What's America's Russian Nuclear War Plan?

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foreign Europe things have escalated significantly Declaration of the annexation of four regions in eastern and southern Ukraine signals the onset of a new and highly dangerous phase one that American officials and analysts fear could escalate to the use of nuclear weapons for the first time in 77 years thank you today we're going to explore the worst case scenario how about the United States respond to a Russian nuclear escalation in Europe the hard truth is that since 1949 there has only been one response to the United States has planned for its major attack option one but how exactly would an American thermonuclear attack on the Russian Federation play out what exactly is America's Russian nuclear war plan how many nuclear weapons would be launched on direct order from the president how many Russian casualties could we expect after American bombs reached their destinations how would Russia respond what risk would America's civilian population face what would the European continent look like going forward and most importantly could the United States defeat Russia in a global thermonuclear Exchange when people imagine a nuclear war the first thing that comes to mind is large cities like Los Angeles and Moscow being incinerated in a blaze of nuclear Hellfire while this would definitely be a likely outcome the reality is that around 70 of the 1800 nuclear warheads currently deployed by the United States aren't aimed at large cities but instead added enemy countries nuclear forces to better understand this we first need to take a look at America's current strategic nuclear war plan also known as a single integrated operational plan or psyop first drawn up in 1950 the Scion focused primarily on the Soviet Union while today most of the weapons in the war plans still Target Russia other countries such as China and North Korea India and Pakistan are included as well in this video we'll take a look at a nuclear exchange with the only nuclear power comparable to the United States the Russian Federation this portion of America's nuclear war plan is called major attack option one major attack Option 1 is the most demanding attack option in available to the President should the commander-in-chief order major attack option one the resulting attack would consist of over 1 000 Warheads major attack Option 1 is divided into two attack options the counter Force attack plan targets Russia's nuclear forces while the counter-value attack plan targets Russian civilian population centers and economic infrastructure assets that Russia inherently values first let's take a look at America's counter Force attack option as it's the most demanding and most likely attack option to be selected by the president the counter Force portion of major attack Option 1 targets Russia's nuclear forces including ICBM silos Road Mobile icbms submarine bases primary airfields nuclear storage facilities design and production complexes and critical military command and control facilities the first and most important Target a major attack Option 1 is Russia's Silo based icbms Russia has 126 operational ICBM silos distributed throughout four missile Fields the 28th guard's missile division at gazilks with 20 ICBM silos the 60th guards missile division at tatashevo housing 60 ICBM silos the 13th missile division at Dom barotsky with 24 ICBM silos and the 62nd missile division at uzur with 22 silos Russia's land-based ICBM Force consists of four missiles 46 ss-18 Satan's arm with one or two 800 kiloton Merv Warheads per missile two ss19 mod 4S arm with one 550 kiloton Hypersonic lead vehicle Warhead permissile 60 ss-27 mod 1s arm with 1-800 kiloton Warhead per missile and 18 ss-27 mod 2s armed with up to four 550 kiloton Merv Warheads per missile when launched these missiles travel at speeds of over 16 000 miles per hour have ranges of up to 10 000 miles and typically reach their target for Targets in around 30 minutes altogether these 126 missiles carry 211 Warheads representing 15 of the Strategic nuclear weapons currently deployed by Russia when added up Russ's land-based ICBM force can deliver a total explosive yield of 150 000 kilotons or 19 000 times the destructive power of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki in 1945. as with all things their advantages and disadvantages when attacking Russ's silo-based icbms the primary advantage is that the locations are commonly known and therefore they can be easily targeted the primary disadvantage of attacking Russian icebm silos is their fast launch time like the US is being forced they can be quickly launched as a result they need to be the first Target hit in a first strike secondly Russia's SPM silos are a high threat due to their long-range targeting ability and high weapon payload it's believed that Russia's celebrates sbms are exclusively reserved for Targets in the U.S furthermore destroying Russia's entire icebm force in a preemptive strike can be problematic when attacking Russia's celebrates icbms with nuclear weapons one of the most critical metrics a U.S war planner must determine is silo survivability Silo's survivability is calculated with a probability of kill or kill probability a Russian silos kill probability depends on three factors the hardness of The Silo the size or yield of the Warhead delivered to the Target and the total number of warheads used to attack each Silo a silos hardness determines its ability to withstand the effects of a thermonuclear explosion and thus protect the underground missile taking a sallow's hardness and other factors such as launch malfunctions and Warhead detonation failures into account U.S war planners would assign two high-yield Warheads per Silo to achieve an average kill probability of 99.5 percent the United States would want to hit these silos hard and fast so they would use sea bass ballistic missile submarines to get the job done ballistic missile submarines are optimal due to the higher yield Warheads that they