Unseen UFO Evidence Will Shock You *3 Hour Marathon* | In Search Of

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foreign stretch of ocean on earth been called The Devil's Triangle or Hurricane Alley but most of us know it as the Bermuda Triangle 500 000 square miles of the Atlantic the terrified and perplexed Travelers explorers and even scientists for centuries since the time of Christopher Columbus these Waters have been home to many unusual and unexplainable disasters and disappearances ships planes and unsuspecting Travelers Lost Without a Trace but where have they gone and why did they vanish tonight we aim to find out in spite of the danger we'll enter the Bermuda Triangle by sea and by air we'll search The Depths for evidence of the triangle's alleged destructive power and finally we'll reveal a shocking new Theory one that could completely redraw the map it's a mystery that could impact our entire planet as we go in search of the Bermuda Triangle [Music] have a look at this map of the Southern Atlantic coast of the United States now I want you to try something draw three straight lines between Miami Bermuda and San Juan Puerto Rico it seems harmless enough right but what if I told you that this area which is about the size of Alaska has been the site of over 50 ship disappearances in just the past Century it's also been the site of at least one thousand fatalities during that stretch even those who've managed to survive have reported many strange anomalies here the triangle's countless tragic deaths remain Unsolved Mysteries because experts today still can't agree on the cause is it possible that a strange and deadly power truly lies within these three boundaries there's only one way to find out we have to enter the triangle ourselves is the custodian of historic Wrecks for the island of Bermuda and he thinks he's found one of the key causes of all of this area's destruction it's hard to believe on a day's calm as this that this is one of the most treacherous places on Earth he manages the sites of over 300 shipwrecks Around The Island shipwreck here shipwreck there strip right there according to Philippe this area has been causing problems for Sailors since the very first ships passed nearby a Bermuda was put on charts not as a country that anyone wanted to move to or or migrate to religious a place of warning to Mariners this is a place you want to be very careful about place you want to stay away from and it's that that particular navigational Hazard which I think tees up the whole mystery in the Mythos of the Bermuda Triangle it's also the reason people live on Bermuda in the first place Bermuda is a nation founded on shipwrecks the first settlers here arrived by shipwreck in 1609. our national flag has a shipwreck smashed up against the rocks on the flag which denotes the real deep importance and connection we have to them if anyone understands the destructive power of the Bermuda Triangle it's Philippe who has been studying these Wrecks for over 15 years today he's tracking a relatively new Theory unique underwater phenomenon that may have been sinking ships here for centuries this is actually really exciting thing to run into today we've actually come across a large swath of sargassum which is a holopologic algae that grows in the open ocean in the historical narratives there's actually stories of ships finding themselves stuck in these large mats and be calmed for days and weeks at a time Sailors began sharing stories of an impenetrable region of the Atlantic where many ships were lost they called it the sargasso sea here fix sargassum mats can stretch for Miles beneath the water making this one of the most dangerous parts of the Bermuda Triangle there are written accounts of ships getting stuck inside huge beds way way bigger than this let's imagine this thing covers a square kilometer or two much thicker and denser and and how hard that would be to navigate your way out of getting stuck isn't the only problem caused by the sargassum once a ship gets trapped inside something even more dangerous can occur as it groups together starts to rot and the smell that comes off it is actually really toxic there's a whole storyline that feeds into this in the last five years they've had a massive influx of a similar kind of algae in the Southern Caribbean unbelievable growth spurts of sargassum it's appearing in such absolute massive quantities and it's including entire Bays poisoning beaches because the gas that comes off when it rots is actually quite noxious suddenly you can imagine ships would literally come to a stop in the algae and a mat that's so thick and heavy that it'd be stuck there for days left without movement and unable to push the way through if those odors would get onto a ship could actually drive guys mad is it possible that this strange growth of plant life has been poisoning Mariners and sinking vessels for hundreds of years there is strong evidence nearby where Philippe has cataloged not one but three sunken vessels clustered together where else in the world would you see shipwrecks from all these different eras finding themselves in the same spot really there is no logical reason for them to all be there [Music] each of the three wrecks is quite different from the others and yet they all met the same fate right here decades apart thank you this is Montana Civil War Blockade Runner stuck in 1863. as you come around the back of the stern boiler you then turn down and you're literally then confronted by one of the paddle Wheels that's lying on its side the Montana side wheel steam propulsion was the height of Civil War era technology but it would have been particularly susceptible to getting tangled in the Bermuda triangle's sargassum and as you can see the Montana isn't alone the really interesting part is that as you're going across the center of that ship you're actually starting to see all the cargo that came from the ship that sank in 1943 the constellation sunk directly on top of the Montana the constellation was a luxurious cargo ship stock to the gills with high-end Goods Bound for Venezuela had everything on it cement billiard tables glass plate for Windows but of course that cargo never reached its destination neither did that of the lardington the area's third shipwreck which sank on route to Russia in 1879. every shipwreck is a mystery until you know its story and with so many shipwrecks Around Bermuda there's a bunch that we obviously can't explain is this hidden growth of algae the explanation could The centuries-old Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle really be that simple as we're about to find out the truths may actually be far more complicated because whatever's Happening Here in the Bermuda Triangle it's not just on the water [Music] what is it about the Bermuda Triangle that has caused the loss of hundreds of ships shipwreck custodian Philippe bruja has theorized that massive underwater beds of sargassum may be behind some of the destruction but the truth is this question could have multiple answers because plant life alone can't explain the sheer volume of sunken vessels here when we say there are 300 shipwrecks Around Bermuda those are the ones that there's evidence of some kind but you know there's a whole pile of shipwrecks that clearly sank in the deep and those are another mystery unto themselves we have shipwrecks from every nationality that Traverse the Atlantic over three four centuries and so we're surrounded by a lot of riddles in fact two of the triangle's greatest riddles took place over 600 miles away from the sargasso sea in 1918 the USS Cyclops a World War one ship vanished in the Triangle Without a Trace taking 306 crew members and passengers along with it no remains have been found to this day it was the largest non-combat related loss of life in U.S Naval History and it led some to suggest that there could be Supernatural forces at work in the Bermuda Triangle especially when combined with this story from 30 years before in 1881 a ship called the Ellen Austin was on a Voyage Through the same area of the triangle when it crossed paths with another vessel strangely this other ship was completely empty with not a single soul on board some of the Ellen Austin's crew transferred to the abandoned ghost ship to sail it to safety the two ships were separated by a large storm when the Ellen Austin finally caught up the ghost ship was once again empty all the crew members had vanished and we say you know is it the supernatural you know are there supernatural phenomena occurring in Bermuda and I would say yeah Bermuda is a supernatural price [Music] others believe the answer is more scientific theories it's this notion of rogue waves these waves that sort of get into a rhythm of the sort and can create a wave that literally throws itself much higher than normal appearing out of nowhere and creating very difficult situations you also have theory of the methyl hydrates so the bubbles coming up and creating essentially a hole in the oceans ships would fall into certainly you would expect an area that has all these different forces coming together to have a higher degree of risk you know and navigating those risks is a greater challenge here than it might be elsewhere each of these science-based theories seems plausible enough on its own but LG mats rogue waves and even ghost chips still can't solve the entire mystery because whatever might be happening in the Bermuda Triangle goes Way Beyond the water now we're going to go to a place that isn't actually a shipwreck it's actually the wreck of an airplane you know the reader triangle isn't just about shipwrecks it's also about you know anomalies that influence not just ships but aircraft and things like that the wreck of the KB Hayes bomber it has this incredible juxtaposition of you know the height of sort of human technology and nature you know the reef is kind of taking over these Aluminum and Stainless Steel engine parts and parts of the plane and it has a really interesting kind of contrast going on story of this bomber which went down in 1961 only adds to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle clearly underwater plant life wasn't responsible and neither was the weather this plane in fact went down on a very clear day where they experienced engine trouble but we don't have the answers to it all was a lot of plans the most striking thing are the struts like the landing gear and things like that you know it's a stark reminder that it didn't land kind of is a very kind of emotionally jarring wreck because it's something we can all relate to these are airplanes these are things that are really not supposed to be underwater and seeing elements of a plane underwater has a completely different feeling about it but the question remains what could be behind this tragic accident whatever the cause may be for Philippe and many other citizens of Bermuda they are confident that something unexplainable is happening here people have a lot of different theories about Bermuda Triangle people love this Mystique there is an attraction to the unexplainable you know there's no question that there's something really special about the Bermuda Triangle and um you know I'm sure as we move forward we're going to find lots of other explanations for things that have happened but uh having a good mystery out there is actually pretty cool thanks to researchers like Philippe we're finding more and more of the Bermuda Triangles ship and airplane wrecks which will hopefully provide New Leads on the cause of the area's dangers but there are many vessels that are still unaccounted for including what might be the triangle's most mysterious loss of all six airplanes all vanished on the same day in an incident known as flight 19. on December 5th 1945 just a few months after the end of World War II 14 Airmen boarded five planes in Florida and flew off over the Atlantic but soon after entering the Bermuda Triangle the Airmen became mysteriously disoriented despite their high level skills and some of the days most technologically advanced aircraft all five planes and all 14 people were lost gone Without a Trace but the tragedy doesn't end there in a bizarre twist a seaplane was set out with 13 additional crew members on a rescue mission shockingly that plane disappeared as well only 27 minutes into its voyage what could have happened to these airplanes or the 1961 KB Hayes bomber and is there any chance it relates to the area's shipwrecks the Bermuda Triangles combination of hidden algae and rogue waves be the cause of the area's mini shipwrecks perhaps but that doesn't explain why airplanes continue to go missing as well what is it that's going on in the skies above the supposedly deadly stretch of ocean today pilot and Bermuda Triangle Enthusiast Jordy Klein hopes to fly in and find out I feel that the legends of the Bermuda Triangle have quite a bit of Merit to them and the reason I say that is because I've experienced it myself Jordy grew up in Florida close to the Western border of the Bermuda Triangle and he's been interested in the anomalies here for his entire life my dad is also a pilot I used to fly with him before I could even see over the dashboard my dad was intrigued by the weird things that would happen in the Bermuda Triangle and I can remember us flying to the Bahama Islands and you know all over the Atlantic Ocean and that's what sparked my interest in the Bermuda Triangle I guess you can say I'm a second generation Bermuda Triangle Survivor following in his Father's Footsteps Jordy began flying through the triangle on his own as soon as he got his pilot's license at age 17. I've flown in the Bermuda Triangle hundreds of times and I've had countless strange experiences I've flown on crystal clear days where bad weather has came out of nowhere I've had my compass go Haywire I've had my altimeter become erratic and I've even experienced magnetic fog many Pilots have described magnetic fog in the Bermuda Triangle comparing it to a cloud that wraps itself around an airplane and follows it obscuring all visibility so the big difference between flying through a magnetic fog bank and a regular fog bank is with a magnetic fog Banks is that when you fly into it you cannot rely on your vision nor your instruments so given those two scenarios there's countless numbers of bad things that could happen it's very disorienting aside from the aircraft instrument I've turned my head