10 Things They Don’t Tell You About Moving To New Zealand

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here's 10 things that I never knew before coming to New Zealand I've lived it for three years this is an amazing country but I thought I better make a little list of things that I didn't know before I came here so to kick off number one Birds this country loves birds and no I don't mean the UK slang for girls I literally mean birds they're little flappy things this country adores them they have bird of the year they have huge bird sanctuaries and when they announce and advertise a flat or a house that someone wants to move into one of the main selling points is the type of birds that you can see flying past the window to be fair after three years here I also love them Tui Birds here are pretty damn cool the way they look the way they sound I mean I'm pretty sure you all know what a bird is but here they take things to new levels number two pies they love and I mean love pies in New Zealand but I'm not talking like the big you know meat gravy mashed potato pies I'm talking about little pies you go into a shop they will have at the front a desk of Hot Pot a desk of hot pies a counter of hot pies you're pulling out it's in a little packet you open it and you walk along the street eating a pie don't ever try and eat a pie with a knife and fork I learned that the hard way everyone everyone will make fun of you so uh so don't do it next it's coffee New Zealand takes its coffee so seriously and for good reason because it is amazing New Zealand has some of the best coffee in the world I'm being deadly serious in Wellington the capital there is only one Starbucks and that speaks for itself the independent places are so so good so if you want good coffee New Zealand is the place to go next it's the sense of humor kiwis have an amazing sense of humor it's quite like English humor or British humor in the sense that a lot of of it revolves around making fun of people or just being a little bit sarcastic kind of mean or a little bit down but it's just amazing it's very funny and no harm is meant by it whatsoever kiwis are warm friendly people and the sense of humor is fantastic weather the weather in New Zealand sort of makes me want to die it's so cold it's so rainy summer can be great for sure summer can get really really hot but it snows it it Well it snowed last night in Wellington for the first time in about 10 years so so it doesn't snow so we'll just scratch that bit but it does rain and Wellington is so so windy Auckland rains a lot as well it's a little bit more humid some of the weather far north is quite tropical but honestly it's not Australia number six kiwi onion dip just trust me on this one kiwis have a dip that they make so it's Nestle reduced cream and onion soup powder they pour the soup powder into the reduced cream they whip it and whip it and whip it until it becomes this sort of paprika tasting Tangy dip and you dip your crisps in there or chippies as they like to call them I can't call them chippies that's so cringe oh my God but honestly kiwi onion dip it's kind of weird but also kind of delicious supermarkets here they're not great restaurants are pretty good New Zealand punches well above its weight when it comes to restaurants but supermarkets oh my God the range is bad the the expense the cost of supermarkets yeah it's um it's pretty bad so supermarkets in New Zealand I'm afraid to say they're not great this country has an obsession and I mean a national Obsession and addiction to an energy drink called V and being serious it's called V there's a blue one and a green one and this country seems to be divided on whether you are a blue v person or a green V person I'm not joking this is deadly serious come here and you will have an energy drink called V I've had it once it just kind of tastes like any other energy drink but they love it they absolutely love it number nine traveling around it's pretty difficult long drives uh no train Journeys a lot of planes planes are pretty much the main way people travel City to city in New Zealand unless you're going on a very very long road trip and just in case you didn't know the distance between the North Island and the south island is pretty vast the ferry takes around three three and a half hours so it's no wonder that a lot of people choose to fly and finally number 10 one of the most amazing things about New Zealand is its indigenous culture the people of New Zealand the Maori people are absolutely incredible it's been so humbling and so educational to learn about there is so much culture you would not believe so hopefully you take these tips you go to New Zealand it's an amazing place it's weird it's funny it's cool just go there and see all this for yourself and more cheers
Channel: Curls
Views: 584,072
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Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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