afraid someone's taking this guy down finally come Fox three times four on anti-ships oh where's my Grump where's my Grump can anyone see him there he is at a range of oof 90 miles 110 statute miles that's gruntastic that's why he earns that big fat waste [ __ ] oh that keeps getting lost in the post U.S Postal Service yeah especially when they delivered at my place they always lose my packages okay where is this gone well oh look the shooting over the top of the stealth and shooting Legacy Hornets down at 90 miles and here's the problem USMC if your legacy uh Hornets if you ever tried going up against China you won't get anywhere near them as you just saw well that said he did get three arms off so I'll give him that again same problem shot 100 miles away Legacy Hornet I won't beat it there's a problem with the sensor you see the sensor the gimbal doesn't go down far enough unsolvable problem but this one not so much another Legacy Hornet shot behind about 100 miles away you've got to have self nowadays if you want to be competitive stealth or massive numbers and most of the Legacy Hornets are up now last 10 going up 36 and they're gonna get two to Pieces pretty easily by the pl-15s not as any Pier 50s left because of all the air-to-air guys have been shot down Grumps missiles are still in travel 30 miles away from Target AI lightning is going for this anti-shipper I think oh look what Cannibal's done he's got behind the anti-ship I don't know how he did that you can do that because they've gone away well I don't know he just can he's got stealth play another style probably out of fuel probably not even above a Dodge that's a po10 that's IR guided myself a lot of people in the comments asking why that uh they don't flare they will only flare if they're fired out by IR missiles like that pl-10 they will not flare if I don't buy a radar guarded myself have no effect at all so something to bear in mind okay I don't want to worry you guys but Andy ship has now 13 miles from the firing line anti-ship as a 13 miles from the firing line and I said I don't want to worry you I mean obviously I do want to worry you I seem to have a had a weapons malfunction cap let me do Simba don't do it no I didn't do it the weapons malfunctioned okay well you're going in with your gun then no I killed myself oh it will happen guys there's a yeah we make these mods ourselves and we're not very good at making mods occasionally you do get like the fuse goes off and blows your own plane up happens about one in every 50 shots uh my apologies Simba go and get another one God saw fit to give you more Air France to use [Music] she's had a few she's dead duck just respawn another one Cannonball has got in behind the under shippers and thank God he has and the first Andy shippers and now now here's the thing these guys here have a120ds oh yeah they're firing this car's firing a120 DS at 70 miles they do work but they don't work as well as and a120ds on the stealths because these guys have Legacy old style mechanical Radars in here which can only see another planes at kind of maybe 50 miles of best or as a stealth and it's a easy radar I can see planes at 100 miles that's how we've got it set up so these guys they're starting to find now at you know 36 miles or something like that is it too late is it too friggin late man you could not script as you know we know script our fights we're not that kind of guy we lose views but we suck it up unlucky Cannonball unfortunately try next or fit to give themselves some self-defense missiles these guys are gonna fire oh these guys gonna fire I don't think they are they're not yes they are oh my God YJ trails around first yg-12s are out just in time before the amrams got there come on guys get back in enough height get back in the fight I'm getting there now you've got time you've got 30 more coming aim when Tony D's coming out from Legacy Hornets U.S Marine Corps why don't you give them better Radars douchebags just crossed Penny pinches it's too late a goddamn yj-12s are out now these are freaking Unstoppable America in for their modern solution for anti-ship have gone for stealth slow missiles China gone for fast missiles with big afterburners on they get through it with force a bit like the old Russian way of doing things America gets rid of it by stealth very different ways of doing things now that said these are still very hard things to intercept intercepting something like a mark 4 it's not ballistic but Mark IV is hard to intercept okay old Legacy missiles coming out from old Legacy Hornets look I'm gonna shoot these guys just before the firing line that could not work better well done Legacy Hornets at the end of all of this me slagging up the Legacy Hornets they have actually saved the day just by seconds well now Legacy one there's two more yjs out three more yj's four more yjs out oof there are now six yjs in the air now guys if you are quick enough and you can shoot these down I've given you the analog for that is the radar in your F-35 it can track a yj-12 as it could in real life so you can actually shoot these down guys and you will have to there are six in the air right now because I'm not sure San Diego can actually defend themselves from it great shots by the Legacy Hornets coming here more aim 120 DS Ash in the face six missiles got away m120d missed it's lost track there's a USMC problem yjs are now break 50 miles out and my boys are firing missiles at them can aim 120d and I used to radar beat yj-12 don't know never tested before prepare to be extremely excited in your pants valued viewers this is why crop Meister brings white trousers yeah yeah we uh oh we have uh we have missiles coming out from our boats oh my God everything but we still have uh Legacy Hornets taking off from uh San Diego or uh Miramar actually oh you shot the yj's down you've shot the yjs down with