quickly and I get vertigo almost like my internal Compass is also affected by the magnetic fog could magnetic fog be at the root of the triangle's many plane crashes including The Disappearance of flight 19. Jordy believes it's a definite possibility it's one thing to be lost in a car where you can pull over and look for directions but if you're only navigational source is the compass and it starts acting erratically you could be in trouble to further test his theory today Jordy is taking a flight into the Bermuda Triangle with our camera crew using only his compass for navigation we're going off the coast of Florida before I've had most of my experiences with the Bermuda Triangle dangerous proposition but jordy's plane does have a backup system in case things go wrong today we're going to go out in this 1949 aircraft and it has pretty much the same instruments as it did 70 years ago we're going to try to rely totally on those instruments today right now we're headed out to the coast of the Atlantic right to the heart of the Bermuda Triangle this area is just a hotbed of Aviation and Marine wreckage mine lives in the Bahamas and he was scuba diving and he found this sunken plane they crashed some years before and when he went down and looked through the the window he saw the skeleton of the pilot and the co-pilot and the pilot had his feet against the windshield as if trying to kick it out the co-pilot had the magnetic compass as if he ripped it off of the dash and it he was holding it as if he was like just praying for it to work jordy's plane is currently two miles from where that fatal incident took place if he can recreate a magnetic anomaly in the air today he's confident this is where it will happen right now we're flying right over the island of Bimini if you look on the western shore here you'll see these strange abnormalities in the water there's this really weird Reef it doesn't look like any other Reef on Earth it to me looks man-made and it's even more strange underwater than it is flying over it Jordy and many other local Pilots believe that the reef known as Bimini Road contains a pyramid-shaped underwater formation that could somehow be impacting the navigation of planes and boats in the area the question is how a lot of the strange occurrences happen around this Reef so whatever's going on down there to me that's just one of the biggest pieces of evidence that supports the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle look at that look at the compass this fog came out of nowhere my compass is going crazy outside hang on stop whoa for centuries the area known as the Bermuda Triangle has seen more than its fair share of sea and air disasters but what could be causing these incidents today pilot Jordy Klein has flown directly into the triangle to find out the outside hold on this fog came out of nowhere this is what I'm talking about here look at this my compass is going crazy and now we're in turbulence very disorienting whoa if I was the pilot relying only on this magnetic compass I'd be freaking out right now because I would have no idea what direction we're flying I can rely on my GPS to fly us out of it [Music] thank you [Music] if I wasn't an experienced pilot I might not be so calm right now with that Compass spinning I would have been very concerned without the GPS Jordy believes this magnetic interference could easily be responsible for the Bermuda Triangles abnormally High death toll in the old days when all you had to guide you was compass and sight you can imagine one mistake could have been catastrophic but that's what it was like 50 years ago many people never make it out with every successful flight he makes through the triangle Jordi considers himself lucky I fly all over the world but the Bermuda Triangle is the only place I know that all of these weird things happen and yet Jordy continues to fly here committed to understanding more about what's going on and warning others about the potential dangers with today's technology things are much safer in the Bermuda Triangle but weird things still happen there and if you're not prepared for it you can still get yourself into trouble jordy's experiment suggests that there may indeed be a magnetic anomaly at work in the Bermuda Triangle we've also heard theories ranging from deadly gas leaks to unusual plant life to rogue waves that can appear out of nowhere is there a chance that all of these could somehow be connected perhaps we should look into the accounts of one of the very first explorers to ever sail into the Bermuda Triangle when Columbus entered this part of the Atlantic during his famous 1492 Voyage he reported eradic Compass readings the likes of which he'd never seen before it's even more evident that the triangle's powers could be magnetic in origin but Columbus spotted something else as well he described strange lights and Flames crashing across the surface of the ocean what should we make of Columbus's account is there some type of phenomenon that combines fire and magnetism and could it be behind all the unusual activity here in the Bermuda Triangle as we were about to find out the answer to that question may be hiding right under our noses the Bermuda Triangle has been feared as one of the ocean's deadliest areas for Generations the question is what could be going on in this storied region of the Atlantic Ocean so far we've witnessed unusual plant growth weather anomalies Flames across the water and issues of magnetism look at the coffins whoa but we have yet to identify the source of these dangerous phenomena fortunately we may be on the verge of a breakthrough Because deep sea mineral prospector Nick Hutchings has spent years researching bermuda's geology and he thinks he might have found the cause of all of the triangle's destructive power so I grew up curious what inspired a story like the Bermuda Triangle so we're on our way to whalebound Bay where we can see some of the earliest evidence of bermuda's geological formations like many islands Bermuda was created by a volcano that dates back millions of years but according to Nick bermuda's volcano was unlike any other on Earth interesting thing about Bermuda is that it has a very unusual lava the most recent research says that it's actually unique it hasn't been discovered anywhere else in the world Nick has spent years studying the composition of this lava trying to determine the source of its unusual properties when I started to look more closely I started to learn that it's been extremely enriched in minerals including titanium dioxide and iron oxide which have combined to make a mineral called magnetite magnetite is the most magnetic naturally occurring mineral on Earth where bermuda's volcanic rock is 18 to 20 percent magnetite most soils only contain between one and five percent so that's a big difference you'll have more concentrated magnetite you have more magnetism volcanoes typically spew lava from the very top of the Earth's mantle an average of 20 miles below the surface the new study claims that when Bermuda was formed a unique disturbance caused magma to Bubble Up from much farther down 400 miles down in fact and according to Nick the result is that Bermuda contains more magnetite than any known Island on the planet an estimated volume of over 400 billion tons now over time that eroded away the slopes of the volcano are the sides of the volcano and washed into the sea and all of the magnetite that was in that volcanic rock is now deposited up to 120 miles in all directions around Bermuda so even though Bermuda is just a tiny dot on the map it's a very small island it is essentially one giant magnet volcanic activity and highly magnetic rock it sounds a lot like what Christopher Columbus reported on his first trip through the triangle and Studies have shown that a large magnetic field can enhance the growth patterns of certain plants like sargassum with the magnetite be the source of all the mysterious weather and navigational anomalies experienced by Travelers for centuries in the Bermuda Triangle according to Nick the answer is yes what we have here is a really good example of the magnetite that's exposed in the limestone you can see it right through here and down there and if you look carefully things see a really good example of it layered in the rocks if we move this Compass over even the small amount of Rock it'll affect it and you can see as soon as this Compass comes over the rock it'll change magnetic north by several degrees what we're seeing here is just the tip of the iceberg because Bermuda is surrounded by this kind of rock Nick's calculations suggest the magnetite surrounding Bermuda is at least 500 feet thick so I think this massive deposit of magnetite it can cause strange anomalies to boats and planes that are coming through the area as a compass over even a small piece of magnetite it can cause a blip you can only imagine what 400 billion tons would do to a passing plane or ship one can easily imagine an ancient mariner when all of a sudden his one most important tool that's helping him get back home would start to do weird stuff we even find this warning about magnetic anomalies in the Bermuda area on maps and admiralty charts and of course bermuda's at the apex of the Bermuda Triangle if Nick's theory is correct all of the anomalies within the Bermuda Triangle and all of its heightened danger could come down to a question of magnetism if that magnetic relationship is indeed the culprit it sets up one more compelling mystery in 1980 a 400-foot auxiliary ship sank off the coast of Daytona Beach here in a location 250 miles north of Miami in 1991 a commuter flight crashed on the east coast of Georgia here and in 2018 a Piper pa-31 aircraft took off from South Carolina headed for the Bahamas 100 miles off the coast in this location the pilot made an emergency request to divert the plane afterwards it was never seen or heard from again these wrecks and others like them did not take place within the Bermuda Triangle instead as you can see they form a path that leads over one thousand miles to the northwest but a new theory is emerging which could not only explain this path but also have major implications for the future the question is what if the Bermuda Triangle as we know it is on the move The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle May finally be close to being solved experts have theorized that the area's High concentration of magnetite could be causing interference with the Earth's magnetic field leading to weather anomalies dangerous algae growth and problems with navigation if that's the case then the issue lies much deeper than the ocean floor it lies at the very core of our planet and according to geophysics Professor Dr Justin revanaugh a potentially catastrophic magnetic shift is happening there right now my interest in the Earth's magnetic field began when I was in college because of a big solar storm the Northern Lights moved further down from the poles than usual and I thought it was amazing and as a result I've kept tabs on the magnetic field through the rest of my life and what it's doing right now is unusual what it's doing is moving and it might be taking the Bermuda Triangle right along with it so here we're looking down on the North Pole of the planet geographic North lies right there shown in the colored dots or the position of magnetic north over time we start down here in 1900 moving steadily northward slowly until about 1990 at which point it started moving much more quickly at the present day it's moving at a rate of 35 miles per year to the north and west if that motion continues it'll cross the Arctic Ocean and work its way into Russia the question is if the Bermuda Triangle features a deadly magnetic anomaly how might it be impacted by the planet's magnetic shift we've already seen evidence of increasingly frequent plane and boat disappearances to the northwest of the current triangle underwater bermuda's magnetite deposits are also drifting in the same direction could this simply be a coincidence one thing's for sure the magnetic shift is having a significant impact the average person has no idea that magnetic north is moving why should they can't see it you don't feel it that effects the navigation of ships and airplanes it's a problem that sounds a lot like what could be happening in the Bermuda Triangle except now it's beginning to occur on a global scale these changes are requiring us to update maps and software to accommodate the shifts in the polls that are necessary to make sure that GPS and Compass based navigation continues to be accurate but according to Dr revena there could be even greater consequences for life on Earth the Earth's magnetic field acts like a force field if you think about the Star Trek USS Enterprise when they would be shot by lasers and Photon weapons would be deflected away from the spacecraft Star Trek didn't pull this out of thin air our planet's magnetic field is protecting us from space weather solar radiation solar winds if they reach the Earth in full numbers it could shut down electrical grids gas and oil pipelines cellular and satellite communication television aircraft flights and potentially other things that we haven't even thought about it won't happen overnight but we are seeing signs that it could happen rather so Dr revena has a simple way to illustrate this effect so to understand what might happen at first magnetic field we're weakened we're going to look at a microwave microwave creates radiation of its own kind that we can use to heat water cook food we're protected from that by the casing and the grill on the front of the microwave but imagine what would happen if we put a cell phone inside out here it's protected from the radiation inside the microwave but if I put it in that protection is not going to be there anymore it's going to feel its effects entirely Head Start look at that it only took about five seconds and look at that the radiation inside there completely fried the electronics it's shot still cool to the touch though wasn't that it heated up was that the electronics were shorted out by the radiation what if this happened worldwide and our Communications compass and GPS navigation radar and safety tracking all cease to function we basically would be thrown back 300 years it wouldn't quite be the Stone Age but it wouldn't be the modern world we've become accustomed to but Justin believes that there are