Cosmetic Doctor EXPOSES Male Celebrity Surgery SECRETS

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this Thursday at six o'clock it's time for another true Geordie fan poker tournament and don't forget it's free to enter and I will be live during the tournament playing with you lot the prize pool is 1 000 tournament dollars which will double if we get more than 1 000 of you playing with us and on top of that if you knock me out which someone did last week as it happens it wasn't Conor McGregor you will win another 100 in cash in your account so if you want to play poker with me all you have to do is click the link in the description below download JJ poker so once you've downloaded the game on your computer or your phone simply sign in it's very easy to do go on tournaments search through Geordie and then click on that tournament and the password is double down so I'll see you there at six o'clock on Thursday don't forget send the link to as many of your mates as you can because the more of you playing the more tournament dollars we can win don't forget you have to be 18 to play terms again Supply play responsibly and you have to be in the UK or Ireland to take part thanks for watching now enjoy the video [Music] you can't do that yeah do you know Jordan you're gonna decide that are you you know how they play [Applause] welcome back to the true Geordie podcast today's guest is an old friend of mine one of my originals actually yeah you're on the Hall of Fame and everything now man I think we were for what word was it that I said so many times that they were counting to see may this audience is Savage even on me you think they'd go like I mean they're harder they're worse on me man um so yeah uh you literally just walked through the door as uh Conor McGregor's been going off on me yeah on social media and then you know professional opinion sir uh did you agree with my estimation of uh what he may or may not have been up to look I did see what you put out there and I saw change from how he presented himself before to now there's obviously a big change yeah not just in how he carries himself but also physically yeah um what's caused that change I don't know but there's a change there's there's definitely a change right so for those who don't know you're a cosmetic surgeon yeah and uh you're a legend in that field you've uh you know you you basically dealt with a Who's Who and I was actually going to start off by talking about celebrities as it happened uh because you're you're involved in TV celebrity culture all of that in terms of Connor where we're on him yeah his face looks different to what he used yeah and and MMA fans we're not [ __ ] we don't know what we're looking at but everyone's looking I'm going you look different yeah is it the drugs is it this is that yeah do you think that there's other things going on because he's had his teeth done yeah is there anything facially that you can see well you know what people typically change when they come into a whole lot of money you know we see this on TV time and time again you come into a holiday for money you know Cristiano Ronaldo his skin was all of a sudden amazing great teeth you know so people do change and because they're in the public eye we see it you know people don't get the luxury of hiding away and and coming back now with Connor there's definitely big change in terms of there's still a structure of his face um when you look at it it's much more Square yeah exactly yeah much more masculine much more solid now there's a different increase in size too so he's gained weight but we know he's done that you know we know we've seen since he had his injury that he's putting a lot more muscle bulk now is that natural no no no you know only he will know and he will answer to that but he's been out of the UFC testing pool which means he's been like don't test me for drugs right now um but are you saying anything that would resemble your line of work fellas and that sort of this is it so when we sometimes when people take enhancements orally or we do things that we do in my clinic so injectables there's similarities so if someone was to say take steroids right even though they're growing muscle they do find that their jaws and they see changes in their face that look more masculine now that can be mimicked by those specific drugs when people take the morally or we can do that cosmetically by using dermal fillers to enhance and chisel the shape of the jaw thermal fillers dermal fillers so that is hyaluronic acid so hyaluronic acid is a sugar molecule that naturally occurs in our own body this is a synthetic version we make in a lab from bacteria they're called streptococcus equi we purify that but um hyaluronic acidate makes and we make specific Bonds in it that make it a lot more harder to break down in the body so it can last longer because you don't want to last only a few days and when we inject that in specific spaces we can do a lot of things we can inject hyaluronic acid to hydrate this skin to change the shape on different Contours of the face to make it more masculine more feminine you know in the right hand you can do almost anything um with these injectables so you've seen many celebrities that have had that transformation with Connor that might be not athletes and have that question around performing enhancing drugs that have had injectables or surgery that have made them more look more masculine yeah Zac Efron uh he has yes your eyes yeah yeah his face went from quite soft in teenage boy yes to very jawline chisel yeah yeah so he said that I think allegedly he had an accident and because of that it was the way his jaw was aligned or something like that I must have missed that episode in the medical school but like I you know I think there was definitely a big change um and you could see it in terms of the shape of his jaw how he looked and also as well this sometimes we get this kind of puffier look when things have been over treated the reason between that is because hyaluronic acid it's an amazing molecule it can hold up to 100 times more its own weight in water so if you are over injected or over treated you draw a lot of water to that area so not in just a change you have to sometimes overall puffiness if over treated and that was something that they saw in him as well yeah is that yeah I've seen some celebrities where they just look so puffy and you know I'm a guy who just carries weight naturally so I'm used to looking in the mirror and seeing that but when you see it as you say changing whether you go from an asthma Gregor has done that's the thing when I look at them I just think you're it's not like you've just gained weight your face looks different it doesn't just look fat or heavier it looks different shape in terms of other men you mentioned Ronaldo yes you know you said his Skin's better his teeth are better do you think he's had other stuff done because that guy looks young yeah so he's got great jeans and obviously he takes care of himself so when you train that much and you've got such a strict diet which is famous about you know he just drinks water no alcohol so when you're doing that that's always going to reflect in your skin and your body so that's going to look great um but he does look again many different ways in the sense there's not that many wrinkles there um and yeah don't get me wrong you know I haven't got many you know black doesn't crack and all of that but like with him his skin wasn't really good before you know he had um acne if you look back at the previous man united things and acne scarring none of that really is there anymore so to get rid of that he definitely would have had to or I believe would have had to have definitely laser resurfacing sessions that's using the energy laser to take off that scar tissue from the skin and then to limit the skin from forming lines and wrinkles that you would expect his age a small amount of Botox that's an injection that relaxes lying and wrinkles now he's also invested in many different projects but I know he's got a hair loss or PRP clinical beauty salon so he's not not aware of these things and he has invested it from a business sentence so you never know he may have been from an investment to trial and see you never know well one guy who I'm 99 sure I've had hair replacement and he's a footballers David Beckham yeah his hair looks so different yeah and he's aged amazingly he says well and this is it so when people talk about Aesthetics or injectables they worry because you know we're talking about the extremes of the changes that we've seen you know I mean Conor McGregor Zac Efron but David Beckham is such a good example of where people go well he's aged well he's dancer but I'm not sure what and actually that's what it is 99 of the time when you do these treatments people age well they just look great you don't know what they've quite had but they look great and so he's done it that smart way whereas you see some people where they've kind of gone in too much they it becomes obvious so it doesn't look quite right yeah you're looking for the natural look yeah but it isn't natural it isn't that yeah yeah this is it it's like that kind of injecting freshness is like he just went on a holiday he had a new diet you know new workout plan what is it I don't know what it is actually been to your clinic um in terms of I want to bring up a couple of other men because my my audience is predominantly male obviously um some people who did it really badly Simon Cowell yeah what went wrong because Simon was a good looking old am I and the longer it went on and the more and he he just looks like a car crash if we're being brutally honest when you're looking at that what do you see and what's your feelings as a practitioner yourself in that field like do you feel like he's been let down or yeah no it is upsetting and you do feel let down because then it adds to the narrative that these treatments make you look abnormal and fake and you shouldn't do them and you shouldn't mess with yourself and such um facelift doesn't he I it's hard to say so he definitely has had a combination of treatments and he has admitted to having some of those to in the Press because if not we can only say allegedly can we you know but he definitely has had a lot of changes and what his changes have are typical of a lot of men where sometimes these treatments shouldn't try and change and make you look like someone else they should try and improve you keep you fresher make you just feel maybe a few years younger but sometimes the goal goes too far they go I want to look like when I was when I was in my 20s no you're not gonna look like you were in your 20s and by injecting so much stuff in that's where you get that pillow face or that puffiness in that area and you could see it in the way his skin was in the way he was smiling it it didn't look good and one of the biggest things also to tell is how the face moves so it's not just the look but it's how the face moves after if you've got a whole heap of product in the wrong places you're not going to move your face in the same way that you did beforehand and that change in the movement the change how you look in terms of compasses how he was able to smile before and then that you could tell that the stuff wasn't done well it makes me feel really awkward when if when you're talking to someone like that you're kind of like you feel like a deer in the headlights I don't know how to pretend like you don't look like a crazy person right now and there was one guy in the YouTube Community called Brian Cullen who's a podcaster um on an MMA podcast and he was I think he turned 50. and he had his eyelids done and I was shocked at how well it went it he didn't to my knowledge he'd have anything else done but his eyelids and it made him look so much younger immediately is that something that's happening more and more with men yeah we you know men in terms of the aesthetic Market you know used to make up about five percent okay right and in the last I would say three years now they make up up to 15 to 20 globally you know and that's a big change it's now we find it even though there's still a lot more stigma we still find it more acceptable and you can see this if you go into a sneaker store or even when you're buying trainers you don't just see trainers anymore you see a grooming section right next to there you know you'll see hair products you know not for me like things like that across there you will see that now or beard or different things they're recognizing that men are part of this conversation but there is still a lot of stigma in there and I think a lot of guys don't want to speak about it and I know with my group of mates they'll be listening to this or expose any names but I I was in the kitchen the other day we just had a barbecue in a nice weather and my mate came up to me and he just whispered to me said you know creams out on your face and I was like why are you Whispering why are we Whispering it's like you've got classic drugs yeah I know I was like there's no one else in there yeah nobody whispering and he was like oh you know what you're using your face I was like yeah it's a vitamin C moisturizer okay like can you write that down for me and I was like mate we don't need to whisper like it's okay to one about but he was knowing what I do and knowing I've done this for a long time still uncomfortable to speak to me about it so it just shows if he's him in that scenario is the general public still men wise find it very difficult Michael Jackson the worst of the worst in my opinion and he was someone