Corpse Husband being a WHOLESOME SMOL BEAN for 9 min and 18 seconds

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i have not seen any of those halloweens it may be a little biased but i think we should all put them on what uh oh i i get it i get it i think we should all wear cat ears cat cat cat yourself you like my cat ears corpse i i think we should all wear the ears and just a fun game uh let's let's all do it come on guys join me wait do you like my cat ears wait oh yes i'm a fan wendy oh my gosh wendy's a scottish fold i'm a fan how about how about we all wear ears and and maybe next game we can um uh buy some suits or something i'm wearing pumpkin ears are you a furry cord you have the opposite voice of someone who i'd assume is a [ __ ] furry dog what do you what do you mean what are you trying to say about flurries of course no king shaming what do you okay look listen i'm just i'm just saying covid would have never happened if we all just wore fursuits everywhere that's a fact that's facts that is true it is true wait i know i thought i bought one that's the precaution what is wearing a tail how does wearing a tail prevent you from spreading comfort if we were in a suit no like a full-blown furry onesie yeah then we wouldn't have spread it and i think that so like i bought one for the occasion i'm thinking maybe it would help me again corpse for president i'm just there we go all right we just does anyone have one person just one so we're putting on the ears right we got him guys we killed the we killed the peanut we did it we're heroes did he just say we busted i let's go watch out for the box second why should i watch out for the wall second ah congrats ray on what on the viewers okay mr 300 000 viewers every stream you're gonna take no that's big though you should be proud of yourself it's honestly very weird it's very weird it's hard to like think about fathom yeah it's like an impossible thing i don't know it's crazy are you gonna throw a little party nope no i don't drink quarantine not doing nothing maybe order like a pizza or something i have an eye patch on so reading the chat on the right side of my face is difficult before i start the video i just wanted to give a quick thank you to felix aka pewdiepie the recent growth on my channel and in general and everything else was initially caused by him being kind and welcoming enough to allow me on his channel which i'm incredibly grateful for he's done things to help me that he definitely didn't have to do and even behind the scenes has just been super nice and i just really appreciate it also the supporters that came from him have been nothing but kind really everyone i became friends with through among us has just been ridiculously supportive i love you jack people are saying that my voice is fake because my life is high pitched which is this is really funny how do you expect me to laugh like what like anyway that's [ __ ] ridiculous uh well it didn't hap wait wait what oh never mind oh sorry oh that scared myself i thought that was the f i thought i like teleported into the loading screen but i forgot this map okay thank you all right slower oh my holy [ __ ] this is so toxic what are you building where is everybody like who's there let me go give him a kiss real quick stroke my beard with my thumb i've never ever stroked a beard before not destroying my non-existent recently shaved beard thank you trustee's sick surely nobody will kill me with cycuno by my side [Music] counting is hard oh i was trying to go hit the button is ray dead whoa okay all right we're voting toast here i don't give a [ __ ] i um i'm tunneling toast i don't care totally so the only reason you saw me in that area because i was on i was on admin and i did i can't remember the i think i saw four people or maybe how dare you kill psycho whoever the [ __ ] did that okay hello i'm very nervous and afraid to stream but i'm gonna force myself to do it that's how i feel don't even use a webcam you'll be fine yeah bro it'll be all right it'll be fun it's all good bro just choke me like you hate [Music] yeah i should have been because now i'm in a really bad spot [Music] that's why you don't double kill right in the beat do we do here that is exactly why you don't double kill in the beginning when everyone's gripped like that i was really hoping no one would walk in what are we doing here we we piled bodies somewhere where they don't get reported right i haven't heard how often have you played this game i've played quite a lot oh no wonder you seemed so good yeah he'd be great recently but yeah when i first when he was first like booming i played a lot so i wouldn't marry a dream but i don't know him that well dream nice to meet you by the way yesterday a million times a day together on twitter yeah i see that yeah two viral boys so do you not have a face either no i don't actually my face is just a yeah they are they're a paid thing they're dlc in the store polar skins whoa there's pumpkins yeah yes hell yeah respect that respect bro oh yeah respect to kekko bro [Laughter] baby
Channel: tossacointogeralt
Views: 1,359,964
Rating: 4.9797959 out of 5
Id: -6XOgfP9GOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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