Costco Keto Breakfast Ideas - Keto Haul + 3 Recipes!

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[Music] i'm always telling people what to get and what not to get at costco but it's not always pragmatic so what i'm going to do today is i'm going to go through costco i'm going to give you three different breakfast combinations okay so i'm going to take you some eggs some bacon and here's one keto breakfast meal that you can eat then let's go grab some other items and make a second keto breakfast meal and then a third keto breakfast meal so that way it's practical it's not just thomas walking through the store it's thomas with a purpose right we're going into the store we're saying i'm going to get these breakfast items and here's what i'm going to make i'm going to get this breakfast item here's what i'm going to make rather than just trying to find something processed or already created because hey you want to know what thomas kind of makes for breakfast right so let's go first thing i'm going to grab is some good old eggs let's see which eggs we should get with costco it's very straightforward and i've talked about this in many videos but the best eggs that you want to go for organic pasture raised the vitamin d content in eggs that from hens that have been outside is four to five times higher than conventional eggs or just regular cage free so when they're out in a pasture and they're out in the sun they actually get vitamin d the hen gets vitamin d and it passes to the egg and vitamin d is a hormone it is critical for body fat reduction it is critical for testosterone it is critical for all kinds of different things that happen in the human body and the more overweight that you are the more that your body sequesters vitamin d in the fat so these i feel comfortable eating the entire egg some eggs i would say only eat the yolk but anyway this one great eggs okay let's find what else we want to put in them we're going to walk over one of the things i like to put in eggs that i feel just rounds out the fatty acid profile of what you need in a keto breakfast super well is going to be some smoked salmon okay you may or may not like it i can give you some alternatives but at least that way we're getting the omega-3s in so we're going to pop right over and grab that all right here we go perfect so in this case i've talked about this before go for the sockeye go for the wild smoked sockeye salmon okay sake deeper rich red color rich in what's called astaxanthin and that astaxanthin is a very antioxidant rich fish okay it's or a compound excuse me so this is a very antioxidant rich fish so we're gonna get that i'll usually put like two or three uh good slices in it with my eggs it's like a real mediterranean style thing uh fun fact just while i'm here this shrimp ceviche is phenomenal too and it's absolutely keto friendly if you want to have something kind of different for breakfast it's actually not bad for breakfast somehow let's move along also just look at the difference in paleness right with the norwegian you want the deeper red always go for that and then what breakfast is complete without some bacon right so let's go find something that we could use in the way of costco bacon or costco sausages let's go fun fact i will mention this this kielbasa sausage is amazing i'm going to grab one you could totally put this in breakfast i need this for my own house i have a video where i literally opened the video while eating a massive sausage in the parking lot of costco it shows you how much i love that you could use that as your breakfast sausage but kielbasa sausage is not exactly like that breakfasty taste right what is it about breakfast sausage that has that unique taste it's usually like a hint of sort of maple flavor it's a lot of mediterranean style spices a lot of times you'll see like oregano you'll see some rosemary you'll see those kinds of flavors that's what really gives it that breakfasty flavor so i know in the frozen section there's actually some acceptable options so let's go take a look all so costco has expanded their bacon selection which is always nice to see they have this tinder belly bacon which is great it's a paleo certified bacon they have two different kinds actually looks like they only have one right now so uncured bacon and let me show you what makes this sun so good no antibiotics ever which is really unusual for pork okay usually you do find antibiotics in pork paleo friendly which doesn't mean a whole lot but no nitrites or nitrates which is phenomenally good and then let's see what we got here in the way of ingredients pork belly spices sea salt and celery powder look at that pork belly spices sea salt and celery powder that is what we get and what i always say when you're choosing bacon okay i love seeing a big thick ribbon of saturated fat there that sounds bad but the reason that i like that is because it means that we're going to have less of the polyunsaturated fat that can weave in it just means that when you cook it it's going to render off a little bit easier and it's not going to denature so when you cook bacon the saturated fat remains stable what happens is other fats monounsaturated fats polyunsaturated fats when you cook them they actually denature that's why they say don't cook olive oil with high heat right a perfectly good fat actually becomes a little bit denatured and goes through what's called lipid peroxidation so with bacon it seems kind of crazy but you actually want thicker ribbons like that i know saturated fat is not the best thing in the world i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna sugarcoat anything you really should keep saturated fat to like 15 to 20 percent of your total fat calories on a keto diet but with bacon it's the one kind of exception you want to make sure because you're going to cook it at a high heat right okay and then i have talked about this product this is a great one this works super well in omelets so if you were making these eggs with an omelette or like just weren't scrambling i actually wanted to have some cheese and stuff