who denied plastic surgery until the day he died I mean he died a lot of things but um when you look at him what level of insanity are we talking in terms of the people providing the medical care to him what does that make you think about I think it's a very sad case because it was obviously a very talented man in what he was doing and I think it shows sometimes the pressures of celebrity right it's a loss of identity I think he was almost rejecting what he saw of himself to become something else and yes I know there was many theories about Vitiligo that's the skin condition that makes you whiter and everything else but it was clear changes in the shape of the nose the jaw the beaches the cheeks that you could see particularly coming on to later life that had to be surgery but then he's not old to blame as well it's the Physicians too or the practitioners that do this they have a responsibility to say no so yes you've got on the other half someone that is seeking these treatments for the wrong reasons and then you've got someone that's fulfilling them for the wrong reasons as well when you have that mixed together I think that's when you get scenarios like that that are some of the baddest cases what is Kim Kardashian done for your industry oh I would say what she has done is popularized plastic surgery or cosmetic treatments so she's put it on a platform where it wasn't as much spoken about before and it's hard to say it's sometimes unfair because when I hear oh you know is it the Kardashians to blame I don't think it's the Kardashians themselves it's social media but they are one of the biggest social media stars but if you look at social media as a platform that's probably been the biggest Catalyst to educate and tell people what can be done you know people go there now for their news their information the procedures and even patients when they come to see me they're doing their research on there they're sending me links from different pages from around the world or do you do this can this be done is this real so people get in all of that information but then also driven by the pressure of it so then they're looking at images of other people they see on there and they're like how does that person look that way oh my God she's just woken up and looks like this if that's the case you know I don't look like that I feel bad about myself am I supposed to look like me and you get this unrealistic level of what beauty is supposed to be it's actually a fake level because it's not achievable It's a combination between filters makeup surgery plastic surgery so it's actually not attainable so when you're kind of putting yourself against that you're going to feel crap all the time I think that a lot of people are suffering from that from social media yeah this like this because this comparison is the thief of joy and nothing makes you compare your life your income your looks your everything like social media um and I think you you must experience that more than 99.9 of people out there because you are someone who is there to help change someone's image and improve it and you're being met with all of these people feeling inferior probably daily yeah what is that like for you as a person to be to be the guy because I've been to your clinic before for a for advice on things and you're amazing at what you do you really are me no thank you and I remember just thinking like the level of trust I had in anything you said I knew I was getting quality advice but equally you're kind of a therapist as well and I I can imagine these women especially looking at you and just offloading so much what what is it like to be the person who takes all that it's a lot um because like you said is a big responsibility so when we're doing it not just for women men as well um you're really in that consultation trying to figure out why like what's the reason what's the why um that's really important because if there were deep-seated psychological issues none of the treatment I'm gonna do is going to help nothing I do here the best thing I can do to help you is to make you recognize that and let you have the first guidance in getting the help for that but if it's not which some people find hard to believe people think well no someone wants to change something they must be deeply upset with themselves no not not at all you know we change ourselves every single day we were all natural which I hate that term we would be all running around Barefoot naked and Henry you know we're not we all change ourselves in some form of way since we've been born it's just a level of that change and then it's okay where do you draw that line that's one of the oldest things in human history like tattooing goes back thousands of years for example yes like the first person to dye their hair people would have been oh my God you're crazy you know and I talk about teeth a lot you know cosmetic treatments to teeth we don't Batman now you know like people get teeth whitened veneers bonding every we don't matter an eye you know but people who go and do that are doing it for the same reason as they may get BOTOX or laser treatments on their skin or fillers it's that same one or desire to feel different or feel a bit better in the way they look but they could go on in their lives also without doing it and be completely fine that's when you're in that safe area right if you're having to do it to Define you and that you know you're so deeply going to be depressed if you do not do it that is a dangerous territory how do you kind of pinpoint it when they are that way and you're like this is not like because there are some people and I was going to bring up like Madonna for example who really seems to be struggling to accept the aging process that no matter what you do for them you know they will be back and they will be wanting more and more and more age me backwards say to me backwards like so what kind of things are you looking for that they're going to see so there's a lot of red flags some of them are obvious and some of them aren't um the obvious red flags is when you get a patient that has been to several clinics before so they've been to countless clinics in their history never been happy always the clinics for never got we what I wanted right okay you really kind of go maybe here they're chasing you know something that can't be given to her right so that's one next one is doesn't want to look in the mirror okay so when you're saying okay tell me about how you feel about your look and you give them the mirror I don't look in the mirror and that's something a lot of people do and it's like well if you can't look in the mirror you know that's a problem you're not in the real world yeah there's there's something there so that that's another flag um and in other sometimes is how they show you in terms of reference points of what they want you know so you get sometimes and I'll get someone to grab a phone and it's then with like I don't know like a Snapchat filter and he looked like a pixie like the eyes are all open the ears and their skins nope how can I yeah and I know this they go I know this isn't real but if we can look a bit like that and I'm like you've just started it with I know this isn't real um so we're not really gonna get there so these are flags for usually what we call body dysmorphia where people have a different image of themselves that they see in the outside world and if you're going to again treat that with treatments you're never gonna get anywhere that's something that really needs to be from a counseling point if you looked at yeah it sounds like the the goal for you for a client is to have someone who's in the real world knows what they look like once minor modifications that are going to improve them slightly but not life-changing crazy goals that aren't attainable just hits the nail on the head and that's what you're looking for you know because when someone really wants to just change completely how they look sometimes because they hate how they look and you go okay how is it you hating how you look or who you are you know there's deep questions to be answered and a lot of times people don't go into this and this is where I get kind of mad because sometimes people go well I'd have to pay for a consultation you know I know what I want it's treatment and you're like well this is exactly the reason why you know because it's just not just a quote for the job you know yeah exactly for me to decide am I going to do this am I going to say no because I can say no and I do say no you know so I think people forget that that's such an important part because it's keeping them safe as well as the practitioners it must be frustrating for you because clearly you really value your reputation credibility and the end product at the end of the day so you you're coming in and you're potentially rejecting money because you're saying look I don't want your money because this isn't going to end well but then there are surgeons who I'm sure you're aware of who won't do that no and they're bringing the overall uh reputation of the industry down yeah have you ever I don't know wanted to be and get in contact with one of these guys or say something to them or you know you've seen the state that someone's arrived to you in and then you're doing a repair job yeah and felt like what the are these playing at yeah yeah there was one place I did they they were not a legitimate practice as you would say um they were not MediCal practitioners no qualifications and I kept getting referrals from that same place um and at that point I thought okay I've got to do something here um now it was a bit harder because because they're not Medical there's no one for them to answer to there's no regulatory body you know I'm GMC there's nmc for nurses um GDC for dentists am I right I'm guessing that this was lip related yes you were okay because there's a lot of beauticians who were getting needles you can just pop pop pop yeah and changing people's lips and stuff like that and I'm seeing when I did my research there wasn't like freak shows left right in singular from these people who aren't doctors and myself yeah completely that and you know I was getting a lot of cases of these and I can actually say yeah I won't say the name of the place but I will say the setup and I was so surprised this is how so easy people get caught in these setups so they will go to this place they didn't know it was a house they'll go to the house and knock at the door it's a random guy comes to the door right our system is it their name they go yeah it says to come in that's the first red flag that I would think right because you turned up at this house it's not a clinic some random guy not the practitioner who was female is just asked you to come into this house do you want to die yeah you know you're going there so then it was like sit down in this living room so they sit down in the living room they didn't get given the milkshake who gives you a milkshake in this day and age unless you are trying to hide something that's in a drink you know you've offered me a nice beverage water a closed can of Coke if you offered me like just a milkshake out random out of the blue I'll be like why your premium milks before yeah so it's sitting there someone drank this milkshake I you know I was like what you're good you didn't have your kidneys taken when you woke up or something so then they get said okay come follow me so they go through the garden and the guy now to the shed at the back no way yeah yeah yeah um open this open at the back there's a lady sitting in there there's a chair in there she says lay down she does the injections Bam Bam Bam doesn't five minutes gone they're at the house and that's it how much roughly they charge them um so it was between anywhere because they were doing half mil to mil so it was like 65 quid um to 100 quid which is quite cheap right I mean we're doing it in the shed [ __ ] you know and a milkshake which I don't know how much cost to make um but like there's so many red flags in that whole story to go you would hope people would go I'm going I'm leaving this but you get this deer caught in headlights and you keep going so I contacted them and I said like look I've had about like 12 of your patients now um and I'm concerned about this um I don't know where to take this um but you need to look into this got blocked got blocked off all social media got blocked off everything in terms of them couldn't even like try to call then I tried to email got no email response at that point and it was one that I took legal advice and I'm like well don't touch your hair you can't really do much in this situation because it's up to the individuals you know they actually unfortunately with our law aren't doing anything illegal there's no law to prevent non-medical practitioners having treatment there's none so and what are the worst case scenario here in the event of someone jacking your lips up like how bad can it get oh it can get really bad so I start from like kind of mild to like the end form so infection and infection can progress onto something called abscess formation that's when you have pockets of paths in the area that's been injected because the infections become too Progressive you can get bleeding bruising hematomas these are Big blood clots in the actual lip itself then the vessel can get blocked for the blood supply when that happens you go into what we call necrosis where the tissue starts to die and if that tissue dies it can fall off so you can lose part of your lip part of your nose in some cases go blind as well or have a stroke so these are