3 Weeks in New Zealand on a Budget

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[Music] w we just picked up this sweet camper van that we're going to be using for the next 3 weeks to drive all across New Zealand so we're here in Christ Church and our plan is generally to drive all the way around the South Island up on the west coast cross that Ferry and then make it up to the North Island until we reach Ackland we're in this beautiful to yet beamed camper van sweet sweet sweet girl yeah we don't got a good name for her yet but we're going to let her name herself we've got our normal $100 per day budget for the both of us to put 2100 somewhere and we're really excited to get started but first we got to pick up some supplies and there's only really one right place that every good road trip in New Zealand should start oh she bouny oh yeah just settling into [Music] place after picking up some groceries from the almighty pack and save and then grabbing supplies and a quick sausage Sizzle from Bunnings we open up the rankers app to pick our campsite for the the night ooh this one is powered it's cool it's on the water and then went off to see Christ [Music] Church before we could leave Christ Church we just had to pick up a couple more key items for the trip time to get this road trip started we headed to our campsite to figure out how this van works now this isn't our first time living the van life dream but that doesn't mean that we know what we're doing all right okay so this is our first moment in this van actually like in the back side of it we've just been kind of like driving and collecting stuff so we're going to give you a van tour and by that I mean we're going to discover all of the things that are in this van cuz we don't know anything yet let's get started freshwater Inlet check power plugin so that we can run bigger electronics and charge our laptops and run our heater check 12vt battery power so that we can charge our phones when we're at a fancy SL expensive campsite with power check and it looks like we have a mostly complete kitchen things are kind of cold in here a tiny stove thing check pots and pans check these things look like the kind that just like everything sticks to you know what I'm talking about where like if you cook an egg on it it just like becomes an egg oh one of our glasses broke shattered glass check sink with a gray water tank check how's it coming in there come on in turns out under here is a ton of storage under there is where our portapotty lives huh hopefully we'll never have to use it but it's there if we do let's grab this it was uh super easy to change between table mode and bed mode as you can see here no struggle at all super duper easy we got a battery in here and we got an inverter which means that it's automatically charging anytime that we drive what we cheers to cheers to another third times a charm camper van Journey Jes that cooking may now [Music] commence so I just want to say explicitly cuz it seemed like we were probably saying a lot of nice things about this camper van we are not sponsored in any way on this video nobody gave us a camper van we rented this camper van with our own money uh we are not at all affiliated with um to is this we're lit then it was time to figure out how to cook our first meal I don't actually know how people do this and make fancy fancy meals in their Vans as predicted everything is sticking immediately and after absolutely burning the B Jesus out of everything we settled in for our first delicious tiny home gourmet dinner and now the game play one of us tomorrow will take the charge on planning the day using just this and I literally asked the person at the store like do you have a comically large map and they definitely succeeded my favorite part about this map is that it's all in Teo Mai or the traditional language of New Zealand how do we decide who's going to plan everything tomorrow rock paper scissors the only way and then it was time to go to bed we've got a big day tomorrow good morning breakfast time breakfast breakfast time we're going to trade off full planning power each day and today is Lisa's day so I spent Olive last night going over this thing and we're going to head to some pretty beautiful Lake and I have a surprise that I won't tell you about and end up at a very very cool Campground we're going to stop at a couple of op chops today pick up one a new band and two a big maybe two or three big blankets I'm excited after making up our little home we unplugged our power filled the van up with water and hit the road mines was a pretty big win with this guy which I'm very happy about but at SOS we got this pretty dusty but basically new which is awesome walk and cover for a couple dollars then we also got the blanket there and a pillow I think we're off to a good start now if you've ever heard anyone talk about New Zealand at all undoubtably the first words out of their mouth to describe it will be beautiful it's so incredibly beautiful as much as I love loved Christ Church and the city travel gosh getting out onto this Countryside and seeing these incredible mountains snowcapped mountains it's making me really really happy and it's easy to brush that aside there's lots of beautiful places right that word does not do this place Justice just got to show you what this view looks like not a shaky handheld camera in a car [Music] hey how's it feel to be driving it's weird on the left side of the road but so far okay sassy is treating us well I don't know if that's her name but sassy Massie Massie sass oh there she is oh [Music] man that was incredible it's a perfect day too we quick stop for some groceries but ended up getting way more than we bargained for the greatest peanut butter probably on planet Earth what is [Music] [Applause] [Music] this this right here was the moment when we finally felt like our trip had started this is what we came here for this feeling right here okay maybe not that feeling of like my butt getting dragged through rocks at 100 mph but this feeling never smiled and laughed so hard in the last couple months in this that was fun thanks New Zealand after that it was time to confront our biggest Nemesis of this trip 114 $70 for that little Phil up and we were only at a quarter of a tank [Music] left yeah I think we're over $100 for today nothing like some beautiful scenery to help ease the pain right around the corner in Lake pukaki we found this tiny shop that sold fresh salmon with a [Music] view oh I'm so excited this is hot smoked acki salmon I think it's just locally raised fish maybe straight from this Lake and they gave us two pairs of Chopsticks oh that's good oh that's tasty you didn't want any right time to go to the campsite yep I don't even know what to say about that place that was delicious salmon that view this is only our second day here and all of this stuff we've already seen if every day is even half as pretty as this this will be the best trip we've ever been on wa look at that is that the salmon hatchery I don't know [Music] maybe so we're about 20 minutes away from our campsite and we're definitely noticing all the camper vans all the RVs all the cars are just driving the opposite way they're all leaving I hope this isn't a terrible decision I think the weather said it's going to be slightly above freezing so but the further we get into this drive like the more incredible it looks and I'm just I'm so excited but I'm also a little bit terrified because you can see this like Cloud covering all of araqi brisk baby high chance of snow [Music] okay okay maybe God we got this blanket this campsite is super sweet we're going to throw on about every single item of clothing that we own and then we're going to go on this quick 1H Hour Return hike I think UPS to Kia point this campsite is special for a lot of reasons but biggest among those is how close and if you're lucky how clearly you can see the tallest mountain in New Zealand look how clear that is that cleared up too never got to see him before that's so so cool we started walking back to the campsite but a rocky had one more surprise for us just CED up there sounds like thunder it's crazy cuz it I heard it from the other side yeah it might have been we have a little bit of light so we're still going to we're going to make dinner outside even though we could use the shelter but why would you when you've got that incredible of view oh that smells