Costco- Mediterranean Keto Grocery Haul

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this is what a mediterranean keto haul should look like we're talking good fats we're talking the right nutrients and bright colors [Music] the mediterranean diet is already known as one of the most effective dietary protocols out there but so is the ketogenic diet so we're gonna combine the two because they are what we call perpendicular diets they intersect you can take mediterranean principles and do a ketogenic diet with them and that gives you well the ultimate ketogenic diet so we're going to head into costco we're going to find the top mediterranean keto foods that we can find in there we're going to have a lot of fun we're going to make this quick let's head on it so before we head on into costco i want to tell you about something i discovered recently it's called hop water okay hop water is this really cool beverage that utilizes the essence of hops to give a really cool hop flavor but without the alcohol you see it's been 10 years since i really drank alcohol right i was in the corporate world so that used to be a thing for me but now it's not now hot water is cool because they combine adaptogens like maca and then they utilize things like 5-htp which is a precursor to serotonin so 5-hydroxyl tryptophan is what it's called so anyway you get this sort of calming buzz like feeling but without having to actually drink beer or anything so i highly highly recommend them it's something that's been super cool for me because it's helped me i don't know get into the state where i feel like i can fall asleep a little bit more and it also seems to curb my appetite significantly which isn't something they even really market but anyhow almost forgot to mention too they have three flavors so they have the classic flavor which has my personal favorite then there's a blood orange flavor and then there's a mango flavor which is probably my second favorite flavor really interesting stuff anyway if you use the code down below you'll also save 10 off so make sure you check them out that way you can save a couple bucks as well anyway i'm gonna chill out highly recommend you check them out there's a special link down below for you to check them out it's called hop water h-o-p-w-t-r let's head on into costco okay so first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna hit the meat department and we're just gonna grab some of the top mediterranean meats okay i'm going to point some out specifically mediterranean diets are usually a little less in the world of red meat and a little bit more in the leaner poultries the high fat fish some of the lamb some of the stuff like that i'm not going to spend a ton of time there but we'll figure out what we can so you can find the best bag for the buck all right killer deal on the sockeye salmon so when it comes down to mediterranean sockeye is a tremendous tremendous form for this kind of diet it's lean it's going to have the high omega-3 profile that we want with the mediterranean diet and super rich in antioxidants which is very big on a mediterranean style diet anyway eating those antioxidant rich foods so the pink pigment is triggered by something called astaxanthin which has a very powerful effect when it comes down to mitigating reactive oxygen species so this is a great deal 9.99 a pound their sockeye salmon is the best bargain as far as salmon goes compared to some of the other ones now sea bass is another thing that you'll see a lot in mediterranean diets this is chilean sea bass so as far as geographic location goes it's not technically mediterranean but it's still something a quote unquote fattier fish that you would find in the mediterranean style diet for the most part so this one is a very good price for that too i'm gonna pass on this one because i don't need it right now but a tremendous nutty keto find so the fresh atlantic salmon see it's not nearly as pink which indicates it doesn't have nearly as much of the antioxidant profile compare those colors you can see the deeper red it means a higher antioxidant profile okay now mediterranean is all about shellfish there's a lot of good shellfish okay so calamari everything like that or fruta d'amara as it's called in italy right you just get these really good squid you get shellfish all this stuff is very mediterranean lobster tails it depends on where you are see they are warmer water so sometimes you're going to find those so that could be a good mediterranean find i'm going to stick with some good wild scallops okay i know a lot of good mediterranean dishes that utilize scallops so this is also a very very good price now i'm not going to get them today because it's not really of need in my household but that doesn't seem like a great price when you look at the big picture but 18.99 a pound for scallops that are truly wild caught is really good now i will show you when you get to the frozen section you might be able to find a better bargain uh any kind of fish if you can get it frozen you're gonna save a ton of money oh now we've got this is a newer find at costco it's such a good