very very dangerous yeah so when you think about that I think people just think oh well because they're semi-permanent you know they can break down I can get dissolved that there's no worries or issues you know with it but there is there's so many things that can happen between the needle coming into you and that that can permanently disfigure you and so go into someone's back shed just to have it done is not the way to start off and the and the lip thing I've always been and I don't know I don't really understand like what the whole craze is about lips and you've watched this from day one yeah and you are the guy in in the UK for this so what is it about women who why do they want these massive lips because as men I've never been in a pub with a Lads and been like seeing the lips on her like it's not it's not something so I don't know if it's for us as much as it's for for women who feel um competitive with their their other women and Instagram and all of that so what do you think the reason is you know what it is for us in a way in a subconscious way okay so if we go back like even to kind of medieval time or prehistoric times when we used to look and we see a lip a lip to us would represent lips down below okay so when we looked at that it would just represent the fertility of the woman and different things so this was a sign of attractiveness to us right it wasn't cartoons that's why they were always big hips yeah everything else then you add on top of that that when we look at they've done scientific studies when they see the eyes when they track and look at people one of the first things we look at is the eyes the second is the lips so you're probably already done that subconsciously as you go through in your assessment um but you just don't know you've done it so from that side that is there from the female side on the men's side because men get them done as well when they're looking in the mirror again it's forming part of this upside down triangle right so this triangle where you kind of connect the eyes and then the bottom of the mouth and this is your kind of triangle of change where people focus on and they look at these areas as things that okay in this area I feel like I need to change something and many times the formula point the lips becomes that focus and you go ah it's that I want to do to improve how I look all that it may not be the right thing but because it's such a focal point there's a big focus on it from there yeah so I I get why I mean I think if you feel like you're really they've got tiny lips you're a woman I I understand that but there's sometimes like when I say a woman let's say in a situation like I've been on a date with a girl and she turns up and there's that upturn yeah I'm always like I don't know it's too much when it's like really pointing out and there's like a shelf where your lip is I'm like it's content this is where it's gone bad this is exactly as you say gone too far the majority of the times when it's done well you won't know it you will just think oh my God she's got natural lovely full lips yeah you know they look great you won't know oh Dr esher has done them you know you just won't know um but it's those times that when it looks bad we kind of all register in our head and thinking about right you know I see it all the time and I'm like oh God this is like so bad in terms of other surgeries that are becoming popular I noticed six packs and stuff like that yeah like men having fake six packs Body Sculpting yeah that's so weird yeah you know it's body modification is really growing you know it's very big in Asia big in America we've seen more of it now across in the UK and you know people forget that it men get implants in areas packing plants having plants fat etching how does that work in terms of pecking plants and stuff like that because you have to be able to function to a degree yeah what's the movement and stuff like that so you still get movement because we're not taking away the muscle that is doing that movement there but what we are doing is adding an implant a similar way in a breast okay that's shaped in a different way that will then hide in a pocket of the tissue and then help enhance the aesthetic for that particular area so you have people getting calf implants you know because no matter how much they train they can't get their cars bigger so they're getting calf implants as well and like our betching is a huge part now um of what we've seen a lot of guys get done because you know so much can be done by training to a specific level right but you know and even guys and you know trainers will tell you to get down to a level where you're defined one sometimes it's not even that healthy but two it's not even physically possible from a lot of people so by doing that it just takes it on another level um in terms of bbls right I really want to talk about this because I've met a girl with a baby album and it it looked good yeah I I wasn't like there's a big fake baby yeah it's like a big butt yeah um and from what I understand they take the fat from your other body body parts put it in there but when I was doing my research I didn't realize how dangerous oh yeah it is serious yeah it's the thing that seems to cause the most issues yeah no you're right it has like a finger fatality of one in one also one in one thousand okay so that's a lot and people forget it's serious surgery you know and people going abroad on it to do it on a cheap you know in hotel rooms and craziness like that whereas I think it's because the procedure is trivialized because I say you just say oh they take that and you put away what we don't realize is when we're taking away a lot of fat from the body so liposuction in the first place that's a very dangerous procedure because we're losing a lot of water we're losing a lot of blood so there's a big shift in the compartments of our body in terms of the amount of fluid that puts a big strain on the heart and the lungs first off you're doing that and then you're placing this product in the gluteal region on the bum where essentially there's large vessels where this can enter into and if it does enter into those vessels particularly veins of things that take blood away from the body it can take clogged bits of fat and end up embolizing or blocking the lung which then again puts strain on the heart which then let results in cardiac arrest and death so there are big things that can happen it's not just as simple as take out put it in somewhere else yeah when I was doing my research I seen a woman who she went for basically a bit of everything in turkey and she paid 40 and Grand all in and she was lucky to be alive afterwards and apparently in the stats that I was reading there's been a 44 increase in problems from medical problems from people getting these cheap operations done abroad and I I assume that you get people coming to you as well uh asking for help with things that have gone wrong in there yeah I mean the the problem is is everyone wants a big bum yeah and you are so do you get people who you'll tell them these risks and it'll just not read just that their head is it's Christmas yeah their mind is made up yeah I think you know any procedure carries risk first off so we we have to say that because even though there's low risk there's still all medical procedures and they still carry risk and it's up to the individual to balance those risks and go okay is this for me but then there's educated risks and is unnecessary risks okay if you are going to have this particular procedure done and you are set out on having it done have it done by one of the best people in one of the best facilities where there is follow-up and Aftercare to limit your risk you do not then go knowing it's so dangerous based on where's the cheapest I can get this done that is setting you up for failure or death yeah this one well this woman lost a boob yeah it just died on her I guess I don't and that it just blew my mind and I did feel sorry for her but equally it's like it's becoming that that thing that you read in the newspaper as well uh online rather yeah yeah standard yeah it's a bit sad because a lot of people don't get sympathy for it isn't it because a lot of people will see you see it in the comments are going on well they shouldn't have been messing with themselves they shouldn't be knowing that yes really but no one really deserves to die you know that that shouldn't be there it's a sad case the one other thing I really wanted to talk about uh in regards to the male side and I sent you a link for this beforehand because I was like I don't even what is happening is this leg lengthening yeah thing that this guy in this video clip he was about five foot five and after the leg extending uh treatment he had was about six foot six foot one and he could barely even walk though by the end of it you're like what quality of life are you left with and what level of Agony and pain have you been in for a year of this metal steel thing pinned into his shin bone and it's just stretching this ball now do you know much about how they do that yeah so it's again a quite common procedure again before quite big in Asia if you look at the average height of people in Asia it's a lot shorter than us Mid-South Korea or something is massive security yeah and the most popular country yeah and in terms of body modification and limb lengthening which is that that's where it is huge um and essentially you are causing yourself targeted trauma you know we are breaking the bones in your leg we are separating them and we have an apparatus called the x-fix you know external fixation device that holds that bone in a specific position we keep the two ends of the bone slightly apart and what the great thing is about bonus if you do that it's able to heal in between that Gap okay so that bone starts to hean in between and form a different organized type bone called a callus in between which then ultimately ends up with a longer limb because that's happened but as you quite right if you said in that guy's case up until that happens the area is much weaker we can't walk we can't mobilize you know the ligaments attached to that area aren't as strong so we have to go through a whole big rehabilitated process before we get any form of life back and there are risks because it may not heal we may fracture more easily in that area it may not set in the direction so there are so many risks that can happen in it you know I know there was surgeries and there are different surgeries but when I look that I always got my God like maybe a couple of insoles would have just been better bro there's that there's yeah there's those uh big platforms big platform shoes I know I haven't seen them I haven't tried them but like I saw the adverts they look quite decent yeah they do actually they look all right and definitely less painful yeah and that was the thing that you know hit me as early Agony apparently this is the most agonizing yeah because of how long you're having to wait for this to heal but also the guy in question he was a very uh skinny slate dude and I'm I'm looking at him thinking like whenever you try to do anything athletic you're going to be at risk your body is going to be completely discombobulated because you're not you're not built to to move at six foot you've never done that yeah and it just made him look like frail almost like I don't know he was very slight I remember what yeah he was a very slack guy and actually you know what you will be worried about is because muscle provides protection for the bones around us as well so you know him being that slight and having particular procedure he does put himself at a lot of risk for refractoring at those sites Jesus Christ and it made me go How Deeply unhappy must he have been being a short guy and and at that point I'm like I I just wouldn't I wouldn't be that unhappy I mean it's easy for me to say I'm six foot odd but yeah but but genuinely I just think that that that's one of those procedures where if my mate was getting that done I'd have to go how at mate yeah no what I mean yeah it's not that bad yeah this is it I think you know what's great with advancements is we're almost able to do anything these days in a world of cosmic surgery but just because we're able to doesn't mean we should well based on that um I was going to go down below because vagina surgery and cleaner surgery yeah so so yeah we need this uh well at least the vagina thing though yeah like for a start women obviously feel self-conscious about how their vaginas look and and porn definitely played yeah the porn stars were all getting that done where uh the labia and the lips and stuff like that were being trimmed down and therefore I guess the sensitivity and all sorts of things can be changed are you aware of how that is done what the procedure is like yeah so what you're talking about there is a labioplasty where you are altering the outside skin or lips of the vagina that can be done in a number of ways we can use laser making new surgery to cut away we can also use dermal fillers we just talked about those some people have dermal fillers injected in specific places to plump up the area or smooth out the wrinkles in the area too so there's a lot what can be done so yeah there's a lot that means that can be done but I think you know going back to what you were saying is porn and a lot of imagery has triggered a lot of people to do this because it's almost made people look and say well mine doesn't look like that you know so it must be something wrong with mine when actually if they actually really saw the variations