aim 120 DS I think I was wasn't watching but I guess a120 D is for my humans so a120d best missile shooting yjs down well done guys it's extremely yep I got them on radar hold on trade more yj's about to be fired unless the a120 didn't get there a time quick save America yes look at what boys are doing the shooting where the a120ds are tracking his yjs a mark IV well I got one of them there's only three yjs getting through now my boys push is now firing at them it shows the power of a modern plane with a modern radar with a modern missile you couldn't do this with an F-18 and an F-18 missile on an F-18 radar you cannot pick up those missiles from Fox three times three but I'm push saving freaking America I here come the sm-2 is that they'll probably the old missiles they're probably good enough to take down two yjs I expect whoa oh two more yj's out of the source man that's big time sexy which makes me all sexy and giggly see what's going to happen they'll probably get hit yes you hear that you see them just sticks to Smashing for oh it's taken and I've got them the sm2s are enough to defend a couple of yjs there are more yjs in the air two more have made it through best battle ever question mark see what these hornets have got oh this guy's still fully loaded come on shoot shoot do a thing don't be a douchebag it must be super low on ammo Matrix fired a YJ that's my boys I don't know how you even finding that stuff but well done look at this guy get chased by this Legacy old Legacy missile hey Legacy missile go back to the 1990s okay two more watches making it through be slightly worried about that right Miramar how's Miramar doing okay everyone is now up I know there's still still two Hornets taking off a Miramar for your gear up guy who just took off or don't or do hors d'oeuvres or doves indeed right oh just gets way out look at that he got his way jail as he got smacked that is bad timing or good timing depending on which side of the battle you're on YJ out again steal some some sporadic yj's making out can you make it in time can you make a good time oh yeah no yes missile just fell off like a big douche one more YJ in the air oh there's still two YJ is making their way through be warm guys there's a couple of yjs 40 miles out from San Diego and you're shooting down these guys self-defense trade aim my next peel tent basically more or less the same missile and the way that they work these guys are going to make it through Legacy honors are going for them and firing aim on D's at them but don't know if they're gonna get there in time or not we'll have to see how these yj's doing okay sm2s are up from the ships and I suspect there will be enough to get one down I expect there'll be enough to deal with it and Wang 120 D's yeah wedges yeah my boys are firing him oh hello hello it's got through everything it's got through the sm2s it's got through the aim 120ds could the sucker get through the first missile onto San Diego freaking poor man you Cannonball didn't ride this Pro Simba it's got the worst luck today block on you first I miss all this hitting American [ __ ] it's a medium damage to an ollieberg Destroyer oh something got food there were two more in the air guys oh three more in here four more in the air and then that's it the attack is finished gotta shoot those fall down let's get some nice medium Rams in there please yeah I think to say friend if I wouldn't have happened today is a bit silly yeah my missiles keep blowing me up yeah it is a problem and I can't do anything about it guys and it'll get worse as the game goes on unfortunately we are not proper coders we are particularism bodges at best but we do the best we can with what we've got as ever anyone knows how to solve that problem by the way I would love to know but oh look one of them didn't Powers miss it only did look at the massive work by the way okay four missiles coming in sm2s all coming out and this is gonna be the final death throw of the Chinese because their carriers now dead as steered or Roosevelt scrambles their Air Wing man this be sexy has it got through in it it's blotted the way through the sm2s what is it no there's only one left there's one Chinese missile left how lucky are you feeling Punk oh my God that's a lot in this house it's down it's down and that's it terminating simulation now what a freaking amazing fight guys must be the best one we've ever done so far everything was just beautiful beautiful that some amazing flying by the humans and it went so much better than my predictions because my humor's killed so many Chinese guys with their missiles by excellent excellent barring and excellent tactics so it turns out as long as Miramar is ready to scramble even if Chinese got through with their brand new super carrier with the tech they've got in the last couple of years everything is modeled everything we've done everything everything's modeled America could with the right Pilots defend San Diego I'm a super truck by that I think it doesn't get much better than that to be honest guys there's not much more we can add uh but what do you guys think Erica huh that went a lot better than I expected yeah yeah that's the end of our Chinese battles for a while because we've tried all the new Chinese Tech out we're moving back to Russia for a few weeks they do Russian stuff we're busy setting the new Russian Air Force up getting all their missiles working then we're coming back to us China again where we've got some new U.S missiles working I hope you enjoyed down I'll see you later bye
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 552,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, IL-2, Sturmovik, Arma 3, GR
Id: HUnpSn2qjcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 21sec (3021 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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