steps we can take to prevent this scenario to fix this would require building physical protections for many parts of infrastructure it's not a coding issue it's not a software fix it's an infrastructure issue cell phone towers electrical grids pipelines all need to be rebuilt or modified to be protected from solar radiation unless we can build these Protections in time it won't matter if the Bermuda Triangle is moving or not because its alleged effects could soon impact the entire world Scholars like Dr revena are currently trying to identify all of the issues that a magnetic shift could cause after that they'll still need to convince governments private companies and Engineers to shore up our infrastructure before it's too late as for the Bermuda Triangle if it is moving Northwest as we proposed thankfully it remains an isolated area just 500 000 square miles on the surface of a nearly 200 million square mile planet but if we don't plan for the future the entire world may One Day become a Bermuda Triangle a place where safe navigation of the Seas and skies can no longer be possible in other words we must continue moving forward in the same Spirit as the Bermuda triangle's first explorers sometimes the only way out of a predicament is to head straight through the search continues World War II was the deadliest conflict in modern history but it was also one of the greatest heists ever pulled in their quest for world domination Germany's Third Reich amass what might be the largest collection of stolen wealth ever acquired and those aren't the only Secrets the Nazis kept hidden away equally valuable they were protecting knowledge Advanced weapons technology completely unknown to the Allies which if Unleashed could have led World War II to a very different outcome tonight we aim to uncover the Nazi's most enduring secrets from an incredible stockpile of lost gold to a first ever television look at a Cutting Edge machine thought to have vanished 70 years ago and one treasure so Priceless it's been called The Missing Eighth Wonder of the world as we go in search of Nazi secrets [Music] from 1939 to 1945 more than 50 countries were embroiled in World War II but Adolf Hitler's atrocities actually started six years earlier when he became chancellor of Germany in 1933 he immediately began preparing his Third Reich to take over Europe and perhaps the entire world to do this Hitler needed two things weapons and wealth to achieve the first the Nazis began hiring and even kidnapping Europe's top scientists putting them to work on new weapons technology to achieve the second the Nazis looted almost four tons of gold from central banks across Europe and vast troves of Priceless artwork while some of the Nazis stolen loot in technology has been recovered much more is still missing the question is where did it all go NYU Professor Dr Timothy naftali is a leading expert on Nazi plunder today he's gotten a rare opportunity to visit what might be the Nazi's favorite hiding spot for their secret stolen goods today I'm two hours outside of Frankfort headed to mercker's mine to see where the Nazis put the gold that they had plundered from Europe at the end of World War II the town of merkers is still home to a working salt and potassium mine and just like in 1945 the Nazi's secret treasure room is not easily accessible the journey starts with a 2 000 foot descent in the mines industrial lift when you descend in the elevator you have this sense of claustrophobia when you leave the entryway you have a sense that you're completely locked away Dr naftali has never had the chance to visit this site before luckily he has the advantage of a mining truck and a driver who knows the way a visitor in 1945 could have spent years wandering these tunnels without ever finding the stolen gold here we are 500 meters down traveling in a truck it's very dark there are 30 kilometers of passageways in this mine you could take the map of this mine and put it over the map of Leipzig a large city in Germany that's how extensive the mind is Dr naftali has finally reached a nondescript entrance to the room the Nazis simply called number eight behind this door Sat one of the greatest treasure hordes ever assembled wow 75 feet wide and 150 feet long with 12 foot high ceilings and its own tram Railway leading in and out this space once contained The Lion's Share of Nazi Germany's secret wealth I could see why the Nazis had selected this place because I don't know how anyone without a little bit of luck could have found it but how did the Allies find this room thousands of feet below ground along one of a near infinite series of tunnels actually it was completely by accident two French women told American soldiers that they had seen sacks of money being taken out of the mine well at that point the US Army took notice but the Nazis wouldn't give up their secret treasure so easily there was an intense battle before the U.S took control of the mine and discovered the door of room number eight fearing the door would be booby-trapped troops blew a hole in the wall it wasn't until the dust settled that they realized the enormity of their discovery U.S soldiers come into this room and they discover 8 198 of these gold bars in addition to 110 tons of gold bars the Army found 55 crates of gold bullion 5 000 bags of various currency and hundreds of Priceless artworks and when they reach the back wall of room number eight they found something even more shocking behind me there were 189 suitcases and Trunks they were filled with silverware jewelry gold teeth the Nazi war machines hunger for gold was such that the SS was looking for the gold in the teeth of its victims and so the teeth were stolen so that they could be added to the plunder of the Nazi state along with the treasure the US Army found a detailed inventory of every item in every container they spent several days loading up the stolen goods and taking them to an abandoned Bank in Frankfurt for safekeeping but despite all of the meticulous oversight it's here that the true Mystery Begins because as it turns out the secret treasure of merker's mine was quite a bit lighter than expected the fact of the matter is the sums don't add up and there still is some mystery as to what happened to all of that gold it is estimated that the Nazis stole 598 million dollars this is 1945 worth of gold what was found here was not all of it the gold stored at merker's mine was worth about 250 million dollars in 1945. less than half of the alleged 598 million dollar total so where was the rest of it the fact of the matter is we don't know where all of it went imagine a multi-billion dollar lost treasure out there waiting to be discovered it sounds like a pipe dream but it may actually be true though the U.S army recovered a vast amount of stolen Nazi gold in merker's mind it's been estimated that an even larger quantity is still unaccounted for a sum that today is worth about five billion dollars without a doubt a great deal of that was spent to fund the war but did the Nazis actually spend all of it we know for a fact that the answer is no in April of 1945 nearly 10 tons of gold was found by the Allies near the town of einsteel even as recently as 2015 amateur treasure hunter Florian Bouch found a catch of 217 buried Nazi gold coins outside the town of Lunenburg why were these smaller amounts of gold separated from the Nazi stockpile it's a simple matter of greed and opportunity as the war ended soldiers from both sides couldn't help but be tempted to take some of the treasure for themselves and hide it away how much of this now twice stolen gold remains hidden somewhere still waiting to be found treasure hunter Jurgen proska believes it could be a staggering amount fact he has an incredible new lead on one particularly large cache of stolen Nazi loot well now we are going to the lake walhen which was the final destination of the gold from the former National Bank of the Nazis we think Sarah Still Remains of the Nazi gold hidden in this area we know the Nazis transferred gold from their National Bank to mercker's mine from there Jurgen believes ten tons of it was brought here to einsetl where the Allies found it buried in 1945. but according to Jurgen they didn't find everything this is the most famous treasure hole all over Germany 10 tons of pure gold were buried in this hole by the mountain Troopers of cenatis the gold was recovered by American troops but 150 kilograms disappeared 150 kilograms may not sound like a lot but it's actually seven million dollars worth of gold Jurgen has been looking for it for 10 years but recently he's found an incredible new clue as to its whereabouts [Music] we found a diary and we found photos from an officer who's possible to be The Hider of this 150 kilograms [Music] according to Jurgen in the diary the officer confesses to stealing the gold but when he returned years later the landscape had changed and he could no longer find his buried treasure the question is did someone else find it or could it still be here [Music] in the letter mentioned that there is a steep hill going up to a flat area which is on this side and there is also an old Hut which is on this side I feel the gold is here I will grab my metal detector and start scanning if he's right Jurgen could be about to close the case on a 75 year old 7 million dollar mystery no signal up here there's a signal wow and a good one there's definitely something here I'm gonna dig oh well ah and then this is well let me shoot leaves this it looks like we found a hand grenade I don't want to touch it because that's gonna be dangerous if we move it this is a German m43 hand grenade which would have originally been mounted on a stalk for throwing they have a ignition time about five seconds and then it makes boom these things are dangerous after 80 years and there is a possibility you touch it with your knife and it will explode and so the best decision was to leave it alone but despite the danger this is a good sign for Jurgen because there was no Act of fighting here during the war it would be unusual to find a grenade unless of course some disgruntled soldiers were here guarding something they'd stolen like a seven million dollar treasure [Music] there's something hot inside pull it out aha there are rounds of ammunition from Nazi machine guns I see something it looks like silver and remnants of a World War II belt buckle there is inscription also got mid-uns as this means god with us I think really said server nothing soldiers up here and this was at least their last task to do to hide the gold but where is the gold so far jurgen's metal detector has only turned up small objects 330 pounds of gold would generate a much larger reading [Music] it's big I think it has to be the goal I've hit metal and it seems to be massive it's really something quick I don't know what it is it's moving let's cut it it's an helmet I can't believe it it's a German Helmet wow [Music] it may not be the gold but this helmet is an incredibly rare find there are also remnants of a gas mask inside anti-filter was fixed here in front of as today's search comes to an end Jurgen is more confident than ever that he's on the right track the grenade ammunition Insignia and helmet found today could well indicate that something valuable was being guarded here I will check this area for the next two years checking every hole every stump of trees and looking underneath each Stone because I believe that the Gold's up here and it's just a matter of time to find it as we've already seen on any given day German treasure Hunters might just be one turn of the shovel away from millions of dollars or even billions in Nazi gold but let's not forget that stolen money was only a small part of the Nazi's many secrets they also pulled off the biggest art heist in history hundreds of thousands of Priceless works by artists like Michelangelo Rembrandt and Van Gogh Hitler had plans to exhibit all of his stolen artwork at a new Museum to be built in his hometown of Lin's Austria at the centerpiece of the fuhrer Museum was to be perhaps the single greatest treasure the Nazis ever stole what was this incredible treasure it's a work of art so massive and so valuable that it's been called The Missing Eighth Wonder of the world but to those who lost it it's simply known as the Amber Room historian David Caldwell Evans is an expert on the third reich's many stolen Treasures but none has captivated him as much as this one in particular the Abram is a unique work of art it was a room entirely paneled with nearly 190 square feet of decorated carved embellished Amber estimated to be worth as much as half a billion dollars the Germans gave the Amber Room as a gift to Russia in 1716. it was installed in St petersburg's Catherine Palace that is until the Nazis invaded and looted the palace in 1941. they dismantled the Amber Room packing it into 24 large crates then they brought it to koenigsberg Castle in the German state of Prussia but the Soviets wouldn't give up so easily in 1944 they Advanced on koenigsberg and destroyed the castle as they searched the ruins they were shocked to discover that the Amber Room wasn't there so where could it have gone today David is in the Polish town of mamurki hoping to answer that very question just 60 miles from koenigsberg memerky was the center of German command on the Eastern Front here you can find remnants of the Nazis all around this is just one of the bunkers surviving today at Mamaki as you can see they're full of Earth they've not been properly explored only one percent of the area has been properly exported being examined so from bunkers like this there could be a branch a network of tunnels of reaching out across this area to connect who knows what with other bunkers air raid shelters or maybe a chamber holding the Amber Room but the important question is why would the Amber Rune come here that question has a very simple answer this is high-ranking Nazi official Eric he oversaw the Amber Room at konigsberg after his capture and imprisonment he told investigators that the room was brought here to mcmurkey and kept in a bunker just 200 yards away when that bunker was searched nothing was found but bartek plebanchik of them a murky museum is convinced it must still be nearby today he's brought a new tool to Aid in his search a ground penetrating radar how does it actually work then what is it showing us on the screen here I'm making the lies