that they are they would see that they're quite normal yeah I mean I've never seen two vaginas that look identical you know they're all very different is the point and I'm pretty sure dicks are the same for women um in terms of them penises what what we're saying edl is there anything happening in there yeah ddl Dominican dick lift really that is what is that um so essentially it can be done in many different ways so I've seen it done in the wrong way and if there's any guys listening to the please do not do it because there's a bit of a trend of doing it where people have injected Vaseline into the area so what is the premise of a ddl um so premise of a ddl a bit like a BBL is to make the area bigger okay you know more girth more length in the actual area is that with erection or flaccid uh both oh [ __ ] no okay no one other men off again checking it over this is it so like and there's been a few cases where people have researched and have seen by adding Vaseline into the foreskin area or around the actual shaft of the penis that they can do that they forget it can be quite toxic and it can cause problems and issues and actually I was on a show where there was a guy that had done that and we had to remove that from him so you know it's it's it's it's not good so guys please don't go ahead and do that if you're thinking when you said you had to remove it from yeah what kind of if you could describe what state was The Pianist in oh so what he had got to this stage now was he was in a stage of chronic pain you know it caused a lot of inflammation tenderness he couldn't have sex it was impermanent pain in the area yeah um and he was having a lot of infections due to it um but he had done it based on scene research online that people you know these DIY you know the sites and people said oh yeah injecting Vaseline in the area he injected himself with it yeah yeah bro yeah it was very real like what was did he size wise it was thicker but it was more girth okay but did he need one in like what could you understand the the the desperation for it would you did he have a smaller penis did you have like a micro penis okay but is it average yeah it's a bit harder because you know they're not trying to feed his stereotype I haven't seen many penises I'm a black guy yeah yeah the ones I've seen black guys around me so you know where because in my head I'm one this is such a funny conversation I'm just wondering like was this something where you're like I can see why you'd be that desperate or was it just like it didn't no this is this was a kind of yeah why did you do crazy like you know because it's too much um but in a safe way a number of people are using fat as they would do in a Brazilian butt lift to inject into the area to increase graft to the area um and and using a number of other factors as well to try and increase length to the area as well so that is something we're seeing much more of I'd be [ __ ] terrified me I I don't care what size it is yeah I ain't getting a needle in the other thing yeah or anything yeah like I think I I saw it as a Young Medical trainee when stuff goes wrong there there was a guy that had pre-aprism that is a permanent like erection like a on correction and we had that so he had taken um enhances so like Viagra and everything to have but his penis wasn't going down from an infection you would think oh yeah there's a guy oh that's great yeah I'm Gonna Keep no after a while that becomes very very painful and then the tissue and the penis can start to die because it's not meant to stay or erect for that period of time so he was in a lot of pain and a lot of difficult I guarantee you right I know people love to listen to podcasts at night when they go to sleep no one's sleeping position wow when I saw that I was like even as a dog I was like I am never messing with that [ __ ] like I'm not I don't care what the reward is no it's not it's not worth the risk it's not no and that's what I guess that's what it comes down to with this sort of stuff and um actually one interesting thing is now we are creating penises yes for Trans people yes and I wondered if you'd uh treated many trans people and what that had been like and just any interesting information because I'll be honest I have no idea what they go through yeah and uh I definitely I definitely want to have one on the podcast at some point so I can get more of an understanding but I've seen a little thing where they were taking skin off someone's arm to create a penis and it it was terrifying because the arm the stay at the arm was in afterwards I don't know if you've seen these photos [ __ ] you know and then does it work what is a functioning pain so what do you know about it yeah so I did a rotation a long time in my junior surgical rotation where we did Cover a clinic um for Trans and what I will say and this is something I do feel strongly about a lot of people sometimes go well you know people confused people don't know what they're doing no no no no no the process to transition is so complex and has so many factors behind it so many psychological evaluations so many hormones so many you put your body through so much no one does that because of a phase you know no one does that because they confuse you know people do that because it's how they see themselves so you know anyone that goes through that journey I do admire them now I didn't see it the other way in my rotation that um a person had a penis but I saw a guy who had a penis and then it was removed to form more of of a vagina itself and when I saw that I was just honestly blew my mind first off like you know it sticks in my mind today I thought wow like and I couldn't believe how much it just looked like a vagina like not really like it was a meal yeah it just did it did like so when people say oh I didn't realize yeah you actually can can oh yeah you know it was in when men meet a woman I'm I'm telling you and I will say this to any guy out there right so it's my job to know and I have been in Spain in Barcelona we call that night Shakira Shakira Knight right because this girl came over to speak to me she looked like Shakira she looked like Shakira all right and I can't believe I'm saying this on your part I love it right so I'm dancing to Shakira right I wouldn't think it's a Shakira and at one point she grabs because the dance and I feel there's two soldiers in this battle no that's how I looked at her and I think when I looked at she knew I knew and at that point she kind of pushed me against the wall and she was like you judge me she knew she knew she knew and I wasn't I wasn't I was just taken back I mean not really naturally in that way and I thought I was with Shakira yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but then that's when I said you know I said it to amaze and I said it and I say it to people because they get in so many situations like I never knew I couldn't hear oh I would know I would know my friends like surgery is so detailed today in the changes to the face the body and everything else that this you wouldn't know you wouldn't you know um that's it some some people have surgery so much so like that they look more female than some females yeah yeah I went on dating apps recently um well not that recent but a while back and the amount of I mean they were openly Trans in their bio but the amount of people when you're swiping around you you go like [ __ ] no I'm glad that's in the bio because I would never no you know you you won't and and that's how again when we talk about you know when things getting done bad you know this is a very good example of how things can be when you look well the fact that you can then take someone from a mantle and you would not know in terms of the vagina that you're creating from the penis how does that process go can you remember parts of it so the skin of the shaft of the penis was used to form part of the labial skin okay so it was almost pulled back like a banana um yeah so yeah in that way and to form that so it still had the sensation and the sensitivity that it would get and so it was mimicking that part in there I literally again as I say for me it was the most fascinating I remember I was I had my surgical mask on but my mouth was open during that procedure and I just was like wow I've never seen something so complex but amazing in the same time and and today am I right thinking that they create a clitoris yeah essentially of the penis yes wow and does that mean that they can like feel in there and have like some sort of similar yeah yeah definitely yeah the one thing I when I was doing a bit of research and who uh from I've seen a couple of trans people interviewed on it and when you talk about what they go through the thing that I had a respect for that I really because you just see someone who looks like used to be a man now a woman you don't really think about what they went through the level of like Risk and infection and all these issues and challenges that they go through particularly people who were the early adopters yes I mean they were essentially guinea pigs so they really were sacrificing for people now even and blew me mind um and so do you yourself do treatments on trans people so in terms of injectables so I have had people come in for injectables to have what we call is very racial feminization okay um so where they've transitioned or are transitioning and as part of those treatments they're wanting treatments done to the face to help feminize the face just as you can masculinize the face as well now you can do this in a more harsh way surgically by bone shaping than shaving you know but people sometimes don't want to be that invasive so using dermal fillers to do that we can take from a square masculine jaw to round heart-shaped female jaw you know from high bone cheese to more masculine Square Cheeks from a female male forehead you know shaped forehead to more female we can do all of those things just with injectables into my hand it makes me wonder you know because you obviously hung around with with other doctors and you know you guys will talk privately have you ever spoken to a doctor who's just like gonna turn his girlfriend or his wife or whatever into whatever he wants almost like to because it feels like you guys can almost create a situation if you want funny enough you say that um I had a friend of mine and he'd probably be listening to say indeed please don't say it um he said this to me this statement and it sticks with me today and he was like tea what's the point mean in life trying to chase like a 10 out of 10 girl when I can find someone two out of ten and bring them to you and you can make them 10 out of 10. at first I was like that's so superficial that's so wrong and I was like then I was like but actually okay I know this guy has really thought about this in his head he's gone right oh these girls are overly attractive you know they're not got that nice personality or that's his opinion of it and so he was like I'm gonna find someone that's got a nice person oh look and make her the way that I want he's not lying because whenever I've dated girls and they've mentioned like I understood I'm like I got just a guy don't you worry about it but but in reality the funniest bit about it was I was in in research for this I was watching some of these plastic surgery shows cosmetic Shores and there was one woman who should had a load of kids uh with a husband her belly her boobs and everything were just you know shot bless her um everything was sagging and drooping and as she was getting it you know everything sorted I remember thinking you're going to leave your husband yeah and I don't know I just think like because she mentioned oh we haven't been making love and all of that I don't feel confident I was like you're going to get your groove back and you're going to think I'm a new me and I can do better than you yeah do you see a little bit of that well finding out that was literally my answer I said to my mate because I said there was a show called The Swan it's not on anymore I don't know if you saw it it was amazing it was like the best surgical transformation show like you got given a personal trainer nutritionist a dentist surgery everything so that person exactly as you said it was usually a couple husband brought the wife in or what I pulled a husband in was like you know family like we want this for them and everything and all of a sudden they come out looking like a Sports Illustrated model right and nine weeks they left their Partners you know they've gone and found someone else you know so this was breaking up couple so they started to do people at the same time so they were like rather than just doing one they were like right we're doing couples makeover both of you uh changing in that way funny how people are though everyone you know as much as we all want to be um oh I love this person this and the other but like we are animals and we do grade on looks and people do feel like they outgrow People level up and all of that and I watched this YouTube guy he's passed away and I've called Kevin Samuels yeah yeah and he's an image consultant or he was and um and he's great people and he breaks it down so well and uh and yeah I mean I guess you may have leveled people up women up and they've been like [ __ ] I think yeah that Kevin sounds he was brutal I remember watching something brutal in his assessment but some of it was honest in a way that when we look at each other we judge ourselves you know we're judging partners that says the coming part of that you know um and sometimes we can't be real with our feet and yeah