10 Most Nutrient Dense Breakfast Foods that are Great for Fat Loss

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I've really been eating the same kind of breakfast foods for as long as I can remember really the better part of 10 years so I've got nine or ten foods that I always tend to rotate for breakfast now I don't eat them all every day but these are ones that are pretty much always in my diet in one way or another whether I'm traveling or I'm at home so just jumping right in the first one is one you'd probably guess and that's eggs however over the last few I don't know months or so I've really started to enjoy poached eggs and the reason is just the versatility like I really like I can poach them a little bit harder so they're a little bit easier on the go or I can post them really soft and have it so that I can put it over some veggies put it over some asparagus if I'm feeling really crazy and really frisky I could put it over some like keto or gluten-free toast right the thing is just versatility and when it comes down to the choline when it comes down to the vitamin profile when it comes down to the beta-carotene when it comes down to the B vitamins it just doesn't match up with anything else like it is the best it is in a league of its own and that's why almost every single day I mean I could probably pinpoint some days when I'm on the road that I don't have eggs but just about every single day they are a part of my life whether it's one egg just to get some nutrients or I'm really using it as the primary source of protein and I have five or six of them they are part of my life now the next one is one that may come as a little bit of a surprise because it's something that I didn't used to eat a ton of before but that's because before the brands that existed were just not that clean and that's cottage cheese now I was not a big fan of dairy like seven or eight years ago I think I even did some videos talking about how like I don't know the inflammatory effects of dairy probably just weren't worth the risk to me but now that there's higher quality Dairy options available we have to be real okay and this isn't a plug for any kind of product it's really not but the bottom line is cottage cheese especially if you get a higher fat form of cottage cheese that is a nice form of conjugated linoleic acid it's a slow digesting protein it's exceptionally satiating and it's exceptionally portable and versatile so I can add fruit to it I could add nuts to it I can literally add oil to it I don't know if you've ever done that if you just need to get some different fats in it actually tastes kind of good even though it sounds entirely insane but one of the things that a lot of people don't realize is just adding some macadamia nut butter or anything like that to cottage cheese a quick way to get your caloric needs in for the morning in a super portable fashion this next one is funny and my wife always makes fun of me for it because one of my go-to like real quick mix-up breakfasts beef and berries ground beef and berries like sounds totally weird but it's like delicious you take just regular lean ground beef cook it up with maybe some more breakfast type seasonings so maybe oregano maybe a little bit of thyme maybe something that's got like those Italian spices so it tastes a little bit more like breakfast sausage and then put it in a bowl with some berries it's not rocket science but it's one of the most mineral dense and nutrient dense breakfasts that you could literally eat the thing I like about ground beef too is that ground beef still has the gristle still has some of that collagen in it still has some of the components that we would otherwise throw out with these perfect Supreme Cuts right like we're always looking for Choice cuts what's natural about that like I'm not gonna go like find an animal that I hunted and try to like break down every little perfect cut I'm just gonna eat what I can eat so that's what I like about ground beef it's easy it's digestible and I get the whole thing now this one is one that I have sparingly so full disclaimer personally I'm not a big carbohydrate guy in the morning I prefer to have protein and fats and keep it pretty lean in the morning anyway like I just like protein is usually my go-to but there are situations where I will bring carbohydrates in but I hardly ever do high glycemic carbohydrates so this number four breakfast item is something called overnight oats now hear me out on this I'm not a big oats guy I usually opt for fruit as my source of carbohydrates nine times out of ten otherwise it's going to be something like lentils but the thing with overnight oats is since you're cooking them in a cool fashion like soaking them overnight they remain a resistant starch what that means is that when you consume them they're exceptionally satiating and exceptionally low glycemic so if you just take some oats add water to them put them in the fridge and literally let them cook overnight by soaking then you can add some Stevia you could add some Monk Fruit some vanilla extract a little bit of fruit you have a very low glycemic way to get some carbohydrates in but also a delicious way to get a bunch of soluble fiber which has interesting effects on satiety and glp-1 throughout the course of the day so if you're trepidatious about oatmeal and honestly I mean I might get destroyed for saying this like somewhat rightfully so because a lot of times if you cook up oatmeal like instant oats that's going to be a pretty big glycemic load and Spike so I understand the hesitation there but overnight oats does kind of change the game but try to opt for organic overnight oats so you're not getting a bunch of glyphosate you're not getting that GMO garbage I say that Loosely but reality is there's a lot of glyphosate in oats and if you get organic you can just avoid that plain and simple now this next one is one if I'm fasting but but also one that I use regardless a breakfast staple for me is usually electrolytes you start your day in a dehydrated sense and a lot of us neglect the hydration aspect and what happens is we drink a little bit of water in the morning and then we increase our water intake as the day goes on next thing you know you're drinking too much water at night and you're waking up in the middle of the night to pee disrupting your slow wave sleep and throwing everything off kilter it should be the opposite start your day with large boluses of water and electrolytes so you load you hyper load and then you trickle down as the day goes on it's a much better way to hydrate and it's a lot more sustainable so I start my day by usually drinking about a quart of water and then I'll usually do a half a packet of element electrolytes just to start and then I'll have the other half during my workout so I'm working out in the morning so I'll usually have a full element packet between the time I wake up and the time my workout is finished and I try to dose it accordingly now if I were to jump right into a workout start sweating a bunch I might pound an entire package that's a thousand milligrams of sodium 200 milligrams of potassium and 60 