like one line for five meters and this something is different than the ground like let's say a concrete wall or metal Parts the machine will calculate any differences and I will see something is under the ground [Music] it's a painstaking process that involves Crossing back and forth through an area in precisely aligned paths isn't mimaki it's not going to be in one of the obvious bunkers that anyone can visit today it must be buried somewhere it must be Underground it takes nearly four hours to fully map the area surrounding the bunker identified by Eric but the search has turned up one very promising lead this this point is very interesting for me the bunker is here we make we searched at the square area and all the colors are the same and this color has changed so I have very strong belief that we found what we are looking for so what's next I think we should start digging the object on the radar scan is less than a foot below the ground even so reaching it won't be easy today is a largely unspoiled area sort of natural Forest it's been growing here for many years so when you think you have 70 years of neglect to dig through to find anything then any task is going to be extremely difficult here is that a line there yes it's a straight line so this is exactly what you're looking for the excavation has revealed a concrete hatch now the pair must determine if it's safe to enter previous searches here at Mamaki have found German explosive devices from World War II hand grenades mines lying around the woods very often they're inert because they've been immersed in water for many years but you simply can't take that risk bartek works with a local expert in underground surveys the reason for bringing him in is he actually designs systems cameras that can be used by the security and the search and rescue services around the world to actually explore cavities things like that [Music] this could be the first Glimpse anyone has had of this chamber in over 70 years I'm getting a picture it's pretty dark in there okay now I can see something there's something right by the camera now steel steps rungs ladder going down the side of the the Brick it's very solid looking brickwork after all this time the camera doesn't show any immediate hazards but there's only one way to tell just how large this bunker might be could this be the resting place of the Nazi's most valuable stolen treasure if so we're finally on the verge of finding out what is the single greatest treasure the Nazis ever stole one candidate is the famed Amber Room a lavish chamber taken from a Russian Palace worth up to half a billion dollars that has been missing since 1944. I can say that something is different under the ground but today there's a chance it might soon be found in a complex of underground bunkers in memerky Poland it's safe to go down it seems like it's safe to go inside well the hatch is over so there's only one way to find out whether we found the Amber Room and let's go down and look right well I'm done now uh let me give you an idea what I can see if I just turn on the light I brought it's an extremely strange feeling going down into a brick chamber at the side to the German Army's High command headquarters in World War II you do realize that no one has touched those iron rungs for 70 years chamber is dry and secure suggesting that if the Amber Room is here it might remain well preserved brickwork solid concrete roof above me and sand sand and mud filling the bottom of this the looks of the brickwork has fallen away this does look unfortunately like a dead end even if it were buried under the sand this chamber appears too small to hold the 24 crates that contain the dismantled Amber Room but David and bartek still believe it could be hidden nearby it's important to remember when Eric Koch the Nazi governor of East Prussia was brought back to this site in 1970 he identified aside only 200 yards away and said that's where the Amber Room was buried so between there between that site and this site who knows there could be other Chambers other ways even if this doesn't connect another chamber might connect to the last resting place of the Amber Room there are 200 buildings in this complex covering over 600 acres with many more miles of tunnels underneath each year bartek hopes to scan and excavate at least two new hidden Chambers but at that rate the work will still take over a decade it's bound to be a painstaking process and something that's easy to find you don't get quite the same reward and the story of the Amber Room it's so complex so mysterious that every time you chip away at that fundamental underlying mystery one more place that it isn't just brings you close to the place that it is the Amber Room appears to be a Nazi secret that will remain hidden for at least a little while longer but let's not forget that the entire concept of Nazi Secrets could be interpreted in many ways so far we've focused on Stolen gold and Hidden Treasures certainly items of great intrigue but we're ignoring something that could be even more important what if the Nazis had a secret that could have changed history as it turns out they actually did a devastating technology that destroyed nearly 3 000 Allied ships and in fact it could have been even worse because as we're about to find out Hitler was on the verge of launching a weapon that could potentially have won the war for the Third Reich what was the single Greatest Secret the Nazis possessed was it the billions of dollars in stolen gold they hid deep underground was it their collection of artistic religious and cultural masterpieces from across Europe or was it something else something that could have actually won them the war to achieve their goal of world domination the Third Reich rapidly researched weapons Technologies making incredible advances in a short period of time they developed long-range missiles and jet airplane engines well before the allies fortunately these breakthroughs happened late in the war When the tide had already turned against Hitler but there was one secret technology that actually made a significant impact the U-boat German U-boats sunk 3 000 ships during World War II causing the destruction of over 5 million tons of Allied Goods and according to military historian Dr Jeffrey warro it could have been a whole lot worse today Dr warro is sailing from Denmark with a six-man underwater Salvage crew in search of the Nazi's most powerful top secret weapon which was lost just before the end of the war we're going to look for 23 one of the most advanced German u-boz in a World War II Dr waro's team hopes to solve several mysteries on this Voyage including what secret technology the U-Boat may have been equipped with and why it was here in the first place was it just a crew that was on a routine Mission or were there Nazi grandis aboard who were trying to flee or was it loaded with Nazi gold and other treasure thought to be the deadliest submarine ever made the u-3523 could very well have changed the outcome of World War II this was the first fully submergible for long periods of time long endurance submarine that was designed primarily to operate underwater and that restored stealthiness to the submarine service it meant that Subs which were always very vulnerable because they had to come up to the surface to get air now if they could stay underwater with this ingenious German invention called the snorkel tube this submarine was the first in history that could outmaneuver an allied ship while remaining unseen underwater and it wasn't just built for Speed it was also built to destroy the type 21 U-Boat was better armed than the other German submarines it had six foul-facing torpedo tubes that could be electronically reloaded with these hydraulic assisted machines which meant that you could fire six Torpedoes faster than you could fire one torpedo on the old type 7 U-boat so this thing was really going to be a game changer as far as the Germans were concerned what other Secrets could these U-boats potentially be hiding the Allies never got the chance to find out because the Nazis were defeated before construction was finished there were 118 of these type 21 U-boats commission 35-23 was one of the four that became operational and of those four only two were deployed the one we're searching for today u3523 launched just one day before Germany officially surrendered as the Nazis were attempting one final effort to win the war in the last days of the war was ordering all the U-boats to assemble for a Last Stand in Norway they had 350 000 troops up there they had a lot of Naval Assets congregated in the ports like Bergen and Trondheim in Norway but u-3523 never made it to Norway so where exactly did it end up Jeffrey's team believes the U-Boat was hit by an Allied bomb and sunk here 10 miles off the coast of skegen Denmark a place where the ocean floor is nearly 400 feet down we're going to use this ROV remote operated vehicle to die beneath the waves and look for it we have the sonar here so when we reach the seafloor we can use that to locate the wreckage and we have three different cameras we got four lights so we basically have a eyes and illumination on the seabed so we're going to be able to see everything hopefully so let's get this thing in the water let's do it the ROV has a 1 000 foot tether and approximately two hours of battery life definitely has a needle in the haystack feel about it what we're doing I mean because we're way out here in the middle of the ocean and it's 400 feet down so we got our work cut out for us if they can locate the wreckage the team could pull off the first ever televised look at what might be the Nazi's deadliest secret of all is it possible that the Nazis possessed a secret weapon that could have changed the outcome of World War II military historian Dr Jeffrey warro thinks it is today he's out with an underwater search team in the North Sea which could be the final resting place of an advanced Nazi submarine called u-3523 what we're doing today is going to show us one of the only surviving examples of this U-Boat it's going to show us maybe why this thing was leaving was it actually heading out into the Atlantic to try to escape with high-ranking German officials or was it trying to get up to the German submarine pens in on the coast of Norway find the U-Boat Jeffrey's team has sent in a remotely operated drone to scan the sea floor 400 feet down here we got the sonar and we're looking for the the wreckage it looks like we have a good Mark here and then we're going to drive over so I see like some hard object that the sonar is picking up yep and then that's the camera that whenever we get close enough we can get a good look at it yep yep GPS and our charts tell us this is where it ought to be but what if it's not where we think it is so we were looking at the Monitor and it's just dark and we're not really seeing anything went down pretty deep getting closer I can feel it we're straining for some sight of u3523 and hoping it gets hope that it that that it's there like I see some are coming in you know I see something right here look at that that's it that's it that's the tail she's been down here for about 74 years and we just found her there's a you know a top secret Nazi technology that was designed to win the war and people were desperate to get hold of a prototype of this thing and here we are looking at one on the sea floor here we've got 70 odd years of marine life growing on this thing so it's pretty obscured but that's really cool [Music] at this level of depth and Decay it's hard to make out the details of the U-boat but one thing is clear after it was bombed it went down fast and it went down head first you see that it's driven into the seabed at a 45 degree angle so just Dove as as deep as the ocean was at that point 400 feet and then it just hit the sea floor and it went in like a lawn dart from the portions sticking up from the sand we can calculate that u3523 was approximately 250 feet long and 26 feet wide it appears to have two turbocharged diesel engines allowing it to travel nearly twice as fast as any other sub of its time and really think about how this was going to be the backbone of a revived German Navy they were going to build 1200 to 2000 of these a fleet of that size could have completely blocked off the Allied Naval forces this is just such an advance on the previous German submarines and in one year they made this technology leap it looks like you know a nuclear submarine from you know the 1950s or 1960s unfortunately the sub's weapon systems are completely buried at the front of the vessel and the exterior hatches all appear to be closed now that it's been discovered u-3523 is officially classified as a war grave meaning its interior cannot be disturbed whatever Secrets this U-Boat is hiding won't be revealed today I'm just personally thrilled to have been a part of this expedition to find this sunken U-Boat and to get such a close and intimate look at it and to begin solving this mystery of u3523 to me that was just a real thrill thrill of a lifetime with the discovery of u3523 the mystery of one of the Nazi's most powerful weapons can finally be put to rest but when it comes to Nazi Secrets there are still important answers that need to be uncovered Somewhere Out There are billions of dollars in Lost gold and currency still missing are hundreds of thousands of artistic Masterworks all of these items were treasured long before they fell into the hands of the Nazis it's crucial that our society remains vigilant because the truth is there won't be Justice until the Nazis have no more secrets remaining the search continues these pictures were shot by show what many believe to be some kind of strange light hovering over Downtown Phoenix the military guessed that it was a flare test but others call it the most dramatic UFO sighting in years you say the craft was moving very slowly and without any sound at all on a clear spring night in 1997. swarm of unidentified flying objects passed slowly and silently through the Phoenix Skies prompting thousands of phone calls to authorities [Music] despite the vast number of witnesses to this day no one has been able to identify these mysterious aircraft for these or this one or thousands more which have been reported since the very dawn of mankind with every sighting we once again ask the age-old question are we alone in the universe tonight we aim to answer that