good after dinner and some light planning it was time for bed oh my God so now's probably a good time to tell you that we're here in September the shoulder season of spring it's snowing we definitely were not prepared enough for the cold it got down to below freezing here and we were just shivering all night coming during this time of year does also have its advantages we would find out as incredible campsites like this one and so many others had plenty of availability so right now we're in Mount Cook national park and if the weather clears up and it stops snow raining which is what it's doing right now and maybe we don't have 60 MPH guts to win we're going to go and do the hooker Valley Lake Track which is right over there an absolutely beautiful hike and eat some PB&J sandwiches for breakfast right next to a little Glacier Lake wow is it windy either way we're going to keep driving Ding and we're going to make our way to Lake wanica today and then we're going to finish the night with some fancy pasta and some red wine in our van that's the game plan for first some coffee and tea I'll take the flat bread I the sacrifice the weather in New Zealand is notoriously unpredictable and this was our first real taste of that oh my gosh I think we're going to give the hike a try I don't know there are other people let's go it's only considerable Avalanche RIS today not so bad wow oh it's closed no guess that makes sense with how windy it is uh look at this view though like this ain't bad um wow oh my gosh I think this is as far as we can go as soon as we started to drive away from the campsite the weather turned from this to this and this and then this hold on we have to stop for a second we just drove just like 10 15 minutes and it's as clear as day out here water's so blue the mountains are incredible so pretty with Mount Cook in our rearview mirror we made our way past Lake pukaki down into The Valleys with a quick stop off at the clay Cliffs who wow this whole area I guess used to be a lake and this was all covered by water these Cliffs all metal clay incredibly incredibly beautiful so we got back on the road and kept driving until it was time for our very first New Zealand fish and chips this 4 and 1/2 lb yes we did weigh it bundle of joy was only $7 us and contain the actual best chips SL fries that we had in our entire trip got some nice looking fish there I'm most impressed with the chips these chips are really good I would say current winner for New Zealand's best chips we're only three daysad in well it's the only one you've had and we'll keep you updated throughout the video lunch finished we made our way to wano okay set site 224 I think this will be the most expensive campsite we stay at for this entire trip oh but it was 50 nzd for tonight so like 30 us I think for power yeah for a powered site this view wow is pretty good so we checked into the campsite got all fancied up and hit the town [Music] no it's just a tree but it's the wanica tree and the first time I ever heard about New Zealand was that tree I saw a picture on Instagram # thatw a tree and I just assumed like a lot of other places I would never be able to come I would never be able to see it and even though it does draw a lot of clows I it means means that it's special it's Sunset it's a little bit chilly so we're going to go find a place to get some drinks and some food and hunker [Music] down unfortunately after looking around town there was just no way that we could afford to have dinner and drinks out and stay under $100 per day okay so I think we walk to every single bar here in Monica and I think the reality of the situation is we kind of have to pick and choose right like we stayed at a nicer campsite obviously gas is is more expensive we thought we are trying to stick to this $100 per day budget that we're on so we did the sensible thing and found some groceries and half off beers and then went back to make dinner with the other campers that turned out to be exactly our crowd anyway to be honest this hostile style kitchen that we got in there it's much more I've seen anyway well I did promise you a fancy Italian meal you did what do you think you delivered this is my favorite kind of fancy meil not fancy and [Music] [Music] homemade [Music] I ain't got nothing for you we woke up ate breakfast it was Lisa's turn to plan and we took a glorious hot shower everything was going [Music] great what is this are those bras I don't is that just like a thousand bras New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation oh cool yeah you get some change out of the thing yeah beautiful [Music] view this was the first time our van really showed her personality and this is as much as she's giving wo sounds like the car is about to blow up we make it after we made it up and down that mountain it was time for you guessed it gas and groceries oh [Music] wow Lisa wanted us to head to Queenstown the adventure capital of New Zealand to see if we could score some cheap tickets to go and see Milford Sound the thing that's probably your desktop background the place of dreams that image that brings most people to New Zealand in the first place the stakes were high and our money was tight so we had to find some way to do it we got into the hip and beautiful queen toown we walked around for a while and then visited all the various tourbooking agencies around town to try to find a good deal on a Milford Sound Cruise after running the numbers when $100 per day just wasn't enough to do anything besides just drive and sleep was what we were trying to do even possible there was only one way in Queenstown to find a solution to this problem we needed a Ferg Burger this burger is a thing of Legend it's a mythical creature like a unicorn The Lochness Monster a good affordable healthare for Americans it's just too good to be real so we sat down in this unspeakably beautiful place and after one bite into the glory that is The Ferg Burger this [Applause] happened we have to go we got to do it right we have to we stopped for a second and realized we were halfway across the world on the road trip of a lifetime I mean there's just no way that we could miss out on Milford Sound so we moved up our budget and additional $20 per day we can always eat more PB&J sandwiches at home to make up for the extra money this is a once in a lifetime thing okay let's go with our newly expanded budget we started making some pretty big moves we found Milford Sound cruise tickets and figured out how to save money on campsites and I was just looking through their system and there's like a campsite pass for $95 per person for 30 days you can just stay in as many DLC sites as you want they seem pretty great he agre the Sheep let's ask the Sheep could you ask the Sheep hey should we stay to DC site or no you didn't even let us finish yeah I don't know how do you know that was a yes that seemed like a yes it felt like a yes all right we're doing it expensive day but Milford Sound here we come everything I feel like just got a little bit more intense in the last half an hour it's been an emotional and extremely expensive day and um but also really uplifting I think in a lot of ways you know like we made big decisions a lot of them that I think we knew we needed to make yeah we were just going with it you know letting New Zealand guide us letting New Zealand uh take us and you know we're going with it everything was looking up we'd even decided on a name for our van for sure we we decided on a name also with the other decisions today her name's sassy and that's definitely because of the sound she makes every time we try to make her go up a hill she's a sweet girl yeah she's she's just a little sassy got a lot of opinions about that being driven up a hill though that's for sure I don't blame her okay he was just right here he's busy okay we're set for tonight there's literally nobody else here in this entire Campground which is either the most awesome thing to ever happen or means we're making a gigantic mistake we're going to find out soon either of the way I think we're going to have noi for tonight noi y nooi That's What I Said So we ended up just last minute deciding you know what let's book this let's let's go with it let's let New Zealand surprise us we're going to book The Cruise you know it was expensive more expensive than we're hoping we did find a really good deal from book. me. New Zealand $89 New Zealand Dollars