like that make an omelette this vegetable melange you've probably seen it on my instagram stories and stuff before i love it because it's brussels sprouts brown mushrooms red onions red yellow bell peppers with a little bit of olive oil it's super keto friendly and it is a great blend of just the kinds of fibers and things that you want so what we have here is we have brussels sprouts which are a cruciferous vegetable so they're rich in what's called sulfurophane then we have these red bell peppers which also have a specific kind of glucosynodays i always butcher that it's like glucocytes enzyme inhibitors so basically these red bell peppers can actually inhibit some of the carb absorption not there's a lot of carbs in this anyway but the big one that i like here we got the red onions with the prebiotic fibers and we have the mushrooms with the beta glucans let me tell you something so wicked cool about mushrooms and beta glucan beta glucans are 250 000 glucose molecules bound together they're bound together so tight and we lack the enzyme to break them down but our microbiome has the enzyme to break or has the ability to break them down so what happens is we don't digest them we don't get those glucose molecules but our gut does and when our gut gets those gets to break that down our gut feeds on it and it provides our gut with a tremendous prebiotic fuel that has no effect on us as far as blood sugar and things like that so it's a really cool thing i'm huge on the gut microbiome when it comes down to anything related to keto that is like i think that's the piece that people miss okay because they get rid of the food they get rid of their vegetables they get rid of the whole foods they really do they start going back to like processed foods because easy with keto take care of your gut and people ask about like a probiotic and stuff all the time i do recommend on keto that you take probiotics especially in the first like 6 to 12 months as you're re-stabilizing the one that i recommend is called seed i put a link down below they're a sponsor on this channel so big thank you to them but the cool thing is it's called a symbiotic so it has both prebiotics and probiotics and has a capsule inside of a capsule so if you look at the footage right now capsule inside of a capsule so it has sort of a delayed uh response where it can have staging in terms of how it works in your gut super cool they are pioneering so much of the research in terms of microbiome these days and because they're a sponsor and a supporter on this channel that link down below will save you 15 off of that daily symbiotic so again you use that code down below using that link you'll save 50 off that daily symbiotic from seed if you use that thomas link down below so again big thank you to them big thank you to you definitely try them out okay let's move on okay so here we've got what we're making here got our bacon we got our veggies we got our smoked salmon we got our possible kielbasa sauce whoop possible kill bottle sauces and now some smashed eggs okay so there's a couple pieces that are missing here in terms of what you would want to do right how are you going to cook the eggs okay you scramble them make an omelet whatever use avocado oil or ghee okay g-h-e-e ghee is clarified butter or essentially clarified butter where they basically get rid of all the milk solids you're left with just pure milk fat can cook at a high heat so i would do that okay or avocado oil additionally with the bacon you don't need to add any additional fat to it but there are some studies that demonstrate if you do actually cook the bacon with a tiny bit of avocado oil it can reduce what are called the heterocyclic amines which is what can happen when you cook bacon at a high temperature that can potentially be a carcinogen the studies are kind of bleak but people ask okay if you wanted to add some cheese i highly recommend using goat cheese goat cheese is rich in mct's we could go get some but why waste the time i can just tell you add some goat cheese to it okay and there you have it right the one thing you do want to do is you may want to cook up the veggies a little bit first because since they're frozen what can happen is a lot of the water and stuff that's in them is going to make the eggs a little extra like weird and it's going to make them almost not curdled but they're going to come kind of weird you want to cook these roast them get them a little bit drier and then place them in your omelet close to last along with the cheese okay now let's go ahead and let's find this next dish and this is all stuff that i'm taking home with me because this is stuff that i actually eat those people always question on these grocery hauls thomas is this stuff that you actually eat i don't think you eat this stuff i think you just throw it all away you know a lot of times i dish it out to my team i do different things but a lot of times like it is what i eat and this is absolutely stuff that i'm eating okay this next one is going to be one that works for people that are vegetarian people that want just something lighter some people that maybe they don't want like a heavy greasy breakfast maybe that's not your thing but the bottom line is that you should still be trying to get a good bulk of calories in in the morning okay bmc medical genomics interesting study demonstrated that we have more ability or less ability to store food as fat in the morning okay it also works really well the circadian rhythm i usually recommend consuming like 40 50 of your calories with your breakfast meal believe it or not and then tapering it off so what we're going to do is we're going to do a greek yogurt sort of parfait kind of thing here there's a few different options when it comes down to greek yogurt here i'm a big fan of the where'd it go just this green mountain creamery it's relatively low carb okay seven grams of carbs uh what i like about it is it has some of these that are well very well researched like uh lactobacillus pear casey is very very good as well as uh thermophilus is very well too so we don't