and we're not honest with that you know and I think we do need to be honest with that just as much as we look at personality we look at what job what education where that person came from we do look at those things yes they shouldn't be the be-all and end all but they form part of the equation of part of the reason it was so good though was because of men are very like logical and I before the women come for me I know you know but women can be a bit more emotional than men just can't be and the way you know what I'm trying to do yeah and and the way he would just cut through all the red tape and be like look I'm going to be real with you you got two kids you're a six-hour 10 at best like and you would just break it down and be like you're expecting to get a man who's earning over a hundred grand a year or whatever meanwhile what are you bringing to the table and the amount of them that would like look at him and you could see it like [ __ ] hell he's right and uh man that guy was [ __ ] but then they would flip it the other way and it would do it to men too because I remember he would do it to men and I would see when he did it to men and he was like well you know how do you expect you know this woman to want to be with you you can't help take care of yourself I think where he kind of sometimes goes into that Realms is that word isn't it it's that toxic masculinity where I think sometimes it pushes a bit it's kind party do you understand it part of it but it may push it a bit too far on how you deliver it oh yeah yeah there was an element of rudeness which don't get me wrong and and entertainment wise it was [ __ ] fantastic but yeah if I was going to deliver that I would have done it a bit generally uh but I guess I was wondering you know you speak to women every single day or coming in what do you think the the main root cause is for people wanting this funny enough it's the most it's the one that's judged at least it's for themselves honestly I think sometimes guys we get too wrapped up in ourselves they think oh yeah hey they're doing it for us there is for us it's about getting us about a guy no as many women are happy to live their lives without us yeah you know and they get things done because they want to um you know that is the only because they don't care if the boyfriend cares about it or not you know because many times you get the boyfriend going I don't want you to get that I think you're perfect you know things like that the amount of men who probably cry into their pillow of the night before their wife gets the breast reduction but women of the carrying them yeah feeling like they're feeling and yeah they don't understand that fact you know whether it's reducing something or making something bigger they're like nine times out of ten I don't really care what you think this is about me this is something personal um and I think if we all understand that we'll get a better understanding of why people do things because sometimes we do it and we go well I don't understand what I like that it's because you wouldn't want to do that okay you're not down you know if you try and put yourself in their seat and understand where they are then maybe you might get closer to the answer you've nailed it and that's for so many different things I think one of the one of the reasons why we see so many disagreements like Twitter alone everyone's arguing and fighting because people don't put themselves in other people's shoes no at all at all they're really bad they don't want to and it's it it's sad because you know it causes so many divisive arguments where we would get better understanding if people did that you know less judgment and more trying to see or understand where that person has come from how do they get there what's in the space because if the end of the goal is just to dismiss something then what's the point exactly and that's it's funny because in this podcast I've had so many different people on lately who've been a bit controversial and the amount of people in the comments who complain or why are you doing this and I'm like because I want to have conversation with people who are completely different to me from different backgrounds because how else am I gonna if I was just talking to a kid from Newcastle it'd be like well yeah I know everything about and me and him grew up together that's how old that's how we first met you know I remember we were on the train and you know the lady in the street comes and asks do we want the vegan meal when I do we look like vegan but then at the same time you know we'll tell you if you look at us we were like literally told opposite yeah but there was things that we admitually immediately aligned on and things that were different and that's what makes the beauty of conversations as you said you know to bring different people together to understand different elements that's why I love my job not even just treating and doing but it's literally getting to know different people in different backgrounds have come from crazy different walks of life have you thought about your bedside Manner and all of that sort of stuff because I have been in many different hospitals over the years for all different little things and the way you speak to people I can't compliment you enough I've never felt more relaxed at home or trusting to a person I remember just thinking this guy he's a ultimate professional but also like um the way you talk you're very like um we're gonna do this and then we're going to do that maybe and everything's a good impression yeah and I was just like everything's gonna be fine he's got his he's got and so have you consciously worked on that I don't think I've consciously done it it's just because I've done it for a while now you know done this for about 10 years getting old man and it's just like it becomes subconscious I think when you're confident in your ability so that bits out the window I'm never thinking about or worrying about oh I can't do this you know so that bit's done so really after that it's just really focusing on the person and it's getting to know people and read their behaviors because you have to adjust it you know they're maybe the person that needs so much detail so they're that type of person so if I was just to go I'm just going to do this do that don't be like yeah older person that doesn't want to deal literally just wants me to skip to the Grand picture of how things are going to look I think when you understand that that's when a magic happens that's when you're in that kind of sweets but where people will trust you and because they get that part what about um you know with emotional people who break down and stuff I'm sure that must happen yeah whether it be uh when they first come in and they're not happy or whether they see a result that they're really happy with how how do you deal with someone who's dreadfully unhappy or whatever and they're yeah it's hard it varies right um as a doctor you're good you're able to detach and you're able to show empathy you should be able to do your job but when it links into say something that's happening in your thing so my dad died of cancer um a year ago I'm so sorry and yeah and I know it was a huge yeah exactly is the reason I'm here and when then I have people that break down so a lot of people that when people come for change again as I said one of the things is for themselves sometimes it's a life event whether it's a divorce illness someone's died you know and being died out there A lot of times it's cancer you know there was one patient recently and yeah it upsets people speaking about but um I hadn't seen her for about 2 years and she came in and I understand she was saw in the notes to him that she hadn't been for two years and you know I said how are you and she's like oh yeah sorry I've not been here you know um I was trying for a baby I had a baby boy I said oh my God congratulations because you know I got two kids with dads and she was like oh no he died and I was like what and she was like yeah he he died when he was four months old and started to break down this kind of thing that happened and no matter how much you can detach yourself it's a very difficult situation you know I felt emotional my therapist that was in the room felt emotional and you know she what she was doing and she was going back to work and it's a drained her mentally and physically when she looked in the mirror she didn't see what she used to see you know so again people talking about oh it must be a deep psych no she just wanted to see herself again she felt she had aged in the processary okay so this was what the treatment was about refreshing the skin do any treatments anything to do that we did I didn't charge her and I told I can't you know um and and we just did that and I just did that for her because I just physically couldn't but you're a [ __ ] lovely person but like um it just shows you the different reasons for people to drive to want and do things and it it can be quite hard and so again it's just not having that judgment because we just never know people's reasons you mentioned before and I hope you don't mind me going to be honest because about your dad because if there was a few things I took from my first interview with you one of the things was you and your dad yeah because you and me one of the things we connected on a bit of uh difficult kids needed that masculine role model there to put us in our place discipline yeah because for some young Lads you know loving nice nice don't do it we need fear we need respect yeah we need the Mufasa yeah in the corner no I mean yeah and um and your dad certainly sounded like that so how are you how are you coping and how are you feeling about the whole thing because I remember he really put you on the right path yeah um so yeah my dad is is it's still surreal and when I think about and I talk about it's still surreal you know what upsets me a lot is my job like I get called the body fixer right because I'm able to fix all these things and the one person I couldn't fix was my dad and that really upsets me um maybe that's why I part my job I work even harder because I find it therapeutic I fix all these other stuff to compensate for the fact I couldn't you know he had prostate cancer he hid it from us um some of the symptoms because particularly culturally black African we don't talk about those things um we need to talk more about that we do that may not just bad I'm just bad at that until you add all those factors in you know um and unfortunately we couldn't save him and it was too late so it was more of treatment and palliative care and I remember being in there like that they they died later on that day and he was in the bed and anyone that's been with a relative that is um dying you know there's a certain breathing pattern they have towards the end and I remember I remember saying to him like guy and like it's okay yes bro um because I knew for him his biggest thing was like making sure we're okay and so I wanted to make sure for him that he knew we would be okay so he's almost given him permission to be like you know to let her go and like a couple hours after that he went um but yeah it's it's hard because like my relationship with my son I have now and I have a daughter now who's beautiful it's one of those things you look and you go man I never want them to know that pain but they're gonna know it one day and we can't control that I mean look the the main thing is like you said with your passion it's not supposed to be that way yeah it's supposed to be the way you had it where you see him off and um I I that really stuck with me about you you know all these years later I think I interviewed 2016. yeah it was a long time ago and and it was one of those things where I thought God that man must be so proud of his son to come from where you come from like me working class to to to to being a leader in your field so like for him at that moment you know he couldn't feel anything other than I did my job properly yeah and he certainly you know what's crazy though for him he never lent into it to allow himself to enjoy it too much because he had been there you know there's a black man coming across into this country and he saw what can happen sometimes when people build you up you know there's people there trying to attack you you know and you know whether it was front cover of a magazine or anything I would show my dad and be like Oh dad you know this you know be careful and I mean what do you mean that and you'll be like son you know yeah it's just the way the world works you know he goes they're not going to come for you for your qualifications because they're there for everybody to see they're not going to come for you for your skills because they're there for ABC so it'll be your character so that's the thing that people these days do they come for character because there's people that don't know you so it can cast a doubt it can cast a shadow and so wise words and so he was just like you just have to be strong for that time he would always say that to me it was when he was right you know and and and I think you know when I know we've gone off peace like from kind of surgery until our fatherhood yeah I love her to have that Vision um so strong it's something now that I definitely you know instill my son from now you know he's four years old and I really really focus on that for him now to do that and it's weird because I see myself becoming my dad now in the way I am I I honestly it's mental um in many different ways um but yeah no my own my only worry is that Roman he has everything now you know like