price look at so we've got organic fulton valley farms air chilled chicken free range vegetarian diet is not necessarily a good thing it doesn't really matter to be completely frank with you free range also doesn't mean a whole lot but at least it's organic but the cool thing is 4.99 a pound is a very good price for organic chicken so that is a perfect mediterranean keto fine we don't do a ton a ton of chicken with mediterranean keto but we do so more than beef so let's go ahead and grab this and just so that you know i'm not some crazy guy that pretends to know what he's talking about when it comes down to mediterranean diets i am the author of the new mediterranean diet which is a mediterranean keto cookbook so that is already a seller on amazon as far as pre-sales go and it hasn't even launched yet it comes out in march so anyhow that's kind of the reason why i talk about mediterranean keto all the time it's very near and dear to me so much so that we've authored some quickbooks on it so check that out i'll put a link down in the description as well okay so here's something that people don't often know about lamb okay lamb mutton anything like that is the highest omega-3 content that you're going to find with any land-based animal as far as omega-3s go so the omega-3 profile is something we pay a lot of attention to with the mediterranean diet okay it is one of the most potent omega-3 rich diets that you're going to find out there if not the most powerful which means all the fats they're consuming are fats that are focused on keeping a high omega-3 profile i mean high omega-3 low omega-6 and good quality meat is important with that that's why we have like the the fish right there and then we have the chicken which is leaner so we don't have to worry about that fatty acid profile but lamb is the highest omega-3 profile that you could probably find these are some lamb loin chops which that is a very good price the hard part is you don't get a lot of meat on them but they're a great little delectable treat that is not super super high fat to begin with and it has pretty nice marbling in there so anyway we have 6.99 a pound so 27 bucks for this whole thing and this would be a tremendous mediterranean keto find if you're into that okay i think it's important we touch on hummus here we got two kinds of hummus we can choose from hummus is obviously very very mediterranean okay chickpeas one of the most powerful kinds of fiber that you can consume so first we look all right we have one little container which is decent size there's 11 grams of carbs in it three of which is fiber that puts us at eight grams of net carbs so what are the ingredients here chickpeas water sesame tahini which is phenomenal one of the best fats you can have even though it's technically an omega-6 it has sesame sesamole and sesamolin which are powerful antioxidants that control the fatty acid profile of the sesame a little bit more so where are the carbs coming from well the carbs are just coming from the chickpeas so i would say if you were to have maybe a half of one of these it would work out well you'd still be well within your rights with carbs because eight grams of carbs in a whole one four grams of carbs coming from half of it you'd be fine but let's compare to this one this is cooked chickpeas water tahini again ah they add canola oil don't want that that is not very mediterranean sea salt citric acid pine nuts which are the most omega-6 nut you could possibly find it's off the charts so although it does give a nice taste you're much better off to go with this i'm gonna grab one of these because it's a perfect keto snack so mediterranean they say you're not supposed to have a whole lot of dairy i don't necessarily buy into that i think good quality dairy is great okay and if you've ever lived in europe or you've ever spent any time in the mediterranean they do eat a fair bit of cheese they just eat good quality cheese so something i encourage you to try is this buffalo mozzarella okay mozzarella is usually not the best cheese in the world but at least if it's coming from buffalo you're gonna have a better fatty acid profile because there's better regulations on that um so anyhow this is literally just buffalo milk mozzarella cheese full fat soft cheese from buffalo milk that's it so as far as a mediterranean keto dish is concerned this would be a great thing to make use on a keto pizza or something like that okay then we have goat cheese okay code cheese is already highly ketogenic because it contains mcts in it i don't know if you knew that but goat cheese is rich in capric acid which is an mct making goat cheese the most ketogenic cheese that you could get and look at this price 689 california prices for two of these okay again you're making some kind of ketogenic pizza maybe a cauliflower crust pizza perfect so i'm getting one of those i don't want to load too much up on cheese but i wanted to be able to show you what they got here two two other cheeses i want to show you really quick pure sheep's milk feta if you're gonna get feta get sheet milk feta it tastes better and it's what you want