which was $30 less than what we were seeing in all of the company stores so we decided just take that as a sign and let's book it we'll figure it out we're only here once and we made our way here sorry for all the [Music] noise oh yeah we're ready now hell yeah as we started making our dinner in the dark something truly magical happened is that a kiwi I've always wanted to see a real kiwi this is crazy hey buddy no way come here 10 times and I've never seen a kiwi and here one is just Walt up to our campsite no way this is the best day ever I'm honestly still in disbelief that maybe we just saw a kiwi in the wild I I've never even seen one in a zoo here like you know you always go to the exhibits and you hope to see them but they're always like hiding away in some brush or whatever that might be the most unlikely thing that's ever happened to me is to see a kiwi in the wild yes indeed something so unlikely that it didn't actually happen what a country okay after extensive research mostly Googling and comparing photos to the footage we did not see a kiwi turns out what we most likely saw was AA which is also endemic to New Zealand and also known as the Maui hen or wood hen don't ruin this for us internet I saw I saw a kiwi in the wild okay near mil sound I did don't ruin this for me no one tell Josh he was really excited God I'm an idiot maybe it'll still happen off to bed Milford Sound tomorrow Milford Sound [Music] so this is actually what happened that day [Music] it was so windy and rained so hard that they closed the road to Milford Sound we spent all day in tanu doing some op shopping sitting in our van in the rain and talking back and forth with the tour company just trying to figure out if it would be even possible for us to go okay so we're still in Tano I kept hoping that by sometime this afternoon we would get good news and the roads were going to reopen and we were going to be able to make it to Milford Sound but I just got an email we've been advised that the Milford Road will not be open Avalanche risk roads closed for the foreseeable future what can you do ah it's super unfortunate I mean this is for sure one of the things that was on our like Musto list when we come to New Zealand it's just it sucks but there's nothing we can do the road's Clos road's closed but there's so much cool stuff that we still have yet to see and now we've got like 16 days to see it in a little a little bit extra budget back because they gave us a refund so I think it'll be great I think it'll be great all right moving on we're going to drive all the way back to Queenstown and then uh it's my day to plan mhm it's my day to plan and plus I got this sweet $3 water [Music] bottle there's nothing like a beautiful campsite to lift your spirits nice fine I think this might be our best campsite yet tied with the glacier for sure I mean come on looks like we're in Milford [Music] town [Music] the next morning we realized that we were so busy emotionally and financially melting down last time we were in Queenstown we thought it'd probably be best to spend a bit more time there okay so now we're back in Queenstown it say we didn't get to spend a lot of time here that wasn't having an existential SL monetary breakdown we're going to take the tiki Trail all the way up to the top see Bob's Peak uh yeah I think that's the game plan for today we're going up there somehow the tiki Trail is one of the most convenient and beautiful hikes that you can do here I mean it leads right up the side of this mountain you can also get there with a 10-minute long super cool Gondola but that's pricey so you know by now what we're going to do doing this walking shot in front of the sign so it looks like we're passing time you know but really we're just walking up a big hill [Music] wow so wild because yesterday was pouring downpouring and now it's like clearish and it's incredibly beautiful queen toown I'm so glad we came back to Queen [Music] toown so now we're off to wanka to get some lunch and we probably got to fill up and spend some more money on gas come on sass come on sassy oh my God she is upset today let's go sass hey girl okay I think we're on the way back down good old sass reliable as heck making us making it up that kind of crazy pass that's a good lunch spot that'll do that'll do after a very relaxing lunch in wanka we set our sights on the glacier towns of France Joseph and fox you a little too short for the [Music] van just one quick thing to do before we go you know just camping stuff on the west coast is classic road trip you hop in the car drive for 2 hours hop out walk 5 minutes to a spectacular [Music] waterfall and then back in the car for another 2 hours okay on to the next hop back out and see another waterfall and rinse and repeat for days on end next one we're falling in love with this part of the [Music] drive we ended the day of course with a beautiful West Coast Sunset we're still driving we passed host and wow we are like in the beachy West Coast now it is incredibly beautiful the Sun is setting and we're seeing some really incredible views of the ocean and some Cliffs along the water but we even managed to catch a glimpse of the glaciers before the sun fully went down after a full day of driving we scored this cool and very dark campsite for $17 had a quick dinner and called it a night okay so we drove all the way all the way up to where we are right now which is in the fron Joseph Glacier Fox Glacier area Fox glaciers so our campsite is Right smack in the middle between two awesome glaciers so that's obviously what we got to go and try and see Lonely Planet has managed my expectation a little bit says the weather is notoriously thickle and wet on the west coast but that being said I'm just excited to be in the area I'm excited that we even get to like see these glaciers I get a chance to see the glaciers let's go I got to say no matter the weather that you get I mean it is cloudy Misty a little bit rainy but it is incredibly beautiful like the clouds are just covering the mountains it's like mystical feeling it's super green and it's a little bit drizzly but [Music] wow that was awesome the clouds pared for just like 10 seconds there and then you could see the GLA really well and then it just right back up uh yeah it looks like that's going to be the story of today um let's try France Joseph yeah it kind of feels like seeing an endangered species in the wild looking at a glacier like that you know you know it's on its way out but man is it awesome to look at I mean just just like a fox Glacier as soon as we got there the clouds parted and we could see the glacier for just like a couple seconds just magical as we continued up the West Coast it felt like we were actually getting kind of good at this van lifee thing again it was all coming back to us we were spending very little money buying only the essentials did you know they had Stakes for $3 $3 look at what did you get Sak and a that's cute thought our Cameran could use some livening up we named him Sunny sleeping at Great free campsites waking up at 6:00 a.m. to see New Zealand crush it in the World Cup while waiting for our laundry to finish seeing some absolutely Unforgettable sites like hokka Gorge picking up delicious craft beer from montis getting fish and chips and more fish and chips don't eat all the chips I'm done getting kind of used to all the petrol fill ups time to fill up with gas and spend a bunch of money here we go making our way up to these cool and kind of bizarre pancake rcks I think this is my most favorite part of the entire West Coast it's so beautiful dramatic I was reading on the sign back there that this place kuna kaii was an important and sacred resting place for the Mali people and I can see why we pulled up into this great free campsite right next to a river and those pancake rocks for the night so this is one of New Zealand's many many free campsites it's not the DLC one like we bought the P for this is just a free period campsite it's kind of just like a big chunk of gravel with some bathrooms on the other side right next to a river it's actually really nice it'll definitely do for tonight oh no sunny sunny will be sunny will perk right up tomorrow hopefully time for bed the West Coast road trip was done what's next good morning that's about enough cold rainy weather for uh for this trip after some bacon and a quick planning session we made the decision of