question we'll hunt for eyewitnesses to large-scale otherworldly encounters revealed the classified video of a military engagement with a potential alien threat and test a brand new Theory which may finally decode an extraterrestrial message we've already received as we go in search of UFOs [Music] there have been stories of strange objects in the sky for centuries perhaps even millennia but the Modern Age of UFO sightings began in 1947 when a pilot observed nine shiny objects flying in tandem past Washington's Mount Rainier the Chicago Sun reported the story and coined the phrase flying saucers which has been part of our vocabulary ever since also in 1947 in Roswell New Mexico William brazell found what he thought was evidence of a crashed alien spacecraft again shaped like a disc or a saucer within a year the U.S Air Force commenced a series of initiatives to track UFO sightings including project sign project Grudge and Project Blue Book in their two decades of operation these programs logged over 12 000 eyewitness encounters since then sightings have only multiplied according to the National UFO Reporting Center someone spots an unidentified aircraft nearly four times per day but most of these are individual isolated sightings what happens when a group of people see the same thing and one of these sightings are confirmed by FAA radar on January 8 2008 in erith County Texas Private Pilot and freight company owner Steve Allen set out for a drive he had taken dozens of times before I called my friend Mark he said come on over along the way at 6 15 pm Steve encountered something completely unexpected right at the moment we pulled up on the hill I looked off to the east saw some very high bright intensity magnesium flare lights I thought it was an airplane at first I did a second take on it and discovered it wasn't anything that I had ever seen before it flew past us at about 1500 to 2000 foot above ground level it went over to Stephenville to that area right there and it stopped for just a moment and then all of a sudden they burst into a white flame and then it just disappeared but the strange craft wouldn't stay gone for long it quickly reappeared now speeding in the opposite direction with what appeared to be two military jets trailing behind foreign or two minutes afterwards the two f-16s fell in in Hot Pursuit full afterburner hanging out the back of them they was chasing it with vengeance and we had no idea what was going on or why our military was chasing it in addition to its speed erratic movements and seeming ability to disappear the unknown craft was also remarkable for its massive size it was all about a half a mile wide and a mile long and I fly this area quite a bit so I'm used to the grids of how things are sectioned off here and I'm pretty good description on what size it was as a level-headed businessman with Decades of flying experience Steve wasn't a believer in UFOs but at this moment he had to wonder could he actually be witnessing an alien spacecraft so anything that can come to a stop in Stephenville are basically almost a stop and then reverse course and go back 180 degrees is not about not of this world immediately wanted to go public with his story my wife begged me to please not tell anybody at the time and I asked her why and she says people will think you're crazy and I said everybody knows me that knows I'm not crazy so I'm going to say what I saw and see if we can get to the bottom of it true to his word Steve contacted the local newspaper the next day by reporters who said that she had received word from a local pilot who said that he saw something kind of suspicious or interesting and the sky and wanted to talk to her about it as the Empire Tribune's managing editor Sarah was skeptical about running the story but her publisher had other ideas [Music] so the next morning when I looked at the newspaper and I saw the headline that read UFO I I cried I was I was worried that our journalistic integrity might be tarnished and I just I didn't know what the community would make of it but as it turns out Sarah had nothing to worry about because once the story was out countless other people came forward with their own accounts of the same event the next day our phones just rang off the hook I didn't think they were coming forward and not telling the truth I completely believed them they ran an article with my phone number in it of all things I didn't think anything would become of it and I was inundated with phone calls the next day lots of business owners quite a few people had called me I had a complete list I was the UFO hotline I guess as Moore Witnesses emerged reporters at the Empire Tribune tried to verify the shocking accounts of the strange UFO and the fighter jets in Hot Pursuit I'm a pilot I've been flying since 1976 a cf-16s I've seen them all my life I know exactly what they are I can recognize one immediately at first all the local air bases claim there was no activity on the night of January 8th but then ten days later the military changed its story admitting that 10 f-16s were indeed scrambled that night over erith County this new revelation pushed the Stephenville sightings into the national spotlight optional media picked up on it very quickly and I was just astounded that that it traveled so so quickly on the heels of the national news story a non-profit group called the mutual UFO Network or mufon sent investigators to arrange a town hall meeting for any residents who witnessed a UFO that night the investigators figured a handful of witnesses might come forward just in case they brought along 50 copies of their questionnaire they had no idea just how unprepared they were they were about to walk into one of the largest eyewitness Gatherings of a single UFO event in history foreign is it possible that an alien spacecraft flew above Stephenville Texas in January of 2008. before you decide for yourself you should know that more than 200 Witnesses all agree that it happened after the incident investigators from America's largest UFO Network mufon held a town hall meeting and they couldn't believe the incredible turnout considering the hundreds of attendees this could potentially be the single largest mass UFO sighting in history hundreds of people that came as Witnesses and other people just Spectators but lots of people had the same exact story that we had over the course of three hours the townspeople all shared similar stories of what they saw on the night of January 8th [Music] retired Air Force navigation specialist James Hughes was among those who spoke he too had seen the lights in the sky but never went public after facing ridicule from his co-workers I told all these people who had seen the UFOs that were helping to back me up and this was important because after being accused of lying about these UFOs and making this all this story up to see all these other people who had seen these UFOs at night was really reassuring in addition to the hundreds of witnesses who gave their stories at the meeting many more stayed home fearing damage to their reputations today some of them have finally decided to come forward I didn't go to that meeting that they had in 2008 because I scared I was a kindergarten teacher at the time and I didn't want the parents to think I was crazy it was like this a round thing that looked like it's sitting on the ground and then it just disappeared and my mother seemed to think that it was behind trees or clouds and there weren't any I see these lights that come in and then just it's just foreign I definitely believe it was something from out of this world I've seen Jets break the sound bear and that'll that'll cause some Ruckus I've seen airplanes pretty high up little bitty airplanes pretty high up and you can hear them very loudly the way that first craft took off I've never seen anything go that fast and not make any noise it's clear that something large and unknown flew above Stephenville that night the question is what was it and could it possibly be alien in nature the air force does a lot of training out in the area because Countryside so we're used to seeing a lot of jets helicopters and everything like that but to this day I have no idea what I saw and I have no idea what made the light that I saw that night I was accused of fabricating this story but I did not it just made me more determined to prove that this story was real after his time in the Air Force James had a career as an Electronics technician and he was confident he could find proof of the Stephenville encounter when something is spotted on radar everything in the sky has a transponder number that is above a particular altitude in other words the raw radar data from the night of the incident should hold all the proof of what happened that night so I demanded that they get the radar records look at them and see that I was telling the truth unfortunately the military refused to release the uncensored flight logs from its planes it also claimed to have lost the radar records from January 8th unfortunately the Air Force declined to give us the information that we needed to prove that the UFOs were here it does seem that the UFOs here were being covered up there's no question that the Stephenville eyewitnesses saw something strange in the sky but what should we make of the Air Force's response is it possible that some branch of government or law enforcement actually wanted to suppress the encounter historically speaking it has happened before when William brazile found the unidentified wreckage in Roswell New Mexico the U.S army issued a statement claiming it was an ordinary weather balloon but documents Declassified in the 1990s revealed that story to be a lie in fact the debris came from a top-secret surveillance mission called project mogul just like in Roswell the people of Stephenville eventually found a way around all the government secrecy with a revelation that many believe is absolute proof of an alien visit to Texas on July 4th 2008 mufon investigators issued their official 76-page report on the Stephenville incident they made 10 different Freedom of Information Act requests to various government agencies and we're finally able to acquire raw radar data from the FAA according to the report FAA radar had tracked a gigantic object at least 524 feet long traveling through the sky 50 miles Southeast of Stephenville the town's people immediately felt Vindicated new reporter UFO there's a lot of people out there who are going to call you crazy okay and to take the time that they did to come in and give their reports I'm just overjoyed and lo and behold out of six radar units it showed exactly what we saw coming in at 2100 miles an hour doing 180 degree back to where it came from to the east running 18 or 1900 miles an hour and it had two f-16s behind it so that confirmed it recently the United States government has taken a more open approach to UFO sightings in December 2017 the Pentagon confirmed the existence of the advanced Aviation threat identification program its job is to investigate reports of unidentified flying objects many of which come from members of the U.S military along with confirming the program the Department of Defense even released a video of one such mysterious encounter this video and the amazing story behind it just might be the single most credible UFO experience ever recorded science fiction would have you believe that extraterrestrial UFOs are a near constant threat to our existence but how real is the threat is it possible that aliens have already visited our planet so far we've seen residents of a Texas town convinced they had a UFO encounter could it be a hoax or a case of mass hysteria perhaps but if you don't believe the people of Stephenville Texas might you believe a much more credible source because our next story comes directly from none other than the United States Navy and not only that but it comes with a Smoking Gun actual video evidence of the encounter this is Naval Base San Diego the Home Port of the United States Pacific Fleet in November of 2004 it was the site of an incredible encounter that despite widespread coverage remains a mystery to this day Kevin day is a retired chief petty officer in 2004 he was a radar operator assigned to the USS Nimitz carrier strike group job was to man The Radars and ID everything in the sky that flew my watch position on the ship was anti-air Warfare coordinator basically we worked for the captain and be in charge of the air defense team if we ever had to launch a missile in hostility I was a guy who's going to punch the button when those super Hornets take off the carrier my job was to get him to the fight get him in the dog fight get him out of the dog fight and then get them back home safe the Nimitz strike group was preparing for deployment to the Persian Gulf and was on an accelerated training schedule but on November 10th a normal training exercise became far from routine in the middle of the mission Kevin spotted unusual activity on his radar screens I started to see these really strange contacts off San Clemente Island the first group I noticed had um I believe that had seven contacts in it and the weird thing is they were all tracking from north to south off San Clemente at 28 000 feet going 100 knots which was extremely unusual it was the strangest formation of aircraft I'd ever seen in my whole career over the next several days the objects kept appearing but no Jets were available to have a closer look Kevin's consternation was beginning to grow I recommended that we take down the system and because I was kind of suspecting it may have been a glitch of some kind radar technicians tried recalibrating the system to find out if the sensors were giving false positive readings which the Navy calls ghost tracks so we actually brought our entire system all the way down brought it all the way back up and strangely enough the quality of the contacts actually increased after we came back this was definitely not a glitch these were real contacts tracked by a real real radar in fact I had the highest track quality possible in the system foreign [Music] was desperate to identify these objects and find out if they were a threat my concern was safety of flight these these objects were at 28 000 feet going 100 knots and that's where I like to send my aircraft right in that same altitude layer I knew that I had to recommend intercept to the captain finally on November 14th the Navy got