milligrams of magnesium I also put a link down below if you want to try them out there's a free variety pack that you get whenever you place a border with elements so any purchase gets you a free variety pack of all their different flavors so you can get a sample pack so you can try out their lemon lime you can try out their Citrus you can try out their mango chili you can try out their chocolate Salt you can try these different flavors see which one is best for you or you can just give them to a friend or whatever so that link is down below it's drink lmnt.com Thomas and this isn't if you're just fasting okay this is definitely if you're eating two we need to mineralize and Hyper hydrate in the morning and trickle off as the day goes on so again that link is down below drink lmnt.com Thomas gets you that variety pack next one is super wild people think baked potatoes are like these super high carb crazy things and candidly they are but there's also a huge difference between between a potato that's three ounces and a giant Russet potato that you're getting at Paul Martin's Steakhouse that's going to be I don't know 10 ounces 12 ounces I mean do the math there's a big difference so if I ever have a potato with breakfast it's going to be a alongside protein B generally it's been heated and then cooled so it becomes a retrograded starch because I like having those low glycemic carbs in the morning and on the off chance that I have a piping hot potato there's nothing else on it so a potato when you heat it is going to become high glycemic because the starch chains the glucose chains are excuse me molecules that are in a starch chain when you heat them they separate and it becomes high glycemic so if you do have this sort of meal like you have a baked potato with breakfast which sounds like a dinner item but it makes more sense with breakfast you want to make sure that you're combining it with some protein so it's lowering that glycemic Spike okay now the interesting thing is like you're talking a food that's pretty darn Simple and Clean you don't have to deal with grains you really don't have to deal with any other issues and the fact that it's higher carbohydrate and it's a starch but at least it's easy to assimilate so I just encourage people to go for like a baked potato that doesn't have oil that's just either microwaved if you want to microwave it or literally bake it the night before and bake a bunch of them put them in the fridge you don't have any of the stuff that you would get from hash browns where you have a bunch of oil added to them a bunch of other stuff you're not looking at cereals you're not looking at toast you're looking at a pretty clean unadulterated carb so let's not bag on potatoes guys like they could be perfectly useful this next one is one when I'm on the go and it's interesting because recently when I talk about this on Instagram I catch a lot of flack like people do not seem to process the fact no pun intended that cold cuts do not have to be garbage processed meat just for clarity here if I were to take some tomatoes and throw them in a food processor they would become a processed food just because something has been processed does not mean that is a hyper palatable processed food the difference between something that has been processed like let's say meat that has been cut into thin slices and then has had salt added to it and maybe some Rosemary as a quote-unquote preservative technically that's processed so are you never going to eat it because it's processed would you never eat meat that's been salted and then air dried because it's processed it's the same kind of thing so when you opt for deli meat you just want to look at a couple things is there too much sodium in it I usually try to opt for one that's going to be about less than 400 milligrams per serving okay I don't want to go overboard I usually opt for one that has no more than four ingredients and I usually opt for ones that don't have like sodium phosphate in it don't have added nitrites or nitrates that aren't from say celery because that's going to be a naturally occurring one so just look for like applique Farms look for Dietz and Watson look for certain kinds of Boar's Head and it's almost just as good as any chicken breast you're going to cook up so you can eat it straight up cold or you can cut it up and throw it in a skillet with a little bit of olive oil and it becomes like a breakfast ham trust me give it a shot it's cheap it's quick it's super portable next up is one that I have to throw in here and I won't spend a lot of time on it and that's flat out blueberries I go through blueberries like they are going out of style okay I grab them by the handful I shove them in my mouth and I barely chew them onto the next next one is going to be Greek yogurt with acai acai is a super super low sugar anthocyanin Rich Berry that gets again thrown under the bus because we see acai bowls which are loaded with added sugar loaded with granola loaded with sugar litten yogurt like it's garbage that stuff is junk acai is not bad acai is one of the lowest carbohydrate fruits or purees that you could get and if you get those frozen packets of unsweetened acai you're not even going to want to eat the packet straight up it has practically no taste it's like pure polyphenols pure antioxidants pure anthocyanins with very little flavor but if you mix that sucker into some yogurt it does add a nice texture to it and you're getting protein in a low carb sense along with all the benefits of a polyphenol Rich fruit the next one is a little bit more of a recipe but you could do it however we're all into Skillets and hashes most of the time like they taste good right like let's let's not lie like you want to go to Denny's you want to have a skillet like I know it's not the best stuff but it tastes pretty good how do you do that at home what I'll do is I'll cube sweet potatoes or I'll buy sweet potatoes they're already in small cubes make my own hash with ground chicken sweet potato peppers like hot peppers or bell peppers or whatever you want to do salt pepper it's that simple a little bit of olive oil and You Skillet it up you don't need to add anything crazy and you've got a low glycemic High resistant starch carbohydrate along with a lean ground chicken along with all kinds of antioxidants and flavonoids that you're getting from peppers and whatever other veggies you want to add to the mix so as always keep it locked to hear my channel see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 268,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breakfast ideas, foods to eat in the morning, breakfast foods, healthy breakfast, easy breakfast ideas, easy breakfast recipes, recipes for breakfast, breakfast ideas healthy, breakfast ideas with eggs, breakfast ideas for weight loss, breakfast ideas without eggs, breakfast ideas easy, breakfast recipes easy, breakfast recipes healthy, breakfast recipes with eggs, breakfast foods to make, breakfast foods for weight loss, thomas delauer
Id: bIYGO4Nr8qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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