where to head to next good morning from the side of the road somewhere near Puna Kiki there's one road that leads from where we are just before Westport all the way up to Nelson on the east coast and I'm thinking if the weather continues on this blue sky path maybe we should uh take advantage of the sunshine in able tasmin AEL tasmin is a national park on the North tip of the south island and it's a special place to us for a lot of reasons the biggest of which is that it's where this wonderful woman was foolish enough to say yes to a life together with me hand flies on the west coast bring some insect forent they survive a cold Winters apparently what I'm so lucky on the way we stopped at Lake Roto e for some lunch dud Duck's coming he's hungry and enjoyed the view before hopping back in the car filling up with water again and emptying out our gray tank very exciting stuff after some necessary sassy maintenance we kept driving towards AEL tasma even our seventh gas fill up couldn't get us down so I don't want to call this prematurely but I think that that's our last gas fill up for the entirety of the South [Music] Island there are a lot of different ways to experience able tasmin which we would decide later but first we had to position ourselves closer so we made our way to motua okay so this is our free campside for tonight we are in motua which is just like 30 minutes south of Mara which is where most people will start their able tasmin trip and we most likely will too once we figure out exactly how we're doing that just like a big parking lot with a bunch of Camper vans in it but I think it's pretty nice and there's a beach right there apparently it's got some saltwater bass if we're feeling up to tr being that cold you see that crazy shipwreck out there I was just reading about this Janie s shipwreck that's right here and apparently this thing served in both world wars and is rumored to have shot the first shot of World War II okay okay it's almost dinner time but we got to try those public saltwater baths it's going to be cold they seem cold as heck but uh we're only here once yep I'm just going to I can't feel anything okay oh my God I feel like my bones are like rocked to the core oh that was awesome okay we are packing up for our able tasmin Adventure tomorrow you don't really need a lot uh a swimsuit probably shoes you don't necessarily even need shoes I mean whatever suits you and you know a towel maybe some sunscreen some sunscreen behold my leaning tower of peanut butter and jelly after having a taco is dinner let's go we watched a rugby game and headed off to bed we're going to eat the tasmine today y J we can get a 50 horsepower tractor for 10,500 here look at all the stuff we could plant with that we decided that the best way to see able tasmin with the time that we had and the budget we had was to take the water taxi to about a third of the way up the park to Anchorage and then just walk the 10 plus miles from there back to our van so we drove the little bit to the water taxi company Park sassy for the day and off we [Music] went apparently he get this job you have to be both a tractor operator and boat driver after being dropped off in the Water by a farming tractor got the full guided tour from our captain on the way we saw split Apple rock that looks nothing like an apple sea lions and a Seaside view of AEL tasmin Park once we reached the Sandy Shores of Anchorage the boat dropped all of us off and we all became suddenly aware that we had a very long walk ahead of us this is exactly what I remember about AEL tasin right here it's just we just walked 15 minutes off of the busiest campsite which is Anchorage and then you have this entire Beach we could have easily just spent all day here and it wouldn't have felt wasted at all but we had miles to walk and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to eat smushed just to your liking this park is just spectacular and truly one of the greatest multi-night backpacking and camping locations I've experienced anywhere it's so perfectly laid out so accessible so wellmaintained and the walking is just challenging enough to be interesting but but not so hard that you feel like you have to over prepare dear future Lisa here's a bet that you're not going to use that shot in the video at all now I will now if you do want to camp at one of these sites overnight know that this is one of New Zealand's legendary great walks which always book up well in advance make sure you reserve your campsite at least a month before you get here especially during High season there's also Huts you can stay in if you don't feel like schlepping a tent all the way up here there's so many ways to do able tasmin all of them right none of them wrong last time we spent four nights here walking from campsite to campsite just having the best time this time though if we wanted to make it all the way to Auckland we wouldn't have time for that this is I think the best way to see AEL tasmine if we've only got one day okay would you like a smush peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a smoos peanut butter and jelly sandwich the second one we Revisited the place where I dropped down on one knee and she said yes and got real teary eyed about it and then just enjoyed the rest of the 10 miles of unspoiled natural magical New Zealand Beauty we even had another Rare Bird sighting oh yeah you know it it's Montage [Music] [Applause] time those last few miles just flew right by we weren't ready for this to be [Music] over we're exiting the park now and I'm pretty sad to be leaving but I think we had a pretty pretty great long day here in AEL tasmin about 15 minutes to where our van is and then off to find a free [Music] campsite we were craving pies on the walk home and we saw Frozen ones in the storm we're like no we have no way to cook them and then these two last ones were in the warmer and she said you guys can have them just take them New Zealand you have my heart and I love your pies what a magical thing to have happen we stopped offer some quick produce at one of these numerous roadside stands and made our way to the campsite for the night what' you get us kiwi fruit which I think is just kiwi we were just talking about kiwi kiwi are great fruits and great people oh no what way what no or maybe not okay so that Campground was unfortunately closed uh the website for it said it was open it was not so we are heading back to the same Campground that we stayed at last night this is one of the risks of Freedom camping these sites can close anytime without notice or be jam-packed and your only option is to just keep driving to the next one so that's exactly what we did we're trying to find another another spot now many hours later we rolled up to this Freedom camping site in this weird parking lot on the outskirts of Nelson this place is such a blessing honestly it's kind of like you know not much to look at here but it is a free campsite for us it's got freak drinkable water just right over there there's a dump station right over there it's got bathrooms the view is actually pretty good I feel like we're I feel like we're starting to like really adapt to this camper van life in that we're like comfortable walking say 10 miles like we did today and then just coming here and passing out at night without taking a shower it's something that we would normally not do and honestly not something to be proud of but it's just kind of the reality and it's starting to kind of feel like home little sassy okay keep your ear pods in okay what what that's right okay H what did you say good morning from a car park and I'm going to go eat my breakfast over on the thing see you later bye good morning from a car park in where are we past Mota just south of Nelson is that right [Music] Nelson's kind of yeah okay today is a little bit of a a secretive day because I saw not too far north from us pix peanut butter world I don't remember what day this was but you might remember this reaction from Josh when he saw pxs the greatest peanut butter probably on planet Earth PX peanut butter world does tours it's completely free and apparent apparently these tours are awesome okay so where are we off to we put in directions directions are we going to bunny is there a sausage Sizzle today no I see garden and Landscape I see a veterinary office is this PX peanut butter they have a whole peanut butter World W the happiest place on