their chance to intercept whatever was appearing on Kevin's radar screen while conducting air defense exercises using fa-18 Jets the objects appeared on the radar once again this was the moment that I was waiting for Captain Smith comes down to combat and I said Hey sir I strongly recommend that we take one of the aircraft that just launch and go look at one of these things Captain Smith was like you know what Senior Chief you're right let's let's do that command sent two of their top fighter pilots to investigate the object cluster the pilots had no idea of the potential danger they were about to face in the Tactical action officer jumps on the radio and she asks I just want to know you guys have any missiles on board there was stunned silence on the radio for a second because I think it really shocked the air Crews this was only supposed to be a training exercise were they actually about to engage with a potential enemy Target of Unknown Origin if so they were going in completely unarmed I picked a closest contact UM that was on radar but I believe there's approximately 60 miles the Jets arrived to intercept within minutes but the mysterious craft suddenly disappeared maneuvering in seemingly impossible ways on Kevin's radar screen the radar recorded this object going from 28 000 feet down to 50 feet in 0.78 seconds and to whatever can do that the fives are the laws of physics I should have heard multiple Sonic booms didn't hear a single Sonic Boom uh the biological entity inside that thing would have been crushed by the g-forces the unidentified craft had dropped at over 20 000 miles per hour ten times faster than any military jet has ever flown it was clear the Navy Pilots would have their work cut out for them to make the intercept and at that point from an air Cruise perspective they no longer occur about radar because they're in what they call the visual Arena they're using their eyeballs now where these Navy Pilots about to have the first ever confirmed face-to-face encounter with an alien spacecraft as they caught up to the object would the answer be revealed I've got the air control comms up in the overhead speaker so we can all listen to it in combat and we all hear oh my God oh my God I'm engaged I'm engaged is it possible that the U.S Navy had an actual UFO encounter off the coast of San Diego 15 years ago according to retired chief petty officer Kevin Day the answer is yes over the course of four days in November 2004 using Advanced onboard radar Kevin tracked a group of what he believed to be UFOs and on November 14th Two fa-18 fighter jets were finally able to come face to face with the unknown aircraft the next thing we hear on the radio oh my God oh my God I'm engaged I'm engaged and it stunned everyone in combat at that point and we were like oh wow what's going on here the flight Commander witnessed a smooth white cylindrical craft approximately 45 feet long about the same length as his fa-18 Super Hornet they had no wings no windows no obvious flight surfaces and no obvious means of propulsion craft began mimicking the movements of the Navy Pilots as they circled it matching them turn for turn when the commander finally caught up to it the UFO rapidly accelerated past the nose of his aircraft and disappeared we didn't know what to think it was so far beyond any of our experience that we were dumbfounded was probably the best way to say it we were absolutely dumbfounded none of them had any idea what we had just seen other than just concluding that it was a UFO the Navy quickly launched six more Jets from the Nimitz aircraft carrier to engage the objects this time they were equipped with on-board cameras could reach the craft in time they might capture what could be the first ever confirmed video of a UFO encounter the objects out and out in space in front of them 10 20 30 miles so of course they're able to see it for quite a time with their camera system and sure enough just before the object disappeared One navy camera actually got it this is the first video the US government has ever released of a military aircraft engaging with a UFO the camera's infrared Spectrum was able to spot a uniform Heat Signature a clear indication of the UFO's propulsion system the fact that we have video in the fact we have eyewitnesses air Crews and ship personnel I think it paints a pretty obvious picture that we indeed definitely intercepted UFOs but it would take 13 years before any of this footage would be made public in December 2017 the Nimitz encounter video was finally released following a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times this kicked off a flood of news stories about the U.S military's involvement with UFOs the government was finally about to break its decades-long silence the Nimitz video was released along with a 13-page report about the incident stating the aircraft featured Advanced acceleration aerodynamic and propulsion capability it was able to hide at times from military radar possibly demonstrating the ability to cloak or become invisible to the human eye the report also speculates the craft had a highly Advanced capability to operate under sea completely undetectable by our most advanced sensors while some of this technology sounds similar to the Stephenville UFO there are a few major differences most obvious is the craft size the Nimitz object was less than 50 feet long while the people of Stephenville witnessed something dozens of times larger the Stephenville UFO featured lights around the outside but the Nimitz pilot saw a smooth white object with no exterior features at all what could it all mean are multiple alien species visiting our planet if so how many and from where so far we've explored multiple alleged UFO encounters some with hundreds of eyewitnesses we can't verify whether any of these objects were carrying extraterrestrials but what if I told you that we actually have had a confirmed alien visitor one that's even been vetted by the scientific community on October 19 2017 for the first time in history scientists discovered something approaching from outside our solar system the pan Stars telescope in Hawaii spotted an aerodynamic object 10 times as long as it was wide traveling at 196 000 miles per hour it went by so fast they were lucky to have seen it at all they named it a Hawaiian term meaning first distant messenger Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb suggested the object could be something called a light Sail a propulsion method that harnesses Stellar radiation and that perhaps it might have fallen off in alien spacecraft while many scientists were quick to shoot down his theory as Loeb points out we're already developing similar light sales here on Earth Japan successfully launched a light sail-powered craft called the icaros in 2010 in the U.S the star shot initiative hopes to send an Interstellar ship to a planet called Proxima Centauri B it will be powered by a light Sail the light sail is a proven technology that can allow for travel between solar systems is it possible that an alien race has been using the same technology to explore other planets perhaps even passing by our own if that's the case it raises one more important question why haven't they tried to contact us according to one expert perhaps they already have you may have seen images like these before they're called crop circles over the past several hundred years more than ten thousand of them have been cataloged in 29 countries worldwide [Music] crop circle expert Dr Simeon Hein believes that at least some of them have an extraterrestrial origin this area is known to have a lot of unidentified aerial phenomena UFOs as we found out here it's been going on for many decades today Dr Hein is responding to a report of a crop circle on a remote Farm in Texas not far from where the Stephenville lights were seen in 2008. at any newly discovered crop circle Dr Hein first takes several measurements to try and determine its origin are really in many ways very mysterious and the way we can start approaching that scientifically is to see if there's any anomalous energy in different bands in different frequencies so we have a variety of meters that might detect some anomalies so what I'm doing right now is looking at the Baseline static charges in the field near where the crop circle is I want to see what the static gradient looks like in the absence of an ecrop Circle we can see when we look out here we're kind of getting a zero reading in the grass is outside the formation when we go in it kind of goes up by about 5 10 15 20 volts it shows us that it's having an electromagnetic effect right here in this field there's no clear reason for the folded grass to show a different electrostatic reading than the surrounding field so you have to begin to wonder whether there's some connection between the technology involved with UFOs and the energy and strange things that are created around crop circles Dr Heinz next test uses an electromagnetic field meter which checks for changes in electrical currents in and around the circle hey look at this I think we may be getting some anomalous electromagnetic readings right here at the edge of the crop circle Dr Hein believes these test results wouldn't normally be found on Earth without some extraterrestrial involvement but why would aliens Leave Behind These formations it's a question that has frustrated researchers for centuries we don't know exactly why this is happening is it intentional from the flying disc is it a result of their propulsion system their exotic technology which we don't totally understand yet but there is a connection between flying saucers and crop circles after Decades of work Dr Hein believes he may have finally figured out that connection he's recently developed a new Theory which requires one final test became something strange in this particular Circle that I've never seen before with this radio frequency meter I've been using it for about a year when I walked into the circle I noticed that the indicator lights were not continuously flashing they were going on and off in about one second increments which was really strange as soon as I walked out of the crop circle it stopped in other words this area may be generating a small amount of radio frequency radiation but it's not being generated at random it follows a specific pattern and Dr Hein thinks he knows precisely what that pattern is it's possible that the crop circle is creating sounds that we can't physically hear because it's out of the frequency range of our hearing if Dr Hein is correct and this crop circle is emitting a sound frequency then it might be far more than just a shape in the grass it could actually be the key to unlocking a never-before-heard message from an alien race Dr Simeon Hein has been collecting data on crop circles for years trying to decipher their meaning today he's uncovered a brand new formation in Texas and he thinks it could be the key to unlocking a message from Aliens so one of the really curious aspects of crop circles that we could see from the beginning is they look very similar to cymatic patterns cymatic patterns are images and shapes that are created from sound in Dr Heinz lab he has created an experiment to try and determine what these shapes mean it's a simple process sand is applied to a metal plate then a sound frequency is created as the plate vibrates the sand settles into a different shape for each frequency ranging from quite simple to much more complex symmetrical it's circular it's the sort of thing that lent itself to be a crop circle type shape Dr Hein wants to determine if his newly found crop circle might also correspond to a sound frequency we've often wondered what's the relationship between crop circles and sound because if you can use sounds to create crop circle shapes on a plate with sand would you be able to do it in the field would you be able to go out with some sort of sound generating equipment and generate the exact same shapes in a grain crop wow we're getting circular shapes here before long he finds precisely the frequency he's been looking for Wow look at that put a little more sand on here we'll see that this is almost exactly what our crop circle looks like that we saw earlier today the shape of the Texas crop circle appears to be a close match for a sound frequency of 1.21 kilohertz Dr Hein believes that can't be a coincidence you have to wonder looking at the connection between the sound and the patterns right here on the plate and the circle we were in this morning if there's really some underlying fundamental science principles that perhaps explain both of them it's an incredible correlation but it brings up more questions than answers why would an alien race want to lay down a sound frequency for humans to find and how would they do it I think in theory it would take a lot of power to have such an effect where you'd go out and generate a tone and have the plants just lay down in a pattern despite his many years of research Dr Hein hasn't yet discovered the full meaning of these frequencies bahi believes that if aliens are creating crop circles through sound they must have a purpose if I had to speculate why extraterrestrials or aliens would be involved in crop circles it would probably be that they're teaching humans a language of nature shapes Sound Energy frequency vibration and about how nature Works how technology interacts with nature without directly telling them but Dr Hein doesn't just believe this could be a message from Aliens he believes they're trying to teach us an entirely new form of communication Dr Hein hopes that humans could one day use these sound frequencies in crop circles to send out a response to the aliens after that It could only be a matter of time before we can start a dialogue with these alleged extraterrestrial visitors a little geometry to those living things they exhibit new types of properties that we've never seen before and I'm confident that what we're learning from crop circle research is going to have applications in other areas of science and technology that we're going to discover in the future when it comes to UFO research it's hard to say who might make the next breakthrough perhaps Dr Simeon Hein will someday manage to communicate with an extraterrestrial spacecraft perhaps the U.S military will find indisputable evidence of an alien UFO one thing is for sure progress will continue just 300 years ago we had not discovered