again same concept goat cheese okay but we're getting it with feta because it's actually going to be cultured a little bit differently a little bit higher sodium content in fact if i had to choose one i'd probably go for the sheep's feta just because it tastes so good i don't want to load myself up too much with cheese but here's a great mediterranean keto find and here is the big one this is the winner when it comes to cheese pecorino romano aged goat cheese okay so we have the aging process so it's cultured a little bit more the aging also breaks down the lactose more but you also get the fact that it's the proper case in proteins that are in goat milk so it's mct rich highly ketogenic highly cultured and it's aged this is the winner um i have one at home so i don't need this either the top mediterranean find here pork loin no antibiotics ever i don't know wow that's a good price so here's a nice pork loin okay so porchetta roast which pork spice rub salt garlic lemon juice white wine wow it looks like it comes with a marmalade so you would just use it without the marmalade but the rosemary sea salt definitely used the rosemary sea salt recent study that was showing that rosemary contains uh hispidulin and rosemary rosemarlin i think is how you say it and those are components that actually get you deeper into a fasted state and deeper into a ketogenic state so i don't have any need for this right now but that is a great mediterranean keto find i'm not opposed to having some pork dishes on keto uh with a mediterranean keto either i think that it works just fine um mediterranean-style chicken skewers let's see all vegetarian fed no added growth hormone gluten preservative free made with olive oil let's see what they see if that really adds up we have chicken water potato starch extra virgin olive oil vinegar salt lemon juice dextrose i don't like the dextrose in there and the natural flavors i'm a little bit hesitant on not the biggest fan of them unless unless you know the brand and know what is in it i don't like the potato starch but i do like that there's no added weird oils they actually have real olive oil in there so i would say that if you were trying to do mediterranean keto on a little bit of a budget and you just needed stuff on the go it's kind of a cool thing but two skiers is gonna get you 700 milligrams of sodium so i'd give it probably like a six out of ten okay just so you know raised without antibiotics doesn't really mean much because chickens aren't generally given antibiotics italian style meatballs you might think okay is this going to be keto friendly well ah blended with pork cheese and herbs gluten free that's pretty rare wow okay pork water parmesan cheese okay already in aged cheese so far so good uh salt enzymes cheese cultures okay that's just part of that potatoes potatoes mono and diglycerides dextrose that doesn't scare me too much so two meatballs gives you four grams of carbs probably mainly coming from whatever potatoes they're using potatoes as a binder instead of breadcrumbs so this wins there's some spaghetti and there's some chickens in the front this i'm actually these are pretty awesome i wouldn't say like the cleanest thing in the world but as far as like a mediterranean meatball like this is a good clean meatball so so far it's a pretty cool win i'm gonna grab some of those that is a really clean sausage not gonna lie we got chicken basil look at all those ingredients that is very clean this is the sabatino's paleo organic basil on crack i have no need for it not the cheapest price either 14 bucks for that but if you're looking for a good sausage that's a good clean one this one tricks me every time broccoli cheddar stuffed chicken breast but it's loaded with rice so we can't use that whoa that's a good price that's a really good price this has got two lamb shanks in it for 6.79 if it didn't have the canola oil i would almost say this is perfect but this is still very very good in the grand scheme of things for a prepared food i am getting this this is mediterranean these are great you could make some tremendous mediterranean dishes with these these cropinis plus that's a very good deal 6.29 frappini egg wraps with cauliflower cage-free egg whites free free-range whole egg cauliflower powder olive oil sea salt xanthan yeah i mean as far as the macronutrients too with olive oil it's very mediterranean let's grab these let's go grab some produce real quick it doesn't get much more mediterranean than having some good good old garlic that is such a killer deal on garlic that would waste so much if i got that 14 for organic garlic and that is killer deal load things up with garlic one of the best prebiotic fibers you could get i'll explain what that means in a second prebiotic fiber means it grows the bacteria within your gut so if you were to take a probiotic tablet that would add bacteria into your gut prebiotics grow the bacteria they help fertilize it that's why if you ever eat a bunch of garlic sometimes you get gas from it okay it has to do with the prebiotics so one of the best things you can have because what happens with a