Earth it says and a giant peanut butter jar 14 and2 14 and2 jars of peanut butter top the tour was amazing I got to see how all this cool Tech is used to make my favorite peanut butter I even got to make some of my own using a bike oh it's going delicious and I won something a I never win anything it was a was a pretty big deal for me wow after that we headed off to Nelson to see the sights of the last big City on the south island we did a little shopping and headed off to enjoy lunch at the beach just got to get some bread for that all that peanut butter we got today heck [Music] yeah we're at tahuna Nui Beach having Ramen from the Asian grocery [Music] store that was great what are we doing now going to a campsite oh yeah it's an hour away but I think it might be the best campsite we've stayed at not only had Lisa found the incredible peanut butter factory tour her but she had found a truly miraculous thing a doc campsite that we could not only use our unlimited pass for but one that had power what do you think this is awesome electricity for like the first time in a week and hot showers all these things we used to take for granted all of a sudden biggest luxury in the world time to go take a shower genuinely feel like a brand new person let's get you some sun bud this might seem boring but this is one of our favorite days I know this campsite doesn't have the most beautiful view in the world or the least amount of bugs or the most views of a giant Glacier but up to this point we've spent this entire trip constantly going from place to place as fast as we possibly could brand spanking new so instead of that we just set up camp here with our tiny little table next to our tiny little camper van and enjoyed what we had right in front of us we grabbed the last of our Monty beer stash and headed down to the river to take it all [Music] in good night good morning breakfast sandwiches for the win bacon and egg okay let's get planed for today okay Lisa's at the bar pretty dang High yesterday and I had to come up with something special That was supposed to go a lot better so after reading through this book I realized that we are about 30 minutes away from one of the best wine regions in the world the Marlboro wine region and it's kind of like headquarter at least most of them are right in Blen Blenheim Blenheim Blen him that place on the map and that's super close to us it's a bit of an overcast day looks like it might rain so wine tasting breakfast is ready oo oh wow yes oh that's good sweet tart not too mushy now New Zealand is famous for a lot of things breathtaking scenery the Lord of the Rings Milford Sound hiking adventure sports the list goes on and on high at top that list though is wine so I thought today would be the perfect day to be the designated driver for Lisa and give her a personally handcrafted wine tour put together by Yours Truly okay so I'm realizing now after wearing this that I think I look a lot more like a guy who's about to give you an oil change than a fancy wine taster but this is the best I got it'll have to do I checked out all the wineries in the area and picked three that would have budget friendly tastings and didn't seem to have all that unnecessary Pomp and Circumstance that comes with wine tasting this is like a all automated self- served wine tasting you pay buy this card and you just pick your size and it just adds up the balance ooh that's nice it's got an elegant delicate fragrant flavor with classic rose petal I actually really like the self- serve option of it I mean I I appreciate what people do when you go to Wineries and the learning that you get but there's something nice about being able to do it on your own pace and not being handheld through the process after that little tasting we went to number one champagne this was an incredible experience and we learned so much as much as I love the self serve at the first place this was like the experience that I didn't know that I wanted but I actually really really am glad that we got after the champagne Lisa was getting a bit shall we say wobbly I think we should probably go get some food for Lisa that was a lot of wine that she's just at I'm cleaning up in here ow I've seen this country fried chicken like everywhere here at all the dairies which are kind of like convenience stores but they also sell really good fast food correctly chicken salted stale has not supplanted the first chips we had the first french fries we had no yeah these are a little soggy yeah I don't mind it though ready for Forest wines our last stop was the best by far start with that 1 through S wine number two tell me what you taste in there tell me what you taste smells like passion fruit smells like is that keep going smells like leoy it is actually guava oh for some reason totally unrelated to the wine tasting Lisa was in a very happy mood how you feeling honey what great ready to go and off we went to see the boat that tomorrow would shuttle us from the south island all the way to the island in the [Music] north I think that's the one that we're taking tomorrow obviously ours is super early in the morning so we're probably taking that same one but out cuz I think this is the last one coming in for the day this is unfortunately the last night that we have here on our south island adventure and seeing that boat would take us away from it all honestly made us feel a bit sad what a beautiful town all right now we're off to the to the campsite which is 25 minutes of just windy roads as windy as it gets I think is what this is going to be should be a pretty should be a very pretty drive as I drove into our campsite on our last night here it felt like this island was really giving us a proper farewell is this our campsite that is awesome these campgrounds just keep getting better and better and better so we set up our little table and just sat there thinking back on all the incredible stuff we did and saw over the past 12 days [Music] so we made up our bed closed up our van for the night and said good night to the South Island one last [Music] time don't fret from what I've read the best is still yet to [Music] come [Music] okay we [Music] back hot fresh PS yes for breakfast we enjoyed the best pies we would have on this entire trip and waited in line to board well this thing's Hefty oh yeah that's good State covered gravy in this it's so good it's like a warm hug in the morning we had booked our fer a few days ago on their website and man it was expensive over $200 us to bring us sassy and everything we own from the south island to the north a big cost but a good deal an hour later we drove onto the largest fairy we've ever been on and watched the sun come up as we slowly floated towards the island in the [Music] [Music] North [Music] 4 hours later we made it to [Music] Wellington hello North Island sure is nice to see you big city traffic colors hipness is that a word our first Adventure in Wellington is of course trying to find parking we walked around Wellington for a bit and then headed to New Zealand's National Museum we're not usually Museum people at all but here in Wellington is my favorite museum in the world it's not an endless Maze of Stuffy rooms filled with old paintings and grumpy attendance it's got character and flare cute remember when we saw one of those things to interact with not just passively look at then there's the Natural History part A whole floor that focuses just on Mai culture and history that was incredibly eye openening lessons in how to navigate using only the stars and even the only colossal squid in the world oh and of course because it's New Zealand it's totally free I'm not normally like a museum person but this place is not just like a museum I don't know I never felt I've never felt that way about a museum before but there's something about this Museum that makes me just feel like I understand and I want to learn so much more about this country we spent at least 4 hours here and honestly could have spent days here and been very happy but a last we must continue North he s we made our way back to sassy and stopped for our first Gas and Grocery pickup of the North Island just the essentials we found a great campsite halfway between Wellington and toppo and set up camp for the night you know I got to say there are a lot of reasons to love New Zealand tons of them incredible nature really nice people delicious food fish and chip shops but out of all those