SCULPTING Michelangelo's "DAVID" FROM MEMORY in VR! - Oculus Medium

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/aaornrylow 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Same as anything else, lots of practice. You will never get there unless you start by doing terrible work. 15 minutes a day is plenty. Consistency is more important than intensity or rate of progress. Don't skip a day, if you do don't skip another day. oh, basic life drawing is the best thing you can do for your sculpting, like grab a pencil and a piece of paper and again, practice. there is no easy way, that's why it's special.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bent-grill 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Git Gud

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Romthirty 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2018 🗫︎ replies
give allies and gentlemen welcome to draw with Gaza I'm jaza and the time has finally come to jump into virtual reality again today I'm gonna be using the oculus rift headset plus the touch controllers and I'm gonna be using oculus medium a sculpting program that I've had my eyes on and been desperate to try for a very long time now do you keep in mind this is my first time ever using both the oculus rift headset plus the touch controllers and oculus medium so it's my first time but if you want to see people who are pretty experienced and see the power that this program has I'm going to link to two Facebook groups in the description one to a virtual reality sculpture community and the other to the oculus medium creators Facebook page I should also start off by thanking oculus for sending me the headset plus touch controllers this video is not sponsored and I wasn't paid to do this or anything like that but I've been genuinely really excited to work with oculus medium for a very long time and can't wait to jump into it now by the way there are really awesome community resources and tutorials that people can download and actually open up in medium and follow along to learn the intricacies and depth of the program I'm not going to do that because I like to improvise what I do know is I love virtual reality and I also love just playing around and discovering how to use an art program and I also feel like it teaches you a little bit about the interface and all that stuff just by playing around with it too so let's just jump straight in and have a bit of fun with oculus medium today holy sweet home Oh would that I could live in virtual reality these are my oculus hands do you think it has a capacity sensor so I can see what my little fingers are doing I would like to start sculpting there you go that's uh that's pretty straightforward who needs a tutorial we seriously I'm making a lumpy ball and already this is way more high fidelity than the other sculpting programs I've played this so far paint oh look a that's too easy sprayer sighs okay now I know this is probably fairly boring it's of people watching this because I'm making a lumpy bowl and painting it here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to create two things in this video the first is I'm going to use my random tools and exploration to create some sort of a monster because from my experience sculpting horrific looking scary things is usually pretty easy however the second thing I'm gonna try and do is recreate a classical sculpture from memory as accurately as possible alright so I'm just gonna start again yeah see that's that's what I'm gonna make something like that but only when I'm proficient this is my sculpting mesh tell you what first things first I need to find a symmetry thing I need a lock with a mirror so let's so mirror perfect now I'm gonna roughly sculpt the face but I want to find a way to sculpt with some something more of an organic texture rocks this looks like a lumpy clay let's try something like this okay let's just get some rough facial geometry in here I'm already halfway friggin man I knew I love this program [Laughter] this is exactly what I wanted a sculpting program to feel like I want it to feel like I'm working with clay yeah no that's a skinny neck let's let's poke this guy out this is a beast after all so he's looking pretty pretty rough around the edges but that's okay that's what I want this dudes like so does this stuff you can see like he covers anatomy alright alright alright Conda we're gonna get realistic here okay so listen here big face it's time to add some detail is it cold in here or just happy to see me grow up move that's it that's it it's like you just use the Move tool to like to do that oh look at ya so beautiful now obviously there is so much like I haven't touched and so much I'm not gonna have time to in this video so I really want to focus on just the sculpture tool itself today now I'm feeling pretty good this is obviously you know my first thing I've ever made but I feel like I could recreate a renaissance sculpture no problem now I mean look at this thing basically Michelangelo's David Michelangelo's David let's do it oh yeah I'm going to attempt to rescaled Michelangelo's the David in virtuality and I'll fearless meet him no no color or painting just just sculpture and just see how refined I can get all right new sculpture let's show Michelangelo who's boss okay I'm gonna just rough this in keep in mind I sincerely want to make this as accurate to the original as possible off to a really good start I'm sure you can already see what part of Michelangelo's David this is gonna be yeah look maybe this rock is complicating things let's just go basic this should be simpler so I'm gonna do the head or something that hopefully resembles it and just sort of really roughly block it in consider this my sketch before I get to my refined part all right so now I'm gonna turn off wait wrong button off my symmetry and figure out how that the body's going to look again very sketchy so just going to do a line of motion say well let's let's let's stick figure this bad boy now I know that this arm is like it's like holding it like that yeah yeah yep something like that obviously there's gonna be a lot of fixing to do here but I just want to get the basic pose in place the funny thing is though because I'm using the circle shape the the random lump intersections do look like intertwining muscles this is where the bomb goes this is my this is my bum if that looks sort of like a Renaissance bum alright let's speed us out we gotta get the pose coming there look at this you get this regal pose now he's good he's good a bit of hip action going on doesn't he did I get the arms wrong no I swear to god it's this arm that comes down like this feel like that leg comes forward that's looking all right like Audrey but you know the general idea feels like it's developing oh wait I've got my move tool let's try flattening this just totally getting rid of that I don't know anymore I observe maybe which feels and looks more natural that feels weird it's not right for a forward it's not it's left I swear to God up if I'm wrong I'm gonna look so stupid there Rene sont bum bone connects to the Renaissance leg bone I'm like fascinated by how like accidentally muscly the clay is making it look now I know that this guy's got his arm back on the right side