see unfortunately cho i know that chobani brand has the lactobacillus rhamnosus which is super researched para kc is good too um but anyhow bottom line is not a bad way to start your day i mean it kind of goes in line with kind of the gut health i was talking about with probiotics and with the fermented foods and with having like prebiotics and all this so i'm gonna put this over here for now let's get some other stuff to add to it so greek yogurt on its own is pretty light we need to add some calories to it right so i saw that we can we've got some organic nut butters that we might be able to add now the selection of nut butters at costco is not too great right now they used to have nutso they used to have some other ones which i would usually recommend more because there's some chia seeds in there there's some other things there's brazil nuts uh what they've done is oh you know what they do have a nutso but i don't know if it's like officially on the roster here like this might be just like a little bit of what's left over so these are one of my favorite things is what what i call like the abandoned food items which is probably what happened and someone probably got nutso and then they're like oh this is a better bargain i'm just gonna get the straight up peanut butter i would go for the nutso so what's nice about this full disclaimer i don't like cashews on keto too much they're very high in phytic acid that's kind of the problem the problem with almond butter is the same kind of deal but cashews are even higher in phytic acid but we at least have a little bit of amnesty granted because we have brazil nuts rich in selenium okay good for your thyroid we have flax seeds we have chia seeds which are some of the best microbiome foods that you could consume in terms of the soluble fiber hazelnuts which contain a specific soluble fiber as well pumpkin seeds which are crazy rich in zinc which is what we want for immune support and all this so this is just a really good one to do so what i would typically do is add a couple tablespoons of this into there now this is where things get fun three berry blend you're thinking this is keto this guy's nuts i'm gonna turn this video off how on earth can i have fruit when i'm on keto you absolutely can have a small amount of fruit especially berries okay berries are a very low glycemic b very low carbohydrate to begin with in fact if we look at this is a mix so this gives us a nice average one whole cup of berries has 16 grams of carbs and only five and five grams of fiber leaving you with 11 grams of carbs okay 11 grams of net carbs in a cup of fruit you're not going to eat a cup if you put a cup of fruit in that it would turn into a giant frozen blob and you wouldn't be able to do anything with it so we're talking like a quarter cup here so we're talking at that rate two and a half grams of net carbs and a quarter cup five grams of net carbs if you wanted to go really be frisky and have a half a cup so not not too bad right now some of you are watching saying thomas you're contradicting yourself you say not to combine fats and carbs no that's not the deal what you don't want to do is you don't want to be combining copious amounts of fat with copious amounts of an insulin spike fructose which is the fruit that is predominantly in berries that does not spike your insulin okay fructose operates in an independent pathway via what's called the glut5 transporter don't make me get all sciencey and biochemistry on you okay you can't knock me on that okay so you're using fructose that's a whole different ball game so yes you can have a little bit of that so it's kind of nice so you got a little breakfast there now again what i would normally do is add some chia seeds along with it get a little bit more soluble fiber in there slow down the digestion of some of the sugars that are in there but unfortunately it doesn't look like costco has them right now so this one was very simple simple on the go breakfast item we got our berries we got a greek yogurt i would usually do probably in this case three quarters of a cup is gonna be 16 grams of protein you probably get away with doing a full cup of this two to three tablespoons of this and a quarter to a half a cup of berries there you go perfect easy good breakfast and we got one more okay how do we do a super good breakfast on the go you all hear about keto coffee all this well we're right next to coffee so let's take a look at you know a coffee that we can grab and keep it pretty simple actually we don't even need to do that i don't need to buy coffee i got coffee at home take your coffee at home and here's what we're going to add to it take a look you take your coffee you're going to dip a hot pocket okay so you take a coffee dip a hot pocket in it and then once the hot pocket is soaking up with a little bit of hot coffee you take it and you throw it at your neighbor and then you move all right so what you're going to put in your coffee you're going to put two good old tablespoons of carrot okay good old-fashioned grass-fed butter this is gonna get your fat content nice and high and again if you're going with one tablespoon it's gonna be 100 calories two tablespoons gonna get you to 200 calories i want to share something about you know keto coffee for a minute people think that with keto coffee like that you don't it's a light breakfast wait i just saw something else oh this is cool because anyway you do want to keep your calories you just keep them in check right your calories will add up a lot but i just saw that i was gonna about to pay 11.99 for kerrygold when i can pay 9.99 for kirkland's signature grass fed new zealand let's see grass-fed diet glow local complement with locally grown grains for nutritional balance that's interesting but i do know that that's how kind of how kerrygold is too uh i'm going to try this one that's kind of interesting uh i what i appreciate see this doesn't say 100 grass fed on anywhere does it i actually appreciate this is 95 grass-fed because they actually didn't admit they're finishing with grains like as a matter