reasons I think my most favorite is the fact that at stake is somehow the cheapest meat that you can buy [Music] here good morning good morning good [Music] morning [Music] you ever feel like we've overstay our welcome little B I'm still in my PJs and people are out here practicing oo New Island new game plan map new map who it is oh yeah okay so now that we have moved over to the North Island we are now on the North Island map so let me get you up to speed here so we took the ferry across from pikon all the way up to Wellington drove from tap Papa all the way up to this town that I definitely remember its name Tonga T te Tona teona the plan for today is to hike tat Peak and then off to do some wine tasting so yeah we're heading east but I did just see a really cool thing on this map which is this hilariously long name wava Kat katangi hunga KOA [Music] wow took 30 seconds say that okay so this town name translates into English as the place where tatea the man with the big knees who slid climbed and swallowed mountains known as land eater played his flute to his loved one wow what an awesome name what an awesome [Music] name let's try this again one important thing to have in mind that most people get wrong is that wh in Mai sounds like f the sound of the letter F and most people get this wrong it's pretty straight forward pretty straight that's amazing I didn't know it's pretty straightforward here we go again okay not so bad I think that should be like maybe we got one or two more Phillips we the end of this trip that's pretty [Music] cool okay we just made it to ton Park we're going to get a nice little Overlook of all this beautiful Wine Country there's supposedly a beautiful little hike just going up the side of this and then I think after that we're going to go do a little wine [Music] tasting [Music] whoever is selling cones around here must be the richest person in New Zealand it's the only logical explanation look at this he's putting down [Music] more [Music] man okay so as SP not only like the best winery I've been to in New Zealand but just the best winery I've been to not a Brandy I mean they're obviously not sponsoring us we just bought their wine but most of the time when you go in for a wine tasting is just awkward you like especially if you're People Like Us who don't we don't necessarily know all that much about wine honestly but they just like walk this in immediately everything was so good I don't know what else to say that was an awesome experience since it is still my day to plan the rest of today I am deciding that we are getting fish and chips takeaway so good also I love that that restaurant had sweet and sour chicken and nasty gang what an Eclectic menu and I I just it smells so good why are you com I see you orange conb I see you this campsite is awesome we're like literally right right on the beach I mean like right on the beach right right there you go cups for the wine thank you kind of feel like we're living in the New Zealand dream right now fish and chips local wine this good [Music] night good morning okay team it's my turn to plan today and Lisa decided the most obvious place to head next was topa the small and beautiful city right on the Appley Nam Lake topa home of the legendary hookah Falls artia Rapids countless hot springs and access point to tongo National Park but none of these things are why I actually wanted to go to Topo you know the drill by now every day got to do it by this point in the movie you've probably noticed my slight obsession with the orange cones here in New Zealand so I figure now's the right time to talk about the very special experience of driving here everyone always says that New Zealand roads are different but no one ever explained to me why that is first of all and most importantly you drive on the left left side of the road stay left just got to drive on the left that's the only thing I do right secondly it can feel like Drive times are as unpredictable as the weather and every single Road and I do mean every single road is a tiny windy two-lane road it's super fun but man is it exhausting not only that but it felt like 50% of New Zealand was under construction I mean whoever owns the company that sells orange traffic cones must be the richest person in New Zealand there's just no way it's anyone else driving here can feel physically and mentally exhausting even in this tiny camper van I can imagine how it would feel in one of those big RVs we learned pretty quickly to take it slow and take a lot of breaks New Zealand is one of the most beautiful places you'll ever get to drive in so don't rush it and I mean you couldn't even if you tried look at how far they go 3 hours and a driving monologue later we had made it to hookah Falls okay we are at the single most visited natural feature I guess in New Zealand I don't I'll just let it speak for itself check it out [Music] next we were off to ARA TIAA Rapids to catch the show 140 20 more minutes 20 more minutes right now nothing's happening but it seems like very soon lots of stuff is going to be happening people are starting to gather up there down [Music] there oh here it goes I think I see water that crazy just like 2 minutes ago all you could see was those rocks and it was like huh I wonder if anything's going to happen happened and now just the entire thing is just one massive River okay so you know in The Hobbit the desolation of smog where they like have that Barrel scene where it's like the hobbits and the dwarves and they're like going down the river super fast and those little barrels right so that was filmed actually right there and the way that they filmed it was every day like when they'd open that thing up and allow the dam to empty 20 to 25 barrels empty ones would just like shoot down the river and they'd get it from different angles and then they CGI the characters into it I just think that's so cool I mean you didn't think we'd come all this way right and like not talk about Lord of the Rings stuff right I want you to know I have been bursting this entire time with so many fun Lord of the Rings facts about this place but I've been keeping them in cuz I know not everybody's into that no longer yeah that's that's definitely why I brought us here yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yes the jar with you okay so even though today is my day of planning Josh requested a stop at probably the most famous McDonald's here the coolest McDonald's on planet Earth no delivery on the [Music] plane this is the true reason that I wanted to come to topa that was awesome you know it's been quite a while since we've had a good steak it was time to make our way to one of the wildest parts of New Zealand the unparalleled tongariro National Park so we drove and drove trying to make it to our campsite before sun set and right as the sun was setting and things were just starting to get dark we saw it what you can see the top oh my I've never seen this thing in person that is a Mount Doom if I've ever seen one holy [Music] cow whoa where are we we parked up in the closest campsite to the main departure point of the tongar cross a site called mangya using our doc campsite pass Yay good to go this looks great cool and another win for the DLC pass it's very wild feeling Campground but it's very nice and very private even though you can fit a lot of Vans but it's just us and one other van here so far good night good morning come on inside the weather's terrible out here okay so just to catch you up from yesterday we drove all the way down here to just on the west side of tongo national park at mangahua campsite So the plan for today is to do kind of whatever hike is possible the uh we're going to go and talk to the information center down at Waka pava Village see if anything is possible and then I guess make a decision on what we're doing doing from there good morning how can we help you um so I was wondering I guess with the love weather we're having um what what hikes would you recommend for for today if any okay man they are so helpful and so knowledgeable in there and man this this weather is going to be bad for a while so right now we are in the tangaro visitors center right here but someone that super helpful person in the eyesight said we were going to head all the way down south to ohakune and then try to drive up that road to go and see Monga Falls which I believe is the place where Gollum found the one ring