carry the closer locations at sea and shorter flight times which would give Russia virtually zero warning before bombs are already hitting their targets the attack would use a total of 252 nuclear warheads delivered from 63 Trident II missiles with two 475 kiloton w88 Warheads targeting each Silo the attack would expand 25 percent of the US's sea-based sbm Force delivery time would be around 15 minutes from launch and silos would be hit with ground burst detonations remember the term ground bursts this will be important later up next we have Russia's nuclear power ballistic missile submarine bases and Naval facilities the Russian Navy operates 10 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines of two classes five Delta 4 and 5 Brewery class submarines each submarine can carry up to 16 submarine launch ballistic missiles with each missile armed with up to four 100 kiloton Warheads the total number of warheads carried by Russ's nucleus submarine force is around 600 Warheads today the principal Russian naval targets for U.S strategic nuclear weapons are likely to be the ballistic missile submarine basing areas of the northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet seven nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines are deployed at two Northern Fleet bases and three nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines are deployed at one Pacific Fleet base since not all of Russia's nuclear power ballistic missile submarines are fully operational with either one or two at various stages of Maintenance War Planters must assume that many most or possibly all the submarines docked at Naval bases are at some stage of alert and thus start potential stationary firing platforms therefore targeting nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine bases would be a top priority War planners must also consider the possibility that Russian nuclear powered blister Minnesota submarines might disperse to other Naval bases as a result other targets would include Naval shipyards Ship Repair yards weapon communication centers Fleet headquarters and refueling facilities to achieve this Russia's Northern Fleet will be targeted with a total of 92 330 kiloton w87 Warheads delivered by Minuteman 3 icbms narapicha Naval Base would be hit with eight heads while you killed Naya Naval Base would require 10. Russ specifically will be sufficiently destroyed using 45 Minuteman 3 icbms rabiki Naval Base alone will be hit with 12 330 kiloton Warheads [Music] a total of 137 Minuteman 3 icbms racer Naval targets within 30 minutes after launch with a near 100 predicted kill rate using ground bursts up next we have Russia's strategic bomber Force the Russian Air Force currently operates a fleet of 50 strategic bombers Russia's strategic bombers are organized into seven bomber regiments and two heavy bomber divisions at four bases the 52nd heavy bomber regiment a shekova Air Force Base the 22nd heavy bomber division at Engels Air Force Base the 200th guards heavy bomber Aviation regiment at Bella Air Force Base and the 326 heavy bomber division at Ukraine Air Force Base there are over 500 nuclear weapons currently deployed as strategic bomber bases within the Russian Federation Russia's bomber Fleet consists of 39 tu-95 Ms bear h-bombers at 11 tu-160 Blackjack bombers the tu-160 Blackjack can carry up to 12 250 kiloton as15 Kent air launch nuclear cruise missiles each missile contains 30 times their destructive power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima the tu-95s bear H is a long-range heavy bomber with the ability to travel up to 8 000 miles without refueling the tu-95 MS bare H contains up to 16 250 kiloton as23 subsonic air launch cruise missiles the main threat to the United States posed by Russian bombers lies in the as15 Kent nas-23 air launched nuclear cruise missiles that they carry as it's generally understood that today the chance of Russian bombers penetrating U.S airspace to trap gravity bombs is near zero these air launched nuclear cruise missiles have a range of over 2 400 miles and could be launched just outside of U.S airspace when launched the as-23 carries this 250 kiloton nuclear warhead reaching its Target in under two minutes at speeds of over 16 000 miles per hour the primary objectives for attacking Russell's strategic bomber force would be to destroy strategic bombers and other aircraft on the ground crater Airfield runways damage other long-range Aviation assets such as fuel storage and aircraft repair and production facilities an effective attack on Russia's strategic bomber force would focus on the following strategic Aviation targets the main air bases at chakova Angles Bella and ukrainia a training base at rosin heavy bomber flight test center both kavasan and Kazan heavy bomber production facilities Forward Air bases and additional air bases that can be used for the dispersing of strategic bombers refueling tankers or establishing air bases for potential Russian fighter escorts a total of 73 300 kiloton w78 Warheads delivered by Minuteman 3 icbms would be allocated to destroy Russia's strategic bomber force and as a result grounded planes would be destroyed runways would be cratered making it impossible for heavy bombers to take off and leaving surviving aircraft trapped [Music] [Music] up next we have Russia's nuclear weapons storage facilities well Russia has around 2 000 nuclear weapons currently deployed it has an additional 4 000 nuclear weapons stockpiled at 13 National level nuclear weapon storage sites therefore destroying Russia's nuclear weapon storage sides would be a top priority due to the large size and hardened bunkers that are spaced out to ensure that one Warhead can't take out an entire complex attacking each National level nuclear weapon storage site will require a strike of 8 W 78 300 kiloton Warheads a many to a total of 104 Minuteman 3 icbms these 104 Minuteman 3 ICBM Warheads would reach their nuclear weapons storage targets within 30 minutes after launch with a near 100 predicted kill rate using 300 