of principle i want to give them my business because i appreciate just the honesty because you can call grass fed if it just ate one blade of grass or if they gave it grass pellets that in this case it was grass-fed in new zealand and then they just rounded it off with some local nutritional grain i get it so the whole idea is you want it to be a little bit more omega-3 based so anyhow put two tablespoons of that in your coffee that's going to put you at 200-ish calories let's go find some other stuff to add to it you're going to think i'm nuts i put cayenne pepper in mine keto coffee why is that okay it's really wild stuff so what cayenne does is it actually activates something called the trpv receptor now what this trpv receptor is it acts upon the vagus nerve okay that vagus nerve connects from our gut to our brain now what can happen is when you consume something spicy it triggers the activation of what are called beta adrenergic receptors if you've ever have i'm sure you have your fight or flight response go that means that you're activating the beta adrenergic receptors it means that you're activating this sort of adrenaline pathway well when you activate the beta adrenergic receptors you start burning more fat it activates something called hormone-sensitive lipase because you're acting upon the adrenaline system adrenaline burns fat because when your body gets into a shock state with adrenaline pumping it starts liberating fuels to give you extra energy as fast as possible cayenne pepper can have a pretty significant impact on the activation of that trpv receptor and consequently the beta adrenergic receptors this is cool for yes getting a little bit more body fat burning but also there is a mild one to two percent thermogenic effect too so sometimes you feel a little bit hotter you feel that now you may substitute this with cayenne capsules if this is a little too spicy for you i absolutely use cayenne pepper like crazy so i'm going to grab that you know what actually i have cayenne pepper at home i'm not going to buy this but i'm going to pick it up for the sake of this video and i might put it back all right so cinnamon what that does is it is an insulin mimicker at least in rodent studies we've seen it right there were some i think it was like some indian journal a long time ago had determined that they found that blood sugar modulated a little bit and you had cinnamon it adds a nice taste to a bulletproof coffee or to a keto coffee but i love the blood sugar modulation effect okay there's a study that was published in the journal diabetes care that had found that there is a positive correlation correlation does not equal causation but again it all adds up right you start finding that cinnamon seems to have an effect at helping the cell take up glucose a little bit more we want that on keto because we don't want our blood sugar being elevated and i'm going to throw one other thing in there that's important that i think just for in the morning you want to add some salt to it i'm not going to get some salt i don't need it right now but again you want to add that into the mix there's two other things that i want to add to this you could get regular coconut oil but i'm going to head over to the supplement section and see if i can find something that would work a little bit better a little bit of a surprise there's two things okay okay this next one now i gotta grab some collagen i don't think that a keto coffee is complete without having some good quality collagen in it now the idea behind the collagen obviously you know the hair skin nails thing that people talk about all the time you know sort of a gut integrity kind of thing but i'm a big fan of just the amino acid profile that you get you gave it you get the glycine you get you get everything that you really need in terms of satiety and feeling good so i love having this into the mix plus just adding some protein into it you could also mix some pea protein into it you could mix other various kinds of protein if you wanted to and the last thing i need to find here that i don't know if we're going to have any luck i was hoping because they used to have it would be some mct oil but i may be out of luck so we may end up just having to go with coconut oil now obviously coconut oil is not the same thing as mct oil but it is similar in the fact that coconut contains some mcts okay so now we've got it complete right okay we've got our grass-fed butter that's gonna go in coffee two tablespoons of that i would go one to two scoops of collagen okay i would do a quarter teaspoon of the cayenne and then i would do a half a teaspoon of the cinnamon and then i would add one to two tablespoons of the coconut oil so your breakfast if you go this route it's not a light breakfast it is calorically dense and it should be 200 calories coming from the butter plus if you do one two scoops of this you got 90 calories so let's say roughly 300 calories you got no calories that are coming in from that one tablespoon is 120 calories here okay so right there you have 420 calories if you go two tablespoons you have 540 calories that is plenty for breakfast okay you have that alongside with maybe like a hard-boiled egg or two perfect breakfast that's got a good stack of your calories allocated towards the morning okay so anyway we've got everything that we need here as always keep it locked here on my channel and i will see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 66,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto grocery haul, costco shopping, costco keto grocery haul, costco keto, keto shopping, costco haul, keto grocery list, keto at costco, costco grocery haul, keto grocery shopping, shopping for keto, costco shopping trip, keto haul, low carb costco, keto grocery haul walmart, low carb diet, keto grocery haul for beginners, keto grocery haul 2021, keto grocery haul and meal prep, keto grocery haul and meal plan, costco shopping tips, thomas delauer
Id: mIhUWD4Fve0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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