in The Lord of the Rings movie okay where are we all right we are at gollum's pool Falls yes thank you this looks like the Lord of the Rings yeah definitely right it was never sunny in that movie that is [Music] true some of us got really really into it my preious very [Music] precious even with the wind and the rain tongo wowed [Music] us [Music] [Music] what a place a little muddy on the way back to our camps we passed by this giant orange carrot yeah that's one big carrot no if sand and butts about it Lonely Planet said this was New Zealand's biggest hugable thing what we have been sustaining on a lot of carrots on this trip I'm really appreciative I just you know go wa so much confidence [Music] now oh it's so gross it's so money but I'm getting [Music] confidence yay y okay back to our little Campsite in the woods what are we having for dinner uh mashed potatoes and steak I think oo it's been a while since we've had some steak what are we cheersing to cheers to the awesome people at the visitor center because without them we wouldn't have known where to go yeah would have just done nothing today yeah so cheers to them old familiar friend now diving deep into a Cave System to see some worms might not be your idea of a fun afternoon but we are Beyond excited for this these are no ordinary worms these are bioluminescent insects called properly arachnocampa luminosa they generate light to attract their prey in the resulting light show in the caves makes you feel like you're just transported to outer space and looking at thousands of multicolored Stars these are all over New Zealand but the ones we're about to see are part of a massive underground cave system that can be accessed in a few different levels of adventuress the experience started off in a very mysterious fashion and only got weirder and more beautiful as it went [Music] on [Music] then finally we're about to go see some glow wors we have to keep our distance and not breathe on [Music] them after emerging from the caves and waiting 10 minutes for our eyes to readjust to the sun we had a very large decision to make make about a very small place but first big ass ice cream what' you get hooky pokei on top and cookies and cream oh Ma'am one their marketing is so good caught our attention immediately and this is so good we just finished with a glowering case which was excellent and I'm kind of riding the high of all the really fun I know they're touristy but touristy As We Know it's not a bad thing we're going to go to hobon yes yes this is the best day the blessing of Gandalf is upon us I had always come up with excuses to not come here it was always just too expensive and just too far away to go to not this [Music] time [Music] I can tell you a quick story here just the details are incredible the thoughtfulness and the attention to details [Music] everywhere the sun is shining and we're going to the green dragon we get a free drink on the house and they're playing with special [Music] music this moment right here sipping a delicious beer at the green dragon next to a roaring fireplace after getting a chance to see hobbiton the place where so many of my favorite scenes in all of Cinema were filmed while listening to the soundtrack straight from the movies this right here is the happiest and most content I've felt on this entire trip after what felt like 5 minutes but was actually an hour the tour of my dreams came to an end we made our way to another great free campsite for the night it was time to leave the fantasy world to make our way back to the real one [Music] I think I have to lift that up so we've only got three nights left on this trip which is crazy to think about one a journey it's been so far uh yesterday we drove from down here at tongo National Park we're all the way out here kind of in the middle of nowhere to waitomo glower caves yep did the tour there did the tour there and then made our way all the way back up here to hav and then after that we drove just like a little bit back down the road to this little campsite where we are right now we're going to head all the way over to rarua hopefully do a Lou there and then probably tomorrow start working our way back up to Auckland where we got to drop off sassy I know it'll be a sad day and find a new home for sunny who's just barely hanging on I'm sorry but the sun's going to come soon Ro r r this famously hot and kind of smelly City sits on top of some of the most active geothermal Hot Springs anywhere on Earth there's that sulfur smell must been in Rua most of the city smells like sulfur and there's water just boiling up out of the earth everywhere you look here it's also the north Island's hub for big adventure sports and other wonderfully touristy things this was was a side in New Zealand that we just hadn't experienced yet also roroa happened to be where we found a much needed laundromat and a hot shower at an aquatic center I didn't know how badly I needed that feel like a whole new person after that shower okay did I get it all yeah I think so just pooper onun laundry done off we went to go see the bubbling pools right in the center of town at quiro Park yep that's bubbling I think it's pretty cool that just in the Heart Like We are in the city of rarua and there's this gigantic Park that they've turned into a walking area where you can just walk around and see all the all the pools Hot River don't go too far it's the Hot River look how hot it is there a Hot River right there it's so hot hot hot hot don't judge me I think it smells kind of good Rotorua happens to also be the home of one of the largest redwood forests in New Zealand I know that like showing a big Forest isn't necessarily like the most visually exciting thing to do in roru especially when there's like skydiving and the secret hot tub things and like Ling which we're going to doing a little bit and all other stuff but I think this is my favorite thing to do here oh yeah oh yeah right just Twisted the tiki tour going all the way around this is going to be awesome have fun this is going to be awesome I'll let you know how it good I'll see you later Lisa was much less interested in hurdling herself down a hill on a tiny little piece of plastic but okay wow the Lou does look incredible and looks really fun I kind of want to take this opportunity to just go off and go to the spa okay so this Gondola now is taking me up to the top of this mountain which then they have five different lug courses that I can take and this gondola ride by itself I think was like $40 and then on top of that with the five lose rides going back up and down that was 74 I think in total maybe 84 so really I think a pretty good deal [Music] okay well that was [Music] incredible I haven't felt this clean in a really really long time I've been back now here at the car park for about half an hour I thought two hours would be enough I don't know if I should be worried or just really excited for him that he's just having the best time of his life it's it's it's kind of late God the park the car park is slowly slowly empting unfortunately time to head back down all out of rides that was so much fun was it cold it was freezing oh I was very warm it was absolutely freezing okay let's go off to our campsite 15 minutes north hopefully there's a spot cuz we are late s is not happy tonight like you got this don't explode was my adrenaline still pumping I drove us through the night Northbound to a free campsite we found using the always reliable rankers app once again it delivered but we didn't know exactly how much until the sun came up okay quit dinner and then we're going to set up bed mode and go to bed see you in the morning good morning this campsite is beautiful and for free this is wow what should we do today you just got tomato on me you're welcome table mode time all set up you use the tripod I'm so impressed but the thing most heavy on our minds as we enjoyed breakfast was that we only had 2 days left so somehow 19 days of Adventure driving and living out of sassy had flown by we were going to miss all of it even those Not So Glamorous [Music] Parts okay friends so we are currently north of Rotorua in this amazing beautiful campsite we're getting closer to Auckland and we have only a couple more nights with sassy before we have to drop her off I was reading about this incredible Town um it's like this beachy town called mount moui which is along the Bay of Plenty which is supposed