mediterranean diet is it's so good for the gut microbiome that's so diverse so what's this mediterranean crunch chopped salad kit romaine chicory broccoli cauliflower flat bread strips red cabbage feta cheese and carrots with a basil balsamic okay already could say we could do without the bread strips but i think the big factor here is what's in this dressing let's see if we can find it oh wow that's oh yeah sorry i was i saw the wheat flour but that's in the bread which is in a separate packet okay oh first ingredient organic soybean oil that is as unmediterranean as it gets and then they put a little bit of olive oil this so far gets the thomas stamp of disapproval a sad face that is disappointing that is deceiving that is not mediterranean what about that is mediterranean the feta i guess whatever okay romaine lettuce lettuce like that's all fine sure it works as mediterranean i just want you to know i could get some but there's just no nutritional value to it it's really just a nutrient or a a carrier a vehicle for healthy fats in your salad dressing you're not getting much out of the leaves with the salad so your salad dressing is very important there see if we got anything here what kind of mushrooms super good price on mushrooms mushrooms are a high source of vitamin d2 which converts into d3 in the body so i'm totally cool i'm gonna get some of these mushrooms definitely mediterranean there let's take a look here's some organic mix squash people think that just because they're super starchy that they're going to be not okay on keto these are absolutely okay on keto okay so 1 19 which is probably going to be what maybe a third or so of a cucumber or excuse me of a zucchini or squash 3 grams of carbs one of which is fiber there's only two grams of net carbs in this so this green wave farms organic mixed squash for seven dollars three and a half pounds such a good deal i'm gonna get that now i think these are yes these are cool are these like the persian style cucumbers okay so these are cocktail cucumbers um they're not the persian ones but the same kind of concept these are delicious just to have as a snack now there's only one problem here i'm filming this on january 7th and these expire on the 24th of december so that ain't gonna work um oh i guess maybe that's packed on doesn't really give us a sell by date anyway i'm all about these i love to munch on these if you're looking for just a little snack to have on keto take some of these i'm going to dip them in the hummus you want a thomas approved mediterranean snack cucumbers dipped in a little goat cheese or dipped in a little hummus thomas de approved medi keto snack fun fact did you know that cucumbers are a mild diuretic so they're super low calorie you consume them and you can actually help drop help yourself drop a little bit of water weight so a nice little diuretic maybe you feel a little bit puffy i don't know you can add them to anything add them on top of some eggs whatever check out this little tapas platter definitely mediterranean this is where it confuses me because people will say oh mediterranean doesn't have fats mediterranean doesn't have process technically tapas is going to be processed that doesn't mean that it's bad if it's just processed there's a difference between processed and highly processed okay if you're cooking food you're in essence processing it so here we have the serrano ham which is pork and salt the chorizo which is pork meat and fat salt paprika a little bit of multi-dextrin so that's a little bit annoying some acerbate sodium aster tape see pork meat fat so a lot of these do have some things added to it but the manchego cheese is great because that's made from sheep's milk contains lysosome from egg and non-edible rind 14.99 this is a nice platter though but if you're going to compare apples to apples with the exception of that dead looking thing i would highly recommend this prosciutto de parma very high quality and there's only one ingredient it's just ham and salt or two ingredients ham and salt uh support and salt so if you're gonna make a tapas i would almost recommend that you you know use some of your buffalo mozzarella you use some of your goat cheese you use some of these lamb shanks and you cut them up you make kind of your own tapas because this is just it's good but it's not great okay and bang for the buck i just like that better um i'm gonna get one of these you just are about to about to witness some authentic joy here check this out coconut mana which is also known as coconut butter okay this is pure co this is like peanut butter made from coconuts is it technically mediterranean i guess it's technically tropical but as far as the fatty acid this is the best thing you could consume as far as any nut butter goes and it is so good i'm almost afraid i am going to get this for the sake of this video because it's such a perfect find this is a stellar new costco keto find so let it be known that this is a great new find but i'm afraid i'm gonna overdo it on the calories on this but look at this okay so you've got one tablespoon is 100 calories nine grams of fat