kilots and ground bursts thank you up next we have Russia's nuclear weapon design and production complex the core of Russia's and formerly Soviet nuclear weapon design and production complex is composed of 10 closed cities and one open City these cities research developed tests and produced nuclear weapons that were provided to Soviet Armed Forces as they were deployed widely against Western militaries what transpired at these locations throughout the Cold War was the Central Security concern for the United States and Western Europe for over 40 years as these secret cities were discovered through U.S intelligence in the 1950s they became some of the highest priority targets for U.S nuclear forces no doubt many are all remain on the target list today the goal of an attack on Russ's nuclear weapon design and production complex would be to eliminate any future new glue up and design and production capability by destroying key facilities that contribute to the research development and production of Russia's nuclear weapons U.S war Planters would Target nuclear design Laboratories plutonium and trading production reactors chemical separation plants uranium enrichment plants and Warhead assembly facilities as a result the attack would consist of 29 Warheads 9w87 300 kilots on warheads and 20 w78 300 kiloton Warheads the number of targets per City would depend on the number of production facility targets at each location a total of 29 Minuteman 3 icbms would reach their targets within 30 minutes after launch detonating via airbursts at a height of 400 meters up next we have Russ's command control and Communications in general there are three primary targets associated with Russia's command controlling Communications space telecommand and Earth satellite stations and Telecommunications centers the first and most important targets for destroying Russia's military command and control and Communications it'll be two space telecommand centers and 44 Earth satellite stations these 46 satellite facilities perform critical functions that allow Communications to flow between Russian leadership and deployed nuclear forces in a time of a crisis some of these critical functions include ballistic miss or early warning detection electronic intelligence community locations photo reconnaissance remote sensing radar calibration navigation meteorology geodensity and space activity since destroying Russia's Satellite Communication centers would be a high priority an attack would be carried out by sea-based ballistic missile submarines using 46 w88 Warheads delivered from 11 Trident 2 missiles 15 minutes after launch 475 kiloton Air Bursts would incinerate Russia's satellite in space Communications centers severely degrading moscow's ability to coordinate a retaliatory nuclear strike [Music] foreign Target are Russia's telecommunications centers these radio frequency broadcast centers serve as the primary communication nodes between Russian military command and its nuclear forces although 174 targets would be applicable for a strike since some of these installations are near High population centers such as Moscow it's assumed that only 91 targets would be hit with nuclear weapons to limit civilian casualties 65 targets would be with the remaining Minuteman 3 missiles being struck with 65 300 kiloton ground bursted Nations occurring 30 minutes after launch the remaining 26 targets would be destroyed with 26 475 kiloton gram burst detonations from 5 Trident 2 submarine launch ballistic missiles thank you up next we have Russia's Road Mobile icbms Russia's Road Mobile ICBM force is comprised 180 intercontinental ballistic missiles each mounted on a seven axle chassis mobile launch vehicle Russia's land-based roadmobile ICBM Force carries three missiles 27 ss-25s armed with one 800 kiloton Warhead per missile 18 ss-27 mod 1s also carrying an 800 kiloton Warhead per missile and 135 ss-27 mod 2s all with four 500 kiloton Merv Warheads per missile each missile is mounted on a 14 by 12 artillery truck designed and developed by Maz Minsk Automobile Plant in what is now the country of Belarus this mobile launcher is capable of moving through roadless terrain and launching a missile from any point along its route when launched these three-stage solid field icbms have an operational range of 6 800 miles traveled at speeds of up to 16 000 miles per hour and typically reach their targets in around 30 minutes accompanying the missile when it's deployed to the countryside or two other vehicles a 4x4 mobile command post that can areas of acquired support facilities and a Communications release station that uses tropospheric communication antennas mounted on an extendable Mast framework Russia's World mobile icbms are located at seven bases by postavo takeovo yaskar Ola niznitage in general there are three types of targets associated with Russia's World mobile icbms part of organizational and or communication structures located at each base 180 vehicle shelters in the 20 garrisons at each World mobile ICBM base and any of the 60 groups of three ICBM launcher vehicles that may disperse during a nuclear conflict as with all things there are advantages and disadvantages when attacking Russia's Road Mobile icbms the primary advantage is that Russia's World mobile launchers are far easier to destroy than their heart and Silo base counterparts disabling a road mobile launcher is simple the vehicle only needs to be overturned this is easily achieved with a thermal nuclear explosion whether located in hardened shelters on one of their seven bases or even in the field several of Russia's Road Mobile launch Vehicles can be threatened and destroyed over an area approximately 26 square kilometers by a single air burst Dead Nation therefore in the case of a total surprise attack large numbers of Road Mobile launch vehicles in an unhardened shelter can be easily destroyed using a small amount of warheads secondly Russia's World mobile spms have a slower response time than their Silo base counterparts typically Road Mobile icbms remain in