a single planet outside our solar system now we know of more than 3 000 of them and scientists believe that one in six is potentially habitable one day soon humans will make their first visit to another planet it may start with Mars but it will eventually lead much much farther in other words before long we ourselves will be aliens for all the other civilizations out there on other planets who are scouring their own skies for UFOs we may soon be the ones flying by the search continues [Music] for thousands of years mankind has been speculating about the end of the world no matter the source whether it's ancient religious texts or modern scientific theory there's one thing the experts all agree on it's not just a possibility it's a fact the end is coming as early as 2800 BC the Assyrian people began predicting Doomsday the Vikings called it Ragnarok and in the Bible's Book of Revelation it's Armageddon but even if you strip away the fire and brimstone there's still no Escape observers and experimenters from Sir Isaac Newton to Stephen Hawking have proven that Life as we know it is doomed but when will it happen how will it happen and is there anything we can do to delay the inevitable tonight we search for answers in two ancient once thriving civilizations that mysteriously vanished and for the first time ever we reveal the final Doomsday Prophecy of the famed Nostradamus which may tell us the exact month and year that we could face the end of the world the search begins now [Music] when asked about the end of the world Albert Einstein famously said wait and see he didn't know how but he knew it was bound to happen since then scientists have predicted that everything from artificial intelligence to nuclear war would be our undoing Hollywood has dreamed up viruses Unstoppable alien invasions and dozens of versions of the zombie apocalypse but if you're looking for a Doomsday Prophecy that may actually come true there is one man who literally wrote the book on the subject Michelle de nostradam also known as Nostradamus in 1555 the French astrologer published a collection of 942 four-line poems simply named the prophecies it's been in circulation ever since becoming the second best-selling book of all time after the Bible so why did his writings become so famous because many believe they have the power to predict the future and even the end of the world despite his long association with Doomsday nostradamus's poems actually make no mention of the world coming to an end he wrote about it only once in a secret prophecy that was meant for an audience of one his favorite son Caesar in this little-known letter Nostradamus doesn't ripen verse but instead uses plain language as any father would warned his son of what he thought would be the end of the world he called it the universal conflagration and it's clear from his words that he was truly afraid Nostradamus writes you must see now my son that I find by my calculations that the sword of death is approaching us he describes a multi-stage catastrophe of epic proportions including economic upheaval and a broken treaty that leads to a massive battle between forces he mysteriously names the East and the West Nostradamus closes with precisely how he thought the world would end it will come in the shape of pestilence War more horrible than has been known in three lifetimes and famine the prophecy doesn't specify when this might happen but perhaps there is a way to better understand his warning because believe it or not for some societies the end of the world has happened before over 4 000 miles Southeast of Hawaii and a five-hour flight from Santiago Chile lies a remote Paradise called Rapa Nui commonly referred to as Easter Island but despite its idyllic climate and isolation Rapa Nui was the site of one of history's most mysterious armageddon's [Music] astroarchaeologist Ed Mundo Edwards has been living and working on Easter Island for over 50 years and is still trying to piece together what happened one thousand years ago when you come here and you see all these incredible monuments and you see all these Villages around the island you would imagine that they lived an idyllic life but as we start to uncover the past we learned that it was not that way their civilization began with a stunning feat of navigation a mission with just 50 people on two Outrigger canoes set out from the Gambier Islands 1600 miles away landing on Easter Island around 1080. the Polynesians found themselves in a private Lush Utopia in addition to ample sources of food Easter Island had plenty of fresh water from a massive Crater Lake the Island's millions of large palm trees could provide materials for houses and fishing boats once they arrived to this beautiful place's fantastic Beach they decided to settle here and this is where everything spotted this is the first place to be settled and from here they spread to the whole island by the time two generations had passed the Easter Islanders were thriving and they had grown to a population of ten thousand strong they were so Advanced that they accomplished one of history's most incredible Feats of construction foreign they built over 900 massive moai statues made to commemorate their ancestors transporting them to hundreds of altars across the island these statues can weigh over 160 tons and stand as high as 50 feet archaeologists are still unsure how the Islanders were able to craft these gigantic masterpieces let alone move them upwards of 10 miles over rugged terrain here we are in the quarries of Renault araku this is the place where they carve most of the statues of the island where the Carvers used to live and where people will come and condition statues Chiefs from all around the island hired the stone Carvers of Ronald raraku thousands of Artisans worked here sculpting larger and larger moai as their society continued to thrive 200 more years passed and the Rapa Nui civilization boomed to a population of 26 thousand their isolation ensured complete safety from outside forces but despite their large numbers and seclusion Easter Island Society was about to completely collapse so we have all these quarries we have all this development of all these people working all these Chiefs building altars all around the island and sound the everything stops the reasons why it stops we don't know exactly it is a mystery but something cured here on the island that made everybody stop if we can find Clues to uncover why the civilization ended here on Easter Island it could bring us one step closer to understanding how our own world might one day meet its end these Saddles were abandoned the quarries were abandoned in some cases they had a fast skilled statue that was rapidly finished that must have been years and years of work why did this happen it happened because their world began crumbling around them starting with their precious water supply there are years in which we have terrible droughts the Lakes went dry for water reservoir that had been there for probably two thousand years loud dry without fresh water the Island's plants began to wither through deforestation and drought the palm trees that once numbered in the millions went completely extinct to avoid starvation the people began eating Polynesian rats eventually even that food source ran out it's just as Nostradamus had supposedly predicted the Clock Was ticking on the Easter Island civilization but things would soon get a whole lot worse facing the end of their world the rapanui were about to do the unthinkable the end of the world has been contemplated and feared by mankind since the very beginning famed astrologer Nostradamus predicts it will come in the form of famine drought pestilence a great war between east and west but could it really happen to us well for the secluded Paradise of Easter Island it already has after 500 years of development the Island's 26 000 residents had managed to carve over 900 massive moai statues but then around the year 1500 the Islanders began to run out of water and food they tried to sustain themselves on a diet of Polynesian rats and when those read out they turned to an even more Unthinkable diet I excavated one of the authors here in 1960 and there was a skeleton inside but it had its head its arms its legs were missing I mean it was a cannibal Feast that was there you could see it the Islanders eventually resorted to setting up human meat markets where bodies were divided up for consumption here we have the spectral layer from the petroglyphs we have all these little dots that supposedly was a tally of the people that were killed and brought here and then the warriors were collect in the afternoon and take home and cook them and eat them there are hundreds of dots in this Petroglyph maybe even thousands each representing a horrifying Act of cannibalism and if starvation wasn't enough something even worse happened on this secluded Island which had been completely safe from outside attackers a brutal war broke out the tribes from the east side of Rapa Nui went to war with the West over the limited resources still available on the island [Music] when Europeans arrived in the 1700s the island was deforested and less than 2 000 people remained a one successful civilization had been completely snuffed out the story of the rapanui has clear parallels to the predictions of Nostradamus he wrote to his son of forces from the East bringing War famine drought disease and pestilence all of these same factors contributed to the end of the Rapa Nui civilization could Nostradamus actually have foretold their fate according to his Believers it wouldn't be the first time for instance in one poem he writes the blood of the just will be lacking in London burnt up in the fire of 66. incredibly The Great Fire of London took place in 1666. just as predicted another poem says a man named de Gaulle is a three-time leader Italy and the Waters of Venice will tremble he will be renowned above all monarchs somehow despite hundreds of years between them Nostradamus predicted the success of French prime minister Charles de Gaulle a three-time leader who fought against Italy during World War II and perhaps most eerily this poem from the depths of the west of Europe a young child will be born of poor people he who by his tongue will seduce a great troop when the child of Germany observes nothing the greater part of the battlefield will be against history Nostradamus was slightly wrong on the name but the history of this poem perfectly matches the story of Adolf Hitler is it possible that Nostradamus had the psychic ability to see the future actually he took a much more scientific approach Nostradamus combined three methods to make his predictions he studied ancient religious prophecies historic events and the movements of the stars and planets in other words he looked to the past to see the future and it worked because history is known to repeat itself does that mean the end of our world will come in a similar way are we doomed to the same fate as the Rapa Nui according to Nostradamus history proves that we are because the same prophecies that destroyed the Rapa Nui also marked the end of one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever known when contemplating the end of the world religion and science both agree on one thing it's inevitable soon we'll explore the final Doomsday Prophecy of the famed Nostradamus which could reveal precisely when our world might end but if you still don't believe in the end of the world you should know it's happened at least twice before to other civilizations once to the private Utopia of Easter Island and once to a much more sizable population [Music] these are images of the Mayan empire one of the most advanced civilizations on Earth spanned over 125 000 square miles across Central America they had expert knowledge of mathematics engineering and astronomy they constructed a complex network of large cities each with populations of up to 100 000 people in many ways their development was just as impressive as ancient Greece or the Roman Empire then suddenly around 900 A.D their world ended the Maya abandoned their great cities and the Empire collapsed to this day no one knows exactly why it happened Anthropologist fito Alvarado from the national autonomous University of Honduras is convinced that the answers to the Mayan armageddon lie in the ancient city of Copan so until the 5th Century ad coupon used to be a farming Village very modest and simple lifestyle and it's upon the arrival of the individual called Kenichi ashkukmo said copana stars to transform into a massive Kingdom King Yash cook Mo arrived in kopan in 426 A.D thanks to his military political and agricultural skills kopan's population exploded and as Copan flourished so did the rest of the Maya civilization the Maya were the most advanced people in the prehispanic Americas they grasp the mathematical concept of zero which experts consider to be the first step toward Advanced calculations with those abilities they created the most accurate calendar that existed at the time more accurate than anywhere else on Earth once they could predict the seasons the Maya were able to develop an incredibly productive agriculture capable of sustaining several million inhabitants the city of Copan enjoyed 12 generations of prosperity the question is how could such a robust civilization so quickly and mysteriously come to an end it all started with the arrival of kopan's 13th King [Music] also known as 18 rabbit and as we're about to see his Kingdom's downfall not only Echoes nostradamus's predictions but it might also have serious implications for what could one day happen to us one of the world's leading experts on kopan's downfall is Dr Jorge Ramos he has been leading the excavations here for over 10 years we are walking through the last major Monument commissioned by 18 rabbit the third and ruler of Copan in the year 737 18 rabbit commissioned a massive ball court to be built in the center of Copan the second largest in the Empire tandem out to the Roman Coliseum but just 113 days after the ball court was completed a devastating tragedy struck kopan an account of which can be found nearby hiding in plain sight [Music] foreign this may look like just a staircase but in fact it's much more the most important thing here is that the text is not much for the people it's for the Gods [Music] since my Unwritten texts books and Scrolls have all been destroyed over time the