we even talking about it and how like you know we didn't have those bits so the hunger was there you know you had that driving force but the hunger was there how do you get hungry waking up in this big house you know everything you own your own playroom all these cars or everything and we're not spoiling them you know because they're always making work and stuff but his reality is different it is possible if if you understand the current stick and you keep them aligned with that like um I do respect uh Nigel Ben and Connor Ben uh because Connor Ben always says I I grew up with a silver spoon but if anything he he seems to use it as a way of a chip on his shoulder like yeah you're not going to make me into this rich boy I'm gonna outwork you yeah you know so it is possible but I definitely think it's it is on the one hand you have all the advantages all the education and all of that but I think you'll be fine because you know what from everything you've taught me about you in your dad's relationship yeah old man's always in there he is to let you know this is what you need right now you know what I mean it's easy he's always the one speaking to you but sometimes it's subconscious you know my son like give an example because like in lockdown you know all he saw was his house for a lot of time so when we were out of lockdown you know we took him around to one of his friends at school for the first time in the first time the house and I remember he came out the room looking distressed I was like what's wrong son he says he says he hasn't got a playroom um and I said what do you mean he said I wanted to play where's the playroom he said there's no playroom I said yeah because you just play here and he couldn't understand it yeah but it wasn't because he was spoiled it was because it was his reality is because in this house there's a playroom but it was something that was so subconscious that we didn't even know had gone into his mind to tell him you know we had to sit him down and go look no everyone has a playroom yeah and everything there but if that didn't happen I would have not known as appearances yeah of course she tell him specifically that point I mean you've done amazingly well and I've seen I've seen pictures of your house and it's absolutely stunning and you've worked your ass off for that and you've earned it the best job for your kids mate and in regards to losing a parent as I lost my mother the one thing that I think the weirdest thing in the first year that I remember thinking is it's so weird to not be able to talk to you my whole reality always has been you know I wake up in the morning have breakfast breathe there sunshines and my mom is there so did not have that constant it it it's like all of a sudden you wake up one day and everyone's swimming in the ocean around yeah it's just bizarre I had to stop driving home um because my routine was when I finished work I'll jump in the car I'll go five minutes on I know Dad starts flashing up on the dashboard yeah and then call I have a call with him as he day talk about mum call your mum you know all those types of things and each time I was in a journey back I was looking down at my thing waiting for it to call like voicemails now I I I don't delete them they're there I still text like so it's been a year I texted on I know it's not going to anywhere but I text the phone happy birthday dad you know so yeah that's that's the biggest thing to find out that's the word finality it is right you know to and it really doesn't hit until each first of everything it's in the first five hours day without him first Christmas that we had without him his first birthday has gone like you don't really hit into it you know we got luckily made a memorial bench done for him and uh um Canaveral Park in in Wimbledon so I go down and I sit on that a lot and I talk and I talk to him and I have my thoughts um in there but yeah I think one thing I'll say to any kids is that they go to parents and you're having like silly arguments and silly things and something sometimes is you know that they're not worth it man bro I beat myself up about some of those like when I was a moody teenager I remember but but going back to what you were saying it's been um obviously a few more years for me and the one thing I can say that gives me Comfort is when you're that close and you have all those conversations to pull from the little tiny little details of oh remember when we did this thing and that thing they failed but the essence of who they are that never leaves you it literally is like in uh crystallized in your mind and whether it be the first or the fifth year or the sixth year or whatever um I really feel like I really know her and she's there and and it the worry early on is what if it slips away but that just doesn't happen it literally never happens it I I still have dreams about my mom uh once a month at least where I feel like she's right there so vivided right yeah and also it's it's not a scary like oh my God she's not alive it's very much like oh there she is yeah like it's just so like normal yeah um and uh and those are the things and and one thing I remember a really close person to me saying is the closeness in the relationship you have with that person that will actually take you through their death yeah that's actually the that that strength and that bond in that love as painful as their death is it's actually what carries you through because for people who didn't have that it's so much harder because what they're pulling from yeah they're they're in agony because they wish they had more whereas you had everything you wanted yeah you know you're right it was I think for me it was how my dad would have wanted to be like as a man you know that that is what kind of pulled me through you know I was ready to kind of sink into a pit of nothingness and shut out the world right and and I remember saying I just felt like a Lost Boy and I felt you know like a little kid again but I just remember these boys like it's been like your family I know what you mean about a little show yeah you just feel like you feel like I said it at the funeral because one thing that happens particularly if your guy to give you the eldest everybody comes and says you're the father now yep all right you know that's the first thing everybody was different to my sister different to my mom but to me it was like you're the man now I remember thinking okay but who's my dad you know like everybody's like well you want to follow me what about me and I and I remember you know holding it together for the funeral being that person being strong for my mom being strong for my sister but trying to figure out where am I supposed to grieve in all of this you know because where do I have to I have to support my mum that's for my sister my family run this business this product line you know shows like you know and I went into autopilot for the first like days after I was just going to work still I did I just went to work I did half days because only because my clinic manager forced me to make them sure but then it you know three months into it it's like a car crash she goes boom and all of those feelings come out that you're trying to hide from um and from what I've spoken from people to you patience you know as you say it the pain never goes away but how you cope changes you know and how you move changes the pain doesn't change um you know the thing about the little boy feeling when I would cry even now when I when I when I have that um tears come and I feel it I'm not crying as a man I feel like I'm that little kid who would give my mom a hug oh yeah that's how I feel yeah that's where it all comes from is like I'm missing my mom as the inner child yeah and that's the bit that takes a while to calm that down and you know it takes years and even yeah it's it's it's a weird like I said it's a really soul-taking type of cry you know I remember that I remember hit like that when I was just like I saw my mama how that my mom was my sister you know and I'm trying to organize all these funeral arrangements and funerals are expensive you know it's not doing that the clinic my dad was the cow and the king so he knew and sort of everything so I'm trying to explain to people what he's done and where he's done and trying to figure that all out and he was not just my dad he was that person I would lean on for stuff like that you know that I could just fully trust you know you have people in business all around you sometimes they might want to piss you a piece of your hair for their game but then you've got this person that's there for you and you know they're there bro just you they're like God yeah so when that goes that's it I remember breaking down to him this is just breaking down like you know like a little boy just saying I just want my dad on I just I just want him to be here but then you kind of let that out and you get there and you have your moment and you have to go okay no right I need to put this aside now I need to act in a way what would he do you know what would he do now and he was like take control of the situation now you're the daddy there now as they said that's it and you got going how's that feeling for you because when you first become a parent that's a big thing but then your Mufasa now bro yeah bro it's it's hard I'm not gonna lie it's hard we joke about it I mean it misses we look at the table because particularly we've got two now you know we're at a breakfast table I look at Roman I look at rain and we look at each other like when did this happen like you it's the most challenging rewarding but also most vulnerable you will ever be in your life you know and that's the thing yeah I watch him he's on his quad bike go ahead yeah I'm thinking like my God don't crack your head open or anything in that way and stuff but at the same time I'm like Oh my God look at my boys going on this and doing it it's it's such a roller coaster of emotions um but you can't see I think we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect in that situation and we just gotta allow ourselves to be valuable in it as well yeah you know we cannot have all the answers no book is gonna have all the answers every kid is different and when he just had these two and they are like Polar Opposites of each other oh really you know she is Justice soft energy that is peaceful and Just Smiles at you and is just calming and Roman I love him but he's just feral and he's boisterous it's just a definition of masculinity and family they are literally that in that way but again I feel very blessed to experience both oh yeah you are and and see both and do but yeah but then on top of that then afterwards you start your own mortality man that's the bit against me now oh really like you you something like I'm not gonna be here forever you know I think that's a blessing it is not you know because I guess it's not a nice sport it's it's one of those where life is good bro you want it to you don't want it do you it's like a holiday you go on this holiday but you don't want it to end it's this amazing experience like please let's rinse and repeat and continue right and I guess at some point yeah you would get to that point but when you're not there you're like my God and especially when you lose someone and they're taken away from you and you're seeing it in your work or you see if you think Jesus go man I'm enjoying it you know I'm blessed with this I really wanna this to keep going and you just almost sometimes praying like you got more time you're like please no before it's time you know I wanna see all of this you know and my dad didn't get to see rain you know and we got to see Roman thank goodness it was great didn't get to know rain it was gonna even be born you know so there's little bits like that kind of go you know that gets to me so I just I just hope I try you know thing that I get to experience those things you know it's funny that when we learn that our own mortality is coming because when we're in we're twenties even we're blissfully unaware of them and now I'm in my 30s I'm really coming into my own and going like these decisions are the forever decision yes they're in like when you're picking a woman or all of these things that I'm doing right now where I'm making long-term plans for myself I'm going that you know this is it I need to get this [ __ ] right now yeah the rain do-overs yeah and and not only that I need to build a life for myself that I don't I want to be proud of what I do now this is it it's Legacy I think everything is from this point is Legacy building you know because you get giving this baton in it right and all the time you just running with it you're running with it and you're gonna hand it over at one point and that part of your race is done and gone there's no take backs there's no do-overs what you did was how you ran right and then the next person then takes that on and so I spend a lot of time you know it sounds moving but think about that but thinking about right that Legacy like how do I bring how do I take that forward in the most positive way but what's the positive thing when it comes to that is that I don't let stuff get to me the way it would before you say you're already becoming that guy yeah everything you're saying is that like this is me now yeah it's already taken impact in your moving in a way where you're thinking about the long term you're thinking about the whole family your legacy and what it what he sacrificed so much for me my sister right you know he came to this country he sacrifice so much to put us through school and do everything