Cost of Living In New Zealand & Travel Budget Prices

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demand for travel in New Zealand seems to be at an all-time high right now because of how well we seem to be doing there's a lot of media about what a Haven New Zealand is and people doing a lot of research about how much does it cost to come and travel here once all of this weird virus stuff is over over the years we've always had a lot of questions about how much does it cost to travel in New Zealand and we've never really answered it so now seems like a great time to sit down and share that because it seems to be coming up even more frequently and our inbox and in the comments kyoro if you're already a Kiwi this problem isn't so relevant for you you already know all of the costs but share anything that you think that I haven't covered in the comments below I think that'll be helpful for anybody else that's looking but essentially I'm going to break down cost into seven different categories and unlike the monthly wrap-up full living expense videos that I do quite regularly which are linked below this is going to be more about day-to-day costs [Music] so we're now logs we do try and share travel costs where and when we can in the 13 videos that I've counted we've done across New Zealand a lot of those costs we did share of just typical day-to-day items but this is gonna be more about these seven categories if you get a little bit impatient and there is a category that you're more interested in than others or you just want to skip me talking about less fluff I've tried for the first time YouTube chapters which is this cool new thing so if you scrub along the play here at the bottom of the screen here --is-- it should give you the chapters and you can click straight ahead if you want to go straight to transport or dining out or whatever you can pretty much do that from there activities so there's one thing that we absolutely love about New Zealanders is that kind of country they're you don't always have to be spending money doing an activity and then it kind of goes against the whole title of this video talking about cost but with how beautiful our beaches are and how incredible the mountains and the ranges are on the south if you've got wheels you really don't need to be spending a huge amount on experiences but New Zealand is so famous and it has such a good collection of crazy and wild and extreme activities that you can do along the way we've recently got into taking a lot more walks we've being did a really great one out in P har a beach out from Auckland I really could walk up Mount Maunganui which is one of our favorite spots in the North Island and we did the hooker valley walk in the South Island Cornwall Park is really close to where we were staying during lockdown which was another amazing place that is just so green and so beautiful in terms of activities places like Queenstown and wrote a ruler and Auckland will be sort of spots that everything is a little bit more expensive than the rest of the country something that New Zealand is very good at you want to do this cool experience great so how about we add in some food or would you like to have a cruise with that or maybe we jump on a helicopter on the way back or include the kayak so there's always it really opens up the budget and a great way on a travellers perspective that you can get in at the bottom line and just have a great experience or you can fully ball out and have like the dopest experience in a helicopter a really great example of that was when we went to the Milford sound and with southern discoveries they have a base model which is to get there and back but then you can add in well where are you going from how long are you staying for would you want the kayaking and and all those other add-ons and so you're starting off at a price point of about two hundred dollars for a full day activity like that house was a lot more more towards three hundred plus because we can add we did everything if it'll keep giving a few examples from Queenstown because there seems to be such a popular spot the hot pools that I'll turn hot pools there was a hundred and thirty dollars for one hour for two people and they're also included alcohol and chocolate which is absolute bonus the jet boating down there is so much fun it is wild that was a hundred and twenty dollars per person to go up the gondola in Queenstown is forty four dollars we're going to be doing the Hobbiton tour in Matamata on our big camp event trip that's coming up and that's going to be $89 for the north from Auckland is the Bay of Islands which we've talked about quite a bit and we did an awesome dolphin trip out there and that was a hundred and thirty five dollars per person but that was the cream trip that was literally an entire day and we saw killer whales and dolphins and a beautiful beach and it's just an awesome day for other experiences things like a bungee which New Zealand is both invented and as famous for is you're looking at $200 plus depending on where you are in the country and how big it is but to sort of put that into a little bit of a package full day experiences tend to be one hundred and fifty dollars plus mid-range or sort of a few hours or so you're looking at around eighty dollars per person and then shorter stuff like little gondolas the small trip here they tend to be around that fifty dollar price point so it really is this huge variety of options available and yeah literally anywhere in the country that you go if you search for the things to do you will find some kind of adventure or four-wheeler on you know some some kind of extreme thing that you can do always something going on in New Zealand and we seriously love that a quick insertion here something that you should not overlook is travel insurance just want to quickly thank Safety Wing for making this video happen but we've been talking about them for years and a lot of you guys have been using them as a great travel insurance and it makes life very simple very clear very transparent and at only $37 every four weeks it's a open-ended flexible model that really works for digital nomads or open-ended travel or experts or even short-term because the pricing is so effective and very upfront about what you get it's almost a subscription you start and then every four weeks you pay they have some free inclusions for children they also cover time in your own country and unlike some of the other travel providers for insurance