all coming from the lauric acid those good fats that we want with coconut three grams of carbs two of which are fiber there's one gram of net carbs in this that's so killer absolutely getting that check this out you know you know how i know the mediterranean diet is getting big look what we got right here unfiltered extra virgin olive oil bruschetta and coconut mana mediterranean dishes coffee over there i see toasted garlic i mean we got something going on i'm onto something mediterranean is on its way up so what about this bruschetta while we're here okay one gram of carb i can tell so two tablespoons oh my god this is cool two t only one gram of carbon two tablespoons that's telling me this probably doesn't have sugar added to it so tremendous little keto find what i could do is i could make some kind of keto bread maybe i used some almonds something like that some psyllium and make my own keto bread and do that oh my gosh awesome keto fine what's the price on this well first of all 11.79 for this coconut mana is such a good price because i'm gonna pay like seven eight dollars for the artisana brand and then we've got the bruschetta it's 8.79 you're gonna pay that for one of these at whole foods that's a killer fine so good good on terra vevente whatever brand that is and now the unfiltered olive oil is also a tremendous price look at this 9.79 what does it mean that it's unfiltered it means it's going to have the polyphenols it's going to have the flavonoids it's going to have everything we want with this so even here celebrates the artistry and simplicity of the olive oil obtained from cold pressing unfiltered extra virgin captures light pulp giving the oil its natural and rustic appearance and character but the pulp is also going to give you the hydroxytyrosol the most powerful antioxidant that is in olive oil so absolutely going to get that this is a beautiful lineup let's check out this garlic over here organic garlic and extra virgin olive oil that's all i love to see that kinnick original it is 13 for this so is that a banging deal bang energy drinks banging bang um look at this i like some of these ideas you could use it on bruschetta you could make some delicious like little pizza things with this i'm gonna get this because this is just couldn't be a better little find for keto i love how clean this looks look at this look at this this is so cool this is such a clean mediterranean keto haul so far this is the way it really should look on mediterranean keto i love me these organic pasta raised eggs okay pasture raises what we want free range doesn't mean anything talk about that in a million videos but free range basically just means whoa what is this okay this isn't keto but check this out a2 milk whole milk is not keto okay and there's too many too many carbs in it right 11 grams of carbs but a2 means that i always talk about this people are always telling me thomas it doesn't matter that you talk about that casein thing nobody cares uh it's a huge deal age to the point where kirtland is even marketing it that is a different case in protein so if that doesn't at least somewhat prove that the kind of dairy we're normally getting is not that good i don't know what else will if they're marketing it i guess they'll market anything but a2 is a different strain of casein protein that doesn't have the bcm7 the bioactive opioids in it so it's less addicting i'm not going to do a whole lot in the frozen section let's go see if we can find some good snacks people ask me all the time they say thomas okay mediterranean diets they eat a lot of bread they eat a lot of this stuff how come how come that's bad out here in the united states but not out there right it's not that it's not bad elsewhere it's still going to be wheat it's still going to be that grain but how it is harvested how it is processed is highly different so especially when you look at even like sourdough bread that's made in europe has practically no gluten by the time it's gone through the whole fermentation that whole process the quality of the einkorn the quality of the actual grain whereas rooted down is significantly different and it plays a huge role so yeah if you are in europe you can get away with eating gluten a lot better off than someone in the united states would with our highly processed sort of adulterated forms of it that are rich with glycosates which are going to affect you as far as um antibody responses within the body so if you're keto none of it matters though because well you're keto hey check this out what this is a cool new find look at this it's spaghetti squash that you just add water add the water what 10 servings that is so keto friendly all it is is spaghetti squash oh my gosh seriously this is a cool find because spaghetti squash is like the biggest most annoying thing to make it really is you you cook it up it burns all the skin off of your hands then you have to take that fork and you're like scraping it and doing all this stuff it's so annoying this is so cool wow okay that's awesome so you cook it you add it to water i honest to i've never seen this before so this is brand