Garrison until tench's mayor dispersal to the countryside therefore the survivability of Russia's World mobile icbms depends heavily on adequate intelligence and Advance warning of a pending attack furthermore the dispersal in a crisis complicates command and control making the steps to prepare for a launch far more time consuming the primary disadvantage of attacking Russia's World mobile spms is that targeting dispersed Road Mobile spms can be difficult while the primary defense of Russia's silo-based icbms is their hardness the primary defense of role mobile icebms is their ability to leave their bases and disperse in Russia's case into the surrounding forest with sufficient warning time and insufficient satellite visibility for the attacking country to track mobile launchers the area that road mobile ice BMS could be in would be too large to be bombarded by America's nuclear Arsenal thus ensuring that Russia's Road Mobile icbms would survive an attack furthermore not sufficiently destroying Russia's roadmobile icbms in a first strike would put America's civilian population at high risk given that the ss-25 and ss-27 isbms carry only one high-yield Warhead of probably limited accuracy a recently Declassified CIA document concluded that Russian war planners treat these 45 icbms As counter-value Weapons aimed at high population centers in the continental U.S taking this vulnerability analysis into account U.S war planners would Target Russia's World mobile ICBM Force using Trident II submarine launch ballistic missiles armed with 475 kiloton w88 Warheads eight points would be limited to the rode mobile ss-27s operating bases and Garrison targets two 475 kiloton ground bursts would be assigned to each of the seven operating bases and 20 garrisons in all an attack would consist of 54 Warheads with a total yield of 26.7 megatons warheads are reach their targets within 15 minutes after launch within their 100 predicted kill rate due to the fact that both locating and retargeting dispersed ss-27s in real time appears to be problematic U.S war planners would avoid targeting disperse Road Mobile launchers foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] estimated 746 U.S Warheads would be used in the counter Force portion of a major attack option one although the US Scio counter Force plan avoids military Targets in their civilian areas the pure Devastation from this attack would be massive foreign [Music] the importance of the term Grand burst detonations a gram bursted nation is a nuclear explosion in which a weapon is detonated on or slightly above the surface of the Earth under these conditions the total area affected by the blast is less extensive than that for an air burst but the resulting radioactive fallout is massive as a result an estimated 8 million Russians would be dead within 45 minutes after launch furthermore due to the high levels of radioactive fallout radiation sickness starvation and other environmental factors U.S war planners estimate that an additional 10 million casualties would occur over the next two weeks [Music] foreign [Music] now let's take a look at the second and most devastating portion of major attack option one counter value targeting in the counter value portion of major attack Option 1 the primary goal is to kill civilians and damage economic infrastructure as such the counter value targeting approach prioritizes large cities and Industrial centers targets that a country inherently values counter value targeting is considered easy and cheap cities and factories are hard to protect easy to identify and are stationary meaning the technical requirements of counter fire targeting are few as are the number of nuclear weapons the United States needs to destroy its Russian targets though many experts believe that the United States or Russia would not engage in counter value targeting in a hypothetical nuclear exchange for the following reasons first targeting cities just to kill civilians is extremely and plainly illegal ending millions of lives with the push of a button is typically frowned upon secondly counter Force targeting would better achieve the goal of winning a nuclear war while a large portion of Russia's nuclear forces would certainly survive a first strike over time concealed nuclear weapon Delivery Systems like bombers and even submarines would have to reveal themselves as a result the US would probably be able to take out a large portion of Russia's nuclear forces to secure military defeat eventually lastly counter value targeting on the part of the U.S or Russia would be suicidal in other words if the U.S decided to Target Russian cities it would be risking the lives of tens or hundreds of millions of its citizens and the destruction of its economy as of 2010 the U.S explicitly States in its nuclear policy that it won't engage in counter value targeting but if American cities were targeted in a global nuclear exchange the U.S would certainly respond in kind even though a counter value attack would be unlikely how would the U.S carry out one what cities and how many Russian civilians would be targeted which weapons in America's nuclear Arsenal would be used what would the European continent look like going forward and most importantly how many Russian civilian casualties could we expect from a counter-value thermonuclear attack on Russia foreign [Music]
Channel: Modern Muscle
Views: 3,779,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nuclear war, mutually assured destruction, nuclear war simulation, nuclear missile, united states, nuclear, nuclear missiles, us vs russia, countries, the infographics show, cold war, world war 3, nuclear war russia vs ukraine, nuclear weapons, russia, ukraine, nato, european union, eu, america, kyiv, kiev, russian nuclear war, russia vs ukraine war update, Vladimir putin, us military, Nuclear war ukraine, Putin, russia ukraine war, war, How would the US Fight Russia in a Nuclear War?
Id: IuxfFFmSZC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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