they also allow you to buy during your trip which is super helpful if you maybe change plans or you want to just be more flexible about what you're doing so there'll be a link in the description below if you would like to check safety winged out if you purchase through that link that of course tells them that we were the ones that helps you get there which benefits us so thank you very much for that but yeah on with more non-us accommodation is a really tricky one to try and package up into a box because it just doesn't really work like that but I can talk from some experience and I'll start in budget and work my way to kind of outrageous I suppose you could say for us we're on this trip that we're about to take we're booking powered campsites around the country and they're forty five dollars on average per night if you're just in a tent or something like ten to twenty dollars we'll get you some weather you can stay at a campground hostels in a private room are about eighty dollars or so if you're a dorm sleeper you're looking at like thirty dollars if we start to jump up to Airbnb s we booked a tiny home north in a really cute little place called Matakana and that was a hundred and five dollars per night in a token spot in the middle of the South Island somewhere between Mount Cook and Timaru we saved some cash because we had a car by booking a place on a farm and that was 115 dollars a night and was all that we needed in terms of our road trip movements if you jump up again to something quite central in Queenstown we said at a place called my pad right at the centre of town the location is absolutely key it's brand new the views are amazing and that was one hundred and forty dollars per night Mount Maunganui one of our other trips we stayed in a place that we actually stayed for a week and that was just shy of thirteen hundred dollars in total but when there was a discount applied and with service fees and everything that worked out to 182 dollars per night the place was okay because it was below another house but the walking distance and accessibility is what we paid for so there were cheaper options but we would have had to have driven everywhere further up north we booked a place and this is the first that caters for more than just two people that couldn't slip before and that was $180 per night and I think that's a great price up there because we were hitting up to capering anger at the tip of New Zealand it's something a little bit more niche a little bit more glam which was for Stacey's birthday when we boxed redwood farm on a glamping website they were running a special as a lot of New Zealanders at the moment for $230 I think the typical rate is closer to 300 bar this is like that perfect quaint getaway situation that we absolutely loved we start bawling out a little bit now in Raglan we went away on a little trip when we first got back to New Zealand with Stacey's family and we booked a place for six of us so the cost was split into three stunning place so it is taking a little family road trip look at this place those are the bedrooms over there and that all closes off and that was $1,000 per night and if you go one step further ahead Mel Burke is one of the most famous resorts it's probably more expensive places in New Zealand but that we have stayed in anyway and we booked a three night weekend special that was $950 ish but we also got credit that we could use if their restaurant and we put towards onsen hot pools so it works out just over three hundred dollars per night great for the experience but not really our preference because we preferred just about a walk and it's a town like just walk and see everything and see the beauty instead of being isolated but it shows you you know with we've literally gone from $30 to getting up to 400 or if you don't get a special so there's options for everything grocery costs in New Zealand are a bit of a mixed bag and often a bit of a surprise they definitely were for us after we kind of travel a year at a time and then when we're back home sometimes were a little bit shocked at just how expensive some of our meats and our I mean we've got world-famous dairy and meat and vegetables just how expensive they can be because we often see legitimately seeing New Zealand products cheaper overseas so the export is somehow cheaper than what we can get at the local supermarket just to throw out some random numbers one liter of milk is generally around $2 90 a loaf of bread $3 20 vegetables expensive in the wrong season like at the moment capsicums are five dollars for one capsicum I don't know why just offseason I suppose free-range chicken is about twenty two dollars a kilo can be a lot cheaper if it's not free-range more like ten or twelve on sale ten pack of eggs is about seven dollars about five if you're not getting free-range probably a shorter category and we'll add more once we start traveling in our campervan Astin's so that because we were cooking a lot of meals and the campervan itself dining out in New Zealand is another place that I think that we really shine and again traveling really shows us just how good the quality is in New Zealand from budget to premium it's just very consistent and impressive across the range most other places that we've kind of experienced overseas New Zealand doesn't necessarily have its own food per se but here we just seem to do a lot of meals very very well at an upper tier restaurant about thirty five dollars is an average cost for a Maine can pay up to fifty to sixty if you're looking at something seafood or like a really nice cut of steak or something so that typically means for station oh we can go out and for about a hundred dollars we get some wine and a meal beers tend to be about team dollars wines are more like 13 maybe a listless premium or mid-range we can go out and spend about $60 as a couple to go out and cafes you may be more around forty dollars depending on how many coffees you put back which wouldn't be us if we didn't explain how much copies were that you probably know that already from watching us drink copious amounts in the videos we make generally about four dollars fifty for a flat white up to about five dollars but flat white that is the heaven that is like the gold standards of a milky coffee as in New Zealand and for our Aussie friends you'll probably agree I think Isles is probably right there with us as well we went to Wendy's the other night shouldn't really reveal this online but we did and it was $32 for