new heck yes that is absolutely 100 keto friendly and we are so getting that not to mention super high prebiotic starches which brings me to this we got a couple of different spaghetti sauces we can look at compare okay we've got this victoria which is my almost always go to organic tomatoes onions olive oil sea salt super clean six grams of carbs two of which are fiber so we have four grams net carbs and a half a cup that's a really good price so i love that now let's compare it to this what's in this champagne sauce pasta made with okay it's italian tomatoes with heavy cream extra virgin olive oil butter shallots sea salt wow white truffle infused that is nice i mean it has some heavy cream in it so it's going to have higher fat content but there's no weird oils or no weird fats i dig that what's up with rows i kind of want to try that though rouse it looks pretty clean too whole peeled tomatoes olive oil onion salt garlic basil black pepper and oregano i mean you're paying for the name there because like look at this 11 49 for two jumbo sizes versus 10.79 for two smaller ones so i mean that's kind of a no-brainer there okay i am going to try this though because that price is killer i know it's not organic but she looks kind of cute she actually looks creepy you could definitely argue the mixed nuts are going to be mediterranean and keto but if you had to choose i'd probably go down here and i would go with these marcona almonds okay grown in spain clearly mediterranean simply by the geographic region in which they're grown roasted and seasoned with sea salt the only problem with this blanched marcona almonds but they douse them in peanut oil why would they do that okay peanut oil is going to be high omega-6 when you have this perfectly almonds are already high omega-6 so in one hand it kind of doesn't matter but if we're keeping it with the mediterranean theme this would be a good one and i would still say they're probably dry roasted almonds are great because you don't have the oil with them so you're not adding them in oil you're dry roasting them but you have the phytic acid in the the skin there but what you can do is you can a little fact if you take a probiotic that has what is called lactobacillus rhamnosus it's an inexpensive probiotic but you can get it in anyway if you take a probiotic within a couple hours of taking in some almonds it'll help break down the phytic acid in the oxalates so that's a fun fact definitely don't need more almonds in my household i'm a macadamia nut guy and this is a great mediterranean blend is a macadamia nut technically mediterranean no but it still makes the cut so i think this is a great find dry roasted macadamia nuts garlic urban olive oil seasoning there's no weird oils in there the only oils are olive oil and avocado oil tremendous fine i have two bags of these at home so i don't need those i'm not just skimping okay i'm still spending money i'm just being honest on the stuff that i need or not and the cool thing is normally i have to give food away i'm gonna eat almost all of this this is all good to go this is exactly how i eat so i'm shopping for me in a mediterranean keto style right now they're parmesan i'm gonna get them and my kiddos love them check it out my friends at 4505 making the end display i love these guys and that is a killer price 469 two dollars off please please please go give them a big try they have to do well in the show in the stores in order to keep up so i'm gonna get another one just to support them definitely keto friendly as well and definitely definitely mediterranean keto friendly is it just a thing now for people to walk through costco on the phone because like everyone's doing it it's time for the best slash worst part guessing how much this is gonna cost and fun fact i left my business credit card in a uh in the card reader at a coffee shop up in monterey county so i get to pay with this how's it going i get to pay for this out of my personal account which means that i don't get the tax benefit until next year when i actually go through my personal statement and find this stuff normally i put it on a business credit card all right one thing okay so far yeah one order right yeah i'm gonna guess 240 what's your guess 265. oh wow yeah here hello not bad 233. see i'm good at this thank you me too that was cool the kid in front of me has a mullet hey my pricing was dead on pretty close 233 i guess 240. we have everything we need for mediterranean keto i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 78,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Costco, grocery haul, Mediterranean keto grocery haul, costco haul, costco grocery haul, costco grocery shopping, keto grocery haul, keto shopping, costco keto grocery haul, costco keto haul, mediterranean diet, mediterranean food, mediterranean diet grocery haul, mediterranean diet grocery list, mediterranean diet grocery list for beginners, mediterranean keto diet, mediterranean keto diet grocery haul, thomas delauer
Id: kkJ4CDyRusk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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