How To Vent & Plumb A Toilet (Step by Step)

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In this video you'll learn a quick and easy method to vent a toilet. Now there's several ways to vent toilets. But this is one of the absolute simplest ways to do it. I'm Dylan Spitz from and today I'm going to break this toilet vent down for you step by step. So here's our toilet flange. Right out of the flange we've got a short piece of 3 inch PVC, that connects into a long sweep 90. Drainage moving from a vertical pipe to a horizontal pipe slows down. And in order to keep that transition smooth, it's a good idea to use the long sweep 90. By the way, you could also use the 3 inch combo fitting with a clean-out here if you want instead of the long sweep. Then we've got a short piece of PVC that connects into a 3x2 wye here. This wye is positioned right under the center of our plumbing wall. The discharge side connects to the building drain further downstream this way. Then we've got a 2 inch street 45 here for the vent. And this vertical vent continues all the way up our plumbing wall and it could eventually run out the roof or even tie into the building's existing venting system in a lot of cases. So here is how this vent works. Keep in mind every plumbing fixture with a trap needs a vent. Toilets have traps built right in the bowel so you'll definitely need to vent your toilet. So when the toilet is flushed drainage flows this way. As it does air starts getting sucked and pulled from this vent. This vent keeps the air pressure balanced and allows the toilet to drain properly. If this vent wasn't here the toilet wouldn't drain right and could gurgle when flushed. Now let me show you two more ways to vent a toilet. It's good for you to learn as many of these patterns as possible. That's why I've put together this free cheat sheet called 3 ways to vent a toilet. Inside you'll learn two more patterns. I've drawn out this venting pattern and this one. And these are detailed drawings and I even include the name of each fitting you will need. Just click the link in the description of this video and you'll get free instant access to the cheat sheet.
Channel: Hammerpedia
Views: 1,823,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to vent a toilet, how to plumb a toilet, water closet vent, venting a toilet, toilet vent pipe installation, sewer vent pip, plumbing vent, toilet vent, toilet pluming, toilet venting, water closet
Id: AEJ9tJTs7ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 0sec (120 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2017
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