alright let's let's let's thicken this boy up let's get stick let's get this is a finely sculpted tushy with all the detail that slushee sound is really unnerving as I am leaning so close towards a virtual bum is that back it looks like he's from like an alien movie that's amazing I'm gonna smooth it all out there so it doesn't just let's not be put off by that whoa what did I do here every time I come back to something I've already worked done I'm like goddamn what's wrong with me hey do you know what the overall silhouette of this is sort of coming together I feel like with a bunch of tweaking which this might not look like the stupidest thing in the world but look stupid but just not like the stupidest thing in the world all right now this hand needs a little bit of detail so I'm gonna oh man oh man this thing got big yo big boy yeah that's a very fat finger oh this isn't turning out too bad it's not the best of it I mean look it's not the David but that's pretty freakin cool okay so here's what I'm gonna do cuz I am running out of time I'm gonna smooth this baby out I really need to actually just make this all super smooth because none of the anatomy is accurate let's build up some of this I'm pretty happy with this however when I shrink him the proportions are looking weird I'm wondering if there's a way I can where are we maybe you've moved maybe if I Lodge and move shrink him and just like just kind of tweak the proportions I feel like his legs turned a little geez this is what happened to this Anatomy good lord this is sort of fun like this is like an ax liquify tool in Photoshop and it sort of gives you a weird amount of control like you can have sculpted something crap but you can sort of be like alright what took my proportions suck but let's see if I can fix that like that's cool okay anyone leave in the comments if you have ever sculpted in 3d on computer cuz I guarantee it's nothing like this he's got a Ken doll groin we'll add the details later even the chest is on the West it's pretty down a bit just push this in push it in cuz I feel like if I smooth it already well that's not bad he actually looks like it's got pix now oh my goodness this is so fun well Ronnie look at you evil you would Don us you is looking a bit saggy let's uh let's perk him up a bit give him a butt lift okay I feel like that fixed a lot oh man this is coming together there is coming together I'm getting a bit too nitpicky but my David Omar David it's coming together okay okay let's do this head um like this and I feel like he'll have like it's good it's like fingers yeah this feels about right got those knuckles that's feeling all right that's it all right whoo I kept my talking is getting weirder and weirder I feel like we've definitely got the core in there so let's move on to the head tell you what let's just bring all of this in just sort of crush the head in on itself because I'll just race coped all right let's just riad maybe I should have left it how it was how those proportions that feels all right the neck feels a little weird but it's not the waist in the world what I do what I do please don't break what's happening what did I do there's a sound that's making me okay medium is fantastic but note it doesn't have autosave god damn it ah no because I was running out of time and then I was wasting time on the boat of geometry I yeah I don't I don't have the heart to carefully craft the face I was gonna craft so I'm just gonna but you know what I know exactly what I'm gonna do and I think half of you know exactly what I'm gonna do as well yeah some of you are already writing in the comments what its gonna be and you'd be right a little bit important fixing but I feel like we've already made better than the original okay so I've jumped into Google tilt brush which is as far as I'm aware the best way to load in multiple 3d meshes so I've exported my medium sculpture but before I reveal that I want to open up a comparison sorry I downloaded a version of the Statue of David and let's pull it out make him nothing big like the actual Statue of David now obviously this isn't particularly family-friendly so let's just make a youtube happy shall we here we go there's got a fig leaf beautiful so this is it this is the the Smithsonian 3d model of Michelangelo's David there we go look at that that is stunning an incredible work of art but not something that can't be outdone so ladies and gentlemen without any further delay this is my version of the Statue of David keeping of course the disclaimer that it's almost my version because I did you know lose progress because I forgot to save and all that stuff that doesn't matter because I still believe that it's gonna outdo the original look now let's scale this all up a bit too quite a large size let's say I'm visiting him in person I gotta say even though the anatomy is the messed up version of the anatomy the pose is pretty alright like given that I had zero reference I cut the leg in the red position I got the arm in the right ish position I mean there's just little details in all the anatomy and the face ok it's nothing like the original but I'm still pretty proud of how close I got posed wise there are some differences though for one as you can see my character is really eager has sort of like leaning forward into the fight whereas this dude's just sort of like just chilling out just like you know whatever in fact we could probably make him even more chill his blazing is that other kid say he's it's for 24 for Dave Davey baby and his his Blake this is sad how else could we horribly vandalize this fellow let's give him soon let's give him some shades yeah this guy what a legend that's brilliant I could do a whole video of vandalizing statues from the Renaissance period in fact I really wanted to do that let me know in the comments if you would want to watch that anyway here we have the statues side-by-side let me know how you think I went I'm gonna put a few options in a poll for you to tell me how you think I went but overall given the trials I faced I'm pretty happy with the result beyond that this was my first time using medium and I can create like comfortably and organically without being frustrated or confused again there's a lot I have to learn like refining details adding color and all that stuff but it's all in the program and I've just dabbled for a couple of hours today and and had a lot of fun so I'm definitely gonna play around me more in the future so let me know also in the comments what suggestions you have for future content and stuff I could sculpt in oculus medium of course another shout-out to oculus and the people over at the medium team so go check out the artworks that the community and making in the Facebook group I'll link to it in the description there's some amazing hard work that people are making much better than what I made today so go check that out make sure to like this video if you enjoyed it and of course subscribe to draw as Jess have more fun with art animation and virtual reality and until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,777,944
Rating: 4.9331613 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: rJeMvXv0XxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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