and I know he would not regret I'll take that back one second but I know he wished he had more time with my mom to do stuff he enjoyed you know because the time he got diagnosed with the time he was due to retire that's when he saw his time to stop and enjoy right and so seeing that my thought got flipped before it was yeah head down work now retiring Joy but now it's not enjoy the journey enjoy the journey and that's the ups and the Downs you know whatever gets thrown at you keep moving you know you're here once um make the most of it small people like you me they they always learn even in the most painful scenarios and it sounds like you've really pulled a lot out of that whole situation and taken something from it and gone all right Dad I love the guy now but I'm also going to learn from what what didn't happen that you could have what you deserved and I'm gonna yeah spend more time with the family and all of that and maybe work not you still work hard yeah just not as it's not a maniac yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but you just it is it's unbalanced so like even now we're framing like how it works so weekends I'm like right actually no you know what I'm not going to work weekends anymore um no these days that our family days or family half days Oh my spillover days you built the Empire you know yeah and how much is enough right yeah I think everybody is scarred I think you know some of the most successful people that I see take this SCAR or pain from their childhood and it becomes a hero story or their kind of evil story you know like and that's your hero story you know you've taken that pain and that's built you to where it is but then you have to draw the line of when enough is enough so this is where I'm getting at now in my life and it must be something that happens when you hit a certain point and I'm sure that our age and both losing parents have definitely played a role in it where you start realizing this ain't what it's all about is it like you know and now I couldn't give a monkeys about what car I'm driving or you know and you start thinking okay it is about the experiences in life the happiness that you can give other people yeah rather than what while I'm driving yeah yeah completely and you get to that like you say you get that line where you go okay where's that because at that point each sacrifice comes you know I always say this if I open another clinic tomorrow that means more time in it that's less time with my family you know yes there's more money yes there's more thing but what's the reason I did it in the first place you know is to have this family and to give them the things I didn't have and to push on so yeah it's drawn line knowing when enough is enough um but that can be hard and I think if you don't sit down and go this you'll keep your suggesting because that Fleek feeling each time click I've done it you move on to the next thing next yeah yeah like going back to that McGregor thing earlier um we are detour but I thought I thought myself this guy's on a yacht yeah he's a monocle we all know that because it's all over social media and you're making little voice notes the bitching about YouTubers online like are you really that happy like this is what this is it if you go back to original McGregor right we're both talking about this and having this thing about people being scarred and then using that pain to be successful that was him right he was from an impoverished background he did that now he's achieved everything that he could ever dream of and more you can get then lost in that system and I feel for him because I feel when I look it's a it's a hard mental battle because he doesn't have anything to prove anymore but as we were just saying it's this inner thing we're trying to prove to ourselves it's the demon and it's the demon not anyone else so he could walk away tomorrow have amazing life but go into obscurities having to find things yeah having to find enemies he's built a career on creating enemies yeah I guess and when you're when the machine that you are the robot that we all are like it it has this uh reward uh policy for you it was like the more you work the more you open a new Clinic you do this and for me it was uploading videos for him it was literally fighting people yeah and I can only assume that you know now he's clearly at the end of his Road of his physical career it's this like there's so much um aggression within him that usually was getting offset by going into the gym and punching a bag or whatever and now it's clearly going out and doing the wrong thing and picking fights with a YouTube guy being around also sometimes the wrong people and not realizing or put in hope that achieving all these things are going to fill that emptiness right you know like you say you can buy a nice car buy a nice house buy a nice thing and it's so fleeting you know you literally I must have seen it in my face you've seen it she said literally I've seen you from the day you've got that whatever car and then you go and I can tell to you the next day it's gone all that watch and it's gone and that's because it's something deep in you that you're trying to kind of satisfy um and I feel that's with him I think regardless of all he's got around and people like you can just walk away from the game it's what's inside it's very rare High Achievers seem to be like able to put a pin in it yeah and and step back it it and ironically that's why I love Scarface I'm wearing a Scarface shirt but like that is a Scarface story yeah you didn't know where to go yeah just more more don't get high on your own Supply so a couple of a couple of last questions there was a moment me and you were on the phone a while back and you were telling me about your come up and making money at a time where you are on an airplane and a guy thought you were supposed to yeah yeah and I wanted you to tell me the story properly because we didn't really get to talk about yeah yeah I remember so yeah you know what like it was one of those things that after a while I was like you know what I'm gonna start streaming so I'm gonna start flying first class I'm gonna see all this fuss is about um so right it was like right but the tickets started flying those and it was this particular time I came in and there was this older white guy and I'd come in and it was another black guy that must have just gone I didn't know him from Adam but he was behind me and he just turned to us and he goes oh you guys must be footballers aren't you and we both looked to each other and there's a look to him and we were like no well what the like but he said it so freely yeah and it wasn't even a joke and he was and he just was flustered after that he was like oh sorry and and when and and I thought my God like this is it and you know what I think you know I it's something unfortunately I've had to get used to I really believe I shouldn't get used to it but it's one of the things that I'm like man my son even though he's mixed as I even say he's still not going to be seen as white so you look I'm gonna have to teach you about these things whereas people assume sometimes in these particular areas if you're in there you've either had to play sport to get there they can't think of you as anything else not educator or professional in that way one big example not even that story it against me was when I first moved on to the state I was on and you live on just a Clarity one of the nicest Estates yeah yeah was it the UK's Beverly Hills or whatever nickname um and like so we're on it and I was with my Mrs my son he was taller than pushing him in a prime we just bought the house and each time there was this guy walking with dogs they're always staring at me and catching about three times staring at me and then the third time he came up to us and he went oh I've seen you walking by an estate he goes oh which house you dreaming of buying one day and I was like excuse me [ __ ] yeah and then my sister was pinching me inside and he's like oh which one are you dreaming you know I see a lot of young couples coming to buy you know in this estate and they're looking at what would be their dream home you know which one catches your eye and I was like I own that one and he was like oh oh gets worse so then I said to him uh you know you living on this day he's like no I just walked through so I was like so you've got this high opinion and you walk okay and then beat this but I live in the area and then he sort of where are you from I said our Northland in Edmonton and I said you know what because I said it and I do I was gonna write him up I thought my mates love it you know I've been telling them they need to come and come and come and move down here you know and then he's so easily said it came out of his mouth he went the good ones I hope no yeah [ __ ] yeah and then literally my misses read me the answer oh okay have a good day and think I said did you hear what he's like babe some people you can't help and I was just like but he was so free in it you know what it is because you've reached the level of wealth though yeah that's like that is out of uh like normal people's dream like you know what I mean so you're now getting to the wealthiest level where people just have no level of respect no nothing no food yeah isn't it weird how you think the higher up you go in theory the nicer people and yeah oh we're all well mannered yeah it's the opposite no they they almost speak to me like I'm someone normally so sometimes there'll be conversations where they talk about people growing up in my area and you're like no no I'm not you know and these are my friends these are people this is a problem now that you're so now you're you're gonna have to have conversations with your son I guess that your dad never had with you yeah you're kind of making it up now yeah because you grew up in an area where you were very normal and everything was cool and now you're gonna have to pre uh prepare him rather for what may come yeah 100 I always say in the school he's going to go to oh he will be he school that he's also already now one of his classmates you know the dad's flying around in a jet you know like yeah it's that level and so when they see that it's their world it becomes normal right you know and it's trying to say this isn't a normal world sound you know and you know we definitely do you know I already got go Henry card I'm teaching him about money everything in that way and I'm really really kind of strict on you know not him getting gifts like you can give him educational stuff you can give him books you can put money on his go Henry card and then we can discuss how he's going to spend it and he understands it but despite that there's an environment around him that I can't control yeah and he sees every day and that's his reality you know as you said you know I I remember having to have a conversation with him about me being black you know because you know he was like oh how come your Skin's black da da [Music] and he was like oh I'm different though and I said yeah you know and Mommy's different I said yeah you know she's well it makes you are the best of both worlds that's what I always say to me that's the Both Worlds and he gets it but then I do worry about how he's seen and you know when you get that level of ignorance oh yeah there and that's around you you know that can drive that chip you know that bit that you say makes you want to do more you know you you sometimes are like this you know this imposter syndrome right so you're just like these people make you feel you're not worthy so I'm going to show you I'm going to work harder and I'm gonna be better you know any any it can be dangerous you have to control because nothing can take away their ignorance right yeah nothing will nothing will change them so you've got a kind of almost back away from it adjust it and and do it but as I said you almost have to kind of get comfortable with it which is not a nice thing yeah it feels like you're going through a bit of a Crossroads and you're like right now I think this is a really good time for you to come on the podcast yeah because you're definitely like evolving oh man from when I first came to you in the podcast don't get me wrong you know I was doing a cat nice yeah it's a totally polar opposite to now yeah like the things they've seen and get able to experience to do that it's a tall bit but it's come with a whole different I know people probably sell like you know stop complaining you've got all this I know that I know I'm privileged do not get me wrong I find that every day but also it brings a whole new set of problems you know and sometimes people don't realize that you know as I said if I go when I grew up in North London in Edmond where it's quite impoverished I was the normal you know it was a bad person every day you know now where I am even though it's a beautiful area you know I walk down in the area but everybody's kind of looking at me kind of trying to figure out how you think you're right do you think do you think there's a little bit of it now because you've had those horrible experiences as well that in your own head your cycling yourself out like are they looking at me thinking this yeah and you're now like yeah working yourself up yeah you do you do get into that way but then sometimes it's Justified because I remember when I just moved into that house yeah and I pulled up and it was a nice car and I was outside there was a guy walking past and I could see him for the mirror he kind of walked past went back and saw his head coming back with and he was like excuse me I