two thousand glyphs on the staircase form one of the most complete histories of the Empire that still exists today hidden Within These Stone carvings is a crucial clue to the Mayan downfall is the only time that they mentioned the death of the king you can see a figure lay down our the legs cross that's the image of 18 rabbit and on this side you have the captions where he mentioned that he he died and while Kings may come and go the brutal death of 18 rabbit may have been the Tipping Point for an entire civilization to collapse within months the powerful Maya would be starving suffering and dying by precisely the same methods Nostradamus predicted for their empire the end of the world was coming faster than they ever could have imagined [Music] the ancient Mayan city-state of Copan was once the centerpiece of a massive and thriving civilization but following the reign of their King known as 18 rabbit it all came crashing down [Music] only one inscription at kopan mentions the king's Den but it doesn't describe how it happened or why fortunately a nearby site may have the answers [Music] for me studying coupon it was very revealing because he helped me to understand the elements of the collapse of the Maya as a society and all of these Clues are leading to kirigua just across the border present-day Guatemala lies the Mayan town of kiragua a small settlement which had a population of only 2 000 people at its height kiragua was a tributary city of Copan in other words all of its political decisions were governed by its much larger neighbor to the southeast this is kawaka Sky King of kirigua he was enthroned by the kopan king 18 rabbit in the year 726 A.D all of these monuments we are seeing are basically bragging about this great achievement in the life of the king and those monuments reveal the true tale of what happened to kopan's King 18 rabbit this is the clearest hieroglyphic inscription that refers to the dead of 18 rabbits this is Chuck that literally means beheading Co-op Sky the king of kiragua kidnapped his former mentor held him captive for three days and then had him brutally decapitated from here readers of Nostradamus will hear a very familiar Tale the murder of 18 rabbit led to a large-scale war between the eastern and western Maya kingdoms that war combined with a massive drought turned their once thriving agriculture to ruins and just like what happened in Easter Island famine pestilence and disease soon followed in kopan we have we have been able to recover a large sample of human remains in which by archaeologists can can trace signatures of disease and of course you can find signatures of malnutrition in the bones so we can tell that these people were lacking a food they were lacking of nonly proteins but the main elements in the diet that they used to have in the end no corner of the empire was spared from the devastation this phenomenon was caused by like overpopulation that brought different uh crisis in the environment we were lacking of resources that brought disease and and also Wars between the Maya centers within just two generations the sprawling classic Maya civilization was gone the findings at kopan and kiragua tell a brutal tale of an ancient Armageddon could they also have something to say about our own time the Maya had the most accurate and advanced calendar they were capable to refer to events far back in the past but also to make predictions of the future one of the most famous future predictions of the Maya is hidden at the top of this Monument it could be easily missed by the untrained eye but in fact it sets up a crucial theory about the end of the world this hydroglyphic inscription refers to the completion of a 400 year cycle in the Maya calendar it's the completion of the 13 cartoon amongst thousands of Mayan texts that have been discovered these five small hieroglyphics are unique nowhere else in the entire Empire does this passage appear and yet it could be the single most important message the Maya left in the aftermath of their destruction we've now seen two thriving civilizations that collapsed in the same way Nostradamus predicted for both the Maya and the Rapa Nui the end of the world came suddenly due to war from the East drought famine and disease at this point the question may not be if this will happen again but when the Mayan calendar at kiraguay May provide some Clues the Maya broke down their Long Count calendar into five measurements of time they use dots to represent one and lines to represent five a shell image represents zero so according to the Maya their society started at a date of 13 Bach Tunes zero cartoons zero Tunes zero wienals and zero kids that date at the exact completion of 13 Bok Tunes restarted their calendar and began a new cycle the Clock Was now ticking on a new era the era of humans on Earth and at the end of 13 more baktunes the cycle will start again in other words the Maya didn't just pinpoint the beginning of the world they may have provided the tools to calculate precisely when it will come to an end tonight armed with nostradamus's final Doomsday Prophecy the search is on for the precise moment our world might come to an end fortunately a recently Unearthed Mayan calendar May provide some additional Clues thank you the calendar at kiragua reveals that the Maya believed time was cyclical and that it would reset every 13 back tunes a period that in our calendar is exactly 1872 000 days long when does that new era begin well actually it already has on a date you may have heard of December 21st 2012. doomsday predictors worldwide thought 2012 might have marked the end of days but the ancient Maya felt differently they didn't imagine the end of an era to mean Armageddon they thought there was an era before this cycle and there would be another afterwards Maya always seen the completion of a times cycle with a very positive note and it's the beginning of a of a new era a new start and that would have been a big celebration and of course the world didn't end in 2012. but according to Nostradamus the new era still might be significant we've seen nostradamus's predictions of how the world will end in his secret letter to his son but that letter also provides more crucial information his road map of the events leading up to Doomsday he specifically states that a new era will begin just before the end of the world following this he writes there will have fallen from the sky a great abundance of fire and burning stones [Music] From This Moment before 177 years three months and 11 days have passed by pestilence long famine and Wars the world will be so diminished could the Mayan New Era so recently begun have also started a ticking clock towards Armageddon if so we should look for nostradamus's next sign burning Stones falling from the sky this is the Chelyabinsk event a meteor that violently exploded over Russia less than two months after the Mayan cycle reset in December 2012. the timing of this fiery meteor is uncanny and according to scientists at Pasadena California's planetary Society another much bigger threat could be on its way in 1980 Carl Sagan Lewis Friedman and Bruce Murray founded the planetary Society to empower the public to advance space science and exploration their efforts continue today under the leadership of CEO Bill Nye one of the group's key initiatives is planetary defense led by Chief scientist Dr Bruce Betts so Asteroid Defense sometimes called planetary defense is protecting the Earth from Impact from asteroids or comets and if we don't do something they will hit the Earth again 100 probability anyone who's watched a meteor shower knows that many asteroids simply burn up in the atmosphere with no effect but they actually get close enough to cause damage with surprising frequency about once every five years an asteroid with as much kinetic energy as an atomic bomb reaches our planet it's a trend that shows no signs of stopping they're thought to be about a million near-earth asteroids capable of causing significant damage if they impacted the Earth and we've only found about 20 000 of those any near-earth object less than 100 meters long is incredibly difficult for scientists to detect but even objects of that size can be devastating in 2013 there was an impact of a roughly 18 to 20 meter diameter asteroid that we did not see coming over Chely events Russia the explosion from this relatively small meteor injured 1500 people and the shock waves from the impact damaged 7 200 buildings in six cities impacts like these suggest that our planetary defenses may need significant Improvement we've got the asteroid belts this is all known asteroids with yellow being the asteroid belt not dangerous to Earth and blue dangerous to Earth so it's critical to find more of the asteroids that are potential threats to Earth we can't know if we're in danger if we haven't found them and figured out what their orbits are the planetary Society is working alongside NASA and several universities to increase our knowledge of dangerous asteroids and save the planet from devastation one of their most promising projects is called osiris-rex part of this project a probe has been landed on the near-earth asteroid venue the team hopes to learn more about bennu's orbit and composition to better determine how to intercept and Destroy any asteroid that could become a threat by the end of the osiris-rex main mission will make a major contribution both the asteroid science to history of the solar system and to Asteroid Defense currently bennu itself isn't a threat it has a very stable orbit revolving around the Sun every 1.2 years but that stability may not last much longer Benner will do a close flyby of Earth in 2135 and the Earth's gravity will change the orbit of Bennett after this upcoming close encounter with the Earth scientists can only guess where the asteroid will head but if their projections are correct we might end up directly in the line of fire for a potentially world-ending event the fame Nostradamus predicts that the end of the world will commence with a great reign of fiery rocks from the skies and as it turns out scientists might agree the planetary Society is currently tracking twenty thousand dangerous asteroids whose orbits could approach our planet one in particular the 500 meter wide venue May soon be on a collision course with Earth bennu is recognized as a potentially hazardous asteroid a category of asteroids that are a subset of the near-earth asteroid population that are both big so over 140 meters and come particularly close to Earth in their orbits for the next 100 years or so Benny's orbit will remain stable but in the year 2135 it will pass quite close to Earth our gravity will change its course making its New Path unpredictable and potentially deadly bennu has one of the highest probabilities of any asteroid that we know to impact Earth it's about 1 in 2700 that it would impact Sometime Late in the 22nd century in other words once bennu's course is altered we'll be twice as likely to die from the asteroid's impact than from a simple traffic accident if bennu strikes scientists have calculated that it could happen between the years 2175 and 2196. this is a comparison of the 20 meter chel ubinsk impactor with the more than 500 meter bennu which obviously would be enormously more destructive an asteroid of bennu's size would release 80 000 times more energy than the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Blast resulting in a major catastrophic event 500 meter asteroid like bennu an Earth impact would cause a level of Destruction that's really unprecedented in human history creating a true Global disaster before that happens scientists are racing to develop methods to protect the Earth from asteroid bennu and others like it that are yet to be discovered if you have a lot of lead time you may be able to use what they call it the kinetic impactor this is basically you slam a spacecraft into the asteroid and push it change its orbit another option is nuclear option which obviously has some major political issues about it but you can use nuclear weapons to either deflect or disrupt but while ideas are taking shape the technology isn't ready yet and with bennu bearing down we may have precious little time remaining more I've learned about the issue the more serious I realize it is it's got a 100 probability of something really damaging hitting the Earth sometimes it's hard to get people to take it seriously because it doesn't happen every day it doesn't even happen every year but it will happen if asteroid bennu ends up on a crash course for our planet the timing of it has a very surprising correlation with the predictions of both the Maya and Nostradamus [Music] what if December 2012 marked the beginning of the new era as foretold by Nostradamus his calculations place the end of the world 177 years three months and 11 days afterwards that would be April of the year 2190. directly within the 21-year window that asteroid bennu could impact the Earth is it possible that Nostradamus identified the exact timeline in which our world will end [Music] foreign we don't know if bennu will collide with our planet we also don't know if the start of nostradamus's New Era coincides with the Mayan new era in 2012. what we do know is that Nostradamus used an intensive study of the past to predict the future and time and time again great civilizations were undone by the same factors he wrote about war disease pestilence drought and famine the Rapa Nui thought that they were safe in their isolation happily crafting their monuments oblivious to the many factors that caused their demise until it was too late the Maya controlled a vast territory with technology so Advanced that they thought that they could see the future and yet like so many before and since their world still came to an end what does the future have in store for us could 2190 be our last year on Earth as Albert Einstein said all we can do is wait and see the search continues
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, History, In search Of, Time Travel, Liverpool, government, time slippers, in search of, watch in search of, in search of show, in search of full episodes, in search of episodes, in search of clips, in search of scenes, Zachary Quinto, star trek, heroes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 30sec (10050 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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