to be an incredibly beautiful beachy area so I think we're going to head more north towards Ain making our way through that town let's get [Music] going and of course it looks like it's going to [Music] rain Sassy's right there and even though it's overcast I mean especially because it's overcast it is so pretty you can see and here the Bay of Plenty the water is so blue the islands you can see from miles and miles away I'm so glad we came it's incredibly beautiful up here we do have to get going though because our car park is only for 90 minutes and it took like I don't know 30 40 minutes to get up here all right we didn't have much time to enjoy it because we knew that the ride out of town would take equally as long and we had a ways to go to get closer to Ackland oh no bud stay with us stay with us Sunny this is such a beautiful beautiful place and I wish we had longer here saw Tanga actually sad in traffic in Tanga but we got one last beautiful glimpse of New Zealand and the Bay of Plenty before we make it to the big city so off we went in Desperate search of a campsite as we crossed the Central north of New Zealand with so few choices for us we were getting a bit stressed that we wouldn't be able to find a place to stay for the night at all what's our last couple of nights with sassy if we didn't have an adventure so we uh our first campsite that we had chosen um the exit was just straight up closed yeah just just that one exit the closer you get to Auckland it feels like it's harder to come by some campsites you got to go far so sassy is Sassy is working overtime but we are almost there eventually luckily we found a place 30 minutes to the west of the main Highway and drove into this rugby stadium in this Tiny Town right right right right right right right cool okay so we made it to a freedom camping spot in onao it's an empty grassy area by an old Rugby field I think it's pretty quiet and kind of creepy but I'm sure it's lovely see you in the morning good [Music] night after a restless and cold night the Sun finally came up and it turned out that this place was pretty nice you know last night anytime you get to a place and it's dark pitch black even it feels a little bit creepy but now that the sun is shining the grass is super green here this place is less creepy than I felt last night so today's game plan is basically clean the entirety of the van out repack our bags eat all our food clean all the dishes tonight is our very last night with sassy so weird to say all of that it feels so final but it's time we're we're in the home stretch I can't believe it's been 3 weeks in this wonderfully sassy van let's get going ready oh boy peanut butter and jelly coming in oh I fell on some paper don't worry Everybody's Fine everybody's fine go oh my gosh sassy deserves better than that it was time to get her looking nice load her up I'll start packing mini cables Ah that's much better feels super weird to say but this is our last time opening up this map where did we leave off and then we drove from Tunga all the way up to this tiny little campsite all the way up here after we missed our first one unfortunately all we got to do is just drive the rest of the way into Auckland it's raining I'm sad too that we're leaving one last long drive let's go to Auckland man 20 days it's gone by so fast it's gone by so fast but all that I can think about is we're driving up to Auckland on our last leg here is that this is our last night with sassy you know this reliable wonderful lovable extremely complaining camper band that has taken us all over this country I mean this van has brought us to the foothill of mountains to Glaciers to streams up and over mountains and then back down to campsites that were out in the middle of nowhere to other beautiful campsites that were really easy to get at to just like weird parking lots that we ended up sleeping in and the whole time sassy was there keeping us warm keeping us safe keeping us comfortable we've this is our third time trying to do this camper van thing and every other time the van is just giv out on us you know what my favorite thing now about sassy was the thing that I was most worried about the second that we got her which is that sound that she makes when you're going up the Hills this huge complaining sound that she makes is she's trying to struggle up the hill and at first I thought that that was a sound of sassy just like giving up on us you know that she didn't want to do it and after her never giving up one time bringing us all the way here all the way from the east side of the South Island to the bottom all the way up the West Coast all the way across the ferry to here all the way to Auckland to our final destination to Auckland that entire time learned that that sound is not her giving up that sound is her try and her darnest to get us to where we need to go and I know all this stuff sounds cheesy I we're talking about a car but I think Sassy's become a lot more than just a car or a van for us I mean I think I've gotten a little [Music] [Music] attached we checked out the rankers app to try and find a campsite in Auckland proper and there was one clear and obvious choice okay so we just checked in checked into this camper spot and it's literally we're just we parked in front of a lovely couple's home I know we talked and raved about how awesome all the campsites were in New Zealand but this is just the most lovely how's your shower this place is awesome this is a great way to end our trip with sassy [Applause] okay so it's 8:00 a.m. here at the Kings llander Pub right outside of Eden Park and today the New Zealand All Blacks are playing Italy this is a big game in the Rugby World Cup today if the New Zealand team doesn't win they don't move on for the first time ever they've never not made it past the group stage okay so now we just got a couple things to do some friends to see and unfortunately it's time to say goodbye to [Music] sassy Hi [Laughter] friend this is awesome thank you guys so much oh wait but there's this's the most important thing actually this is sunny did you guys get a potted SE in your hands now oh if you don't mind taking care of him you guys pict Sunny travels yay our stuff is going to our friends that makes me so happy no waste and Sunny's is in good hands I'm sad we got to go though okay one last ride Sassy one last ride one last little rain shower to see us off okay a little more than a little l a lot of rain and as has become tradition around here one last fill [Music] up I think I'm going to miss those little everyday Traditions like that for as weird as that sounds the emptying it just I don't know it's part of like the beautiful Simplicity of doing the van life thing it's just part of this experience it means it's means it's unfortunately coming to an end I think we're at the Finish Line we're about to drop sassy off and I'm sad yeah me too me [Music] too here's all your friends I'm so sad as we sadly said goodbye to sassy all that we could think about was just how quickly these past 3 weeks had gone by and how much New Zealand had given us along the way glaciers valleys and lakes and even a totally real kiwi I've always wanted to see a real kiwi all the fish and chips the magic of affordable staks in just about every possible weather condition known to man oh my [Music] God salmon in front of a glacial Lake Peaks at agent glaciers luing down mountains weird carrot themed parks and all while eating delicious countless PX peanut butter and jelly sandwiches we even got to pretend to be Hobbits for a few hours and hiked able tasmin and so so so so much more all will being lucky enough to have seen some of the most beautiful scenery anywhere on planet Earth and after this epic 3we trip spanning 3,000 km and 300,000 orange cones and having the privilege to see every corner of New Zealand all the way from the south to the north of this breathtaking welcoming and just downright beautiful country on the road trip of a lifetime we could only wonder how soon can we come back and do it all over again by sassy have fun on your next adventure
Channel: Lisa and Josh
Views: 524,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, adventure, lisa and josh, josh and lisa, lisa josh, josh lisa
Id: wTez_EmmU7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 55sec (5995 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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