was like yeah I because I'm gonna help you I was like No And I kept on walking he could see him like flustered like what do you mean he says but um I've not seen you here before and I was like I know and I kept going you know and to open the door and you could see he was so frustrated in himself it was like identify yourself to me you know you aren't here you know even from the time I just opened the key into the door and looked back you know and he was still there standing from a distance you know it's just like it's yeah it's their problem and it's a weird thing that no one ever tells you that you're going to experience when you're just innocently working hard doing what's right for your family following the good path and then you get there and people go you don't belong here yeah I was like well [ __ ] it yeah I worked so hard yeah yeah and now you're trying to push me back you know it is completely hard Chris Rock did a bit about this one so he goes uh I love it man I think you might have heard it before you because uh you know which black people live on my block he goes Oprah Jay-Z me he goes best rapper ever biggest TV personality ever I'm the biggest comedian ever he goes do you know who I live next door to a white dentist he's a [ __ ] dentist like and you know and he was just like he's like he goes a black man asked a fly yeah you got to wear a white man can walk you and there's some truth in that there's some truth there is some truth and you know you feel it and you feel the added burden of it I think you know it is a blessing and a burden because I think you know you're not just representing yourself you're carrying a lot for other people you know you're the dream brother yeah and I get a lot I get a lot of DMS a lot of love and from people in the community and I'm very blessed from it you know they've been there for me when stuff hasn't gone exactly completely right as well I said oh you know I saw this you know we've got you you know we've seen what they do to people we know this you know people walk that road and seen it so it works in both ways did you have people come after you and stuff like that for your character 100 and how did you know father it's not it's it's one of those things like I said my dad predicted it um my new I knew he said if I didn't know how much it would be um and it's a horrible thing and sometimes it becomes when you don't keep an eye on your circle some of the closest people around you you know and those are things that are the sad bits that you can make and and you know what's weird about a bit about that resentment this is it and when people said to me oh they resent you he resents you yeah because to me when you love people like brothers yeah you don't want to think that you're like no I know that they're not perfect but like you only see resentment when the opportunity comes to stick the knife in and that's when you're like [ __ ] me you were right the whole time this is it you know I had it synonym or misses um a niece my clip man there's a particular past they literally said I don't like that person I don't and I was like no no they're cool yeah thing and I couldn't exactly that and where it was it was it was resentment it was like even though I couldn't I couldn't understand it because I wasn't built that way of course yeah so I never focused that way so I was like you know and I would help help those people be over there so I couldn't understand someone to know me to be that way would look to try and do something I I I I I I I couldn't but what was very blessing is I always say this and I say it's the kind of invisible PR right it's the stuff that you do when no one's watching that when times like that comes it helps you me you are that guy by the way yeah that's not you don't give yourself enough credit like with that woman who lost her child or during lockdowns yeah you offered your um facilities up for free for the NHS yeah you're a good bloke man I appreciate that because he challenges you at time when that happens it makes you it makes you unless you want to lean into it yeah any questions you almost start having again self well imposter syndrome self-doubt and start to think God you know what I do to deserve this you know where where did what did I do you know what's this hard do you know what you know the fact that you're asking that question though yeah because I've asked those questions when when your own friends [ __ ] you over yeah you do go there in the head of like was I a bad friend was I did you know like and then the fact that you're soul-searching about that really digging is because you're a good person yeah good [ __ ] don't do that yeah All Souls rewrite the story yeah make themselves the good guy yeah and then move on yeah they don't do what you were doing yeah yeah that's true and I think the answer then becomes what's helped me in those times when have happened is that it's actually not personal you know it's actually not personal it's what you represent in that space yeah like you take some you yourself out and put X person doing that particular thing again all you are is a reflection for what they're not yeah and that's what's making them not like you yeah you're treating them well yeah it's it's them their inability to do what you're doing yeah which is [ __ ] them over which is they're making them think you're the problem well in reality is their problem yeah um and you're blowing my mind here because this is a real conversation that I've been having with myself for a while and it's just so funny how successful people like like yourself who you're you're a HomeTown hero you know what I mean like people people are going to be looking at you thinking how could I do that you're an inspiration to these people and one question about you know the boys um who you grew up with because I remember you talking about them yeah oh yes is there a little bit of you that ever feels I don't know a sense of guilt you know what so great and I'm really truly blessed to have these as my boys and I would say that is that I've seen it in other relationships but they have never ever been that way you know I've been so blessed like you know I was a shout out babe Inside Out Roderick you know of course after Trinity like yeah like that literally My Success has been their success you know that's great it's honestly I'm truly blessed to have these people in my life they've never there's never been a guilt there's never been more they've never expected more of me because of earn a certain amount but then also I've never felt the same you know I can go and chill and do the cheapest chillest thing with my friends and we still have a good time or give example we're going all together to Beyonce on Sunday you know I mean with our misses but I paid but they they I know for a fact they are going to try and give me money but I'm not gonna take it and like I know they are and so this is how that relationship is wired up where you know you get truly blessed to be in some of those situations but I've then seen people that come into my life later on and they've totally not been that way and you know they have the more I'd gone x-way the more they've become a bit silent bro bro you know you're literally speaking my life yeah just it's just mad yeah just change you you know it's it it's just a bit different in the way that they're around you or not around you anymore you know the the way that all of a sudden they are friending people that spoke of you in a set way and you're like hold on like you know why are you so it's always you in my opinion I could be wrong but when they meet you they meet you as not as a person but as an opportunity yeah a lot of the time so you present yourself as an opportunity to them and that's how they look at you permanently but they just behave like a friend yeah and you think oh it's just a friend but like when I look at the people in my life in terms of the people who've had my back it's a lot of them are the older guys who they're from day one the ones and you could have the realest conversations with them they want nothing but the best for you and then the ones who I met as true Geordie they're the a lot of the ones who ironically I'll say them on Shores with other people who they've bitched about constantly to me and I'm looking just like what you just said and I'm like you don't even like that [ __ ] but now because you can use him yeah you're with him okay because they're the next opportunity you don't even like each other yeah and it's so bizarre but like unfortunately it's very I I don't want to disrespect women when I say this but for men for me I look at it and I think that's feminine you behaving like like [ __ ] women like you know what I mean you're not you're not real you're not being true what you claim to be about and it's just unfortunate but it's it everything has a downside and I think you and I both accept like you can't have everything great and it's just one of those things that you don't see coming because when you come from nothing no one tells you when you're working your balls off this is no book yeah there's no book on it no you know even though my dad can you imagine my dad prophesies you know stuff he was like saying this is gonna happen which is how you're gonna have to do it this is what's gonna happen and you're like no oh I'm doing all the right things I just know you know um but he's right and what you've also got what I always say to people and I think particularly for people now I give advice to youngsters that are doing successful or not on social media is the know the blessings of it and the disadvantages of it you know I watch this Kevin Hart thing the other day and I thought it was so right because this guy right is achieved so much so much and he's had fuck-ups and he was like well I'm a human I'm gonna [ __ ] up right that's what you said this is simple is that he goes I'm human I'm gonna and he was like but I don't get to up in the comfort of a table it's on the world stage right yeah but then he's like what you have to understand is then you've got this platform social media which is beautiful in the sense that allows you to engage with people and and understand you and and build your brand and and they sell into you but then once you have the disadvantage of these people that people think all of it is real it's so not it is so not do you know that more than that yeah you you get it and I think sometimes it's a win for me particularly when I started doing TV working bits you know then social media was always there I couldn't understand where I would do something the best I think it was yeah I wasn't body fixes and it was a Burns victim that had treated in the London assets but I had helped healing wounds with PRP this Innovative technology and and she was about someone I was looking in the comments on The Daily Mail and like Jordan McRae and you have the odd one there going oh he thinks he's this and this and that and I was like how did you get negativity from this man where did negativity come into this and I just decided at that point some people were just angry not angry at you just angry and you're using that platform to do it but those people aren't in reality you know those people never run up to you on the street and go hi I'm Ben 2468 and I said that you were this and this you don't ever get to really piss those people off I really I think that I don't know why they haven't really worked it out because I I just don't understand it why I seem to be a lightning rod for those kind of people but I get a lot of weird DMS yeah for those people there I think you know what it is I think it's probably because you don't react to it maybe what happens is like I know it is one of those things with itself you ignore it goes away yeah but before it goes away it's chomping at you they're like look at me give me attention yeah I'm gonna say this like please like give me attention you know and you keep dismissing you keep moving on you keep doing well in your life and you keep doing things you know you mean marvelous woman you're doing all these things and people don't like that because they want you to not be happy in a place in that and that's not the reality you know what I'm gonna end up on this question because um we've had a [ __ ] great chat today I've absolutely loved it yeah uh how would you like to be remembered oh I would like to be remembered as a guy that was given an opportunity in life and gave it his all that's yeah that that's that's what I would like to be remembered well you've done that man no doubt about it um for those who want to follow you I'm going to put all the socials underneath to follow the story of Dr Asha Ortiz on that show that is and uh keep killing at me I'm so proud of you you too man let me catch up on the next one absolutely it'll be geriatrics then we're really good yes uh catch us later guys peace oh [Music]
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 68,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: True Geordie, Podcast, Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, FLAGRANT, Andrew Schulz, Jay Shetty, H3 Podcast, Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Gone Wrong, Before and After, Transformation, Kim Kardashian, Madonna, Michael Jackson, David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, Conor McGregor, Botox, Fillers, BBL, Doctor, Kylie Jenner, Simon Cowell, Meghan Markle, Celebrity, Botched
Id: ms0QvYBkjvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 34sec (6514 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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