three burgers and only one of them was a combo and we thought that was maybe a little bit on the pricey side a bakery or something like that is kind of all over the country really easy to grab and for a couple of dollars you can pick up the little mince pies and little bits and pieces and for five or six dollars you're looking at like a sandwich or something and a little more if you want a big hearty filled role and some of this quite a big fish and ship culture grab fish and chips head down to the beach and we went to one the most famous one in New Zealand up north and it was $31 for everything that we got including a drink and there was outrage in the comments because other people were coming in saying you know my chippy is only four dollars for this or for two dollars I get a bag more than I can eat of fish and chips so something is has a lot of media attention it's going to be more expensive and that's exactly what we had again just shows though that quality if you spend the money you get the quality in New Zealand and it's nice to know that is that like trust that you don't necessarily always have in other countries where you don't know if it should cost this much money and how good will it actually be but that return'd seems to be a good percentage risk in New Zealand so as I mentioned at the start having wheels is such a good way to get around New Zealand because it's the perfect that literally is the perfect road trip country and there is so much amazing that you can see for free but share some costs of a couple of examples of rentals that we've had recently in Queenstown on one occasion we booked a car for three days and we didn't opt for the insurance because we used up credit card as the insurance and that was $80 for three days on another day we got full insurance and that was $235 for the similar amount of days but we also had a one-way delivery fee gas is definitely more expensive in the cities there's the Auckland tax as it's it to be known general it's about $2 per litre in Auckland but outside of the big hubs and definitely some of the spots down south it's more like a dollar seventy to a dollar eighty is probably more the average ubers tend to be pretty cheaper New Zealand and they're reliable as well kind of hard to put a price on that but if you're hitting from say Auckland here pull into town it's about 35 or 40 dollars you can also catch a bus for 17 to get you into the heart of the city local transport is reasonable in New Zealand in terms of buses there's not great train transport across the country unless you're going on big scenic things but you can get buses between stops for a more touristy kind of experience and that Jim generally is about 30 to 40 dollars unless you've booked really far in advance and you can pick up like one or two dollar incredible deals if you're taking a ferry to places like Waikiki Island or other sort of spot like that you're looking at about $40 phone plans in New Zealand are very easy to come by there's no tight restrictions about who or how you can get one as far as I know there is no roaming though so you can't come to New Zealand and travel to Australia for example it doesn't quite work like that it's just sold in New Zealand only unfortunately for $20 you get one point two point five one point five gigs as well as a couple of hundred local minutes for about $40 you get more more like four gigabytes but yeah it's really easy to get and there's about two or three providers in New Zealand and you've got kind of got flexibility between them so we're pretty much at the end here but there's some miscellaneous stuff that stays said has made no that she thinks that I should mention for random stuff I pay $35 for my hiccup she pays 90 unless she's getting sort of coloured or 90s it was a lot more than that guys you can back me up there I thought she paid a lot more but maybe that's an average movie tickets are about $20 per person we pay $14 per week through our 24/7 gym membership doctor's appointment at $50 if you're registered whatever that is and $90 if you're not and I feel like that's about the other miscellaneous things but yeah ask in the comments below if there's anything that should have been on this list that I haven't quite mentioned I'm just trying to walk fast now because I'm conscious I can see how long this video is in it's it's it's big it's big you're still here and I'm I am quite surprised and that's a wrap so yeah New Zealand can be done on the budget it's probably better off to spend a little bit more but if you want a backpack stay in hostels party and spend your days hungover at the beach that's a really probably cheaper and effective way that you can do it without anything to blow out on expensive experiences if you're coming for the views and the setting and the people and the relative decent costs as you've got more of a budget and you can start to do the the bungees and the jet boats and you know the luxury accommodation and the viewpoints and you really want to do it that that is the best way in our opinion to do it and the best way is with either of car or a camper van some kind of way to road tripping and see the centres but really get out and actually see country because that's what New Zealand really is all about the scenery is so green the beaches are so beautiful the mountains are stunning and for some of you it might be a decent way to come to reach New Zealand when we finally can travel so they do it do it potentially do it once and do it really well it's been a lot of time and see a lot of the country and if you can't do that then you should try and find some New Zealand youtubers maybe that make content showing what the countries like and what it's kind of like to travel around and I know a couple of that's embarrassing man [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daneger and Stacey
Views: 69,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daneger and stacey, living in new zealand, cost of living in new zealand, costs of living in new zealand, fuel costs in new zealand, living costs in new zealand, costs of living new zealand, cost of living in new zealand per month, new zealand trip cost, trip to new zealand cost, new zealand travel budget, cost of trip to new zealand, new zealand prices, cost to travel to new zealand, new zealand trip, new zealand travel, travel costs nz, moving to new zealand, nz vlogs
Id: ikCQRvS--Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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